MidReal Story

Secrets of a Billionaire's Heart

Scenario: A Rich Cold Billionaire and a Young Poor Secretary
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A Rich Cold Billionaire and a Young Poor Secretary
New York City, 8 o’clock in the morning.
The streets were filled with people hurrying to work.
I was one of them.
It was winter and the morning was chilly.
I had my coat on, but it wasn’t enough to keep me warm, so I pulled my scarf up higher to cover my ears.
My breath was visible in the air as I walked briskly towards my workplace.
I was a secretary at Black Enterprises and this morning, I had an important meeting to attend.
I knew Ms.
Robinson, my boss, would be angry if I was late.
I’d been working here for six months, and I still hadn’t gotten used to the long hours and the heavy workload.
Sometimes, I felt like I was about to collapse from exhaustion.
But I had to hang in there, because this job was the only one that paid me well enough to make ends meet.
When I finally arrived at the office, I was relieved that I wasn’t late.
Ms.Robinson was waiting for me in front of the building.
“Where have you been?”
she scowled at me.
“I texted you earlier that we have a meeting today.Why didn’t you reply?”
I’m sorry, Ms. Robins—I was about to say that my phone was on silent mode, but she cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
“Don’t give me excuses!
Go inside and make coffee for the meeting attendees.”
I nodded and quickly rushed into the office building.
In the meeting room, there were already a few people waiting for the meeting to start.
I asked one of them for their order and went to make coffee at once.
I got a tiny bit of sugar on my fingers when I was stirring the coffee, but it was so insignificant that I didn’t bother cleaning it up right away.
After making the coffee, I served it to them, one by one, then sat down next to Ms.Robinson to wait for the others to arrive.
As soon as all of them were present, Ms.Robinson stood up and walked to the center of the room before she began her presentation.
When it was my turn to present my part of the project, I got up and started speaking.
Some of them paid attention to me while others seemed lost in thought and didn’t bother listening to what I had to say.
After my presentation was over, we started the meeting and discussed our plan for a new project for a long time before we finally came to a conclusion and reached an agreement.
The meeting ended and everyone left, but I was still busy cleaning up after them.
Ms.Robinson called out to me before she left, “Make sure to prepare all of the documents for tomorrow’s meeting.”
I nodded and continued to clean up the room after they had left.
It was getting late already, and I was tired and hungry.
I hadn’t gotten much sleep last night because I had been busy working another job in order to earn some extra money, so I was struggling to stay awake right now.
After I finished cleaning up everything, I took one last look around the room before switching off the lights and leaving.
Secrets of a Billionaire's Heart
The next morning, I found myself in the luxurious meeting room of Black Enterprises, bustling with anticipation for the arrival of Alexander Black, the renowned billionaire and owner of the company.
The meeting is about to start, and we’re all waiting for Alexander Black to show up in the meeting room, which was already filled with important people from various companies who were here to attend the meeting.
Black Enterprises was a huge company that had many subsidiaries, and it was rare for Mr.Black to attend meetings like this, but he happened to be free today, so he’d agreed to come and be one of the attendees at the meeting.
I was already busy making coffee for the others, just like I did yesterday, so I was prepared to make coffee for him too if he needed it, but I doubted that he would want any, as he didn’t drink coffee very often, or at least that’s what I’d heard from other employees around here.
As I looked at my colleagues with envy, I felt nervous about the fact that I would soon be meeting one of the most prominent men in the world, who also happened to be one of the richest billionaires in the world.
As far as I knew, he didn’t have a girlfriend, so I took that as a sign that he wasn’t interested in dating anyone right now, but it made sense since he already had his eyes set on someone else.
The door opened and Mr.Black walked into the room, followed by his entourage of bodyguards who were there to protect him at all times.
He was tall and handsome with sharp facial features that made him look even more striking than usual when he wore his usual cold expression on his face.
He looked like a man who was always ready to fight at any moment—someone you wouldn’t want to mess with or get on the wrong side of if you valued your life—but despite his intimidating appearance, there were countless women who still wanted to be with him simply because he was so hot, but they’d never get anywhere with him because Mr.Black wasn’t interested in women at all—he preferred men instead.
The rumor that he was gay had been going around for a long time, but as far as I knew, no one had ever seen him with a man before, which was why I took it with a grain of salt and assumed that he was too busy to date anyone right now, so he was just waiting for the right person to come along before he decided to settle down.
Secrets of a Billionaire's Heart
I scooted closer to him on my knees and lifted the coffee pot, but my hand suddenly slipped and I spilled coffee all over his shirt.
“Ah!” I gasped and quickly pulled back my hand, but I wasn’t fast enough—coffee had already soaked through his shirt, staining it and his skin in the process.
My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened with panic when I realized what I’d just done.
Oh no, this was bad!
This was really bad!
Alexander Black turned his head and shot me an icy cold glare, which made me kneel down further and bow my head in apology as I stammered out an apology, “I-I’m sorry, Mr.Black!It was an accident!I didn’t mean to do that!
Please don’t blame me!”
I quickly grabbed a handful of tissues and tried to clean up the mess that I’d made, but the coffee had already soaked through the tissues and I only ended up spreading the stain on his shirt even more.
I gasped and once again bowed my head in apology as I said, “I-I’m sorry!Let me go get you some more tissues!Please wait here for me!”
I quickly stood up and ran out of the room to get more tissues, but I could still feel Mr.
Black’s cold eyes on my back throughout the entire time that I was cleaning up the mess that I’d made and apologizing to him over and over again for what had happened when he’d done nothing but make me feel like a total idiot for being so clumsy and spilling coffee on him during such an important meeting.
Secrets of a Billionaire's Heart
I’d only been working here at Black Enterprises for a little over two months, but I’d already heard plenty of office gossip about Alexander Black and how he was a prestigious billionaire who’d only recently returned to take over his family’s company that he’d inherited from his grandfather.
And how he was also a rich playboy who’d even been dubbed “The Black King” by the media thanks to his numerous girlfriends and his tendency to switch women like most people switched clothes after wearing them for a while.
I’d even heard talk that several secretaries here had already lost their jobs because they’d accidentally spilled coffee on him during meetings like this one!
And now it looked like I was going to be the next secretary to get fired for spilling coffee on Alexander Black during a meeting because my hands were shaking so badly from the cold that I’d ended up spilling coffee all over him!
I scolded myself for being so stupid to think that I could pour coffee without making a mess when I was shivering like this from the cold weather outside and quickly ran back into the room with a stack of tissues in my hands so that I could finish cleaning up the mess that I’d made and replace the stained coffee cup that he’d been drinking from with a clean one.
“Here you go, Mr.Black!”
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier!Please don’t be angry with me!”
Alexander Black only shot me a cold glare as he looked down at the stack of tissues in my hands and said without any emotion in his voice, “I don’t need them.”
“I-I’m sorry…”
I stammered out another apology before trailing off into silence as Mr.
Black turned his head away from me and stood up from the chair as he said in a cold voice, “Let’s continue the meeting.”
“Y-Yes, sir!”
Our CEO quickly scrambled to her feet and hurriedly agreed with him before turning around and walking towards the other side of the room to sit across from him at the other end of the table once again.
The room was filled with important people who were all here to attend this meeting with him including our CEO who’d hired me and everyone looked at me with pity as they watched me standing there like a fool while Mr.
Black sat down across from our CEO as if nothing had happened at all.
“Is there anything else you need me to do for you?I’m really sorry for what happened earlier!”
I went up to him and asked, but Alexander Black only shot me a cold glare and said in a chilly voice, “It’s fine.”
How could it be fine?
I’d just spilled coffee all over his shirt and he said that it was fine?
I didn’t believe him, but he had already turned his head away from me and returned his attention back to our CEO as he said, “Let’s continue the meeting.”
My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest when I heard him say that and I quickly stepped back to give him some space before sitting back down at my seat and wondering if I was really about to lose my job like all the other secretaries who’d accidentally spilled coffee on Alexander Black during meetings like this one.
Oh no, this was bad!
This was really bad!
What was I going to do if I lost my job and couldn’t pay my bills?
I quickly finished cleaning up the mess that I’d made and replacing the stained coffee cups with clean ones before gathering the stack of glasses and coffee pots and turning around to walk out of the room, but I could still feel Mr.
Secrets of a Billionaire's Heart
Robinson’s eyes on me as they watched me leave and I felt my face turning red with embarrassment and shame when I heard her saying in a soft voice, “She’s a really hardworking girl.
“She’s been with our company for a year now and this is the first time she’s ever made a mistake during one of our meetings.”
I didn’t want to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I couldn’t help but overhear what they were saying about me and my heart felt warm and fuzzy when I heard my boss speaking up for me.
But even if she was defending me, it wouldn’t change the fact that I’d just spilled coffee all over Alexander Black and I was probably going to lose my job as a result.
I didn’t want to go back there and face him again, but I had left all my things on the table and I had no choice when I turned back around and walked back into the room.
“Don’t worry about it, Emma,” Our CEO was saying when I walked back into the room.
“This is all her fault!”
I could hear Alexander Black’s cold voice saying from the other side of the room and I felt my face turning red with shame when I caught sight of the stained shirt he was wearing.
It was a very expensive shirt that he was wearing and the stain would be hard to get rid of.
“How is this her fault?”
My boss quickly stood up for me and said.
“She’s never made a mistake like this before and she’s been perfectly fine up until now.”
“If she hadn’t been so slow with the coffee then this would never have happened at all!”
Alexander Black only said coldly, but my boss had already stood up from her chair and was yelling at him in an angry voice when he’d said that and I quickly stepped back and tried my best not to listen in on their conversation any longer as they continued their discussion and argued with each other about what had just happened between me and Mr.
Black in the room earlier.
I didn’t want to go back there and face them again.
I didn’t want to hear what else they were going to say about me and my face was burning up with humiliation and shame when I finally gathered up enough courage to walk back over to the table and pick up all of my things before turning around and walking out of the room.
The coffee had already cooled down by the time I’d walked back into the room, but it was still warm and I could feel my fingers trembling when I picked up the stack of glasses and coffee pots before turning around and walking quietly out of the room, but Alexander Black was still glaring at me as he watched me walk away and I felt like I was about to die of embarrassment when I realized that he was still angry at me for what had happened earlier even though it wasn’t my fault at all.
This wasn’t how things were supposed to turn out at all!
This was supposed to be a good day for me because it was my birthday today.
This was supposed to be a happy day for me because I’d gotten a job interview at Black Enterprises today, but everything had gone wrong instead.
I didn’t know what my future held for me anymore, but no matter what happened, I hoped that things wouldn’t turn out like this again in the future.
Secrets of a Billionaire's Heart