MidReal Story

Envious Desires

Scenario: Penny, an ordinary werewolf, is irresistibly drawn to Darius, a powerful lycan with icy blue eyes, during a charged first encounter. Despite her determination, Darius remains aloof, pushing Penny to the brink of giving up. Deciding to embrace her freedom, Penny plans to explore her desires without him, sparking a fierce jealousy in Darius who can't bear the thought of her with another. In a dramatic turn, Penny joins her friends at a lavish ball in Russia, hoping to reignite Darius's interest. Dressed provocatively in a beaded gown and feathered stilettos, she becomes the center of attention. However, her heart shatters when Darius arrives, arm-in-arm with the stunning Karla, igniting a fiery jealousy in Penny. The night at the palace unfolds with forbidden glances and simmering tensions, suggesting that the fight for love and dominance is far from over. Amidst the opulent setting and sexual intrigue, Penny must decide whether to pursue her passionate quest or protect her heart from the dangerous allure of the lycan world.
Create my version of this story
Penny, an ordinary werewolf, is irresistibly drawn to Darius, a powerful lycan with icy blue eyes, during a charged first encounter. Despite her determination, Darius remains aloof, pushing Penny to the brink of giving up. Deciding to embrace her freedom, Penny plans to explore her desires without him, sparking a fierce jealousy in Darius who can't bear the thought of her with another. In a dramatic turn, Penny joins her friends at a lavish ball in Russia, hoping to reignite Darius's interest. Dressed provocatively in a beaded gown and feathered stilettos, she becomes the center of attention. However, her heart shatters when Darius arrives, arm-in-arm with the stunning Karla, igniting a fiery jealousy in Penny. The night at the palace unfolds with forbidden glances and simmering tensions, suggesting that the fight for love and dominance is far from over. Amidst the opulent setting and sexual intrigue, Penny must decide whether to pursue her passionate quest or protect her heart from the dangerous allure of the lycan world.
I’m not supposed to be here.
This thought circled in my mind as I walked further into the forest.
Yet, I couldn’t stop.
My legs kept moving, drifting farther and farther from where they should be.
I thought I was alone, but I soon realized that I wasn’t.
A figure stepped out of the trees and I froze, unable to look away.
He was tall and muscular, his icy blue eyes piercing me like daggers.
I’d heard stories about Darius Blackwood, the Alpha’s enforcer, but none of them prepared me for how he made me feel.
“I don’t know why you’re here,” he said in a low growl.
“I’m looking for something.”
He c.o.c.ked a dark brow.
“On our territory?
I’m not supposed to be here,” I admitted, my voice barely a whisper.
He didn’t say anything for the longest time, his eyes never leaving mine.
When he finally did speak again, it was in a gruff voice.
“You shouldn’t wander this far from the pack alone,” he said, his tone serious.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said, but made no move to leave.
I didn’t want to go, not when he had my complete attention.
I wasn’t sure why, but I found myself drawn to him, even though I knew it was dangerous.
It wasn’t like me at all but then again, Darius Blackwood wasn’t just any man.
The earthy scent of pine filled my nostrils as a soft breeze blew through the trees, making the hairs on my arms stand on end.
The forest seemed eerily quiet except for the sound of our breathing.
I tried to read his expression but he was unreadable, his face a blank slate.
It was like he didn’t care that I was standing there talking to him or that I was on his land when I shouldn’t be.
It frustrated me because I wanted him to acknowledge me so badly that it hurt.
“Are you going to say something?”
I asked after what felt like hours of silence.
He didn’t say anything.
“Am I bothering you?”
I asked, taking a step closer.
He inhaled sharply, his eyes darkening.
“Because if I am, you can tell me and I’ll leave.”
“You’re not bothering me,” he said, his voice low.
“Good,” I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.
“I’d hate to think that I was bothering the great and powerful Darius Blackwood.”
He didn’t smile.
In fact, he looked like he wanted to do anything but smile.
“Are you always this annoying?”
he snapped, his eyes flashing with heat.
“No, only when people ignore me,” I replied, my hands planted firmly on my hips.
I could feel my friends’ gazes from where they sat on the other side of the clearing.
They’d all warned me about coming here tonight and how Darius Blackwood was untouchable but they didn’t know what it felt like to be ignored by him either.
I knew he didn’t want anything to do with me and yet here I was, trying to force his hand.
Envious Desires
He took a step closer, his mouth a tight line.
“What do you want?”
“I want…” I paused, unsure of what I wanted or why I was there.
The truth was, I’d never been in this situation before and I was out of my element.
“Do you want me to leave?”
I stammered, taking another step closer so there was barely any s.p.a.ce between us.
“No,” he replied, his eyes boring into mine.
“Then what do you want?”
“I’m not sure.”
My heart was pounding in my chest so hard that I thought it might explode.
All I could think about was how close we were and how it would take nothing for him to lean in and kiss me.
The thought was thrilling and terrifying all at once.
I wasn’t sure how I would handle it if he did but part of me wanted him to try anyway.
Darius looked down at my lips as if he was thinking the same thing.
“Is this a mistake?”
he murmured, his breath hot on my skin.
“No.” I shook my head, unable to look away from his eyes even if I wanted to, which I didn’t.
He didn’t move for the longest time and neither did I.
It was like time had stopped and the only thing that mattered in that moment was him.
When he finally moved, it was so fast that I barely had time to process what was happening before his lips were on mine.
The kiss was fierce and possessive, almost violent in its intensity but it made my knees go weak.
There was a desperation in it, almost as if he needed me as much as I needed him which scared me more than being on pack land.
But I didn’t want him to stop.
His lips moved with mine, urging me on silently.
There was something wild about the way he kissed me that made me want more.
It was like he’d unleashed a part of me that I didn’t know existed until that very moment.
Darius broke the kiss suddenly, stepping back a few paces as if he needed s.p.a.ce.
For a moment, I thought he might be fighting an inner battle before he pinned me in place with a heated glare.
“You’re mine now,” he said with a hint of arrogance in his tone.
“What do you mean?”
My heart leapt into my throat as I waited for him to explain what he meant but he didn’t and it made me angry that he would say something like that and then leave me hanging.
“Why did you kiss me?”
I demanded, taking a step closer to him again to close the s.p.a.ce.
He didn’t back down as I’d expected him to, he moved closer too until our bodies were almost touching again.
“Did you want me to kiss you?”
“I don’t know.” I shook my head honestly.
I wanted him to kiss me and yet I knew I shouldn’t.
“It doesn’t matter.” He looked away for the briefest moment as if he couldn’t stand to look at me any longer than he had to.
“What do you mean it doesn’t matter?”
I asked, trying to find out what he was thinking.
“The kiss doesn’t mean anything,” he said in a cold voice as if he was trying to convince himself more than me.
But I knew he was lying because his eyes told me everything I needed to know.
“You don’t have to pretend with me.”
“I’m not pretending,” he said firmly.
Envious Desires
His tone made me want to run away and hide somewhere safe but I refused to back down now that I could see the real Darius hiding behind the mask of the cold a.s.shole he pretended to be all the time.
“Then why did you kiss me?”
I challenged him, refusing to let him think that he could walk out of here without giving me a straight answer.
He flinched at the question, his eyes widening in surprise that I’d caught him out.
“It was a mistake.”
His voice was no more than a whisper but I heard it loud and clear and it made my heart ache.
But I wasn’t about to let him off that easily.
A part of me knew that I should leave well enough alone and just be thankful that he’d kissed me in the first place but I couldn’t stop myself from wanting more.
I wanted to know what he was feeling, what he was thinking and why he’d kissed me in the first place.
The way he’d looked at me before the kiss made me think that he’d felt the pull too.
And now I needed to know if I was right or if I’d imagined the whole thing.
“Don’t lie to me,” I said firmly, taking a step closer until our bodies were almost touching again.
A flicker of emotion pa.s.sed across his icy blue eyes before he forced it away and looked at me like I was a bug that needed crushing.
“Why do you want to know?”
“Because I think you felt it too.”
He didn’t deny it, which only made me push harder.
“You can pretend all you like but you can’t hide the truth from me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he growled, his hands closing into fists by his sides.
The way his eyes darkened with anger made me want to push him until he lost control.
I wanted to see the real Darius, the one he hid from everyone else behind his icy blue eyes and cold a.s.sured mask.
“Why do you push me like this?”
he demanded after a moment, his voice thick with anger.
“Because you make it too easy.” I smirked, knowing that I was treading on dangerous ground.
The temptation to push him over the edge was too much to resist.
I wanted to see what he was capable of.
I wanted to see if he could truly break me like he threatened to do all the time.
“What are you doing?”
he asked after a moment, his voice barely more than a whisper.
I could see the struggle in his eyes as he fought to keep himself under control.
“I’m just trying to understand what you want from me.”
A sly smile tugged at my lips as I realized that I might have pushed him a little too far this time.
But there was no going back now.
Envious Desires