MidReal Story

Unexpected Bonds: A Nurse's Tale

Scenario: Uma técnica de enfermagem é contratada para cuidar de uma paciente idosa, ela estranha na hora de assinar por ser muitos papéis, ela brevemente lê, mas seus olhos se atentaram para a parte do paciente ser mantida em sigilo.Acreditando ser para uma idosa, após assinar, é encaminhada ao quarto e quando vê, conhece um homem acamado. Ela com seu coração doce, começa a cuidar dele e a falar com ele todos os dias, coisas que ninguém antes fazia, nem mesmo os familiares.Enquanto isso, em um dia quaquer, ao chegar na residência se depara com seu paciente ciente, acordado e deambulante. Ela leva um susto e seus olhos ficam gigante. Ao mesmo tempo que seu susto assume, também assume uma alegria por ver ele de pé. E sem mais nem menos ela da um abraço nele. Ele por outro lado, que nunca se aproximava de ninguém devido a desconfiança dos outros, se surpreendeu quando ela parecia alegre por ver ele ali. Porém ele não a conhecia e se sentiu, pela primeira vez, feliz com a aproximação de uma jovem mulher.- Que bom ver que você acordou e despertou Kim Ji Hoo.Ao ouvir isso, ele paralisa. Realmente ele gostaria que fosse verdade. Mas infelizmente é seu irmão quem está na cama, e não ele, que aliás se culpa por não ser ele inconsciente.-Sinto muito jovem... Mas Ji Hoo é meu irmão... Me chamo Kim Bong Hoo.
Create my version of this story
Uma técnica de enfermagem é contratada para cuidar de uma paciente idosa, ela estranha na hora de assinar por ser muitos papéis, ela brevemente lê, mas seus olhos se atentaram para a parte do paciente ser mantida em sigilo.Acreditando ser para uma idosa, após assinar, é encaminhada ao quarto e quando vê, conhece um homem acamado. Ela com seu coração doce, começa a cuidar dele e a falar com ele todos os dias, coisas que ninguém antes fazia, nem mesmo os familiares.Enquanto isso, em um dia quaquer, ao chegar na residência se depara com seu paciente ciente, acordado e deambulante. Ela leva um susto e seus olhos ficam gigante. Ao mesmo tempo que seu susto assume, também assume uma alegria por ver ele de pé. E sem mais nem menos ela da um abraço nele. Ele por outro lado, que nunca se aproximava de ninguém devido a desconfiança dos outros, se surpreendeu quando ela parecia alegre por ver ele ali. Porém ele não a conhecia e se sentiu, pela primeira vez, feliz com a aproximação de uma jovem mulher.- Que bom ver que você acordou e despertou Kim Ji Hoo.Ao ouvir isso, ele paralisa. Realmente ele gostaria que fosse verdade. Mas infelizmente é seu irmão quem está na cama, e não ele, que aliás se culpa por não ser ele inconsciente.-Sinto muito jovem... Mas Ji Hoo é meu irmão... Me chamo Kim Bong Hoo.
Sofia Oliveira had just finished signing a lot of papers about her new job as a nurse technician in the local hospital and she was a bit surprised.
She was a nurse and she thought she wouldn’t need to sign so many papers to work there.
As she tried to read them, she saw that most of them were about the privacy of the patient and she understood that it was important, so she quickly signed all of them.
The HR lady led her to the room where she was supposed to start her first shift.
The room was small and the bed on the left side of the room was occupied by an old lady who was sleeping.
“Here’s your first patient, Sofia.”
The HR lady said and Sofia nodded.
“This is Mrs.
She has been here for a while now, so she knows how everything works.
We hope you do a great job with her.”
The HR lady said again and Sofia nodded.
She wasn’t that used to working in a hospital but it was still an easy job.
The old lady seemed healthy and there wasn’t anything wrong with her.
Sofia nodded at the HR lady and smiled at her before she went away.
Then, she walked to the old lady’s bed and saw that there were a lot of tubes on her body.
She looked at the monitor on the side of her bed and saw that everything was fine with her.
She didn’t need to do anything for now, so she decided to sit at the nursing station and do some paperwork while waiting for the next shift change.
She had been working for an hour when she heard someone opened the door and stepped into the room.
She lifted her head to find out who it was and saw a man standing at the door.
He had black hair and brown eyes.
He looked like he was in his mid-20s and he looked handsome.
Sofia stood up from her chair and walked toward him before he even noticed her.
“Hello, are you looking for someone?”
Sofia asked when she stopped in front of him.
She gave him a warm smile, but he only glanced at her before he started to walk toward the bed on the left side of the room without giving her any response.
Sofia frowned when she saw him walking toward one of her patients, but then she remembered that maybe this man was also a nurse technician like her or maybe even a doctor.
So, she quickly followed him while thinking about what she should say to him when they got there.
When they arrived at the bed, Sofia saw that the man stopped in front of the old lady’s bed and then sat down on the chair beside it.
He took out a book from his pocket and started to read it after he opened it.
Sofia frowned when she saw him sitting beside one of her patients’ beds like this, but before she could say anything to him, he suddenly spoke again.
"Unexpected Bonds: A Nurse's Tale"
“You don’t have to watch me all the time.”He said without even lifting his head from the book.
Sofia was dumbfounded for a second.
She didn’t understand what he meant by saying that she didn’t have to watch him.
Then she looked at the old lady on the bed and she realized that the patient this man was looking for was the old lady who was sleeping on the bed.
“Um… I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.”Sofia said awkwardly and she saw that the man glanced at her before he closed his book.
He put it back into his pocket and crossed his arms on his chest.
Sofia felt a shiver running down on her spine when she saw him looking at her like this.
“I’m a nurse technician here.I came to check on my patients and also to introduce myself to you.”She quickly said to him.
She didn’t know what she did wrong, but this guy seemed like he was mad at her.
“Didn’t they tell you about me?”
He asked in a cold tone.
Sofia frowned when she heard him asking this question.
She didn’t know why he asked this question to her but she nodded anyway.
“Then you should know that I’m an unconscious patient.”
He said and Sofia nodded again.
“I know that.”She said and then she paused for a second.
“Then is there anything that you need?”
She asked after a few seconds of silence.
She felt a bit weird since this guy had been looking at her ever since she came to the room.
This guy stayed silent for a few seconds before he spoke again.
“Who are you anyway?”
He asked and Sofia tilted her head to one side when she heard him asking this question.
“I thought I was clear enough.I’m a nurse technician here.”She said to him again.
He stayed silent for a few seconds when he heard her answer and then he spoke again.
He didn’t say anything after he finished his sentence.
He just stared at her without any expression on his face, but Sofia felt a shiver running down on her spine again.
She didn’t know why, but this guy’s gaze was making her feel nervous.
She hesitated for a second, but then she decided to say something.
“Don’t be worried about your patients.Tell me if there’s anything that you need.”She said to him and then she turned around to leave the room.
As she walked to the door, she felt someone watching her the entire time.
She wanted to turn around and see if it was really him who was staring at her, but then she decided not to do it and walked out of the room.
She didn’t understand why this patient of hers was acting like this, but she told herself that it wasn’t her business.
She only needed to take care of him and make sure he would be fine.
So, she would do it.
"Unexpected Bonds: A Nurse's Tale"
The day had ended and Sofia walked back to the residence where her patient lived.
She went into the room where her patient stayed and saw him in an unusual place for an unconscious patient.
He was walking around in the room with his eyes open.
He seemed fully aware of what he was doing as well since he wasn’t bumping into things.
Sofia screamed when she saw him like this.
She had never seen an unconscious patient acting like this.
He could never get up from the bed without any help from others.
So, how could it be possible for him to do something like that?
“Well… I’ve been working really hard lately…”
Sofia mumbled as she tried to convince herself about why this guy would be able to walk around in the room on his own.
The guy stopped walking as soon as he heard Sofia’s scream and turned around to look at her as if he was annoyed by her scream.
Sofia’s eyes got big when their gazes met, but then without thinking even for a second, she walked up to him and hugged him tightly.
“Thank god you’re finally awake!”
She said as if she had been waiting for him to wake up for a long time.
What was going on?
This guy never got close to anyone before, but why was he not turning her away?
She could never get close to him either since he was always cold and distant.
He even hated it when she called him by his name.
He even hated being touched by her as well.
But then why was he letting her hug him like this?
He didn’t understand anything at all.
But then he looked at her face and realized something.
She looked so young, so pretty and so kind.
He didn’t know why he felt like this about her, but she was making him feel like this.
This was something he had never felt before in his entire life.
He felt a bit happy as well.
It had been a long time since he last felt happy like this and he loved this feeling a lot.
He wanted more of it as well.
And then he heard Sofia’s voice again, calling his name this time.
“Kim Ji Hoo…”
She said and he suddenly opened his eyes wide after hearing her say his name.
He knew why she called him like this.
She was mistaken about him being an unconscious patient.
He wasn’t the one in the patient file she read on the first day of work either.
His brother was the one who was supposed to be there instead of him.
The person in the bed in front of him was his own brother, Kim Ji Hoo.
He didn’t know how Kim Ji Hoo ended up in a coma like this, but he had a feeling that it was all his fault somehow.
If only he didn’t take Ji Hoo’s place on that day then Ji Hoo wouldn’t have been here and he wouldn’t be in a coma right now either.
But things happened and he couldn’t fix them anymore.
He would have to live with them for the rest of his life now.
But now he got a chance to meet his brother again after all these years.
He didn’t feel like talking to him after all these years, but he wanted to see if his brother would recognize him or not in the first place and then they could talk after that.
"Unexpected Bonds: A Nurse's Tale"
“Why did you call me Ji Hoo?”
Sofia asked when the man suddenly stopped walking and turned around to look at her.
“How did you know my name?”
The man asked back with a calm voice.
“Your name is written on the patient file.” She said with a smile.
The man suddenly opened his eyes wide when he heard her say this.
“Did you say Kim Ji Hoo?”
He asked as if he was surprised by this.
“Yes.” Sofia said with a smile again.
“But why… How did you know my name?”
The man asked back again with a worried look on his face.
Sofia didn’t understand anything at all.
Why was this man reacting like this?
Did she say something wrong?
But how was it possible for her to say something wrong like this?
His name was clearly written on the patient file and she called him by his name as well.
So why was he acting like this?
And then she saw the man’s eyes getting all wet as if he was about to cry.
“How are you related to Kim Ji Hoo?”
Sofia asked as she wondered what was going on.
The man looked at her face again with sad eyes and smiled faintly.
“Kim Ji Hoo is no longer in this body.” He said with a sad voice.
“I am Kim Bong Hoo, Ji Hoo’s brother.” He added and then sighed deeply.
“I am sorry for not telling you this earlier.”
Sofia opened her eyes big when she heard the man say this.
But if you’re Kim Bong Hoo then who is Ji Hoo?”
She asked before turning around to look at the person lying in bed behind her.
“He is my little brother.”
The man said with a smile again.
“I would like to thank you for taking good care of my little brother while he was here.” He added and bowed down slightly before Sofia without saying anything else after that.
And then all of sudden tears started falling from his eyes and he hugged Sofia tightly as if he was trying to hold back all of those tears somehow.
“I am really grateful for everything you’ve done for us,” He said between sobs.
“I would like to give you something as a thank you gift for all your hard work, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to give you anything…”
He added as he pulled away from Sofia again and sighed deeply before turning around to look at the person lying in bed behind her one more time.
“Ji Hoo moved to the private room today so I won’t be visiting him anymore…”
He said with tears in his eyes before smiling faintly at her one last time and leaving the room after that without saying anything else to her.
Sofia stood there alone with the person lying in bed behind her after the man left the room without saying anything else to her.
The person lying in bed was still as motionless as ever without showing any signs of being conscious at all.
Tears started falling from her eyes as well when she saw him like this again after the man left the room.
“I will take care of you no matter what happens…”
"Unexpected Bonds: A Nurse's Tale"
The days went by quickly while Sofia was taking care of the person in the private room, Kim Ji Hoo.
Just like she did every day, she entered the private room with the tray of food in her hands and put it on the table beside the bed while staring at him with sad eyes.
Ever since he moved to the private room she had been taking care of him as best as she could by coming to visit him every single day just like she did when he was still in the general ward.
She didn’t know why she still came to visit him every day even though he couldn’t hear her talking to him anymore, but there was just something that kept pulling her to come back to this room every single day.
And so she still came to visit him every single day and took care of him as best as she could even though he was unconscious during all this time.
She sat down on the chair beside the bed and looked at the person lying on the bed again.
“Good morning, Mr.
Kim Ji Hoo,” She said while looking at him with a faint smile.
“I have changed your bandages and given you your medications already,” She added after that and then sighed deeply.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve last seen Mr.
Kim Bong Hoo coming to visit you…”
She said while looking at the person lying on the bed again.
“Did something happen?”
As usual, he didn’t say anything to her even though she knew he wouldn’t be able to say anything to her, but it didn’t stop her from talking to him every single day just like she did every other time she came to visit him.
“There is an old lady next door,” She said after that.
“She is a really nice person, I don’t know what I would do without her,” She said again.
“I made a new friend today,” She said with a smile again.
“When I was running around the corridors earlier, I bumped into her and we laughed together…”
She added while smiling at the person lying on the bed again.
“She also gave me a cookie and told me to eat it when I’m tired,” She said again.
“So I’ll go eat it now,” She added before standing up from the chair and leaving the room again.
"Unexpected Bonds: A Nurse's Tale"