MidReal Story

Inkopolis Chronicles: The Salmon Run Conspiracy

Scenario: Splatoon: Salmon Run, i am a Male Inkling navigating through inkopolis plaza.
Create my version of this story
Splatoon: Salmon Run, i am a Male Inkling navigating through inkopolis plaza.
I’m standing in the bustling center of Inkopolis Plaza, taking in all the sights and sounds around me.
Inklings from all over the city gather here in the heart of our metropolis to socialize, shop for the latest gear, and team up for Turf Wars.
The plaza is a colorful, vibrant area surrounded by shops and restaurants, with the iconic statue of Inkopolis Tower rising above them all.
The grand tower was constructed to celebrate the victory of four Inklings who fought their way to the top and triumphed over their opponents in a fierce Turf War battle.
It’s now a symbol of unity for the entire city.
I wade through the crowds of Inklings, listening to them chatter excitedly and talk about the latest trends.
There’s an energy here that can’t be found anywhere else.
This is where we come to celebrate what makes us unique and resolve our differences in the thrilling heat of battle.
It’s a place of both friendship and competition, and it reminds me that I’m proud to be an Inkling.
I’m on my way to the weapon shop, where I know my friend Olivia is working today.
She’s one of their best gear specialists, so I can’t wait to see what she has in store for me today.
But as I make my way through the plaza, I see two Inklings arguing about which weapon is better than the other.
A few others have gathered around them to watch and listen, some nodding with approval while others shake their heads in disagreement.
I stop for a moment to listen, curious about what they have to say.
“Are you serious?”
one of them says, holding up his Roller for everyone to see.
“This thing is way better than that piece of junk!”
I look over at his opponent, who smirks confidently.
The other Inkling is holding up what looks like an Octobrush, but with an unusual design and color scheme that I haven’t seen before.
“Oh, come on,” the Inkling with the Roller retorts.
“Don’t make me laugh! There’s no way that thing can compete with the sheer power of this beauty!”
He spins the Roller in a circle to show everyone how it works.
The crowd breaks out into another argument over which weapon is the best.
Hearing them again makes me smile—I know how they feel.
I’ve been in their shoes before and have had similar arguments with other Inklings.
This is what we do: we come together to share our ideas and learn from each other so that we can improve our skills and become better fighters.
We’re a passionate group of Inklings who are always striving to be the best we can be.
I finally break away from the crowd and head toward the weapon shop.
It’s just up ahead on the left-hand side, right next to the clothing store.
As I get closer, I see Olivia waiting outside for customers.
Hey, Olivia,” I call out to her, waving my tentacles as I quicken my pace.
I can’t wait to see what you have for me today.”
Olivia turns around and smiles as her pink tentacles bounce around.
she exclaims, giving me a big hug.
“It’s great to see you, buddy!
How was your morning?”
“It was good,” I say, grinning at her.
“I just won a couple of Turf Wars and got some new gear that I can’t wait to try out.
How about you?”
“Busy,” she replies, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
“I just finished checking the inventory and making sure all the displays are set up properly.
We have some new gear that arrived this morning, so I was taking a look to see what we got.”
I nod with understanding.
Olivia is one of my best friends in the city.
We met during a particularly difficult Turf War battle a few months ago and instantly hit it off.
Since then, we’ve teamed up together several times and have become a formidable duo on the battlefield.
I always look forward to talking with her after our battles and hearing about the latest gear she’s discovered.
Olivia’s a unique Inkling, and not just because of her pink tentacles.
She’s incredibly smart and resourceful, and she knows how to pick the best gear for any situation.
Whether it’s the latest weapons or a new pair of shoes, Olivia has an eye for quality and is always on top of the newest trends.
She’s an expert at helping Inklings find the gear that suits them best, and many of us have sought her advice when we needed help building the perfect loadout.
Olivia is truly one of a kind, and I’m grateful to have her as a friend.
“I bet that was a lot of work,” I say, watching her closely.
“Did you find anything interesting?”
Olivia smirks mischievously and winks at me before turning around and walking back into the shop.
I follow her inside, eager to see what she has to show me.
The weapon shop is a cozy space filled with shelves of various weapons and gear.
There are several mannequins set up around the room, displaying the latest clothing and accessories available for purchase.
The sound of Inkopolis FM plays in the background on a nearby radio, and the distinct smell of fresh ink fills the air.
I inhale deeply and close my eyes for a moment, taking it all in.
“Hey, Olivia,” I call out, grinning as she turns to face me.
“What’s the latest and greatest in ink weaponry?”
Olivia smiles and walks over to me.
She has two new ink pistols in her hands that she sets down on the counter.
“You’re not going to believe what we got today,” she says, excitement evident in her voice.
I take a closer look at the pistols and notice that they have a unique design and color scheme.
The barrels are long and thin, with a sleek silver finish that wraps around the grip.
The trigger and safety switch are made of gold, giving them a luxurious appearance that stands out against the dark black background.
I feel a rush of adrenaline as I imagine myself holding them in battle and taking down my enemies with ease.
“These are amazing!”
I exclaim, clapping my tentacles together.
“What are they called?
Olivia laughs and reaches for the tag on one of the pistols, examining it closely.
“They’re called the Dark Matter Splattershots,” she says, reading the tag.
“The ink is infused with dark matter particles that make your shots more powerful and accurate.
It’s perfect for anyone who wants to dominate the battlefield.”
I nod in agreement as I listen to her explanation.
As an Inkling, it’s important to have the right gear and weapons in battle.
Each piece has its own unique stats and abilities that can be used to our advantage, making the difference between victory and defeat.
I’m always on the lookout for the best gear I can find, because I don’t plan on losing any time soon.
“So how many do you want?”
Olivia asks, smirking at me.
I chuckle and reach for my wallet, eager to add the Dark Matter Splattershots to my collection.
As I’m about to pay, the shop’s door opens, and a tall figure strides inside.
He’s wearing a pair of black boots and a matching trench coat, and his long, flowing green tentacles are tied back with leather straps.
I recognize him immediately as Marcus, the leader of our team.
He’s one of the most formidable Inklings on the battlefield, and his reputation is well-deserved.
Not only is he incredibly skilled and experienced, but he also has a great sense of style that sets him apart from the rest of us.
“Hey, Marcus!”
I say, waving at him excitedly.
Olivia turns to face him and smiles.
“Hey, Marcus,” she says.
“What brings you here today?”
Marcus looks at both of us and grins.
“I just came to check on you two and maybe discuss our next move,” he says, his voice deep and serious.
I nod in agreement, knowing that we’ll be participating in the upcoming Turf Wars soon and that we need to prepare ourselves to face our enemies on the battlefield.
Olivia’s eyes light up with excitement as she walks over to Marcus and leans in close.
“We were just talking about that new charger model,” she says, pointing at the shelf behind her.
“I think it could really benefit us in the upcoming Turf Wars.”
Marcus nods in approval and walks over to the shelf with Olivia and I following closely behind him.
The charger model that Olivia was talking about is a sleek and futuristic-looking weapon that has a long barrel and a thin, elegant design.
The grip is made of black rubber, making it easy to hold and aim accurately.
It has a high rate of fire and a decent range, making it perfect for long-range combat and sniping enemies from a distance.
I feel a surge of excitement as I imagine myself using it on the battlefield, taking down my enemies with precision and skill.
“This one looks perfect,” Marcus says, reaching for the charger and examining it closely.
Olivia nods in agreement and crosses her tentacles over her chest.
“It has a lot of potential,” she says.
“I can help you customize it if you want.”
Marcus smiles at her and hands her the charger, knowing that she’ll be able to make it even better than it already is.
I watch them from the side and feel a surge of pride and gratitude for my teammates.
Suddenly, with no Warning, I saw marie from the Squid Sisters bump into me, she was holding 3 boxes of shrimp pizza.
"Hey!Watch where your going!"She said, I look down and see that the pizzas had flew out of her hands and landed on the ground.
"Im so sorry!"I said, helping her pick up the pizzas.
She nodded and I left to go to the streets of Inkopolis Plaza.
I continue my adventure through the colorful and vibrant streets of Inkopolis Plaza as I made my way to the weapon shop.
The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky, and the air was filled with the sounds of Inklings and Octolings laughing and chatting as they went about their day.
The streets were lined with colorful storefronts, each one filled with all kinds of gear and weapons for us to use in battle.
I loved this place so much—there was nothing quite like Inkopolis Plaza to get my adrenaline going.
As I walked, I took a moment to look around and admire the view of Inkopolis Tower looming in the distance.
The tower was a powerful symbol of our city and our community, and it stood tall and proud in the center of Inkopolis Plaza, looking out over the city that we all called home.
I had always admired it from afar whenever I came to the plaza, and I knew that many other Inklings felt the same way.
It was a reminder of the fierce Turf Wars that we fought every day to protect our home from the Octarians who threatened to invade.
I smiled to myself as I thought about all of the battles that I had fought so far.
We had been victorious in every single one of them, thanks to my incredible teammates.
My friends Olivia and Marcus were some of the most skilled Inklings I had ever met, and they had always been there to support me and guide me through every battle that we fought.
I was so grateful to have them by my side, and I knew that together we were an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
As I approached the weapon shop, I felt a surge of excitement building inside me.
The gear section was always buzzing with activity as Inklings and Octolings alike came in search of the latest and greatest weapons and equipment to use in battle.
I couldn’t wait to see what new gear they had in stock today.
Maybe they would have something that would help me take my game to the next level.
I pushed open the door to the shop and stepped inside.
The shelves were packed with all kinds of weapons and gear in every color of the rainbow, and the sound of excited chatter filled the air as Inklings debated over which items to buy.
I took a moment to look around at all of the different options on display before making my way over to the gear section in search of my friend Olivia.
It didn’t take long for me to find her, her striking pink tentacles standing out in the crowd like a beacon in the night.
“Hey, Olivia!” I called out to her as I made my way over to her side, a wide grin spreading across my face.
She looked up from the clipboard she was studying intently, her big brown eyes lighting up when she saw me.
“Ethan!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug.
I couldn’t help but laugh as I hugged her back, my heart swelling with affection for this amazing girl who had become one of my closest friends since we had met at the academy.
“Good to see you,” I said once she released me from her embrace.
“How’s work been treating you?”
“Crazy as usual,” she replied with a laugh, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Marcus has been hogging me all morning, but I think I finally managed to get him to settle down long enough to make a decision on what he wants to buy.” She cast a teasing glance in Marcus’s direction, where he was standing in front of one of the shelves, gazing at the various weapons on display with an expression of pure bliss.
I chuckled, my gaze flicking over to Marcus so I could see what he was up to.
He was our team leader, a skilled Inkling with long, flowing green tentacles that always seemed to be perfectly styled regardless of how much he moved or how crazy a battle we had just been through.
He was also an avid gearhead, just like Olivia.
In fact, I was pretty sure that Marcus was single-handedly responsible for turning Olivia into the gear fanatic she was today.
The two of them were constantly talking about new weapons or gear that they thought would be helpful in battle, and I had lost track of how many times I had been ambushed by Olivia with some new piece of equipment she had picked up that she was convinced would be a game-changer for us.
“So what’s this big decision you’ve been leading our fearless leader towards?”I asked with a grin as I turned my attention back to Olivia.
She rolled her eyes.
“He’s trying to decide between two different weapons,” she said.
“Honestly, I don’t know why he’s making such a fuss about it.
He’s probably just trying to get you to spend more time with him,” I said with a chuckle, bumping her shoulder playfully.
“You know how much he loves hanging out with you.”
Olivia shot me a knowing look, and I raised my hands in surrender as I laughed.
“Okay, okay, you caught me,” I admitted.
The truth was, Marcus wasn’t the only one who loved spending time with Olivia.
I would take any chance I got to be close to this girl, even if it meant having to put up with our team leader’s antics while I waited for my turn to talk to her.
Speaking of which…” I said, craning my neck to get a better look at what Marcus was doing.
“When’s he going to make a decision already?I want in on this action.”
Olivia glanced over at Marcus, who was still busy studying the various weapons on display, before turning back to me with an apologetic smile.
“Not yet,” she said.
“I’ve been helping another customer in between trying to wrangle Marcus, so I haven’t had much of a chance to catch up with him.I promise I’ll be with you soon, okay?”
"Have you heard of Off The Hook? The Popular Singer Duo in Inkopolis Square, which is 30 krakenmeters away from here?" I said
Olivia let out a sigh when she realized that I wasn’t going to let this drop.
“Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“You’re early for our meeting, by the way.”
My eyes widened innocently.
“I’m not early,” I protested.
“I’m punctual.” Olivia gave me a look, and I quickly held up my hands.
“Okay, okay, I’m early.But only because I was excited to see you,” I added, grinning at her.
Olivia laughed, shaking her head at me.
“You’re such a liar,” she said.
“You just wanted to make sure that Marcus and I didn’t hook up without you first.” She paused, pretending to think about it for a moment.
“Well, I’ve got good news for you: you’re right on time to make sure that doesn’t happen.” She winked at me as she spoke, and I laughed as I watched her turn back to the counter to start cleaning up the display she had been working with earlier.
Olivia didn’t mean anything by it, of course—it was just the three of us having some fun before we got down to business.
Marcus and I gave her a hard time about her crush on our team leader all the time, but in reality we were all good friends who supported each other in whatever way we could.
Even if that meant cockblocking Marcus whenever we got the chance.
My laughter cut off abruptly when I suddenly felt a sharp sting in my side, and I turned to see Marcus giving me a subtle warning look from his spot at the counter.
My eyes widened as I realized that Marcus must have heard what Olivia and I were talking about, and I quickly changed the subject before he could get too angry with me for spilling the beans.
“So did you manage to get that one piece of gear you were looking for last week?”
I asked Olivia as casually as possible, shooting her a hopeful look in the hopes that she would play along with me and help me steer Marcus away from what he had overheard earlier.
She shot me a grateful look before answering my question, and soon enough Marcus had forgotten about what we had been talking about as Olivia and I fell into a comfortable conversation about all things gear-related.
The three of us continued chatting and catching up with each other as Olivia finished up with her customer, and eventually Marcus picked out a weapon to try and Olivia finally made her way over to where I was waiting.
“I’ll be back tomorrow first thing to pick up my gear,” Marcus said as he gave Olivia a quick hug goodbye.
“Thanks again for all of your help.” He gave me a nod and a smile before turning to leave, happy with his new weapon purchase, and then Olivia and I were finally alone together in the shop once again.
“What would you do without us?”
I teased her, and she rolled her eyes at me as she walked back over to where I was waiting for her.
“I have no idea,” she said dryly, making me laugh once again.
“You’d probably challenge someone else to a duel in my shop just so you could show off how good you are.”
I gasped dramatically as if she had just accused me of committing some heinous crime, and she laughed at my reaction before continuing on with what she had been saying.
“But don’t worry—I’m here now, so you don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
I smiled at her as we finally settled down at one of the empty tables in Sheldon’s shop, happy to be alone with one of my best friends once again after spending most of the week by myself looking for new adventures around Inkopolis Plaza.
As much as I liked being able to explore the city on my own, it was always so much more fun when I had Olivia and Marcus with me, and I was grateful that they were both able to take some time out of their busy schedules today in order to come and meet me here.
I knew that the two of them had something important that they wanted to show me, and I was excited by the prospect of being able to finally see what it was that they had been so secretive about for the last week.
So when Olivia finally set down the mysterious bag that she had brought with her today, I couldn’t wait to see what was inside.
“Okay,” Olivia said with a big smile on her face.
“I know that there is one thing that the two of you are just dying to know about, but before we get to that, there’s something else that I need to show you guys first.” She paused for dramatic effect, and then she reached into the bag in order to pull out the first item she needed in order to show us what she was talking about.
“You guys remember how last month Sheldon came out with a new line of weapons, right?”
The two of us nodded our heads, and then Olivia continued.
“These are the ones that I ended up picking out for myself,” she said with a big smile on her face, pulling out two new weapons to show us.
“After trying them out in battle, I realized that they were some of the most powerful weapons I have ever used, so I just had to get one for myself before they were all gone.”
I leaned forward eagerly, not only to get a closer look at the weapon that she was holding in her hands, but also to see how many more she still had left to show us.
And when I saw how many more were still left inside of the bag, I knew that this was going to be a good day.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Olivia said as she noticed me staring at the other weapons in the bag.
“And yes, you can try them out later if you want to, but only after I show you these ones first.”
*id hear my squidphone ringing* "Gosh.. look, i don't have the time, I have really meet somebody at inkopolis square!"
“I only have one word to describe these next ones,” Olivia said with a big grin on her face.
“And they are going to absolutely blow your mind.”
Then, without another word, she reached back into the bag in order to pull out another weapon for us to see, and as soon as Marcus and I saw it, we couldn’t keep our excitement contained any longer.
“Whoa!” I exclaimed before I could stop myself.
“Is this…?”
“The brand new line of weapons designed by Sheldon!”
Olivia said with a big smile on her face as she watched my eyes widen with awe at the sight of what she was holding.
I couldn’t believe it!
This was exactly what Marcus and I had been hoping for ever since we had heard about it for the first time last month, and now it looked like our prayers had finally been answered!
“This is so cool,” Marcus said, looking at me with wide eyes.
“We’re going to be able to try these out in battle this week!”
Olivia said with a smile as she looked at the two of us, and I could see that there was a twinkle in her eyes that wasn’t usually there.
And I knew exactly what that meant: she was just as excited about this as Marcus and I were, and I knew that it was going to be hard for her not to join in on the fun with us when we finally went into battle together later this week.
“So, are you guys ready for me to show you what they look like?”
she asked us, and as soon as we had both nodded our heads in response, she continued, “I can’t wait to see what kind of damage we can do with these,” she said with a big smile on her face, and then she reached back into the bag in order to pull out the first one so that we could see it up close.
Thanks for waiting!”
Olivia said with a big smile on her face as she pulled out a brand new weapon from the bag in order to show it to us for the first time.
“This is it: the first weapon in Sheldon’s latest line of products,” she said, turning it over in her hands so that we could see it from every angle.
I leaned forward eagerly, taking in every little detail about the new weapon and committing them to memory so that I would be able to recognize them later when we went into battle together.
I wanted to be sure that I knew exactly what I was dealing with so that I wouldn’t end up getting myself killed in the process if I ended up trying them out while we were fighting together.
It wasn’t going to look good on my resume if I ended up getting myself splatted with one of these new weapons, after all!
“This is definitely one of the coolest looking weapons that I have ever seen,” Marcus said excitedly, reaching out in order to take it from Olivia so that he could get a better look at it himself.