MidReal Story

Academic Temptations: A Forbidden Love Story

Scenario: Michael Brooks, a 21 Year Old MIT Student, after suffering a recent heartbreak, develops a sexual relationship with his Professor, Jessica Wallman.
Create my version of this story
Michael Brooks, a 21 Year Old MIT Student, after suffering a recent heartbreak, develops a sexual relationship with his Professor, Jessica Wallman.
I found myself in a dimly lit bar somewhere in the heart of Boston, feeling like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.
The whiskey did little to numb the pain, but I took another sip anyway.
When the door creaked open and Ben came in, his handsome face was the last thing I wanted to see.
“Hey, buddy,” he said as he sat down beside me, taking a look at my bloodshot eyes.
“Why are you here alone?”
I shrugged, not in the mood to talk about it.
I’d gone through three bottles of beer before moving on to whiskey, and the alcohol had made me tear up more than a few times.
“I just felt… lonely.”
“Like you’re missing something?”
he asked with a small smile.
I laughed bitterly.
“It’s like I’m missing everything.”
He reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.
“Don’t worry, buddy, I’ll help you find it.I’m down with whatever you need to do to feel whole again.”
“Does that mean you want me to jump off a bridge?”
“I guess I have to then,” he said with a small chuckle.
“The only way to make sure we’re both feeling empty is to share the pain equally, right?”
I shook my head at his lame joke and gave him a small smile.
“I don’t think that’s how pain works.”
He chuckled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes.
“Wanna smoke one with me?
It’s not weed but at least it’s something.” He pulled one out and placed it between his lips, then held up the pack for me to see.
I’d never smoked before but I took the cigarette anyway, if only so I could have something to do with my hands.
He pulled out a lighter and lit his cigarette.
After taking a few puffs, he looked at me with raised eyebrows.
“Are you actually going to smoke that thing or are you just going to hold it between your fingers all night?”
I sighed and put the cigarette between my lips, then took a deep breath and blew some smoke out of my mouth.
The whiskey had already made me feel like puking, so the smoke just made things worse.
Ben took another puff, then turned to me with a small grin.
“You look so cool, dude.”
I gave him the finger and took another puff, ignoring the burning sensation in my lungs.
At this point, I didn’t really care what kind of damage I did to my body.
My life was already over anyway, so why not make things worse with some smoke and alcohol?
After a few more puffs, I had to put the cigarette down and take another sip of whiskey.
Ben watched me for a few seconds before taking another puff himself.
“You know, I heard that time heals all wounds.”
I snorted and shook my head.
“Yeah, well, I don’t really have time to wait around for it to heal.”
“What do you mean?”
he asked, arching an eyebrow.
I looked at him for a moment, debating whether or not I should tell him what I was thinking about.
I knew he’d try to talk me out of it, but at the same time I didn’t really know what else to do.
"Academic Temptations: A Forbidden Love Story"
After a moment of silence, I took a deep breath and said, “I’m thinking about going back to her, man.”
He gave me a disapproving look and shook his head.
“You can’t do that, man.
She’s a fucking bitch.
You deserve better than her.”
I sighed and took another sip of whiskey.
“I know, but I love her, man.
I can’t just let it go like this.”
“Did she say she loves you too?”
I rolled my eyes.
“Obviously not, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t.”
“Dude, come on,” he said, shaking his head again.
“You’re smarter than that.
She’s been avoiding you for weeks.
You’ve been together for four years and she didn’t even want to spend the night with you on your birthday.
And now she breaks up with you out of the blue?
Doesn’t that tell you anything?”
I shook my head and slammed my glass down on the table, then got up to leave.
I didn’t want to hear any more of his bullshit.
He grabbed my arm before I could go anywhere and pulled me back into the booth.
“I’m sorry, man.
I just don’t want to see you get hurt by her again.”
I sighed and took another sip of whiskey before looking at him.
To be honest, I didn’t want to hear his advice right now either.
It was bad enough having to think about the things I’d done wrong on my own.
I didn’t need him to point them out to me as well.
So instead of responding to what he’d said, I just gave him a small smile and changed the subject.
“So how’s it going with your girl, huh?
Have you met her parents yet?”
He chuckled and shook his head.
“Nope, but I’m going to soon.”
I laughed and shook my head.
“Well, good luck with that, man.I hope they don’t hate your guts.”
He rolled his eyes.
“They won’t hate me, okay?
I’m the perfect son-in-law material.
I’ve got an engineering degree, a good job, and a hot body.
What more could a girl ask for in a guy?”
I shook my head and laughed.
“You’re an idiot, man.”
He chuckled and shook his head.
“So what about you?
Have you met the girl of your dreams yet?”
I shrugged and took another sip of whiskey before replying.
“I thought I had but I guess not.”
He arched an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
I sighed and put my glass down on the table before sitting back against the booth.
For a moment I just stared at the bottle of whiskey in front of me before shaking my head.
“It doesn’t matter,” I said finally.
His eyes widened in surprise when he heard my words, then he leaned forward and placed a hand on my shoulder.
“No, come on, tell me what happened.
I’m your best friend, dude.
You can tell me anything.”
I looked into his eyes for a moment before shaking my head again.
“It’s not important, okay?
"Academic Temptations: A Forbidden Love Story"
Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat behind me and turned to see who it was.
As soon as I saw her standing there, I felt my heart stop for a moment.
She was beautiful.
That much was obvious.
She was tall and elegant with blonde hair that cascaded down her back in waves.
The dress she was wearing was simple yet elegant and showed off her figure to perfection.
She was the kind of woman who commanded attention when she walked into a room, even when no one was looking at her.
And right now she was looking right at me with a small smile on her face.
But it wasn’t her beauty that stunned me so much as the fact that she was the one who’d interrupted our conversation.
She was the one who wanted to buy me a drink?
It was difficult for me to believe that such a stunning woman would want to do something like that for me.
After all, I’d always been far too shy and awkward around women to attract someone like her.
But then again this was MIT.
Maybe she was doing it as an experiment or something?
I felt myself blushing as I turned in my seat to face her more fully and said, “I’m sorry?
Did you want something?”
She gave me a small smile before replying in an almost sultry voice that sent shivers down my spine.
“I asked if I could buy you a drink,” she said softly as she looked into my eyes and bit her lower lip for a moment before running her tongue over it to moisten it once more.
I felt my mouth go dry as I stared at her and all I could do for a moment was nod in response to her question.
I couldn’t believe that this beautiful woman wanted to buy me a drink!
Maybe she actually had seen me and thought I was attractive?
Or maybe she was doing some kind of social experiment or something?
It was really difficult for me to believe that she would be interested in me for any other reason than that.
But whatever the reason, it didn’t matter right now because the most important thing at the moment was that she’d asked me out for a drink!
I watched in amazement as she smiled at me once more and walked over to the bar to order our drinks before coming back a few moments later with two glasses of wine in her hands.
She handed me one of them and then sat across from me in the booth before lifting her glass to her lips and taking a long sip of it while looking into my eyes over the rim for a moment before finally setting her glass down on the table in front of us and letting out a small sigh of satisfaction.
“So,” she said finally in that same sultry voice that made me feel weak in the knees just listening to it.
“Do you come in here often?”
I felt myself blushing even more as I looked down at my glass and took a sip of wine before finally replying in a voice that was barely above a whisper.
"Academic Temptations: A Forbidden Love Story"
“No, not really…I…I just came here tonight because…I don’t know…I didn’t really have anything else to do.”
I felt myself blushing even more as I replied and I couldn’t help but glance up at her for a moment out of the corner of my eye to see what she thought of my answer.
But when I did I saw that she was looking at me with an expression of nervousness on her face while her hands were trembling slightly as she held her glass in front of her chest.
I could see that she was trying to hide it, but it was still obvious that she was very nervous about something for some reason or other.
This only made me feel even more flattered by her attention since it was clear that she was interested in me for some reason or other and I couldn’t help but wonder if there might be some mutual attraction between us after all?
I knew I probably shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like that considering who and what she was, but I couldn’t help it either way because there was just something about her that made my heart race and my head swim just being around her!
And maybe this wasn’t an experiment or whatever after all?
Maybe there really was some attraction between us and I should try to get to know her better?
I tried to ignore the warning bells going off in my head that were telling me not to think about her like that for some reason or other because it was clear that something was happening here between us no matter what that something might be.
And it was clear that we were both feeling it too!
I couldn’t explain it any other way than that because it was obvious that there was something between us right now and it was something that I couldn’t ignore no matter what it might have been!
I took another sip of my wine and then set my glass down on the table in front of me before finally looking up at her and giving her a small smile in return as I replied in an equally soft voice, “I…I don’t really come here very often either…”
I paused for a moment before continuing in a slightly embarrassed voice, “In fact this is only about the second or third time I’ve been here since…well, since my divorce…”
She gave me a small smile as she listened to me talk for a moment before finally reaching over and taking my hand in hers to give it a gentle squeeze as she replied.
I saw her cheeks turning red too which only made me blush even more as I felt myself being drawn into those beautiful blue eyes of hers even further while I listened to her speak those words with such emotion in her voice.
It was clear that this woman was going through some kind of emotional turmoil at the moment too and it only made me want to get to know her better even more right now for some reason or other whether or not it was a good idea at the moment?
There was no doubt that we were both feeling some kind of attraction towards each other at the moment and it was clear that we both knew it too, but the question was what we should do about it right now…?
Because this was definitely not a good idea at all!
I shook my head slightly from side to side for a moment as I tried to clear my thoughts so that I could think straight for once before finally looking down at our hands where they were still clasped together on top of the table between us and giving them another gentle squeeze as I replied softly, “I’m sorry…if you don’t mind me asking…”
"Academic Temptations: A Forbidden Love Story"
I paused for a moment before finally looking back up into her eyes again and continuing in a slightly nervous voice, “But, uh…I’m sorry, but have I, uh…I mean, have we met before?”
It was her turn to look a little embarrassed for a moment as she gave me a small nod of her head in response before finally admitting in a soft voice, “Yes, I…uh…I’m afraid that I have seen you around here before…”
She let out a deep sigh before continuing in a barely audible voice, “But you probably didn’t even notice me…”
I couldn’t help but chuckle softly before giving her a small shrug of my shoulders and replying, “Oh, I doubt that…I’m sure that I would have noticed a beautiful woman like you if I’d seen you around here before…”
She arched an eyebrow slightly in response before finally giving me a small smile as she replied, “Well, that’s nice of you to say, Michael…but I doubt that very much considering just how shy I am in real life…”
I chuckled again for a moment before finally looking up into those beautiful blue eyes of hers again for a moment before finally asking in a slightly confused voice, “Well, so what has changed then…?”
She let out a small sigh before slowly shaking her head from side to side for a moment before finally looking back up into my eyes and replying in an even softer voice than before, “Well, I guess that I just realized that I couldn’t keep running away from my feelings for you no matter how hard I tried…”
I could see that she was trying really hard not to look me straight in the eyes right now but she was obviously struggling with something inside of herself right now as she spoke those words.
And I could tell that there was something more going on between us than just some kind of physical attraction which was usually all I ever felt towards other women like this when I met them in bars like this one!
But there was something about her that was different than any other woman that I’d ever met before now, and it was clear that I had never felt anything like this towards any other woman ever before now either!
She let out another deep sigh before finally looking back up into my eyes with a very serious expression on her face and continuing in a barely audible voice, “Michael…I…I don’t really know what’s going on between us right now or where this is going to lead us…”
She paused for a moment to take a deep breath before finally looking back up into my eyes and continuing in an even softer voice than before, “And I know that you’re still feeling pretty hurt after what happened to you last weekend…”
She gave me a small shrug of her shoulders before finally looking down at our hands where they were still clasped together on top of the table between us and giving them another gentle squeeze before finally looking back up into my eyes and continuing in a slightly embarrassed voice, “And I guess that I don’t really know what’s come over me right now either…”
"Academic Temptations: A Forbidden Love Story"
She let out a small gasp of breath before taking a deep breath and finally looking back up into my eyes with a very serious look on her face once again.
But this is something that we’re going to have to talk about more later,” she continued in a much more serious voice this time.
And it was clear that she was very nervous about what was going to happen next between us because of who she was and who I was and how anyone else would react if they ever found out about whatever it was that was going to happen next between us.
But I could also tell that she really wanted to be with me just as badly right now as I wanted to be with her which was why she was so afraid of giving in to whatever it was that she really wanted to do with me right now.
And that was why it was so important for her to realize that whatever it was that was going to happen next between us was something that she really wanted to do right now because of how much she wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted to be with her.
And that was why it was important for me to make sure that she knew just how much I wanted to be with her too.
I could tell that she was really struggling with something inside of herself now as she reached up to push a few loose strands of hair away from the side of her face and tuck them behind one ear before finally looking back up into my eyes and continuing in a very soft voice, “But…well…I guess that I don’t really have much of a choice now…”
She paused for a moment to take a deep breath before finally looking back up into my eyes and continuing in a slightly more confident voice this time, “Because I know that I can’t change the way that I feel about you now no matter what happens next between us…”
She paused for a moment before finally looking back up into my eyes and finishing, “So I guess that we’ll just have to see where this is going to go from here…”
And I knew that she was still feeling pretty scared about what was going to happen next between us because of who she was and who I was and how anyone else would react if they ever found out about whatever it was that was going to happen next between us.
But I could also tell that she was finally ready to give in to whatever it was that she really wanted to do with me right now because of how much she really wanted to be with me no matter what anyone else thought now.
And I knew that whatever was going to happen next between us was something that we were both willing to risk everything to be together right now no matter what.
And I knew that whatever it was that we were both willing to risk everything just to be together right now was something that we were both willing to do no matter what!
I watched her take another long sip from her drink before setting it back down on the table between us and slowly standing up on very shaky legs and turning around to leave.
I took one last sip from my beer and set it back down on the table before standing up on very shaky legs myself and quickly following after her a few moments later.
I watched her go over to the bar and leave some money on the counter and say something to the bartender before turning around and quickly heading out the front door of the bar.
"Academic Temptations: A Forbidden Love Story"