MidReal Story

The Immortal Ascension: Chen Fan's Legendary Journey

Scenario: The background of this novel is set in China, with all characters, locations, and events unfolding there. Therefore, you need to approach the writing from the perspective of Chinese literature. Ensure that the content you create is coherent and logical. Develop each character in the novel, whether good or bad, with distinct traits and personalities. The protagonist should have unique charisma and distinctive characteristics. Avoid confusion among characters, and maintain a tight plot where all clues and questions are answered in subsequent developments. Detail each scene vividly, aiming for deep reader immersion. Additionally, remember to recall previous content with each output to ensure contextual coherence. The story must be "cool", making the readers feel "cool". Furthermore, you need to use the third person perspective to create. Here's the rough outline for your novel: "Chen Fan: The Supreme Immortal" Chen Fan finds himself transported to a world of cultivation and immortality, where strength reigns supreme. Armed with his knowledge from the mortal realm, Chen Fan sets out to become the most powerful cultivator in this new world. As Chen Fan delves deeper into the mysteries of cultivation, he encounters formidable foes and uncovers ancient secrets that have been buried for eons. With each challenge he faces, Chen Fan grows stronger, mastering powerful techniques and refining his cultivation to unprecedented levels. But as Chen Fan's power grows, so too does the jealousy of those around him. Rivals emerge, seeking to thwart his ascension and claim the title of the strongest cultivator for themselves. Undeterred by the obstacles in his path, Chen Fan remains steadfast in his pursuit of greatness. With unwavering determination and unparalleled talent, he rises above his adversaries, ascending to heights never before reached in the world of cultivation. In the end, Chen Fan's journey is not just one of power and strength, but also of self-discovery and enlightenment. As he transcends the boundaries of mortal existence, he unlocks the true potential of his being, becoming a legend that will be remembered for generations to come.
Create my version of this story
The background of this novel is set in China, with all characters, locations, and events unfolding there. Therefore, you need to approach the writing from the perspective of Chinese literature. Ensure that the content you create is coherent and logical. Develop each character in the novel, whether good or bad, with distinct traits and personalities. The protagonist should have unique charisma and distinctive characteristics. Avoid confusion among characters, and maintain a tight plot where all clues and questions are answered in subsequent developments. Detail each scene vividly, aiming for deep reader immersion. Additionally, remember to recall previous content with each output to ensure contextual coherence. The story must be "cool", making the readers feel "cool". Furthermore, you need to use the third person perspective to create. Here's the rough outline for your novel: "Chen Fan: The Supreme Immortal" Chen Fan finds himself transported to a world of cultivation and immortality, where strength reigns supreme. Armed with his knowledge from the mortal realm, Chen Fan sets out to become the most powerful cultivator in this new world. As Chen Fan delves deeper into the mysteries of cultivation, he encounters formidable foes and uncovers ancient secrets that have been buried for eons. With each challenge he faces, Chen Fan grows stronger, mastering powerful techniques and refining his cultivation to unprecedented levels. But as Chen Fan's power grows, so too does the jealousy of those around him. Rivals emerge, seeking to thwart his ascension and claim the title of the strongest cultivator for themselves. Undeterred by the obstacles in his path, Chen Fan remains steadfast in his pursuit of greatness. With unwavering determination and unparalleled talent, he rises above his adversaries, ascending to heights never before reached in the world of cultivation. In the end, Chen Fan's journey is not just one of power and strength, but also of self-discovery and enlightenment. As he transcends the boundaries of mortal existence, he unlocks the true potential of his being, becoming a legend that will be remembered for generations to come.
Chen Fan, a young man from the mortal realm, woke up to find himself in a world vastly different from the one he knew—a world of cultivation and immortality.
Determined to rise above his circumstances, Chen Fan set a lofty goal for himself: to become the most powerful cultivator in this new realm.
Armed with his knowledge and experience from the mortal realm, Chen Fan quickly distinguished himself by absorbing spiritual energy at an unprecedented rate, shocking the three immortal sects and five immortal families who had failed to recruit him.
Instead of being discouraged by their rejection, Chen Fan saw it as an opportunity to pave his own path, unbound by the restrictions of sects or families.
His charisma and talent drew the attention of many, including disciples from other sects and immortal families, all of whom hoped to befriend him or recruit him through marriage.
However, Chen Fan remained focused on his goal, turning down all offers and requests to join another sect.
Chen Fan was born in a small town in the mortal realm, but he woke up to find himself in this strange world of cultivation and immortality.
He was as handsome as before with dark hair and an average height.
It was hard to tell how old he was, but he seemed like a young man around twenty years old.
The first thing he did was to check his body.
He was not surprised that he was still in one piece, but he was shocked to find that not only his body had been restored perfectly, but he also felt an overwhelming power surging within him.
He could feel an immense source of energy and power around him, it was so strong that it nearly took his breath away.
“I think I just stepped into the world of immortality,” he murmured.
A smile curled up on his handsome face as a determined light flashed in his eyes.
He had read tons of novels about cultivation and immortality in the mortal realm, so he knew how powerful cultivators could be.
“I will become the most powerful cultivator among all the immortals,” Chen Fan said with conviction in his tone.
He opened his eyes and felt the layers of misty clouds around him.
“Huh?” He frowned as he tried to stand up.
To his surprise, he found that the clouds were not just a vision—it was pure white light energy that held his body aloft.
At that moment, many eyes turned their attention toward him.
Three immortal sects and five immortal families of Zhong Zhou had come to recruit him not long ago, but they were all rejected by Chen Fan one after another.
Despite their efforts, not even one of them could change Chen Fan’s mind.
It wasn’t entirely unexpected for them; they knew how strong Chen Fan was after witnessing his power of absorption first hand—no one had ever absorbed the spiritual energy like Chen Fan did before.
"The Immortal Ascension: Chen Fan's Legendary Journey"
What they found unexpected was that Chen Fan refused even when they offered him a top position with a high salary in their sects or families.
Li Wei looked at Chen Fan with an astonished look in his eyes.
“Chen Fan, are you kidding me?”
he said with a sarcastic smile.
“Don’t forget we’re in the world of immortality now, not many people would dare say no to their leaders.”
Li Wei was a tall man with a scar on his cheek.
Since he was a baby, Chen Fan had always been more capable than him, so Li Wei respected him very much.
After all, Chen Fan was not only smarter but also more handsome than Li Wei.
“Come on, I know what I’m doing,” Chen Fan said with a smile as he put his hand on Li Wei’s shoulder.
“I have my own way of doing things,”
Li Wei sighed as he shook his head in defeat.
As far as Li Wei was concerned, although Chen Fan was a smart man who always seemed to be one step ahead of everyone else, it didn’t mean that he was always right.
After the three immortal sects and five immortal families left, some people who were watching them from afar came out of hiding and gathered around them, looking at them with a curious gaze in their eyes.
“So, is this man Chen Fan really a supreme immortal?”
One of them asked with a doubtful look in their eyes.
“Yeah, I heard that no one else has absorbed spiritual energy like him before!”
A woman said in amazement.
Another man hesitated before saying, “I think we shouldn’t be surprised by this.”
“What do you mean?”
The woman asked with a puzzled look in her eyes.
The man replied, “Although there are many immortals here, not everyone is willing to be bound by these sects or families—some of us prefer to be lone cultivators.”
The man paused for a moment before continuing, “I think that’s why Chen Fan refused all these invitations; he just wants to be free.”
The woman thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I think you’re right.”
The man looked at Chen Fan with a smile as he said,
“Congratulations on becoming a lone cultivator!”
Chen Fan smiled at him as he nodded in agreement.
After all, he never wanted to be bound by any sect or family; he just wanted to be free to do whatever he wanted to do.
He had always been a lone wolf in the mortal realm; it was unlikely that he would ever change now.
As they talked, some people around them began to whisper about him; some of them even gave him a thumbs-up as a sign of respect for his decision to become a lone cultivator.
Chen Fan smiled as he looked at them; he was happy to see that there were still people who understood him here in the world of immortality.
He could feel the power surging within him again as he took a deep breath before saying,
“I will become the strongest cultivator among all the immortals in this world.”
"The Immortal Ascension: Chen Fan's Legendary Journey"
After leaving the three immortal sects behind, Chen Fan went back to the Heavenly Mountains of East Yue—the place where he had been living for the past few decades—and he heard from the locals that someone had been waiting for him in front of the mountain gate this whole time.
So he went there to see who it was, and when he arrived at the mountain gate, he saw a young man standing there waiting for him.
The young man had dark skin and a scar on his cheek; he was tall with broad shoulders and muscular arms, but what stood out most about him was his long black hair that reached all the way down to his waist and made him look like a fierce warrior from ancient times.
“Are you looking for me?”
“Yeah,” the young man replied as he nodded at him with a smile on his face.
The young man was called Li Wei; he was Chen Fan’s loyal friend, and they had been traveling together for many years before they separated three years ago in order to become stronger cultivators on their own.
He didn’t expect Chen Fan to become so strong during that time; it seemed like he had surpassed even the most powerful immortal among all the immortals by now!
“Do you want to join our sect?”
Li Wei asked him as he looked at him with an eager expression on his face.
Chen Fan shook his head and said,
“No, I don’t want to be bound by any sects or families.”
Li Wei was surprised to hear that he didn’t want to join their sect even though they had been waiting for him here this whole time; he looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face before saying,
“But we’ve been waiting for you here this whole time; are you sure you don’t want to join us?”
Chen Fan smiled at him before saying,
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Li Wei was disappointed to hear that he didn’t want to join them; he looked at him with a sad expression on his face before saying,
“Well then, I guess we’ll have to go back without you.”
Chen Fan nodded at him and said,
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Li Wei smiled at him before saying,
“It was an honor to meet you here today; I wish you the best of luck in your cultivation.”
Chen Fan smiled at him and said,
“Thank you; I wish you the same.”
"The Immortal Ascension: Chen Fan's Legendary Journey"