MidReal Story

a 21 years old male met with a near fatal

Scenario: a 21 years old male met with a near fatal accident and was in a coma for 15 days. His nose had to be fixed using plastic surgery and since he had lost a lot of blood he was nearly brain dead as per the monitors. The doctors had given up hope since he could only survive by his own will. He woke up and was nursed back to health by his elder sister who was next to him at all times. It took him about year for full mental recovery, and took 4 months for physical recovery. During the first 3 months he didn’t remember anything, and only remenebers 3 months after when he opens his eyes and his head is resting still on his father’s shoulder. He was on his way for the last MRI scan. The doctors, including neurologists were in tears to see him walk up the stairs to the hospital. Throughiut the 3 months of recovery he only remembers fragments. And from his perspective, he was Sherlock Holmes who was being tortured by one of his own. Taking cues from Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Final Problem.
Create my version of this story
a 21 years old male met with a near fatal accident and was in a coma for 15 days. His nose had to be fixed using plastic surgery and since he had lost a lot of blood he was nearly brain dead as per the monitors. The doctors had given up hope since he could only survive by his own will. He woke up and was nursed back to health by his elder sister who was next to him at all times. It took him about year for full mental recovery, and took 4 months for physical recovery. During the first 3 months he didn’t remember anything, and only remenebers 3 months after when he opens his eyes and his head is resting still on his father’s shoulder. He was on his way for the last MRI scan. The doctors, including neurologists were in tears to see him walk up the stairs to the hospital. Throughiut the 3 months of recovery he only remembers fragments. And from his perspective, he was Sherlock Holmes who was being tortured by one of his own. Taking cues from Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Final Problem.
The air smelled like a mixture of alcohol and medicine, and a figure slowly opened his eyes.
He found himself lying in a clean bed in a well-lit room.
His head was groggy and his body felt weak.
He took a deep breath and his throat felt as if it was on fire.
He could recall only fragments of memories, like a broken movie reel.
He tried to move his body but couldn’t.
His movements were slow and his limbs felt heavy as if he had no strength left in them.
He tried to lift his hand, but his gaze was immediately drawn to the white bandage wrapped around it.
He carefully touched the bandage, but his fingers were trembling fiercely.
It was then that he realized he was not alone in the room.
A woman who looked around twenty-five or twenty-six years old was sitting on the chair next to him, busily writing something.
Her hair seemed to be tied up into a bun, and she was dressed in a white coat, her expression calm and professional.
The moment he saw this woman, his mind was hit with a jolt and another memory fragment flashed before his eyes.
Sister… He tried to say something, but his voice came out hoarse and sounded as if it hadn’t been used in a long time.
His sister looked up at him with surprise, her eyes filled with tears of joy.
The man’s name is John Watson; he is just twenty-one years old and has been in a coma for fifteen days.
The car accident he had suffered could definitely be considered as a near-death experience.
His nose was broken and had been fixed using plastic surgery.
He had also lost quite a lot of blood during the accident; in fact, he had almost bled to death, very nearly becoming brain-dead as well.
The situation was so bad that the hospital had all but given up on him; there was no way they could save him unless he had the willpower to survive on his own, by himself.
And survive he did!
That woman, his elder sister, had been sitting by his side for the entire fifteen days, taking care of him and nursing him back to health even after he woke up from his coma.
It had taken John one year to fully recover mentally, while it had taken four months for his physical recovery to complete.
During the first three months of his recovery, John didn’t remember anything.
It was only after he opened his eyes and saw his elder sister and father standing in front of him that he started remembering things, and even then, he could only recall fragments of his life before the accident that had led to his coma.
He was on his way to have his last MRI scan when he finally started to remember things.
John had walked up the stairs to get to the hospital for his scan, and even though there were many people standing around him, they all gave way for him to pass through.
a 21 years old male met with a near fatal
He raised his head and looked at the transparent glass windows on the left side of the building; they were shining brightly in the sun, and tall buildings could be seen standing in the distance, creating a fascinating landscape of urban architecture.
John’s elder sister was walking beside him; she occasionally took a glance at him as she said, “John, you are finally going to have your last MRI scan.All of us will be able to breathe a sigh of relief once we get the results from the scan.” Afterward, she turned around and gave a smile to the people who were following them, all of whom were doctors from the hospital.
Even the neurologists were here with them; this was how important it was to have this final MRI scan done on John!
They had all thought that it was impossible for John to survive; not only did he survive, but he also slowly recovered both mentally and physically over time as well!
When John was taken into the nuclear magnetic resonance room, where there were no windows or ventilation holes at all, all of the doctors standing on both sides looked at him in surprise and said, “I never thought we would see Dr.Watson standing in front of us like this again.”
Another doctor smiled and shook his head, “Dr.Watson is truly a miracle.We never would have imagined that he could have survived the accident, let alone fully recover from it!”
After John walked into the MRI room, the door was immediately closed behind him.
There were very few people in the room; only the main doctors were allowed inside to perform the scan on John.
John’s elder sister walked to the glass window on the outside and said to John, “Don’t worry, John.The scan will be done quickly.”
John nodded at her; he knew that his elder sister understood his feelings about closed spaces, especially after he woke up from his coma and found himself to be claustrophobic.
He knew that his elder sister would always explain things to him in advance, just like what she was doing now, to make sure that he didn’t panic or feel uncomfortable with whatever he was going through.
The scan started, and it only took them a short while to finish and get the results they were looking for.
When they came out, everyone was smiling, and they all went to eat together in the hospital cafeteria as celebration!
John’s elder sister sat in front of John and looked at him from head to toe; she couldn’t help but smile as she said, “You’ve become more handsome than before.”
John was a little surprised by her words; he raised his hands and touched his face gently and then gave a smile as well, “I’m still the same.” He wasn’t very satisfied with his new nose; it looked taller than before and it made his face look a bit weird when looking at it from the front or side view.
His elder sister shook her head and said, “No, you are not.It’s because you are wearing aviator sunglasses and a hat; it makes you look mysterious, just like Sherlock Holmes.”
John was speechless as he ate a bite of his dessert.
a 21 years old male met with a near fatal
It felt like he had just woken up from a dream that had lasted for a long time; he was still a little confused about everything that had happened during the past three months of his life.
He had been in a dream for three months; he thought he was Sherlock Holmes and someone else was trying to torture him every day by beating him up.
His opponent knew him very well and knew what he liked and what he hated and even who his friends were and how to get close to them as well; sometimes it seemed like his opponent was even more familiar with Sherlock Holmes than he was himself!
The most annoying thing was that he had been tied up every day so he couldn’t move a single bit to escape, no matter how hard he tried to break free from the rope around his body and wrists.
He was also injected with something all the time so he was always feeling weak and sleepy and could not have any strength to fight back against his opponent when his opponent attacked him and beat him up crazily every day!
It was so painful; he felt like he was being beaten up by a dozen people at the same time and it was so painful that he wished he were dead!
He would even beg his opponent to kill him when he felt like he couldn’t take it anymore; he would beg him to kill him in the quickest way possible so he wouldn’t have to suffer any longer!
However, his opponent was very determined to make him suffer as much as he could so he wouldn’t let him die easily; he would only allow him to die when he was satisfied and felt like he had taken his revenge on him.
John was able to send a message every day even though he was tied up; he would type out the message with his hands tightly tied together on a keyboard that his opponent had placed in front of him.
The message would be sent as a codename and he knew that it would be intercepted by someone else before it was sent along to the person that he wanted to send the message to; there was a chance that this message might not be able to reach the person that it was intended for but he still sent it anyway.
Reichenbach King: I’m still alive!
He knew that his friend would receive his messages but wasn’t sure if there was anything that his friend could do for him since his friend was also being watched by someone else as well.
Finally, after enduring three months of being tortured every day, he was finally able to get free from that nightmare!
He was now standing in front of a glass window in an MRI room next to a hospital cafeteria and looking at the people who were eating inside; they were enjoying their meals with each other with full of smiles on their faces as if they didn’t have any worries or problems at all.
It made him feel a sense of déjà vu for some reason; it seemed like he had done this before.
A nurse walked in front of John and looked at him with surprise; she then called his name, “Dr.Watson?”
John shook his head gently; he really couldn’t remember what his name was after three months of being in a coma.
The nurse looked at John’s elder sister who sat beside John and smiled as she said, “Maybe you should remind him of his name again since he can’t seem to remember it.”
John’s elder sister nodded at the nurse’s suggestion; she then looked at John gently and asked him in a soft voice, “What is your name?”
a 21 years old male met with a near fatal
John’s elder sister looked at John in confusion for a moment before she smiled and said to John gently, “I’m your sister.John Watson.” She then reached out to gently wipe away the tears that were on John’s face and said to him gently, “It’s okay; I’m here with you now.”
John nodded gently and then reached out for his sister to give her a hug; he cried on her shoulders and said to her in a sad tone while still hugging her tightly, “Please keep me safe… I don’t want to be captured by my opponent!”
His elder sister was amused by John’s clingy behavior; he had always acted like this whenever he woke up from a nightmare and would hold on to her tightly like a baby in order to seek comfort and protection from her.
She patted John on the back as she said to him in a gentle tone, “It’s okay; I will protect you.”
John then pulled away himself from his elder sister and wiped away the tears that were on his face; he looked at her with a serious expression and said to her in a serious tone, “My name is Sherlock Holmes.”
His elder sister was amused by John’s insistence on being called ‘Sherlock Holmes’; it was understandable since he had woken up from a coma and had memory loss but it was still amusing to see him act like this.
She looked at John gently and said to him in a soft tone before she reached out to ruffle his hair gently, “Your name is John Watson; you are my baby brother.”
John shook his head gently and said to his elder sister in a firm tone, “I’m Sherlock Holmes.I know that I am being hunted right now just like Sherlock Holmes was.” He then looked at the nurse and asked her seriously while still looking at her with the same serious expression on his face, “Do you have my gun?”
The nurse looked at John in confusion for a moment before she realized that he was talking about the gun that he used for self-defense and that the police had confiscated it after he had woken up from the coma.
She smiled at John gently and said to him softly while shaking her head lightly, “I’m sorry we had to take it away from you but we have to keep it for safety reason.”
John was disappointed by what the nurse had told him but he didn’t show any reaction to them as he was used to this already; he kept asking for his gun every time he woke up from a nightmare and was told the same answer every time.
He turned around and walked out of the MRI room with his sister while mumbling to himself as if he was talking to someone else.
John’s elder sister looked at John gently as they walked out of the hospital with the intention of going back home first before they would go back to the hospital again for John’s check-up; she could tell that John was getting tired of this but there was nothing that she could do about it since this was necessary.
She reached out for John’s hand gently and called out his name softly while looking at him with concern on her face.
She then asked him in a gentle tone as she looked at him with concern on her face, “How are you feeling?”
John shook his head gently and said to his sister while trying to put on a brave smile on his face even though he was actually very scared on the inside.
“I’m okay…”
His sister patted John on the back gently as she said to him softly while smiling at him gently.
John nodded gently at his sister’s words and said to her softly while looking at her with concern on his face while knowing that he should be the one who should take care of her instead of the other way around.
a 21 years old male met with a near fatal
“Sis, what should I do if it turns out that I am actually Sherlock instead of John?What if I had lost my mind completely and was living in a delusion?”
John’s sister was taken aback by John’s words and looked at him with concern while wondering how John could think like this.
She reached out for John’s hand gently and held it while looking at him with concern on her face.
She then said to John softly while shaking her head lightly, “That’s not possible, John.The doctors said that this is only temporary and you will get better eventually and go back to be the John that we all know and love.”
John looked at his sister’s eyes seriously and said to her while shaking his head lightly, “But what if I can’t get better?What if this is actually permanent?”
He then looked away from his sister and stared off into space while mumbling to himself, “what if I am actually living in a delusion right now?”
John was feeling very scared right now even though he didn’t want to show it on the outside.
He was starting to question everything that he had believed so far and thought that perhaps he was actually living in a delusion right now and that the real Sherlock Holmes was the one who was trapped inside of his body.
If that was the case then the real John Watson must have been the one who was being hunted right now.
The thought of this made John shiver in fear despite the fact that he knew that he shouldn’t think like this.
He then thought about the symptoms of a TBI and realized that this could be the reason why he thought like this.
It was known that most people with TBI would have hallucinations or delusions as their brains tried to make sense of what was happening and this might be the reason why he thought that he was Sherlock Holmes right now.
He then thought about the accident that had happened to him and realized that the damage to his brain must have been severe even though there wasn’t any visible sign of it on the outside.
It was why he had been in a coma for so long and he could still feel the pain from it every time he tried to think too hard.
John didn’t want to think about this anymore and shook his head gently as he tried to push these thoughts away from his mind but they kept coming back to him no matter how hard he tried.
He then closed his eyes gently and took a deep breath before opening them again and staring off into space blankly while trying to think of something else other than this.
John and his sister were sitting at the waiting room at the hospital while waiting for John’s MRI scan to start.
John was looking down at the floor blankly and didn’t seem to be aware of what was happening around him.
His sister looked at John gently as she reached out for John’s hand gently and said to him softly, “Don’t worry, John.The doctors said that you will get better eventually.”
John nodded gently at his sister’s words and said to her softly while putting on a brave smile on his face, “I know, sis.I just can’t help but worry…”
“I know,” His sister said to John softly as she patted him on the back gently before turning away from him and looking around the waiting room.
John’s sister didn’t notice when John got up from his seat and walked away from her as she was too preoccupied with thinking about something else.
a 21 years old male met with a near fatal
John walked towards the stairs near the waiting room and looked at it quietly, his heart racing in his chest.
His sister had told him not to walk down or up any stairs while he was at the hospital as they were afraid that he would lose his balance and fall but it didn’t stop John from doing it anyway.
John then took a deep breath and looked at the stairs quietly before taking a step forward.
He then walked up the stairs step by step slowly, feeling his heart racing in his chest.
The stairs seemed to stretch on forever and John felt like he would never reach the top of it but he forced himself to keep walking up it.
He then finally reached the top of it after what seemed like hours of walking up it and looked at the door that led to the floor where his room was.
He then walked towards it and opened it, revealing his room.
He took a step into his room and closed the door behind him before walking towards his bed and lying down on it.
He then closed his eyes gently and took a deep breath, feeling relieved that he had managed to go up the stairs without falling down.
John then opened his eyes and looked at his sister gently as she hugged him tightly.
His sister had tears in her eyes and said to John softly, “I’m so proud of you, John.You managed to walk up those stairs without falling down even though you were so tired…”
His sister didn’t say anything after this as she held onto John tightly and John felt tears welling up in his eyes as well but he forced them back as he said to himself gently, “I have to be strong…for my prisoner’s sake.”
The doctors who were watching John from outside the MRI room started crying after hearing what John said to himself as they felt touched by how brave John was.
One of them, who was a neurologist, said to John’s sister gently, “It’s amazing…he is truly amazing…”
“I know,” John’s sister said to the neurologist gently while crying softly as well.
After John had finished his MRI scan, one of the nurses led John towards his room and opened his door for him.
John then walked into his room slowly and looked around quietly as he tried to find his bed but couldn’t see it anywhere.
John then heard the nurses outside asking each other where the bed was and realized that they had forgotten to put it in the room.
John closed his eyes gently and took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down before opening his eyes again and walking towards the bed slowly.
He then sat down on the bed and waited for the nurses to come back.
The nurses finally came back after a few minutes and they started pulling the bed out of the room.
John watched them leave while looking at the bed sadly before lying down on the bed and closing his eyes.
John lay down on the bed quietly and listened to the sounds of the machine while waiting for the nurses to come back.
John thought about what was going to happen next and was filled with fear for some reason.
He didn’t know why this was happening to him but he had a feeling that Moriarty was behind this somehow.
John closed his eyes gently and took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down.
He then thought about something that Sherlock had once said to him and opened his eyes again while looking at the machine above him quietly.
a 21 years old male met with a near fatal