MidReal Story

Lost Realms: A Dimensional Journey

Scenario: a boy which was always bullied and a topper created something in his grandfater sceart basement after his death throught with he could go to the other dimentstion where was hsi grand fater with was said to be dead after he went missing he face some real mysories and chanelges and when he came back nothis was changed time dint change and every day he goes to explore that other dimention but one day he went lost and could find a way after the story changes
Create my version of this story
a boy which was always bullied and a topper created something in his grandfater sceart basement after his death throught with he could go to the other dimentstion where was hsi grand fater with was said to be dead after he went missing he face some real mysories and chanelges and when he came back nothis was changed time dint change and every day he goes to explore that other dimention but one day he went lost and could find a way after the story changes
Brring, brring, brring!
The annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up from my slumber.
I slammed the snooze button and forced myself out of bed before my mom barged in.
She always does that to make sure I’m awake.
Maybe she thinks I’m going to sleep in even though it’s a weekday.
After taking a quick shower, I got dressed and went to the kitchen where my mom had already made breakfast.
I sat down at the dining table while she served me breakfast.
“Thank you,” I said before digging into my food.
“So, how was your day yesterday?”
“It was alright, I guess,” I said with a mouthful of food.
“Did anyone talk to you?”
I swallowed my food before answering.
“Not really, Mom.
But that’s okay.”
I’ve gotten used to the loneliness over the years.
It’s not like anyone wants to be friends with a loser like me.
I’m just that kid in high school who doesn’t have any friends and gets picked on by everyone.
That’s right, I get picked on by everyone.
Just because I’m weak and can’t stand up for myself, I’ve become an easy target for them to bully me.
I hate it so much but there’s nothing I can do about it except ignore them or let them have their way with me.
After finishing breakfast and brushing my teeth, I grabbed my backpack and headed to school.
The moment I stepped into my classroom, I could already hear my classmates talking about me behind my back.
It’s not like they ever talk to my face anyway.
They just wait until I’m not around to mock me for being poor or for having no friends.
At least they’re consistent with their cruelty; they never change who they are no matter where we are or what we’re doing.
I went to my seat and sat down as one of them walked up to me with something in his hand.
His name is Brian, and he is one of the people who like to pick on me all the time.
“Hey, loser,” Brian said as he stood in front of my table.
“What do you want?”
I asked him, knowing that he was going to try to humiliate me again like he always does.
He didn’t answer my question and just slammed his hand on the table before throwing something at me.
“What the hell is this?”
I asked him as I looked at what he threw at me.
It was my project that I worked on for the past two weeks and was due today.
I should’ve known that Brian would’ve done something to it since he’s been threatening to spoil it for the past few days.
I looked down at my project and saw that it was all crumpled up and torn apart into pieces.
Not only that, but the paint that I colored it with was smudged everywhere, turning my artwork into an ugly mess and ruining it completely.
Lost Realms: A Dimensional Journey
I looked up and saw Brian laughing with his friends as they all made fun of me together.
“Freak!Freak!Freak!” they chanted as they pointed at me with their fingers.
I sighed and looked down while trying to ignore them as they continued to mock me and call me names like geek, loser, and loner while saying that no one would ever love or be friends with a freak like me.
It’s not like they’re wrong about what they’re saying though; I am a freak, but they don’t have to keep reminding me of it all the time.
Their insults hurt a lot and make me feel like I’m not even human sometimes, but there’s nothing I can do about it since I don’t have any friends to back me up or help me out like they do for each other.
So, all I did was stay quiet and let them insult me until the teacher walked in and asked us to take our seats before starting class.
The day went by slowly as usual, but there was one good thing that happened today: someone wished me a happy birthday!
After the final bell rang, my English teacher came up to me and wished me a happy birthday before giving me a warm smile.
“Thank you,” I said with a smile as she left the classroom.
It made me happy that she remembered my birthday and wished me well.
It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to me since no one else really cared enough to do that.
After everyone left school, I packed up my things and went home.
I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my mom ever since my dad left.
She works two jobs to support us, so we’ve never really bothered to celebrate birthdays or holidays like other people do.
We don’t have much money to spend anyway, so we just treat them like any other day.
If we wanted to do something special, we’d have to save up for it first, but that would mean that my mom would have to work harder than she already does, which is something that I don’t want her to do.
I already feel bad enough that she has to work extra long hours just to make ends meet after my dad left us with nothing.
They had a huge fight last year over money, which ended with him walking out the door and never coming back.
I can’t believe he did that to us!
He just got up and left without even saying goodbye to me or my mom.
I don’t care about him, but I do care about the pain that he put my mom through when he walked out the door like that.
I wish he would’ve stayed instead of leaving us with nothing to go on or live for like this!
I went back to the apartment and unlocked the door before going in.
As soon as I stepped inside, I dropped my backpack and took off my shoes before going to the kitchen where my mom was cooking dinner.
“Hey, Mom,” I said as I sat down at the table and waited for her to finish making dinner.
“Hey, how was your day?”
“It was alright,” I said with a shrug.
“I wish your dad was here to celebrate your birthday with us,” she said with a sad look on her face.
“Yeah, me too,” I replied with a heavy heart.
I miss him so much…
Even though he wasn’t the best dad in the world, he was all I had, so it hurt me when he just up and left like that without even saying goodbye or looking back.
I still can’t believe that he’s gone…
Lost Realms: A Dimensional Journey
My dad wasn’t like most dads who spent time with their sons doing things like playing catch, going fishing, or working on cars together.
Instead of doing those things, we spent most of our time together talking about science and exploring the universe by looking at the stars through his telescope on the roof of our apartment building.
He loved to tell me stories about his past adventures and all the things that he saw when he was up there, which always made me excited to go up there and look for myself to see if I could find them.
Gramps is what I called him since he wasn’t like most grandparents who spent time with their grandkids doing things like baking cookies together, going for walks in the park, or telling them stories about their past adventures and teaching them things like how to do things around the house or work on cars together.
Instead of doing those things, he spent most of his time with me telling me stories about his past adventures and teaching me everything that he knew about science since he was a scientist who worked for NASA when he was young until he retired years ago.
Gramps was the best!
He was always there for me when I needed him, and he never let me down.
He was the only one who believed in me and supported me in everything I did, which is something that I’ll always be grateful for.
I wish he didn’t have to leave like this because I miss him so much, but I know that he’s still watching over me from above and waiting for me on the other side, so I’ll see him again someday.
I’ll never forget all the good times we had together and everything he’s done for me, so I’ll always love him and keep him in my heart forever.
When I was little, he taught me everything he knew about science, which made me excited to learn more about it and explore the universe together.
At first, I thought he was making it all up since I didn’t believe that the universe was as big as he said it was or that there were other worlds out there like he said, but then he showed me his telescope, and I saw them for myself, which made me change my mind.
From then on, I spent most of my free time with Gramps talking about science and exploring the universe, which encouraged me to learn more about it and try new things like he did.
He taught me everything I know about science, so now I’m just like him.
Ever since he died, I’ve been keeping myself busy by studying and doing experiments in my spare time.
Now, I’m just like him.
I may not be able to see him or hear his voice again, but his spirit will always be with me wherever I go because he’s a part of me now, and nothing can ever change that!
After dinner, I went downstairs to explore the basement since I don’t come down here often.
It’s been years since I’ve been down here, so I don’t really remember what it looks like down here since Gramps took care of it before he passed away.
When my mom moved all of his stuff out of here after he died, she put his workbench over by the far wall behind a bookcase where no one could see it.
I haven’t been back here since she did that, so I wonder what’s back there…
Lost Realms: A Dimensional Journey
I don’t know why Gramps kept a secret basement like this where he spent most of his time working on his experiments, but I’m not surprised.
He was a scientist, so he’s always working on some kind of experiment.
Before he passed away, he was working on a new one, but he never told me what it was.
If I want to know, I’ll have to find it myself.
I know that I shouldn’t be snooping around his stuff, but I can’t help it.
I’m curious about his secret basement, so I want to know what he’s hiding from me.
Since he’s not around anymore, I’ll never find out unless I look for myself, so now’s the perfect time to do it.
Before I start snooping around his stuff, I should take a look around first just in case there’s anything interesting down here.
As I walk around the room, I notice a bunch of boxes stacked on top of each other full of his old stuff.
I wonder if there’s anything good inside of them.
I guess I’ll never find out since they’re not mine.
I wish I could look inside of them, but I don’t want to get into trouble with my mom if she finds out, so I’ll leave them alone for now.
As I walk around the room, I see a bunch of shelves lined up against the wall full of old jars with funny looking things inside of them.
I wonder what they are…Are they still good?
I shouldn’t touch them just in case they’re dangerous.
If Gramps found out that I touched them, he would be mad at me for sure!
I shouldn’t snoop around his stuff anymore just in case he comes back from the grave and yells at me for invading his privacy.
I don’t want to get into trouble with him if he finds out, so I should go before it’s too late!
Before I leave, I notice a small silver device lying on top of the workbench next to the computer with a big red button in the center.
What is this thing?Is this the device that Gramps was working on before he passed away?
What does it do?
Am I supposed to push this button?
Before I touch it, I should read the instructions first just in case something goes wrong, and I blow up the world or something bad happens.
If Gramps found out that I blew up the world with his device before he passed away, he would be mad at me for sure!
If he finds out that I didn’t read the instructions first before using it, he would be disappointed in me for sure!
I don’t want to let him down if something bad happens!
Now, let’s see what the instructions say…
Hmmm…I don’t know what this thing is or how it works, so I can’t read the instructions since I don’t understand it!
Does this mean it’s too complicated for me to figure it out?
Does this mean I should stop snooping around Gramps’ stuff and go before it’s too late?
Maybe Gramps is right about me after all.
I’m not smart enough to figure things out on my own, so I shouldn’t be here right now.
If he found out that I’m standing here right now and don’t know what I’m doing, he would be mad at me for sure!
If he finds out that I can’t figure it out by myself and need help with it, he would be disappointed in me for sure!
I don’t want to let him down if something bad happens…What should I do?
Should I try to figure it out by myself like Gramps said or admit defeat and go before it’s too late?
What should I do?
After thinking about it for a moment, I decide to try to figure it out by myself because I want to know what it does and what Gramps is hiding from me.
If I succeed, then maybe he’ll be proud of me for trying my best to figure it out.
If I fail, then maybe he’ll forgive me for trying to use it by myself.
Lost Realms: A Dimensional Journey
Taking a deep breath in and holding it for a moment, I finally make my decision and press the red button to activate the device with my eyes closed, hoping for the best outcome…
Click…A flash of blue light suddenly appears out of nowhere from the device and engulfs my body in an instant before disappearing in the blink of an eye.
It feels like I’m falling through the sky at a fast speed while being carried by the wind.
The next thing I know, I open my eyes and realize that I’m standing inside of a different room with my head spinning around in circles for some reason.
Where am I?Did the device take me somewhere else?
I look around the room…It looks like my bedroom, but something is different about it.
The bed is on the wrong side of the wall…The desk is facing the wrong way…The computer is not where it’s supposed to be!
Am I going crazy?
Did I lose my mind?
Is this some kind of joke or something?
What’s going on here?
Why is everything so messed up?
As I walk through the room, I notice that there is a book lying on top of my bed that I don’t remember owning.
When did I get this book?
Is it mine or someone else’s?
Did Gramps give it to me as a gift or something?
When did he give it to me?
If so, then why do I not remember anything about it?
Before I pick it up, I open it to the first page and notice that there are no words written inside of it.
It’s completely empty!
So, does this mean that there’s nothing inside of it?
If so, then why do I have it?
Is there something special about this book that I don’t know about?
Before I put it back down, I hear someone walking towards me from behind and decide to turn around to see who it is.
When I do, I see no one in sight and wonder if someone is playing tricks on me or not.
No one is here…
Am I alone or not?
I shouldn’t stand here doing nothing just in case someone comes back for me.
If they find me snooping around their stuff, they would be mad at me for sure!
I should look for a weapon in case something bad happens to me when they find me snooping around their stuff.
I should use this flashlight as a weapon since there are no other weapons in sight.
If they find me snooping around their stuff, I’ll swing this flashlight at them to get away as fast as I can before it’s too late!
As I reach inside of my pocket to pull out my phone for a flashlight, I notice that it’s gone missing for some reason!
Where did I put it?
Lost Realms: A Dimensional Journey
It was with me all along and now it’s gone!
I thought I had it with me all along and now it’s gone missing!
Did I drop it somewhere?
If so, then where did I drop it?
Is it still here with me or not?
It has to be here somewhere, right?
If so, then where is it?
As I continue searching for it, I hear someone whispering to me from behind and decide to turn around again to see who it is.
When I do, I see a man standing right behind me and wonder if he was the one who was walking towards me earlier on.
“Who are you?”
The man asks.
“I am Captain Parker…Who are you and what are you doing here?”
As I take a closer look at the man, I notice that he resembles my late grandfather and wonder if he’s the one who was talking to me earlier on.
But, how can that be possible when he’s supposed to be dead?
Did he come back from the dead to talk to me?
If so, then how did he come back from the dead?
If he’s supposed to be dead, then why is he still alive and talking to me as if nothing has happened between us?
Does this mean that he never died to begin with?
If so, then why is he talking to me as if we’ve never met before?
Is he trying to play a trick on me or something?
Or is he an imposter who looks like my grandfather but isn’t really him?
“I don’t know who you are and what you’re talking about!”
I answer, taking a step back.
“You look like my grandfather but you’re not him and you look much younger than he is!”
As I take a closer look at the man, I notice that he’s dressed in a naval captain’s uniform and wonder if he’s a good guy or a bad guy.
He has a mustache on his face and looks like a soldier who has seen some action on the battlefield.
Is he a soldier or a sailor?
Is he here on a mission or something?
If so, then what’s his mission and why is he doing it?
If he’s here to hurt me, then I should run away as fast as I can before it’s too late!
“Where were you born and do you have any identification on you?”
The man asks, walking towards me.
“I was born on Earth and no, I don’t have any identification on me!”
I answer, taking another step back.
“I’m sorry for intruding your quarters but I don’t know who you are and what you’re talking about!”
“How did you get inside of the ship without being spotted by the radar?”
The man asks, stopping right in front of me.
“Did someone let you inside of the ship without telling anyone else about it?”
I answer, taking yet another step back.
“I came here all by myself and no one told me anything about this ship!”
The man answers, looking at me closely.
“I was walking around inside of the ship when I saw someone entering my quarters without knocking on the door first!”
“I’m sorry for intruding your quarters but I didn’t know that anyone was living inside of it!”
I answer, taking another step back.
“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you and what are you doing inside of the ship?”
The man asks, raising an eyebrow at me.
“I am Ethan Parker and I was just doing some exploration inside of the ship when I popped into your quarters by accident!”
I answer, taking yet another step back.
“Are you okay?”
The man asks, looking at me closely.