MidReal Story

Family Betrayal: Uncovering Lies and Reclaiming Home

Scenario: Bratty stepsister tried to kick me out of my home own home because entitled stepmother said she could
Create my version of this story
Bratty stepsister tried to kick me out of my home own home because entitled stepmother said she could
As Sarah, my stepmother, sat me down for a serious talk, I knew it wouldn’t be anything good.
I never liked the woman, and I never will.
From the moment she entered our family as my dad’s second wife, she made sure to make me feel like a complete outsider.
And when my dad died in a car accident two years after they got married, Sarah didn’t waste time making it clear that I was no longer welcomed in the house my dad had left for me.
Now, she was sitting in front of me, with the same elegant look on her face and the same manipulative smile, and I knew what was coming.
“I know you don’t have any of your parents left to take care of you,” Sarah started.
“And I understand that you want to hold on to this house since it’s the only thing your father left for you.
But Emma…”
She let out a deep sigh like she was about to cry.
“What is it, Sarah?”
I said impatiently.
I’d been waiting for her to drop the bomb.
“My daughter and I are moving back to the city,” she said, “and we’d like to live in this house.”
I sat there, dumbfounded.
I couldn’t believe what I just heard.
The house was mine, I had every right to live here without any questions or conditions.
And yet, this woman, who had never even set foot in this house before, thought it was okay to take it away from me?
I didn’t even know what to say.
It was such a ridiculous request that I couldn’t even process it properly.
“It’s not like you can live here alone,” Sarah said with a fake pout.
“You’re still young and you need someone to take care of you.
You can always go back to living with your grandparents, can’t you?”
I clenched my jaw tightly, trying not to snap at her.
The truth was, she didn’t have the power to evict me even if she wanted to.
The house was legally mine now, so technically, she wasn’t taking it away from me.
But it was the only thing I had left of my dad.
It was where I grew up and where I spent most of my life with him.
And I wasn’t willing to give it up just because this woman thought she deserved to live here more than I did.
“I don’t think so, Emma,” she continued.
“I’m sure your grandparents will be more than happy to have you back.
After all, they’re not getting any younger and they could use some help around the house.”
I kept my mouth shut, not willing to argue with her about something as stupid as this.
She thought she could push me around just because she was older?
Well, I had news for her.
I might only be twenty years old, but I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself.
Family Betrayal: Uncovering Lies and Reclaiming Home
And if she thought her daughter and her were moving into MY house and kicking me out without a fight, then she had another thing coming.
“I’ll talk to Alex later.”Sarah smiled at me approvingly before getting up and leaving me alone in the living room.I let out a long breath and leaned back against the couch as I closed my eyes and tried to relax for a minute before going back to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
Ever since our parents died when we were kids, Alex and I only had each other.
And I knew that if anyone would be on my side in this ridiculous situation, it would be him.
He might only be a year older than me but he always acted like he was so much wiser than I was.
And I loved him for that.
He was such a great brother and he always did his best to make sure I was okay, no matter how tough things got for us over the years with our new mom around.
It took a few days after her announcement for Sarah and her daughter to actually move into the house—as in MY house—but for some reason, they never did.
And I never asked her about it either, not wanting to give her any ideas about changing her mind or anything like that.
So for now, I was still living in the house, but I knew it wouldn’t last for long if she had it her way.
As I finished dinner, I heard someone coming down the stairs, and a second later, Alex walked into the kitchen with a big smile on his face as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders before kissing the top of my head.
“What are you doing in such a good mood?”
I asked him as I turned to look at him.
“Oh, nothing,” he shook his head with a smile.
“I just wanted to spend some time with my favorite sister tonight.”
“And what about your favorite sister’s favorite sister?”
I teased him as I put a plate of salad on the table along with some bread rolls, waiting for him to join me for dinner after he washed up properly.
“My second favorite sister will have to wait,” he said before leaning down to kiss me on the forehead again.
I rolled my eyes at him playfully as I watched him walk over to the sink, and even though he didn’t know it, I knew exactly why he wasn’t in a good mood tonight like he usually was on Fridays when he knew he could hang out with his friends all night without having to worry about school or homework or anything else for that matter.
But apparently, they had other plans tonight, which is why he came down to have dinner with me instead of going out like he normally would’ve done.
“Is everything okay?”
I asked him curiously as I watched him dry his hands on the towel.
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” he nodded as he walked over and took a seat at the table in front of the salad, taking a bite of it before letting out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.
Family Betrayal: Uncovering Lies and Reclaiming Home
I gave him a knowing look as I watched him carefully, feeling my stomach clenching in worry when I saw him like this, because he hadn’t been like this since last year, when I found out that he was being bullied at school, which was why he didn’t want to go out with his friends tonight, because he was afraid that they would start picking on him again after he had stood up to them yesterday, telling them that he didn’t want anything to do with them anymore if they were going to keep treating him like that, which is why he was here instead of out with them right now, because he didn’t want to deal with their shit tonight.
When I realized what was going on, I quickly got up from my seat before walking over to him and sitting down next to him, taking his hand in mine as I looked at him with concern, because I knew how much his friends meant to him, which was why I carefully chose my next words when I spoke again, trying not to sound too pushy while I was at it, because I didn’t want him to think that I was forcing him to do something he didn’t want to do, but at the same time, I didn’t want him to miss out on anything tonight either, because I knew how much he had been looking forward to spending time with his friends this weekend.
“Is everything okay with your friends?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” he said after a few moments of silence as he opened his eyes and looked at me, giving me a smile to show me that he was okay before he squeezed my hand lovingly, making me relax slightly when I saw him like this, because even though I knew he was feeling down right now, he was still my sweet little brother who never let anything get him down for too long, which was why I decided not to push him any further when I saw him like this, because I knew he would tell me if something was wrong later on when he felt ready to talk about it instead of keeping it all bottled up inside of him like he usually did when we didn’t ask him about it ourselves.
“Do you want me to drive you over there?”
Family Betrayal: Uncovering Lies and Reclaiming Home