MidReal Story

Scarlet King's Chosen: A Magical Rebirth

Scenario: 16 year old gets reincarnated with the power of the scarlet king
Create my version of this story
16 year old gets reincarnated with the power of the scarlet king
I’m not sure what happened.
One moment I was walking home from the library, and the next, I woke up in a place of complete darkness.
No light could penetrate it, and no sound could escape it.
It wasn’t just that it was nighttime or that the power went out—I was in a void, a place of nothingness.
As far as I could tell, there were no walls, no floor, no ceiling.
I couldn’t see anything at all.
No matter which way I turned or how hard I tried to focus my eyes, there was nothing to see.
I was floating in a void of darkness, and there was absolutely nothing around me.
I was so confused that I didn’t even know where to start.
What had happened?
How had I gotten here?
What was this place?
I panicked for a moment, but I quickly calmed down.
I took a deep breath, trying to clear my head and remember all of the things that I had been taught about what to do in situations like this.
In moments of panic, it’s important to ground yourself.
Try to find something stable to hold on to.
I looked around me, but I couldn’t see anything that I could use as a point of reference.
There was nothing around me at all—just endless darkness stretching off into every direction as far as the eye could see.
It was impossible to tell how far the darkness extended, or even if there was an end to it at all.
The void stretched off into infinity in every direction, and I was suspended right at its center, completely alone and helpless.
Suddenly, a voice spoke up from behind me.
It was soft and soothing, and although it sounded like it was coming from a long way away, it also seemed as though it was speaking directly to me.
“Don’t be afraid,” the voice said.
“There is nothing to fear here.”
I turned around but still couldn’t see anything.
“Who are you?”
“Where are you?”
“I am the Voice,” the voice replied.
“And I am everywhere.”
“Can you help me?”
The Voice chuckled softly.
“I am the only one who can help you.”
“What do you want from me?”
The Voice didn’t answer my question right away.
Instead, it asked one of its own: “What do you want for yourself?”
“I don’t understand,” I said.
The Voice didn’t respond right away but instead paused for a moment before speaking again.
“I can give you power,” it said.
“You will be able to control everything with just one thought.”
“You are the Chosen One,” the Voice continued.
“The only one who is capable of using this power.”
I didn’t know what to say.
This was too much for me to take in all at once.
Everything that this Voice was saying sounded too good to be true.
But at the same time, I wanted so badly for it to be real that I believed every word of it without question.
“Do you want this power?”
The Voice asked me again.
Scarlet King's Chosen: A Magical Rebirth
I hesitated for a moment but then nodded my head.
“Good,” the Voice said softly.
“But be warned: Power like this comes with a price.”
“What price?”
I asked nervously.
The Voice didn’t answer at first but instead went silent for a moment before speaking again.
“Do not fear the unknown,” it said softly, almost as though it was trying to reassure me that everything would be okay.
“Embrace it and let it guide you.”
“I will be with you every step of the way.”
“You will understand your purpose soon enough.”
“My purpose?”
“What is my purpose?”
Before I could ask any more questions, the Voice spoke up again and began to whisper words of power into my ear.
It told me that I was destined for greatness—that I was destined to become a god among men—and that when I finally claimed my rightful place on the throne of power, everyone would see just how powerful I truly was.
It told me about a world where I would have complete control over everything that happened—where life and death would be nothing more than playthings for me to use however I saw fit—and where I would have the power to create and destroy with just one thought from my mind.
It told me about a world where I would reign supreme—that I would be worshiped by all who lived there—and that everything that happened within its borders would happen because I willed it so.
It told me that my destiny was greater than anyone could possibly imagine—that I was destined for things that no one else had ever even dreamed of before—and that when everything was finally over, everyone would remember my name for thousands of years to come.
It told me that my destiny was the only thing that mattered—that everything that had happened before was insignificant in comparison to what lay ahead of me—and that everything that would happen after was nothing more than a formality that had to be endured before I could finally claim my rightful place as the ruler of this world.
But even as the Voice whispered these words to me—as it told me about the power that was mine by right—I felt a cold chill begin to spread through my body and my heart begin to race in my chest with fear.
A part of me wanted to turn around—to run away from this dark place where nothing was ever seen or heard again—and never look back, but at the same time, another part of me was drawn to the Voice like a moth to a flame, and no matter how hard I tried to resist its call or turn away from it, I found myself slowly moving towards it like it was calling out to me with invisible hands from beyond the void.
Scarlet King's Chosen: A Magical Rebirth
I paused on the edge of oblivion—my heart racing in my chest with fear and excitement—as I realized what was happening.
I realized that I had been given a choice: that this was my chance to decide what happened next, and that once I made up my mind there would be no going back—no second chances or do-overs—to change it later on.
I knew that this was the moment that would determine the course of my existence—the point at which my story would begin to unfold—and that if I wanted something different from what I already had then this was my only chance to get it.
For what felt like an eternity, I stood there on the edge of the abyss—looking down into the darkness and wondering what was waiting for me on the other side—but no matter how hard I tried to decide what to do next, my mind was completely blank and free of any ideas about what was going on.
I had no idea what to do or where to go—I had no clue what lay ahead of me or what was waiting for me at the end of this road—but at the same time another part of me could hear the Voice whispering to me from beyond the void and urging me to make up my mind already.
It told me not to be afraid—that everything was going to be okay in the end—and that no matter what I chose to do there would always be someone looking out for me.
“Don’t be afraid,” it said.
“Everything is going to be okay in the end.
Scarlet King's Chosen: A Magical Rebirth