MidReal Story

Deadly Ink: A Danganronpa Sequel

Scenario: Series/Copyright: Danganronpa, Type:Sequel, Danganronpa 4, we are in the perspective of Yuugi Higashikata, Ultimate Mangaka. Yuugi and her apparent classmates, (who will be introduced, and also are ultimates), will have to play a game, of danganronpa, each moment everyone is vulnerable to have the thought of murder or to get murdered. Monokuma keeps the students hostage.
Create my version of this story
Series/Copyright: Danganronpa, Type:Sequel, Danganronpa 4, we are in the perspective of Yuugi Higashikata, Ultimate Mangaka. Yuugi and her apparent classmates, (who will be introduced, and also are ultimates), will have to play a game, of danganronpa, each moment everyone is vulnerable to have the thought of murder or to get murdered. Monokuma keeps the students hostage.
The first thing Yuugi saw when she opened her eyes was a dimly lit room.
It was dark, too dark to see anything clearly, but she could tell that the room was small and cramped.
She was lying on a bed, she realized, and the sheets beneath her felt stiff and uncomfortable.
All at once, a cold feeling of dread washed over her, and she shivered.
Where am I?
Yuugi sat up slowly, her head spinning, and tried to get her bearings.
When she moved, she heard the rustling of fabric, and she glanced down at herself in surprise.
She was wearing a school uniform, a navy blue blazer over a white dress shirt and a matching pleated skirt.
It wasn’t her normal style—she usually wore oversized hoodies and baggy pants—but it did look surprisingly good on her.
She shook her head to clear it and forced herself to focus on what was happening.
She had no memory of changing into this uniform.
What was going on?
Yuugi slid off the bed, grimacing as her feet hit the cold floor, and looked around the room again.
Against one wall, there was a small desk that had been pushed into the corner of the room.
A mirror hung on one wall above it, reflecting Yuugi’s shadowy figure back at her.
She could just make out the outline of a door on the opposite side of the room.
There wasn’t much else in the room—no windows or decorations or anything that might give her a clue as to where she was or how she had gotten there.
Yuugi took a step closer to the bed and crouched down to look underneath it.
There was nothing there but dust bunnies and a few scraps of paper.
Yuugi frowned and reached out toward one of the pieces of paper.
As her fingers brushed against it, the paper crinkled loudly in the silence, and Yuugi winced.
She felt around for the paper again and caught hold of it, then pulled it out from under the bed.
In the dim light, she could just make out what appeared to be words written on it in black ink.
Yuugi’s heart began to race as she read the note.
Welcome to Danganronpa 4 – School Meltdown
The note was short, but it sent chills down Yuugi’s spine.
She read it over and over again, trying to make sense of what it said.
It seemed like some kind of twisted game, but Yuugi couldn’t believe that it was real.
It had to be some kind of joke or prank, didn’t it?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden noise, and Yuugi jumped in surprise.
The door to the room opened, and a small figure stepped inside.
It was an enormous teddy bear, with shiny black fur and beady little eyes.
The bear looked around at Yuugi, then waddled over to where she was crouched on the floor.
“I see you’ve found my little note,” it said in a high-pitched voice.
“Now that you know the rules, there’s no turning back, I’m afraid.
You’ll just have to try your best to survive.”
Yuugi stared at the bear in shock.
It was hard to believe, but somehow, this was all really happening.
"Deadly Ink: A Danganronpa Sequel"
When Yuugi woke up the second time, the first thing she noticed was how empty her room was.
It wasn’t that her room had been ransacked or anything—there just wasn’t anything there to begin with.
Her bags and personal belongings were gone, and the room itself was bare except for a small bed and a nightstand.
The nightstand was plain and unadorned, with a single drawer that was pulled out just slightly.
Yuugi frowned and pushed the drawer back into place before pulling it open and peering inside.
There was nothing there except for a small book.
It was black and white and looked like a children’s storybook at first glance, but when Yuugi picked it up and flipped through it, she realized that it was something else entirely.
It was a Monokuma handbook, and it contained all the rules and regulations they would need to follow during their time in the school building.
Yuugi set the handbook back down on the nightstand and looked around the room again.
It was small and cramped, with dingy white walls and a gray carpet on the floor.
There wasn’t much in the way of furniture just the bed, the nightstand, and a small desk in one corner of the room.
A mirror hung above the desk, which was pushed into the corner so hard that it left a gap between the wall and one of its legs.
There wasn’t much on top of the desk either just a small lamp and a black-and-white picture of some flowers.
Yuugi suddenly felt like she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.
She needed to get out of this room—right now.
She needed to see someone else, to talk to someone other than herself and this creepy bear mascot thing.
She needed to know that this was all just some kind of weird nightmare and that everything was going to be okay.
But as she looked around the room again, she realized something even more terrifying:
she was completely alone.
This wasn’t just some dumb prank or a weird dream or anything like that at all.
This was for real.
After a moment’s hesitation, Yuugi reached down and pulled the drawer open again.
The Monokuma handbook was lying inside, just where she’d left it, along with the note she’d found under her bed earlier.
She picked both of them up, then climbed onto the bed and sat down, pressing her back up against one of the walls as she tried to get more comfortable.
Her heart was still pounding in her chest, and she felt like she was going to be sick, but she did her best to ignore it and focus on the task at hand instead.
From what she could tell, she had to live with her classmates until one of them committed a murder without being caught, which would allow them to leave the school building and continue participating in the game along with everyone else who was still alive.
"Deadly Ink: A Danganronpa Sequel"
Yuugi was scared, and she slept with the feeling of fear, until the daybroke, and a human figure opened her door, it wore the same uniform, it's a boy. His blonde locks can be seen.
That was all well and good, as far as it went, but there was one thing that was bothering her:
the note hadn’t said anything about what to do if you woke up in your bedroom all alone, like she had been.
It had only mentioned what to do if you found a dead body in your bedroom once you’d woken up, which hopefully wouldn’t happen at all, but still…
The messy-haired girl bit down on her lip so hard that it hurt, then carefully folded up the note again before tucking it into one of her pockets.
Her fingers were shaking when she opened up the handbook next, but she tried to ignore it as best as she could as she began to read through it for a second time…
The boy walked into Yuugi's bedroom, his gaze is directed towards Yuugi "Ah!You're awake already!"
Yuugi couldn’t say how long it was before she woke up for a second time.
It felt like she only slept for a few minutes, but that couldn’t possibly be right.
When she’d woken back up, she’d been startled out of her skin by a sudden loud noise that had made her jump so hard that she’d almost fallen off her bed.
At first, she’d thought that someone had started to knock on her door, even though that was impossible—according to the note from earlier, all of their doors were supposed to be locked.
But as she listened harder, she realized that wasn’t it at all.
The noise wasn’t coming from her door; it was coming from behind it.
Yuugi’s heart started to pound in her chest again as she slowly got to her feet.
For a moment there was nothing but silence; then she heard more movement from behind the wall, along with a soft thud that made her jump yet again.
This time, she could hear someone talking too; it was a girl’s voice, and she sounded scared.
“Hey!” Yuugi called out without even thinking about it as she walked over to her door.She hesitated for a moment once she got there and made sure that she had a good grip on both her handbook and the note from earlier before slowly opening it up again.
The hallway outside was still empty—just like it had been before—but Yuugi realized that there was no way that whoever was trapped in the room next to hers wouldn’t hear her if she talked to them through this gap between their walls.
The other girl’s voice came again a few seconds later, sounding even more scared than before.
“Is someone there?”
“Yeah,” Yuugi replied with a nervous laugh as she stepped closer to the wall so that her voice would be louder.
“I’m in room number 10.You’re not alone.”
There was a long pause after that before the other girl spoke again.
“My name is Renji,” she said quietly.
“I’m one of those participants you mentioned.”
“Same here,” Yuugi told her.
"Deadly Ink: A Danganronpa Sequel"
“Ah, I see.” Renji let out a long sigh—it wasn’t the kind of reaction that Yuugi had been expecting to get from her.
Yuugi could hear the other girl moving around some more behind her wall; it sounded like she was pacing back and forth because her footsteps kept getting closer to the wall and then moving away again.
“The rules say that I can’t leave this building unless I kill someone,” Renji said finally.
“So does that mean…”
“It would be really bad if you did too.” The other girl’s voice was quiet.
Yuugi could tell that whatever else was going on with this girl, she was trying to stay calm about it.
So Yuugi did her best to do the same.
“I don’t think we should worry about something like that right now,” Yuugi said as calmly as she could.“We’re going to be fine.
But even as Yuugi said those words out loud, a part of her couldn’t help but wonder what the chances were that they really would be fine.
After all, if this new girl was trapped in this game in the same way that Yuugi was…
Then didn’t that mean that there were supposed to be two people who woke up in their bedrooms this morning with blood on their hands?
“Are you alright?”
Renji asked after a long moment.
“Oh yeah!” Yuugi replied with a nervous laugh.
“I’m fine over here!What about you?”
Renji didn’t say anything for a few seconds; then Yuugi heard her voice coming through the wall once again.
“Hey Yuugi… I don’t know what we’re supposed to do now, but… I want to try and get along with you.”
“Me too,” Yuugi said nodding even though Renji couldn’t see her do it.
“Ah!That’s right!” She brightened up at the thought.
“Room 10!
I know this is kind of a weird time to be doing this, but… My name is Yuugi Higashikata, and I’m the Ultimate Mangaka.”
“Nice to meet you, Yuugi.
My name is Renji Akiyama, and I’m the Ultimate Detective.”
Renji's room is number 11, right next to Yuugi's room.
Even though they are separated by walls, Yuugi could feel the pressure coming from Renji's presence, just by standing in front of the door.
Her hairs are all standing up.
But Yuugi can't stay like this forever, so she knocked on the door "Hey!Can I come in?"
After a while, a voice can be heard through the door "Wait for a moment."
The door opened, and standing before Yuugi is a boy.
"Deadly Ink: A Danganronpa Sequel"
He has short brown hair, his height is just right, he looks like he has a pretty strong body built underneath his clothes.
It seems he doesn't have any problem in terms of physical ability.
He is wearing a white shirt along with gray short pants.
On top of his clothes he wears a long coat and also a scarf.
"Are you the one who knocked on my door?" The boy asked with his brown eyes looking at Yuugi.
His eyes are pretty sharp, it feels like he can see through everything.
"Yes, I heard a voice coming from here, so I went to meet you," Yuugi said.
She also felt like she's being interrogated by him, but he is the Ultimate Detective after all.
It’s not weird at all for him to be like this, right?
"Is it alright for me to come in?" Yuugi asked him.
The boy nodded then backed away to let her enter the room.
When Yuugi entered the room, she found out that there are no other furniture inside the room besides the bed and also a small table.
"Sorry about this, I haven't tidied up my room yet," the boy said, scratching his head.
"It's fine don't worry about it," Yuugi said, smiling.
The boy is still standing at the door, he doesn't seem like he has any intention to enter the room.
"So, you are the one who knocked on my door, right?
I'm the Ultimate Detective."
"My name is Yuugi Higashikata, and I'm the Ultimate Mangaka.I'm glad that you are not injured, Renji-kun," Yuugi said as she did a light bow.
"Hey, you don't have to be too formal with me," Renji said while smiling.
"You can just call me Renji or Akiyama, whatever you want."
Yuugi is glad that she managed to get along with Renji.
Her relationship with him might be important in order to survive this game.
"Then you can just call me Yuugi.
It's nice to get along with you, Renji-kun," Yuugi said with a smile.
"I'm looking forward to working with you, Yuugi."
As they were getting along, an announcement could be heard through the speaker somewhere in this building.
Both of them immediately directed their attention toward the speaker.
"Good morning everyone!It’s now 8:00 am, and nighttime is officially over!
It’s time to wake up and face the day!" Monokuma's voice came through the speakers.
"I hope you've all slept well, because today, you're going to need it!
Well, if you didn't sleep well, then that’s your own fault!
Work harder next time!”
The atmosphere surrounding both of them immediately turned heavy just by hearing Monokuma’s announcement.
Their hopeful expression was immediately replaced with dread.
And then, after a short while, Monokuma started talking once again through the speaker.
"By the way...
I would like to remind all of our students that there are two ways to graduate from this school: Kill one of your classmates and get away with it or wait until someone else kills one of your classmates!
"Deadly Ink: A Danganronpa Sequel"