MidReal Story

Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try

Scenario: Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try to see how big they can make her stomach get. They take turns forcefeeding her 5 pound cheesecakes . After the tenth cheesecake , they have her drink 7 liters of extra heavy Boston cream.
Create my version of this story
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try to see how big they can make her stomach get. They take turns forcefeeding her 5 pound cheesecakes . After the tenth cheesecake , they have her drink 7 liters of extra heavy Boston cream.
“Dude, you have no idea how much this girl can eat.”
Sarah Thompson looked at Emma Davis and smirked.
“You’re so full of it.”
“I’m not kidding,” Sarah said.
“I’ve seen her eat, like, three times the amount of food I can and still be hungry.” She turned to me and raised an eyebrow.
“I think we should test that theory tonight.
I think we should see just how much you can eat before you explode.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, okay.” I was used to Sarah coming up with ridiculous things for us to do.
But this one was a bit over the top, even for her.
So I ignored her suggestion.
“You want to play a game?”
Sarah looked confused and then smiled.
“Sure, why not?
Maybe it’ll be a little more interesting than just watching TV.”
I was rarely surprised by anything Sarah proposed, but when she said the words that followed, I nearly choked on my own spit.
“You’re going to play a game where you force-feed me?”
Sarah looked at Emma and then back at me. “No, actually, we are all going to play.
Except you’re the only one who will be eating.” She giggled like a little kid who was about to reveal a surprise.
I had no idea what had gotten into her.
But I couldn’t help but feel a little curious about what she had in mind.
“So what’s this game called?”
Sarah looked at Emma and then back at me, excitement lighting up her face.
“I don’t really have a name for it, but here’s how it works: Emma is going to keep track of everything you eat, and I’m going to feed it to you.
Your goal is to see how much food we can get you to eat before you either tap out or explode.
If you tap out first, then we win.
Otherwise, it’ll be whoever gives up last – you or Emma.”
I looked at Emma and saw that she was already setting up an Excel spreadsheet on her laptop.
“Wow,” I said with a nervous laugh.
“This is serious business.” Emma winked at me.
“This is going to be so much fun.”
I didn’t really have a choice at this point – we were already in the process of setting up the rules – so I went along with it and nodded.
“I guess we can do this.”
And just like that, our night was planned out for us: my friends were going to force-feed me food until I passed out or exploded from being too full.
I worried about gaining weight if I ate all the junk they were going to feed me, but Sarah’s excitement was infectious and I couldn’t help but feel a little eager as well to see how much my stomach could handle.
“Wait,” I interrupted Sarah and Emma as they began planning out the types of food they wanted me to eat.
“Where’s the incentive for me to win?
You two get to have all the fun feeding me while you sit back and watch me stuff myself.”
At first, they both ignored me as they discussed which foods they wanted me to eat first: pizza, cheesecake, Boston cream… I couldn’t help but feel a little excited as I listened in on their conversation.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
“Cheesecake sounds good,” Sarah said.
“Yeah, we should definitely go with that,” Emma agreed.
“We can see how much weight we can add to her tonight.”
I glared at them as I interrupted their conversation again.
“Guys, come on, enough about your plans for me – what’s in it for me if I win?”
Sarah smiled at me and said in a sultry voice, “I guess you’ll just have to wait until you win to find out, won’t you?”
I raised an eyebrow at her suggestive tone of voice and was about to ask her what she meant when I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.I reached behind me to grab it and saw that I had received a text message from my mom: “Don’t forget to brush your teeth before bed.”
I quickly read her message and sighed.“You guys are so not going to make me miss this curfew that I didn’t even know I had.I think we should make this interesting,” I said before Sarah had a chance to respond.
“If either of you win – which you won’t – then I’ll owe you one favor that night.”
Sarah grinned at me.
“You’re on!”
“Wait, what does she get if she wins?”
Emma asked.
“She gets the same favor you get if you’re the one who makes me tap out first,” I said.
“But I don’t think either of you will have the chance.” I laid back on the bed, put my hands behind my head, and smiled up at them.
“Alright, ladies, let’s get this show on the road.”
Sarah grabbed her backpack while Emma brought over her duffel bag.
The two of them sat down on either side of me on the bed.
As I stared at my friends’ duffel bags, I knew right away what was in store for me that night.
Each of them had brought their own 5-lb cheesecake, which meant that we had three enormous cheesecakes for me to eat.
And all I could think about was just how much I was going to enjoy every second of being force-fed by my two best friends.
The girls unzipped their bags and pulled out the cheesecakes.
They each held one in their hands, smiling down at me as I stared up at them, waiting for them to start feeding me.
“Whoever gets you to eat more of the cheesecake wins,” Sarah announced.
“I’m gonna make you regret eating so much after tonight,” she added with a smug grin.
I rolled my eyes and ignored her as I reached out and grabbed the plate of cheesecake from her hands.
She took a step back and sat down on the bed beside me while I placed the plate on my stomach, which was already sporting a small belly bump from the food I’d eaten earlier that day.
I was excited to see how much more bloated it was going to be by the time Sarah and Emma were done with me.
Once I was ready to be served, Sarah and Emma took their positions.
Sarah sat at the head of the bed while Emma sat at the foot.
I watched as they both kneeled on the mattress and held their gigantic 5-lb cheesecakes in their hands like they were getting ready to feed me grapes one by one.
But instead of grapes, they were going to be feeding me cheesecake.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
The two girls stared down at me from either side with mischievous grins as they held the enormous cheesecakes in front of my face, getting ready to start feeding me.
I felt like a queen sitting on her throne ready to be served by her loyal subjects.
And what a lucky queen I was to have two beautiful girls ready and willing to feed me all night long.
They stared down at me with mischievous smiles, waiting for me to tell them what I wanted them to do first.
Since I was feeling generous, I decided to let Sarah go first.
“Alright, you guys, let’s see what you’ve got,” I said.
“Let’s start with the first cheesecake and go from there!”
“Sounds good,” Emma replied.
“We’ll see how you do with this one first before we move on to the next one,” she added with a smirk.
I raised an eyebrow at her as if to say ‘We’ll see about that.’
Emma wasn’t exactly competitive, but she was determined not to lose whenever we had our little competitions.
And even though she wasn’t competitive, she still wanted to do well and make sure she gave her best effort.
Sarah, on the other hand, was extremely competitive and always wanted to win no matter what.
The two girls held up their 5-lb cheesecakes in front of my face, ready to serve me a slice for me to eat.
“Alright, you guys, let’s do this!”
I exclaimed, sitting up and holding out my hands, getting ready to be served by Sarah and Emma.
They both nodded, excited to see how much they could get me to eat over the course of the night.
“Yes, ma’am!”
Sarah replied with a grin as she held up her huge 5-lb cheesecake in front of my face, ready to cut me a slice for me to eat.
I watched as she pressed down on the knife and sliced through the thick layer of cheesecake, cutting off a nice, big piece for me to enjoy.
When she was done cutting a slice for me, she looked down at it and picked up the plate that was sitting on my stomach with one hand while she used her other hand to hold up the slice of cake in front of my mouth.
“Alright, Kaylee, open wide,” she said as she held up the slice of cake in front of my mouth, getting ready to feed it to me.
I took a deep breath and opened my mouth as wide as I could, waiting for Sarah to feed me the first bite of cheesecake.
After all, I was going to need all the oxygen that I could get if I wanted to be able to make it through all three cheesecakes that Sarah and Emma were planning on feeding me that night.
Sarah smiled down at me as she looked me in the eyes and prepared to feed me my first bite of cake.
She held up the slice of cake in between her fingers and pressed it against my mouth, covering my lips with the thick layer of frosting that was on top of it.
I could already feel myself getting full just from breathing in the delicious aroma coming from the slice of cheesecake that Sarah was feeding me.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
I could tell that this challenge was going to be a lot tougher than I thought, but there was no way that I was going to back down from it now that we had already started.
I opened my mouth as wide as I could, ready to take a big bite of cake from Sarah’s hand, but before I could take a bite, she shoved it into my mouth and started force-feeding me as fast as she could.
I was too busy trying to chew and swallow down each bite that she was feeding me to notice that Emma had already started cutting me another slice to eat, and before I knew it, she had already cut me another slice and was getting ready to serve it to me as well.
When I finally finished eating the first slice of cheesecake that Sarah fed me, she quickly cut me another slice for me to eat, and before I knew it, I had already eaten three slices of 5-lb cheesecake from her in just a few minutes!
I thought that there would be no way that we would be able to finish all three cheesecakes in one hour, but at this rate, it didn’t look like that would be a problem!
But as soon as I finished eating the third slice that Sarah fed me, she cut me another one to eat, and before I knew it, she had already fed me five slices in just a few minutes!
She didn’t even give me time to catch my breath in between bites because she wanted to see how much food she could get me to stuff into my stomach in just one hour!
I tried to hold up my hands to tell her to slow down for a second, but she just ignored me and kept going as fast as she could, determined to see how big she could make my stomach.
I started to feel myself getting full really fast after eating five slices of 5-lb cheesecakes in just a few minutes, but even though I wanted to stop eating for a little bit so that I could digest some of what I had already eaten, Sarah wasn’t making it easy for me to do so since she continued to force-feed me more cake from her enormous 5-lb cheesecake without giving me any time to recover from all of the food that I had already eaten so far!
Even though I wanted to stop eating for a little bit, I didn’t want Sarah to think that I couldn’t handle her challenge or that I wasn’t able to eat as much as she thought I could, so even though I was getting really uncomfortable and bloated, I tried my best to push through the pain and continue eating whatever food she put in front of me.
But it was getting really hard for me to finish everything that she put in front of me since I could already feel myself getting full and bloated after eating as much as I already had in such a short amount of time.
It usually took me at least an entire day for me to be able to finish an entire 5-lb cheesecake by myself, but Sarah wanted to see if I could finish it in under an hour, and from the looks of it, I already had less than half of the first cheesecake left!
“Come on, Kaylee, don’t give up on me now!”
Sarah said as she cut off another slice of cake for me to eat, getting ready to force-feed it to me as fast as she could.
“But I’m getting so full!”
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
I groaned in pain, rubbing my bloated belly and hoping that Sarah would finally slow down so that I could digest some of what I had eaten so far.
But instead of listening to what I had to say, Sarah ignored my pleas for her to let me stop eating, and shoved another huge slice of cheesecake into my mouth as if nothing happened, determined to get me to finish as much food as possible in the short amount of time we had left in our one-hour challenge.
As soon as Sarah finished cutting off another piece for me to eat, she shoved it into my mouth as fast as possible, not giving me any time at all to chew the last piece of food that she put in front of me before feeding me more.
Even though I wanted her to give me some time to recover from all of the food that I had already eaten so far, Sarah didn’t care about what I had to say, and continued force-feeding me more cheesecake, trying to get me to eat everything she put in front of me without taking any breaks in between each bite so that I could digest everything that I had already eaten so far.
But I couldn’t eat as much as Sarah wanted me to without taking any breaks in between each bite so that I could digest some of the food I had already eaten first, so instead of following her orders, I turned my head away from the piece of cheesecake that she tried to force-feed me and grabbed onto her arm so that she couldn’t shove more cheesecake into my mouth.
“Stop, Sarah, I don’t think I can eat anymore!”
I said, trying my best to push her arm away from my face and not make myself throw up from eating too much food.
“Come on, Kaylee, don’t give up now!”
Sarah said as she tried to shove more cheesecake into my mouth, but I held onto her arm as tightly as I could and refused to open my mouth so that I wouldn’t have to eat any more food.
“I can’t eat anymore!”
I said as I tried to push myself away from Sarah’s arm and not throw up from eating too much food.
“Don’t quit on me now, Kaylee!
You were winning the challenge before you stopped eating, so if you keep going now, you still have a good chance of winning the challenge!”
Sarah said as she continued to push me against the couch with her arm and not let me get up so that I could digest some of the food that I already ate until I finished everything in front of me.
But I knew that it would be impossible for me to eat all of the food that Sarah wanted me to without taking any breaks in between bites so that I could digest some of the food that I already ate first, so instead of trying to eat more food, I turned my head away from the force-feeding that Sarah tried to do with me and pushed her arm away from my face again, trying not to get sick from eating too much food too fast.
“I can’t do it!”
I said as I tried to push Sarah away from me and not throw up from eating too much food too fast.
“Don’t be a quitter, Kaylee!
You still have plenty of time left in the challenge to finish everything in front of you, but you need to eat faster if you want to win the challenge!”
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
Sarah said as she continued to push the piece of cheesecake that was in her hand closer and closer to my face and open mouth so that I would have no choice but to eat it.
But I knew that eating the cheesecake that Sarah was trying to feed me would only make me sick at this point, so instead of trying to shove more food down my throat like she wanted me to, I shook my head at her and refused to eat it.
“No more; I am done!”
I said as I sat up on the couch and tried to push myself away from Sarah and not throw up from eating too much food too fast.
“You can’t quit now; we haven’t even reached the part where it gets difficult yet!”
Sarah said as she pulled my body closer to hers and held onto my arm so that I wouldn’t get up off the couch and make myself sick from eating too much food too quickly.
I didn’t understand what Sarah meant by “the part where it gets difficult,” but I knew that eating all of the cheesecake that was in front of me would be impossible for me to do without taking some time to digest the food that I already ate first so that I wouldn’t get sick from eating too much.
I thought that Sarah would understand this since she was always the one who wanted to feed me so much food at once until I got sick, but instead of listening to what I had to say and letting me take a break so that I could digest the food that I already ate first, she tried to shove more cheesecake into my mouth and force-feed me more food.
It was clear that Sarah was not going to stop trying to force-feed me more food until I finished all three cheesecakes in front of me.
I knew that if I wanted to win the challenge that I started with my friends earlier that night, then I needed to come up with a solution for how to eat all three cheesecakes without making myself throw up in the process.
I thought about what I could do for a few seconds as Sarah tried to shove more cheesecake into my mouth without letting me get up off the couch until all three cheesecakes that were in front of me were gone.
When I finally came up with a solution for how to eat all three cheesecakes without making myself throw up in the process, I turned my head toward Sarah so that she would look at my face and tell her what I was thinking.
“I have an idea for how we can finish the challenge; how about I eat as much as I can and take some time to digest the food that I already ate first?”
I said as I looked at Sarah’s face and hoped that she would agree with what I was telling her so that I could come up with another way for us to finish the challenge without making myself sick in the process.
“Okay, I will let you digest some of the other cheesecake first so that you won’t get sick from eating too much.”
Sarah said as she looked at my face and told me what I thought she would say before we continued on with the challenge.
I was relieved when Sarah agreed with what I wanted to do since it meant that I could come up with another way for us to finish the challenge without getting sick from eating too much at once.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
Sarah started to pour two liters of heavy Boston cream into my mouth, I could feel my stomach filling up faster , getting fuller and fuller . my stomach burst the buttons on my pajama shirt.
“I have another idea for how we can finish the rest of the cheesecake,” I told Sarah when she finished pouring two liters of heavy Boston cream into my mouth and made it roll down my throat because it felt like it was all clogged up with cake.
“What is your idea?”
Sarah asked as she looked at my face and waited for me to tell her what it was so that we could continue on with the challenge.
“How about we have a time limit for how long you have to shove cheesecake into my mouth?”
I said as I looked at Sarah’s face and told her what I was thinking while trying to come up with another way for us to finish the challenge.
“That sounds like a really good idea!”
Sarah said as soon as she heard what I was thinking and looked at my face while thinking about what we could do next so that we could finish the challenge.
“If we have a time limit for how long you have to shove cheesecake in my mouth, then I will be able to win the challenge if I can keep eating it until it’s gone without throwing up,”
I told my friends when they heard what I was going to do and looked at my face while we continued on with the challenge.
“Okay, so we are going to have a time limit for how long you have to keep shoving cheesecake into your mouth,”
Sarah said as soon as she heard what I was going to do and looked at my face while we continued on with the challenge.
“How long do you want me to set the timer for?”
Sarah asked as soon as we heard what we were going to do next and looked at my face while we continued on with the challenge.
“How about you set it for one hour?”
I asked Sarah when she asked me how long we were going to do this for.
“Sounds good!”
Sarah said as soon as she heard what I wanted her to do so that we could continue on with the challenge.
Sarah set a timer for one hour while Emma went into the kitchen and got the next cheesecake ready for me so that we could continue on with the challenge.
When the timer started counting down from one hour, Emma started shoving cake into my mouth as fast as possible while Sarah sat next to me and fed me two liters of heavy Boston cream.
The first few bites were easy for me to chew up and swallow since it felt like they were going down my throat without a problem.
I thought about how easy it was for me to eat all three cheesecakes in less than thirty minutes before Emma started shoving cake into my mouth as fast as possible while Sarah sat next to me and fed me two liters of heavy Boston cream.
When Emma started shoving cake into my mouth as fast as possible, it felt like it was getting stuck in my throat because I was not able to chew it up fast enough before Sarah shoved more cake into my mouth than I could handle.
It felt like all the cake was getting stuck in my throat when Emma started shoving it into my mouth as fast as possible before I was able to chew it up before Sarah shoved more cake into my mouth than i could handle.
At first I thought that it was easy for me to win the game and beat the timer since we started eating at a reasonable pace, but then Sarah started shoving cake in my mouth faster than Emma was able to feed me because it felt like they were competing against each other who could get me to digest all this food faster without throwing it back up.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
Emma poured four more liters of Boston cream into my stomach . my belly was now filling my lap like a giant flesh colored beachball.
Sarah kept shoving cake in my mouth faster than Emma was able to feed me because it felt like they were competing against each other who could get me to digest all this food faster without throwing it back up.
The cake felt like it was piling up in my throat while Sarah shoved it in faster than Emma was able to feed me because it felt like they were competing against each other who could get me to digest all this food faster without throwing it back up.
All the food felt like it was piling up in my stomach as fast as they were shoving it in since it felt like the food was going down my throat faster than I was able to chew it up when they shoved more cake in my mouth before I had the chance to swallow all of it.
Sarah kept shoving cake in my mouth faster than Emma was able to feed me because it felt like they were competing against each other who could get me to digest all this food faster without throwing it back up.
The pressure of eating fast made me want to stop eating so that Sarah would leave me alone while she kept shoving cake in my mouth whenever Emma gave her permission, but then Emma would start feeding me again so that they could both get me to digest the food as fast as possible without throwing it all back up before they got bored of me.
The pressure of eating fast made me want to stop eating so that Sarah would leave me alone while she kept shoving cake in my mouth whenever Emma gave her permission, but then Emma would start feeding me again so that they could both get me to digest the food as fast as possible without throwing it all back up before they got bored of me.
I started having trouble breathing because there was so much cake piled up in my throat that I started having trouble swallowing all of it when Sarah shoved even more cake in my mouth than she did last time.
I had more than two full cakes in my stomach when Sarah tried putting even more cake in my throat after she saw how much food i already digested, but the pressure of having even more food piled on top of the cake already there made me feel like i was going to vomit because it felt like there was no space left for her to put anymore food inside of me.
Sarah tried getting me to eat even faster when she saw that I wasn't getting sick from having too much food inside of me since she wanted to see how much i could possibly fit inside of myself before i gave up on her.
The pressure of having even more food piled on top of the cake already there made me feel like i was going to vomit because it felt like there was no space left for her to put anymore food inside of me.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
Emma and Sarah started poking and pressing down hard onto my enormously bloated stomach . I looked pregnant with quintuplets. I could barely see over my stomach . Emma and Sarah were talking about how big my stomach was and wanted it to be bigger . Emma continued to feed me three more large cheesecakes.
There was more food in me than I could ever remember eating in one sitting.
I knew I couldn’t possibly take any more.
I felt like I was going to explode.
But Sarah and Emma kept stuffing me anyway.
They seemed determined to see just how far they could push me.
Their competitive spirit had taken over, and they wouldn’t be happy until I was completely stuffed—and maybe not even then.
I knew they would be feeding me all night if they could.
Emma was busily unwrapping another cheesecake while Sarah put the last bites of the previous one into my mouth.
I looked at Sarah with pleading eyes.
Please make them stop,” I said weakly.
But Sarah just laughed.
“You can do better than that.
You sound like you’re about ready to give up already.”
I didn’t want her to know how close I was.
I didn’t want them to think I was a bad sport or anything.
I knew they were doing this for fun, but I really felt terrible.
And they just wouldn’t let up.
Before I knew what was happening, Sarah was cramming another big hunk of cake into my mouth.
I felt like I might gag.
The food was really starting to pile up in the back of my throat.
It felt like there was a huge ball of half-chewed cake just sitting there, waiting for the slightest excuse to come back up.
I swallowed as hard as I could, trying not to think about what was in my mouth.
I’m sorry,” Sarah said, “but you’re really going to have to do better than that if you want us to stop.”
Emma was already unwrapping another cheesecake.
I felt a sudden rush of panic.
I couldn’t let them do this to me.
I needed to put a stop to it now, before it got any worse.
I tried to swallow the food in my mouth, but it seemed to be stuck there for good.
I felt like I was going to throw up any second, but I forced myself to keep it down.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to swallow another bite, no matter how hard I tried.
I managed to get some air into my lungs, which I thought I might never be able to do again, and finally found my voice.
Emma was looking at me expectantly, still holding the unwrapped cheesecake in front of me.
I was trying not to look at it, but I could tell by the way she was holding it that she intended to start shoving it in my face as soon as she got the chance.
“I’m sorry,” I said, “but I really think I need a little break right now.”
Sarah laughed out loud when she heard me say that.
She seemed really amused by my sudden weakness, as if she had been expecting it all along.
There’s no time for breaks,” Sarah said, “not when we’re so close to winning!”
Her voice was too loud for me to ignore; I knew I would have to make myself clear if I wanted her to stop feeding me right away .
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
Sarah grabbed the hose from the cake batter machine and stuffed it into my mouth . she turned on the machine and it quickly pumped liters and liters of cake batter into my ballooning stomach .
I felt an enormous pressure inside my gut as the fluid filled me up.
I wasn’t sure how much more I could take, but I kept swallowing anyway, because I knew that was the only way to make the discomfort go away.
I was still so close to finishing, and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing after coming this far.
I forced myself to finish everything that was in my mouth, and then I took another bite from the piece that was still sitting in front of me.
I felt like I was about to explode, but I didn’t care anymore.
I was going to win, no matter what.
That thought gave me a second wind, and I suddenly felt like I could keep going forever.
“It looks like Kaylee has finally managed to get her second wind,” Sarah said approvingly after I’d finished eating all the extra batter.
Her tone was so condescending that it made me want to prove her wrong.
I may have been feeling pretty uncomfortable, but I was still determined to show her that I could eat just as well as Emma-or even better, if I tried hard enough.
I grabbed the hose and turned it so that it was pointed directly into my mouth.
I could still taste the cake batter on my tongue, and I couldn’t wait to be able to wash it out with something else.
Emma laughed when she saw how eager I was to keep eating.
I thought I heard her say something about how she had known all along that I wouldn’t be able to resist winning the game, no matter what it took.
I ignored her and focused all my attention on what I was doing.
The hose was still on, and I could feel more cake batter filling my stomach with every second that passed.
It didn’t take long for me to finish all four liters that Sarah had given me, but I knew that she would be happy to give me more if I asked for it.
The thought made me shudder, but I kept drinking anyway, because I knew I would need all the energy I could get if I wanted to win.
I finally put down the hose and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
Sarah had already started unwrapping another cheesecake for me, while Emma was putting away the cake batter machine.
It looked like they were both expecting me to start eating right away-and they weren’t prepared to take no for an answer.
I suddenly felt like they were ganging up on me, as if they were determined to make me eat even more than I thought possible.
The thought made me laugh out loud, and when I saw their faces light up with joy, I knew that they had heard me too.
“I don’t know about you,” Sarah said, “but I really think that we’re going to manage to make Kaylee eat even more than she thought possible.”
Her voice was filled with excitement, as if she couldn’t wait to see how much more food they would manage to cram down my throat before they were done with me.
“We’ll just have to see about that,” Emma replied with a sly smile.
She had already finished putting away the machine and had now taken her place in front of me once again.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
Sarah stuffed the hose from the chocolate fudge machine in Nancy’s mouth and turned on the machine as it started to pump gallons of extra thick chocolate fudge filling into Nancy’s stomach . Sarah and Emma described to each other how big and round I was getting. they were telling me how massive my stomach was growing as it was nearly 120 inches around .
“But you still haven’t told me what I’ll win if I eat more than you do,” I said, just as Sarah was about to stick a forkful of cheesecake in my mouth.
I could feel my heart starting to race at the mere thought, but I had no idea what could be causing it.
I was way too old for that kind of nonsense, and I didn’t know why it was happening now.
Sarah burst out laughing, and when she was finally able to speak, I could tell from her voice that she was trying very hard not to give anything away.
“Of course we have,” she said.
“If you eat more than us, then you’ll win.”
“But what do I win if I eat more than you?”
I asked again.
Emma laughed this time, and her voice sounded so smug and condescending that I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong with me for not knowing what I would win if I ate more than them.
“We already told you,” she said.
“You’ll win.”
“But what will I win?”
I asked again, because I still didn’t know what it was that they were trying to tell me.
“What do you want me to say?”
Sarah asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Chris is going to come over here and take you out for a romantic date?
That he’s going to sweep you off your feet and carry you off into the sunset?”
I gasped in shock when I finally realized what it was that she was saying.
They must have seen my reaction, because they both burst out laughing as soon as I said it.
“That’s right,” Sarah said.
“And not only that, but he’s going to do whatever you want him to do for the whole night.”
The thought took my breath away, and it was all I could do not to start hyperventilating at the mere thought of it.
“I can’t believe it,” I gasped out loud when I finally managed to catch my breath again.
“That’s right,” Emma said smugly.
“But what if he doesn’t like me?”
I asked in confusion.
“What if I’m not his type?
What if he doesn’t want to go out with me-even if I do win?”
“Then we’ll break both your arms and legs and leave you in a dumpster somewhere,” Sarah replied without missing a beat.
I couldn’t help but laugh at that-although I knew that she was being completely serious-and I had no doubt that they would do exactly what she said if I lost.
But I had no intention of losing.
I wanted to go on a romantic date with Chris more than anything in the world-so badly that I could taste it on my tongue-and I was willing to eat all the food they could possibly stuff down my throat to get what I wanted.
“Then let’s keep going,” I said.
“I’m not done yet.”
Sarah smiled at me and slipped another forkful of cheesecake past my lips.
Then she took a step back and let Emma take over once again.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
I moaned in pleasure as they both started feeding me at the same time, one on either side of me with a forkful of cheesecake in their hands.
The food tasted so delicious, and I was so hungry that I could have eaten a whole cheesecake all by myself, if they had let me.
But that wasn’t what this was all about, and so I was content to let them feed me for as long as they wanted to.
They were both being so careful, but at the same time, they were shoving so much food into my mouth that I had no choice but to swallow it all.
It was all I could do to keep up with them as they worked on making me their little piggy, stuffing me to bursting with all of the delicious cheesecake that they had made for me earlier in the day.
There was nothing that I could do to stop them as they force-fed me as much food as I could possibly eat-and then some-so much that my stomach started to hurt, because there was no way that it was ever going to be able to hold that much food inside me.
But I didn’t care.
I just wanted them to keep feeding me, for as long as they wanted to.
And nothing was going to stop them from doing exactly that, for as long as they wanted to.
As they continued to feed me, I hurried up and swallowed as carefully as I could.
I was trying not to make any mistakes, because we were right in the middle of a competition and every single bite of food that I ate counted.
I didn’t want to do anything that would make either one of them mad at me, and so I did everything that they said without any arguments.
Even when they started pushing me harder and harder and harder to see just how far I would go before I finally said no and refused to eat anymore.
It was getting harder and harder for me not to, but I still hadn’t reached my limit yet.
And so I did everything that they said, because I wanted so badly to please them.
I just wanted them both to be happy with me-as happy as possible-so that they would keep feeding me all of the delicious cheesecake that they had made especially for me.
After all, what good would it have done me to tell them no?
After all the hard work that had gone into making it?
There was no way that I was going to say no to that.
Because I knew that Chris would be happy with me too, when he finally came over and saw what I was willing to do to win the chance to go out on a romantic date with him-even if he didn’t know about it yet.
I knew that he would appreciate the effort that I was putting forth on his behalf, and I couldn’t wait for him to see me like this-at my very best-so that he would know that I was the one who deserved him more than anyone else in the world.
As I continued eating as fast as I possibly could, I looked up and saw that the two of them were staring at me and watching me eat so quickly that it was hard for me not to choke on everything that I was trying so desperately not to throw up.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
my belly was now a giant orb. my stomach had become a giant beachball . Sarah and Emma took turns jumping onto my belly trying to make me throw up.
I realized that they wanted me to do something even crazier than what I was already doing, but I couldn’t figure out what it was going to be yet.
I knew that they must have been planning something before they even asked me if I wanted to do this in the first place, and I thought about what it might be as I kept eating bite after bite after bite.
But I was so busy eating that I didn’t have a chance to think about anything else, because there really wasn’t much else in the whole world that mattered as much as making sure that I won this time.
I wasn’t going to let either one of them beat me again, because I was determined to prove that I was better than they were at this game and that there was no way that they could possibly ever beat me even once.
They were both just too tiny and petite and feminine for me not to be able to win pretty much every single time.
Especially since they were both so much more gorgeous than I was and they had both promised me that they would do everything they possibly could to help me win.
And so I kept on eating more and more and more as they kept on force-feeding me everything else that they had brought along with them.
And then suddenly they stopped and told me to relax for a few minutes while they went and got something else for us to do this time.
I was laying there and trying to catch my breath when they came back into the room with a giant tray of cheeseburger sliders.
Sarah told me it was time to see how many cheeseburgers I could eat in just one hour.
I told her to bring it on.
Because there was no way that there was anything at all in the whole wide world that she could possibly do to make me say no to her or walk away from this competition.
I had to keep doing everything in my power to make sure that she was happy with me and proud of me and grateful to me for everything that I was doing to make her happy.
And so she started feeding me cheeseburgers again while Emma took notes and kept track of how many I had already eaten and how many more we had left to go before the hour was finally over.
I tried not to pay attention to what they were doing as they tried to stuff as many cheeseburgers down my throat as they possibly could in an attempt to make it as hard as possible for me to eat all of the rest.
And I kept on eating as quickly as possible because there really wasn’t any other option at this point.
Because when Sarah Thompson tells you to do something, you don’t just stop in the middle and walk away from it.
Instead you keep right on doing everything that she says until she finally tells you that it is time to stop.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
I started eating the cheeseburgers with more fervor than ever before as Sarah Thompson fed them into my mouth two or three at a time.
I had to do everything that she said with even more enthusiasm than the last time or the time before that because my competitive spirit had been ignited by the chance to finally win a date with Chris.
I knew that Sarah Thompson had always been super competitive and if she thought that there was any way that she might lose this competition then she would do everything within her power to make sure that she would come out on top.
And there was no way in hell that she was going to let me walk away from this challenge with Chris as the prize.
So it was absolutely imperative that I keep on upping my game every single time she changed the rules on me in order to make sure that she would never have the chance to catch up with me.
She had already eaten a lot more cheesecake than she thought was humanly possible for me to eat in just one hour.
Next up was cheeseburgers.
I knew that this wasn’t going to be easy but it didn’t matter.
Because there was nothing else that I could possibly do except keep on eating as quickly as possible.
And Sarah Thompson knew that too.
Which is why she seemed to be just as determined as I was to make sure that she stuffed as many cheeseburgers down my throat as quickly as possible in order to make sure that I would never have the chance to actually win this competition at all.
As Sarah Thompson continued force-feeding me cheeseburgers, Emma Davis checked her watch and told us that we only had one hour left.
Then she started the timer and gave us a minute or two head start before she hit the button again and started counting down from sixty seconds.
I ate the first cheeseburger with relish, barely even tasting it as Sarah fed it into my mouth, wiping away any grease that dripped onto my chin or down my chest as I chewed it up and swallowed it whole.
She quickly replaced it with another one which tasted just as good as the first one did.
And then a third one which tasted just as good as the second one did.
I couldn’t believe how amazing these cheeseburgers tasted as Sarah continued shoving them into my mouth while Emma counted down every single second that passed by.
I kept on eating as quickly as possible, barely even pausing for breath as Sarah took away the empty wrappers from the first three cheeseburgers and replaced them with three more.
I ate those ones just as quickly as I had eaten the first three.
It felt like we were making great progress on this challenge as Sarah continued feeding me cheeseburgers one right after another.
But then Emma checked her watch again and told us that we only had forty-five minutes left before our time was up.
I had already eaten ten cheeseburgers within just fifteen minutes or so which meant that we only had fifty more to go in just forty-five minutes.
That sounded like it was going to be impossible but there was no way that I was going to let either of them know that.
I kept on eating as quickly as possible even though my stomach was already starting to hurt from all of this food that had been forced into it over the last few hours.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try
With every single bite that I swallowed, it felt like my insides were being stretched out even further than they had been before.
I had been in a lot of pain earlier that evening when I was eating the cheesecakes.
But now it felt like I was eating a lot more food so it hurt a lot more than I could even have possibly imagined that it was going to.
But I still kept on eating because I wasn't going to give up this easily, no matter how much my stomach was hurting.
I knew that I needed to keep on eating as much food as possible as quickly as possible if I was going to have any chance of winning this competition at all.
I didn’t even want to think about what might happen if I lost.
But then Emma counted down another ten seconds or so before she told me that there were only thirty-five minutes left before our time was up.
So I kept on eating even though I felt like my stomach was going to explode at any moment.
It seemed like the taste of the cheeseburgers was starting to become a little bit repetitive now that I had been eating them for over half an hour.
But I didn’t let myself think about it too much because I needed to keep on eating these burgers if I was going to have any chance of winning this competition after all.
I continued to swallow every single bite that Sarah gave me, trying not to pay too much attention to the way that I could feel my stomach hurting almost as soon as I swallowed it down.
It wasn’t long before Emma counted down another ten seconds or so before she told me that we only had twenty-five minutes left before our time was up.
At first I thought that we must have been almost finished.
But then I realized that we hadn't even eaten half of the cheeseburgers yet and we still had a long way to go if we were going to win this competition.
So I kept on eating as quickly as possible, trying not to let myself think too much about how full I was already and how much it was going to hurt when Sarah and Emma forced me to eat the rest of these cheeseburgers.
I ate another few cheeseburgers one right after another, barely even stopping for breath between them before Emma counted down another five minutes.
And then she counted down another five minutes again after that.
I had eaten twenty-five cheeseburgers in the first forty minutes or so.
And although there was no way that I could possibly eat twenty-five more in the next twenty minutes, Sarah and Emma didn't seem like they were ready to give up on me just yet.
They had a few extra cheeseburgers left over from the original challenge which they put in front of me and told me to keep on eating.
Kaylee has a sleep over and all her friends try