MidReal Story

Fiery Seduction: A Lycan's Jealousy

Scenario: Penny, a fiery werewolf, is uncontrollably drawn to Darius, a seductive lycan whose icy gaze ignites a carnal desire within her. Despite her fervent efforts, Darius initially rebuffs her, driving Penny towards a bold resolution: to forget him by indulging in sensual pleasures with others, which deeply infuriates Darius. At a decadent ball in Russia, dressed in a revealing, beaded gown with risqué feathered stilettos, Penny aims to seduce Darius back into her arms. The atmosphere thickens with erotic tension when Darius arrives, escorting the alluring Karla, sparking a fierce jealousy and desire in Penny to reclaim her man. The night is charged with lustful looks and unspoken promises, signaling a tumultuous journey ahead. Surrounded by the lycan elite, Penny navigates a web of sexual politics, vowing to fight for Darius's affection, no matter the scandal or heartbreak. This pursuit teeters on the edge of pleasure and peril, threatening to consume both their souls in the fiery dance of dominance and submission.
Create my version of this story
Penny, a fiery werewolf, is uncontrollably drawn to Darius, a seductive lycan whose icy gaze ignites a carnal desire within her. Despite her fervent efforts, Darius initially rebuffs her, driving Penny towards a bold resolution: to forget him by indulging in sensual pleasures with others, which deeply infuriates Darius. At a decadent ball in Russia, dressed in a revealing, beaded gown with risqué feathered stilettos, Penny aims to seduce Darius back into her arms. The atmosphere thickens with erotic tension when Darius arrives, escorting the alluring Karla, sparking a fierce jealousy and desire in Penny to reclaim her man. The night is charged with lustful looks and unspoken promises, signaling a tumultuous journey ahead. Surrounded by the lycan elite, Penny navigates a web of sexual politics, vowing to fight for Darius's affection, no matter the scandal or heartbreak. This pursuit teeters on the edge of pleasure and peril, threatening to consume both their souls in the fiery dance of dominance and submission.
When I look up, it’s to find Darius’s icy gaze locked on mine.
I shiver in response.
Darius Nightshade is a lycan, and to say he’s a bad boy is an understatement.
He can have any female he wants, of that there’s no question, but I’ve seen him with a bevy of beauties and none have seemed to catch his attention for long.
As for me, I’m a werewolf, and I have a lot of power.
But when I’m around Darius, none of that power matters.
If the rumors are true, I’ve heard that females who have mated with him have never been the same; they’ve been so utterly destroyed by the experience that they could never be with another male.
I want to be one of those females more than I want my next breath.
I’ve wanted it since that first moment our eyes met.
I’ve tried to engage him in conversation multiple times since then, but he’s always given me the cold shoulder.
Tonight, though, is different.
Tonight is the night when I finally win his interest.
He looks away from me and starts talking to another female.
This time, though, I refuse to back down.
With a little huff, I walk over and stand beside him, a smile on my face as I turn my body toward his.
I’m trying my best to look like the innocent virgin I’m not—my dress is little more than a few pieces of ribbon and some strategically placed jewels.
The shoes I’m wearing are stilettos with feathers on them that go all the way up my ankle.
It feels like they’re barely there at all when I have them on.
Then again, that’s kind of the point.
Tonight I’m going for daring and provocative.
I want Darius Nightshade to sit up and take notice.
But he doesn’t.
He doesn’t so much as look at me.
Instead, he keeps talking to his companion as though I don’t even exist.
My smile becomes more of a grimace as fury races through my veins.
He doesn’t even have the decency to acknowledge me?
My decision is made in an instant.
Fine, you want to play hard to get?
I can play that game too.
And even better after I’ve had a few drinks.
I’m going to spend the rest of the night getting fucked by as many males as possible.
And if Darius doesn’t like it?
He can go screw himself.
I’ll find someone else who knows how to handle a female of my status.
Darius’s dark eyes narrow into slits as he looks at me.
It’s almost as if he knows what I’m planning, and he doesn’t like it one bit.
“Penny,” he snaps in a tone that is even icier than the look in his eyes.
But tonight, I’m not going to let him get away with that.
“It was nice talking to you,” I say as sweetly as possible while looking directly at the woman next to him.
She smiles back at me, but she isn’t fooled by my words.
She knows what I’m doing.
Fiery Seduction: A Lycan's Jealousy
Darius’s jaw tightens in response, and I can see anger flashing in his eyes now.
He takes a step toward me so we’re only inches apart, and my heart starts pounding so loudly that I can barely hear myself think.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
he asks, his voice so low that it’s almost a whisper, but it’s definitely not sexy or seductive.
It’s dangerous, and it sends chills down my spine as I look up at him through my lashes.
“I don’t know what you mean,” I say as innocently as possible, even though my heart is pounding so hard that it feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest.
I know exactly what he means—he doesn’t want me going off and fucking someone else tonight, and he sure as hell doesn’t want me wearing this dress while I do it.
His eyes flare with fury, but he doesn’t say anything for several beats as he watches me intently.
Does he know about the things I’ve been doing behind closed doors?
Does he know that I want him?
I’m sure he does.
He has to.
“I think you’re trying to seduce me.” It’s an accusation more than anything else.
I open my mouth to deny it, but I can’t seem to get any words out when his voice is so low and sexy.
And when I know that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.
Instead of saying anything at all, I just lie through my teeth as I shake my head in response.
“Is there something wrong with that?”
I ask instead, my voice light and airy.
Darius’s nostrils flare as he stares down at me with an intensity that is impossible to ignore.
“Yes,” he growls.
My eyes flare with anger and frustration at his tone, but I’m so turned on by the way his voice sounds when he talks to me like this that I’m barely able to contain myself.
“Am I too much of a challenge for you?”
I ask as innocently as possible while looking up at him with wide eyes.
I know exactly what I’m doing when I talk to him like this.
He’s used to getting his way with women, but if there’s anything I’m not willing to do, it’s give in to Darius when he’s trying to control me.
The last thing I want is for him to know how much power he has over me already.
It’s enough just being this close to him and knowing how much I want him to take me down a dark path where only he is able to lead me back out again.
My words should make him angry, and they do.
But maybe not quite as much as I thought they would.
His dominant nature is one of the things that drew me to him in the first place, and as my eyes drop down to his lips for just a second before flicking back up again, I can see the danger and desire flashing in his eyes.
Fiery Seduction: A Lycan's Jealousy
“Careful, or I’ll take you at your word,” he growls, his voice low and sexy.
I shiver at the thought, but I don’t want him to know how much I like it.
I don’t want him to know how much I want him to put me in my place.
To dominate me and make me his.
I want him to think that I’m still the same girl he left behind, even if that’s the last thing I actually want.
“You’ll have to catch me first,” I say with a smirk on my face, and it’s enough to make him snap.
My back is against the wall before I even realize what’s happening.
“Do you really think I can’t?
Do you really think I won’t?”
he growls as he leans in closer, forcing me to arch my back even more than I already am in order to avoid being touched by him.
And it’s getting harder and harder for me to care about how inappropriate it is for us to be having this conversation here, because all I want is for him to touch me in all the ways he never did before.
“Careful, Darius,” I say as I look up at him with a glare on my face.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, or your wolf might come out of hiding.”
I know that I’m playing with fire, but I can’t seem to stop myself.
It’s almost impossible for me not to tease Darius when I know it’s going to make him angry.
But as soon as I see the fury flashing in his eyes, I know I’ve gone too far.
He might be able to control himself around me, but he can’t control himself when he’s like this.
And I should probably be more worried about that than I am.
But all I really want is for him to give in to his wolf and take me where he wants me right now.
It would be so easy for me to give in and let him do whatever he wants with me, and it’s taking everything in me not to beg for it every time we’re this close together.
The only thing that makes it easier is knowing that he wants me as much as I want him.
“Do you really want me to do that?”
he asks even as he leans in even closer until our noses are almost touching.
The answer is yes, but I can’t bring myself to say it out loud.
Not when I know how much it will hurt my pride if I do.
And not when I know that Darius is just looking for another way to control me now that he already has the upper hand by bringing me here when he knows what else I planned on doing with my time away from home.
“No,” I say as I reach out and grab onto his shirt with both of my hands so I can pull him even closer.
“I want you to let me go so I can enjoy this ball.”
“It’s not what you’ll be enjoying at the ball that has me worried,” he growls as he leans back slightly so he can look me in the eyes while keeping me pinned against the wall.
“It’s what you’ll be doing afterward.”
I don’t see what business that is of yours,” I say with a glare on my face even though I know I should be more worried than I am about what he might do if he finds out that I’m planning on sleeping with other men tonight just because I can.
Fiery Seduction: A Lycan's Jealousy
I just don’t want him to know that he’s not the only one who can play this game.
It’s not much of a game when he always wins.
But I still want him to know that I’m not just going to lie down and take whatever he wants from me.
Not when I’m perfectly capable of getting what I want from him instead.
I might not be able to get him out of my head no matter how hard I try, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to let him control me the way he used to.
That’s why I choose this dress and these shoes in the first place.
Because I wanted Darius Nightshade and every other lycan at this ball to know that I can’t be overlooked or dominated.
I might be just a werewolf, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have power and control too.
And I’ll do anything I can to prove it too.
Because Darius is going to know that he can’t control me the way he used to.
No matter how much he might want me to.
But I can tell that he knows what I’m thinking even if I haven’t said it out loud.
I can tell that he’s angry because of what my dress means—and because of what it means for what else I have planned tonight.
I can tell that he’s trying to decide how angry he should be or how he should respond—and how much he wants me.
I can tell that he’s tempted by the idea of fighting me on this so he can take me over his knee like he said he would—and I’m tempted by the idea too.
But there are too many people watching us, so we can’t follow through on what we both seem to want.
At least not yet.
But we will later on, no matter what Darius thinks or says about it right now.
Because this isn’t over yet.
And in the meantime, I’ll do anything I can think of to make sure that Darius knows just how much I want him—and how much I won’t back down when it comes to getting what I want too.
But even though we’re both tempted by the idea of what might happen next, Darius doesn’t say anything else when we’re this close together.
I don’t think he knows what else he can say or do in order to get me under control when we’re this close together and everyone else is watching us too.
But the only thing I care about is the fact that he won’t be able to control himself for much longer if he doesn’t let me go soon.
That’s why I decide it’s time for me to walk away even though neither of us wants me to right now.
It would be so easy for me to push my body against his so he can feel just how much I want him and let my hands wander over his chest so he can see what they find while I’m at it.
But it would be safer for both of us if I don’t.
So instead I lean back and glare up at him until he lets me go and takes a step back too.
Fiery Seduction: A Lycan's Jealousy
“You’re going to regret this,” Darius says after a moment of silence as if he can read my mind and knows what I’m thinking too.
“You think so?”
I ask as soon as he lets go of my arms and takes a step back because he doesn’t want anyone else seeing just how much he wants me too.
I ask even though neither of us has thought about what happens next because we’re both thinking about what we want right now instead of later on—and because neither of us is sure who can win this time either way.
Because if Darius lets me have what I want now, then he’ll have no choice but to fight with me later on—and if Darius doesn’t let me have what I want now, then he’ll have no choice but to fight with me now instead of later on.
And either way we both can have what we want if Darius lets us fight with each other—but either way we can also lose what we want if Darius doesn’t let us fight with each other as well—because neither of us can win when it comes down to figuring out who has the most control over the other one in the end.
“I don’t think so,” Darius says after he takes another step back because he can’t control himself around me right now and he knows it too—and because he doesn’t want anyone else to get any ideas about what he wants either.
I think not yet—”I say before Darius cuts me off before I can finish what I was going to say next because he knows that’s why he can’t control himself around me anymore after what happened last time and because he knows that’s why he won’t be able to control himself next time either if he doesn’t do something about it soon enough—and because he knows that’s why he needs to be the one to fight me if he doesn’t want me to win this time either way.
“Leave,” Darius says after a moment of silence as soon as he realizes what’s going on and how angry both of us are right now—because he thinks that means he can make me go away again instead of forcing him to do what I want again later on.
“No,” I say after a moment of silence as soon as Darius realizes that the only way he can get rid of me is if he fights me for control and wins—because that’s the only way either of us is going to leave this room right now without getting what we want first.
“You don’t belong here,” Darius says after another moment of silence as soon as he realizes that neither of us is going to leave each other alone until one of us gets what we want right now—because neither of us is willing to give up on the other one yet.
Fiery Seduction: A Lycan's Jealousy
“You don’t get to decide that,” I say after another moment of silence as soon as Darius realizes that neither of us is going to leave each other alone either until one of us gets what we want first—because neither of us is willing to give up on the other one just yet.
I turn around and walk out of the room without waiting for Darius to say anything else first—because there’s nothing more that needs to be said right now anyway.
I take a deep breath once I’m alone again and let it out slowly before I try to calm down enough that my heart stops racing quite so much because it feels like it’s about to explode until it finally slows down enough that I can feel it pounding against my chest instead—before I even know what’s happening, Darius appears behind me too and wraps his arms around my waist as well.
I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath before I try to calm down again because there’s nothing else that needs to be said right now anyway—because everything is about to change.
“Go away,” Darius says after a long moment of silence before he forces me to turn around and face him again too so he can look at me with those dark eyes of his again.
“Make me,” I say as soon as Darius tries to talk me into doing what he wants again instead of what he knows we both need—because that’s the only way either of us can wait until we’re ready to do what we both want right now instead.
“You know that’s not going to work,” Darius says as soon as he realizes that neither of us is going to do what he wants first either.
“I don’t care,” I say as soon as Darius realizes that neither of us is going to do what he wants either until we’re both ready—because neither of us is willing to give up on what we want just yet.
“Why are you being like this?”
Darius asks as soon as he realizes that neither of us knows how long we’re going to have to wait until we’re ready either.
“Why are you being like this?”
I ask as soon as he tries to talk me into doing what he wants instead of what he knows we both need.
“Why do you think?”
Darius asks as he tries to stop me from doing what he doesn’t want again—because he thinks that means he can go back to pretending that nothing happened and that nothing will ever change between us.
“Because you don’t want—”
I say as soon as Darius cuts me off again because he doesn’t want me to say anything else about what happened last time and because he doesn’t want anyone else to find out about us either.
“Don’t tell me what I want,”
Darius says after a long moment of silence again as soon as he realizes that the only way we’re ever going to get anything right again is if we work together instead of against each other.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes so I can focus on calming down too—because there’s nothing else that needs to be said right now anyway.
“I didn’t know it was you until it was too late,”
Darius says after a moment of silence as soon as he realizes that I’m not going to do what he wants again either.
“I didn’t know you were following me until it was too late,”
Fiery Seduction: A Lycan's Jealousy