MidReal Story

Fiery Desires: A Lycan's Seduction

Scenario: Penny, a fiery werewolf, is uncontrollably drawn to Darius, a seductive lycan whose icy gaze ignites a carnal desire within her. Despite her fervent efforts, Darius initially rebuffs her, driving Penny towards a bold resolution: to forget him by indulging in sensual pleasures with others, which deeply infuriates Darius. At a decadent ball in Russia, dressed in a revealing, beaded gown with risqué feathered stilettos, Penny aims to seduce Darius back into her arms. The atmosphere thickens with erotic tension when Darius arrives, escorting the alluring Karla, sparking a fierce jealousy and desire in Penny to reclaim her man. The night is charged with lustful looks and unspoken promises, signaling a tumultuous journey ahead. Surrounded by the lycan elite, Penny navigates a web of sexual politics, vowing to fight for Darius's affection, no matter the scandal or heartbreak. This pursuit teeters on the edge of pleasure and peril, threatening to consume both their souls in the fiery dance of dominance and submission.
Create my version of this story
Penny, a fiery werewolf, is uncontrollably drawn to Darius, a seductive lycan whose icy gaze ignites a carnal desire within her. Despite her fervent efforts, Darius initially rebuffs her, driving Penny towards a bold resolution: to forget him by indulging in sensual pleasures with others, which deeply infuriates Darius. At a decadent ball in Russia, dressed in a revealing, beaded gown with risqué feathered stilettos, Penny aims to seduce Darius back into her arms. The atmosphere thickens with erotic tension when Darius arrives, escorting the alluring Karla, sparking a fierce jealousy and desire in Penny to reclaim her man. The night is charged with lustful looks and unspoken promises, signaling a tumultuous journey ahead. Surrounded by the lycan elite, Penny navigates a web of sexual politics, vowing to fight for Darius's affection, no matter the scandal or heartbreak. This pursuit teeters on the edge of pleasure and peril, threatening to consume both their souls in the fiery dance of dominance and submission.
Darius Blackwood is a notorious heartbreaker.
I’ve heard the stories.
He dominates women in the bedroom and breaks their hearts with his icy attitude.
I’m not interested in a man like that.
I can’t be.
And yet, when he looks at me with those intense golden eyes, I feel a rush of desire so intense that it threatens to consume me whole.
I want him, but I know that chasing after him is a dangerous game to play.
I’m playing with fire, and I could get burned.
I shouldn’t flirt with Darius Blackwood, but I can’t help myself.
His sapphire eyes are boring into mine, stripping me bare as he takes in every inch of my body with a lecherous gaze.
I feel his hunger like a tangible force surrounding me, making my blood heat and my pulse quicken.
He’s dangerous in more ways than one, and he sends my instincts into overdrive.
He’s an alpha male, and whenever he’s near, I struggle to control myself.
“Everything all right?”
Karla asks from beside him, her hand sliding over his arm as she looks at me with open disdain.
Her long black hair is twisted up in an elegant bun, and her strapless black dress hugs her voluptuous curves leaving little to the imagination.
She’s beautiful and confident, with a voice like honey and eyes like onyx.
She’s the kind of woman who can have any man she wants, so why won’t she leave Darius alone?
My wolf snarls at the thought of them together, but I tamp down the possessive instinct before it can show on my face.
I know that Darius will never be mine, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting him.
“Everything is fine,” Darius says, his eyes never leaving mine.
“I’m just surprised to see someone so… fiery at an event like this.”
An event like this?
You mean one of your orgies?
Just because I’ve never attended one of these balls before doesn’t mean I haven’t heard all about them from the other lycans at the pack house.
But I don’t want to talk about orgies or any other women that you might have on the side.
I don’t want to talk at all because I know that the moment I open my mouth, I’ll say something stupid or embarrassing and blow any chance that I have with him completely.
“Are you always this talkative?”
he asks, his lips curving up into a smug half-smile that makes me want to slap him almost as much as it makes me want to rip off his tuxedo and ride him on the dance floor in front of everyone.
The music stops and the crowd disperses, leaving me alone with Darius and his alluring companion.
My sister Serena watches us from across the room with a worried frown on her pretty face.
Fiery Desires: A Lycan's Seduction
“Don’t do it, Penny,” she mouths, but I don’t need to read her lips to know what she’s saying.
I don’t listen to her.
I know that I should, but I can’t.
I don’t want to.
I don’t care what Darius Blackwood is really like.
I don’t care that he’s a dangerous predator and a notorious heartbreaker.
I don’t care that he’s capable of hurting me worse than any man I’ve ever met.
For the past ten years, I’ve been waiting for a wolf to come sweep me off my feet, and I’ve spent day and night dreaming of the things that we could do together when he finally arrives.
I’ve grown tired of waiting, and if Darius won’t be the one to give me what I need, then I’ll find someone else who will.
I’ll take a page out of Darius’s book, forget about love, and have a little fun for once in my life.
The moment the music starts up again, I place my glass down on the nearest table and walk away from my sister and her worried frown.
I don’t look back to see if Darius is following me.
I know that he will.
“Don’t do this, Penny,” Serena says, her voice soft but firm.
I know that she’s only trying to look out for me, but I don’t want to hear it.
I don’t want to think about the heartbreak that will come later or the scandal that is sure to follow in the days and weeks to come.
I don’t want to think about any of it because I know that if I do, then I’ll never be able to go through with this.
I’ll never be able to enjoy myself on this special night, and I feel like I deserve to have a little fun for once in my life.
I’m tired of being the good girl who always does what she’s told, and I’m ready to take what she wants for a change.
“Don’t worry about me,” I say, turning away from her with a flippant wave of my hand.
“I know exactly what I’m doing.”
“You have no idea,” she mutters under her breath, but I ignore her because I know that she’s just being overprotective.
I leave Serena behind and look for a lycan who isn’t already dancing with someone else.
It doesn’t take long to find one.
He’s tall with broad shoulders and chestnut hair.
His tuxedo fits him to perfection, but it doesn’t hide the bulge in his pants and the muscles on his arms and chest.
He looks like he could fuck me all night long and still have enough energy left over for a second round.
He looks perfect.
Exactly what I need to help me forget Darius Blackwood and all of the trouble that comes along with him.
I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck before he can even say hello.
He hesitates for a moment before he wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer.
“Hey there, beautiful,” he says, his voice deep and seductive.
The heat in his eyes makes me want to tear off his clothes right then and there, but before I can act on the impulse, he drops one hand down to the small of my back and looks up at me with a wary expression.
“Don’t you have a mate?”
Fiery Desires: A Lycan's Seduction
“Not anymore,” I say, even though he’s not really asking.
I know that I should feel bad about lying, but all I can think about is how hot he is and how much I want to get to know him better, but I’m not sure that I can take it slow tonight, not when I’m so desperate for a distraction.
I stand on tiptoe, and my lips brush lightly against his ear as I whisper, “I need you to help me forget.”
“More than anything,” he says, his hands sliding lower until they’re cupping my ass and pulling me even closer against him.
He kisses me hard and deep like he’s been waiting for this moment for years, not just a few seconds, but I’m not complaining because I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, too.
I let out a soft moan and return his kiss with equal fervor, and in no time flat, we’re both lost in our own little world of pleasure, completely ignoring everything else around us.
I don’t even notice Darius until it’s almost too late.
His eyes are like ice as he watches us from across the room, but I can feel the heat of his anger burning a hole in my back, warning me to get out of there before it’s too late.
“I think I need to go home,” I say before I push my way out of the man’s arms and hurry over to Serena before Darius can catch up with me.
“Are you sure?”
Serena asks when I reach her side a moment later.
“We can go back to our hotel room if you want.”
No,” I say with a shake of my head.
“Last time you danced with Darius all night long while I sat around twiddling my thumbs.”
“I’m not sure that going home with a strange man is such a good idea either,” Serena says as she looks over at him from across the room.
“He’s not a stranger,” I say as I look back at him one last time before I slip my arm through Serena’s and drag her away before Darius can catch up.
I don’t see Darius for the rest of the night or the next morning either, but I don’t let it bother me because I know that I’ll see him again someday.
Fiery Desires: A Lycan's Seduction
I just didn’t expect to see him again quite so soon.
I feel his presence before I even turn around, and my heart skips a beat when I look up to see him standing directly behind me, with his arms wrapped around my waist and his nose pressed against my neck.
I hold my breath as he inhales deeply, and then he turns his head slightly to press a gentle kiss against my skin.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he says softly, but there’s nothing soft about his words.
The way he says it makes me feel like he’s been searching for me ever since we said goodbye, and I can’t help but wonder if he really has been looking for me all this time.
I don’t wait for him to say anything else.
Instead, I reach back and grab his hand before leading him away from everyone else and down a long, dark hallway until we’re completely alone.
Darius wraps his arm around my waist as soon as we’re out of sight, and then he pulls me back against him so that his body is pressed tightly against mine.
I can feel the heat of him through my thin dress, and it sends shivers running down my spine.
I turn to face him, and before I can say anything, he crushes his lips against mine, silencing me with his kiss.
His mouth is hot and rough against my own, but I don’t mind the way he’s kissing me.
In fact, I find myself wanting more, so much more.
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer to him, and when he reaches down to grab my ass and lift me up in the air, I don’t even think twice about it.
I just throw my legs around his waist and let him carry me off to wherever he wants me to go.
Darius takes me down the hall until we reach a small alcove with a large window, and then he presses me up against the wall and kisses me again.
I wrap my legs around his waist and cling to him as he devours my lips, unable to resist the heat of his kiss or the way he makes me feel.
He lets out a low growl as he pulls back a moment later so that we can catch our breath, and his eyes are so dark that they look almost black in the dim light.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been searching for you,” he says as he reaches up to cup my face in his hands.
“I was starting to think that you were nothing but a dream.”
“I’m real,” I say, even though I know what people say about him.
Some say that Darius only likes virgins who will submit to his every whim, while others say that he’s a heartbreaker who will never settle down with just one woman.
But I don’t believe any of them because I know how Darius looks at me when he doesn’t think I’m paying attention, and it tells me all that I need to know.
Before I can protest, Darius leans in and kisses me again, only this time his kiss is slower than before, more sensual, almost like he’s savoring this moment between us.
The heat of his lips burns like fire wherever they touch me, and when he finally pulls back a few minutes later, I’m left gasping for breath and struggling to remember what we were talking about before.
“Please,” I beg as I pull myself closer to him and press my lips against his chest.
“I need you.”
Fiery Desires: A Lycan's Seduction
Darius kisses me again, and then he leans in so that his mouth is right beside my ear.
“I’ve got you,” he whispers as he brushes his lips against my neck.
“You’re mine now, and I’ll never let you go.”
I don’t know what comes over me in that moment, but I find myself nodding in agreement because I would do just about anything if it means that I can keep feeling this way.
Darius smiles at me, and then he reaches down to cup my face in his hands.
He kisses me again, and then he lets one hand drop lower so that he can slide it beneath my dress and press his palm against my waist.
I moan at the contact, and in the next second, Darius turns me around and pins me up against the wall, brushing his lips against my neck.
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer to him, and Darius groans as he leans in to press his lips against my throat.
His kisses are so hot that I can barely stand it, and I think that I might lose my mind if he doesn’t touch me soon.
Darius brushes his lips against my neck one last time, and then he lifts my dress up over my head so that I’m standing in front of him wearing nothing but my bra and panties.
“I love your body,” he says as he reaches down to slide his hands over my hips.
I try to kiss Darius again, but he doesn’t let me.
He holds me back with one arm while he uses the other to slide his mouth down to my breasts.
He kisses them through the thin material of my bra, and then he reaches around behind me so that he can unclasp it and take the fabric away.
Darius tosses the bra aside like it’s no big deal, and then he leans down to take one of my nipples into his mouth.
He sucks on it softly, and then he moves over to the next one and does the same thing all over again.
I’m not sure how much more of this I can take, and when Darius starts to slide his hand down between my legs, I reach down to grab his fingers and stop him.
“No,” he says as he wraps his arm around my waist and slides his hand away.
“I want to feel you.”
Darius reaches down and slides his fingers beneath the material of my panties, and then he cups me in his hand and gives me a little squeeze.
I moan at the contact, and then I drop my hands from Darius’s shoulders so that I can slide them down between us.
I want to touch him too, and when I finally reach out to do so, I realize that I don’t know how I ever lived without this.
I don’t know what comes over me, but before I can stop myself, I wrap one arm around Darius’s neck and press my lips against his.
I kiss him back with just as much fervor, and Darius lets out a growl before he slides his hands around behind me so that he can grab both of my ass cheeks in his palms.
I reach up to tangle my fingers in Darius’s hair, and then I pull him closer to deepen the kiss even more.
Our tongues twist together as we make out right there against the wall, and when Darius starts to walk us forward again a moment later, I’m not sure that I’ll be able to stand up on my own two feet.
Just when I think that things can’t get any better, they do.
Fiery Desires: A Lycan's Seduction
Darius’s kiss is intoxicating, but that’s nothing compared to the feel of his fingers as they move around between my legs.
He slides them between my folds, and then he uses them to spread my juices around as they start to get even wetter.
Darius traces lazy circles around my clit, and each time he brushes against it, I can feel myself getting closer to coming completely undone.
I reach down to grab onto Darius’s wrist as he continues to play with my pussy, and I can already tell that I’m going to be left shaking by the time that he’s finished with me.
My only hope is that I’ll be able to make it through all this without collapsing in a heap on the floor before Darius is done with me.
“You like that?”
he asks as he gives my clit another brush with his thumb.
I try to climb up on my tip toes as Darius continues to play with my pussy, but he just keeps moving back out of my reach.
“You like it when I touch you like this, don’t you?”
I don’t answer him.
I’m not sure if I can right now, and anyway, I shouldn’t have to.
Darius already knows the answer to that question.
He already knows how much I love every single thing that he does to me, no matter what it is.
And anyway, it’s not like we’re in any kind of mood to talk right now.
All I want is for Darius to keep touching me like this ever after, but before long, I realize that something has to give first.
And if we’re not careful, it’s going to be me.
“Touch me,” Darius says after a moment.
He slides his fingers away from my clit, but before I have a chance to ask him what exactly it is that he’s waiting for, he grabs the waistband of my panties instead.
He tugs on them a couple of times as if he’s trying to decide whether or not to take them off, but before long, he decides that there’s really only one option.
He reaches out with both hands to grab onto the material at either side of my hips, and then he rips them off in one swift movement.
I don’t even know what to say.
I want to tell Darius that I’m not some kind of whore that’s just going to let him take me however and whenever he wants, but instead, I’m the one who ends up letting out a moan as soon as his hands are away from my body.
He tosses the tattered remnants of my panties aside, but I don’t care.
I’m too busy rubbing myself against Darius’s fingers to worry about how I look or what I sound like right now.
Darius groans when he feels me do that, but that’s not enough to stop him from staring straight into my eyes.
He pushes his fingers into me, and I know that I’ll never be the same again.
“I knew that you wanted me,” Darius says in a low voice.
I can hear the satisfaction in his voice, but I can also hear the lust.
It’s there in his eyes, in the way that his gaze moves over my body, even in the way that his fingers move inside me as if they’re trying to get even deeper than they already are.
“Please,” I say after a moment.
I don’t know exactly what I’m begging Darius for, but at this point, it doesn’t matter.
Fiery Desires: A Lycan's Seduction