Scenario:I had sex with an exotic woman last night. It was the most amazing experience of my life. I fell asleep in her arms wishing that it'd never end. The next morning I awoke. I felt funny but was unsure why. I tried to to get up but I couldnt. Something was stopping me. It took me a minute but I realised that I wasnt myself. Somehow I was now her pussy and no longer who I was the night before. This realization didnt scare me at all strangly as I realised that I'd gotten exactly what I'd wished for....for it to never end. Now every time she had sex, I'd feel everything and the thought of it excited me in ways that I never could have imagined.
Crea la mia versione di questa storia
I had sex with an exotic woman last night. It was the most amazing experience of my life. I fell asleep in her arms wishing that it'd never end. The next morning I awoke. I felt funny but was unsure why. I tried to to get up but I couldnt. Something was stopping me. It took me a minute but I realised that I wasnt myself. Somehow I was now her pussy and no longer who I was the night before. This realization didnt scare me at all strangly as I realised that I'd gotten exactly what I'd wished for....for it to never end. Now every time she had sex, I'd feel everything and the thought of it excited me in ways that I never could have imagined.
Alex Mercer
intimately connected to the exotic woman, tall with dark hair, introspective and surprisingly accepting of his new form.
Dr. Elena Shaw
becomes involved in Alex's case, professional appearance with a sharp mind, curious and empathetic.
Leila Vasquez
Alex's lover and unknowing "owner", petite with striking features, confident and sensual.
Chapter 1
I woke up to the sound of a woman moaning.
It took me a moment to realize that the moaning was coming from me.
I sat up and looked around, but I couldn’t see anything in the darkness.
I tried to move my arms, but they were pinned to my sides.
I tried to move my legs, but they were stuck together.
Panic set in as I realized that I was trapped inside of something, and then I remembered what had happened earlier that night.
The exotic woman at the bar.
The moaning grew louder as a wave of pleasure shot through me.
My hips jerked up off the bed, and I cried out in ecstasy before collapsing back down onto the mattress.
I felt like my whole body was on fire, and every nerve ending was tingling with pleasure.
It took me a moment to realize that I was still moaning; it sounded loud and sensual in the darkness of the room.
I had no idea what was going on; one moment I was asleep and the next moment I was being wracked with pleasure.
I tried to sit up again and look around, but I couldn’t move.
My arms were pinned to my sides by something soft and warm, and my legs were stuck together from the thighs down.
I could feel something pushing against my hips, making me move uncontrollably against it.
It felt like I was being fucked by something big and hard, something that was bringing me wave after wave of pleasure with every thrust.
I remembered sitting at the bar with the exotic woman; she had long dark hair, striking features, and a body that would make any man or woman stop in their tracks and stare.
She was so beautiful, so sexy… we talked for hours before she finally took me back to her hotel room.
I remembered kissing her, touching her, feeling her soft lips on mine and my hands on her smooth skin… I remembered how good she had made me feel when she slid her hands under my dress and started stroking my cock through my panties.
I had never been with a woman before, but I would have done anything for Leila… anything to make her feel good… anything to be fucked by her all night long…
A soft voice laughed in the darkness as another powerful orgasm rocked through me.
"Enjoying yourself?"
It was Leila’s voice; I could hear it for the first time since waking up in this strange situation.
Chapter 1
I woke up to the sound of a woman moaning.
It took me a moment to realize that the moaning was coming from me.
I sat up and looked around, but I couldn’t see anything in the darkness.
I tried to move my arms, but they were pinned to my sides.
I tried to move my legs, but they were stuck together.
Panic set in as I realized that I was trapped inside of something, and then I remembered what had happened earlier that night.
The exotic woman at the bar.
The passionate sex in her hotel room.
The moaning grew louder as a wave of pleasure shot through me.
My hips jerked up off the bed, and I cried out in ecstasy before collapsing back down onto the mattress.
I felt like my whole body was on fire, and every nerve ending was tingling with pleasure.
It took me a moment to realize that I was still moaning; it sounded loud and sensual in the darkness of the room.
I had no idea what was going on; one moment I was asleep and the next moment I was being wracked with pleasure.
I tried to sit up again and look around, but I couldn’t move.My arms were pinned to my sides by something soft and warm, and my legs were stuck together from the thighs down.
I could feel something pushing against my hips, making me move uncontrollably against it.
It felt like I was being fucked by something big and hard, something that was bringing me wave after wave of pleasure with every thrust.
I remembered sitting at the bar with the exotic woman; she had long dark hair, striking features, and a body that would make any man or woman stop in their tracks and stare.
I froze.
Her voice… it sounded like mine!
Not exactly like mine but very very similar to it.
As if she was mimicking me or trying to fake being me.
Was this some kind of joke?
"I'm here, are you okay?"
She asked again in an even more concerned tone as she continued her movements on top of me.
Whoever she is.. or whatever she is… it must be her inside my body somehow… but how?
I panicked even more now when I realized that not only could I not move… or see… or understand what's going on…
But now she knows I'm awake!
What if she's some kind of a freak?
A monster?
Or something worse?
I couldn't move, and I had no way to protect myself.
I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.
There was nothing I could do right now except wait and try to figure out what was going on.
As I lay there in the darkness, I tried to focus on the sensations coming from my body.
I still couldn’t see anything, and we were so close together that there wasn’t any room for me to even turn my head.
But I could feel it when she moved against me; I could feel her hips thrusting up and down, her breasts pressing against my chest, her hot breath tickling my neck.
I could hear the way she moaned every time she moved; it sounded breathy and sensual, almost like she was enjoying herself.
I couldn’t make sense of anything that was happening to me; all I knew for sure was that I had somehow turned into a woman’s pussy!
Was this really happening?
Or did I pass out after the sex with the exotic woman and have some kind of a crazy dream?
"Sweetie..? What's your name?"
She asked in a soft voice, her warm breath tickling my neck again.
My name?
Did she expect me to answer her?
How the hell am I supposed to talk if I can't even open my mouth!
Chapter 2
I could hear her every word and feel her hot breath on my neck.
I… I can hear you!
I thought back to her, but my voice didn't come out.
I was communicating with her in my mind, but she didn't seem the least bit surprised by that fact.
"Do you know what happened to you?" she asked, waiting for me to answer.
Do I know?
What kind of a question is that?
It was impossible for me to be in this position; there was no way this could be real.
But even though I knew it wasn’t possible, I couldn’t deny the sensations washing over me.
It felt like I was really there—like we were two halves of one whole body, moving together in perfect rhythm as she rode me like a cowgirl."Can you feel me?"
She asked, her hand moving up and down my—our—skin as she caressed me.
The touch of her fingers sent shivers down my spine and made the pleasure inside me build even more.
It felt so good when she touched us like that; it was almost as if every inch of our skin was covered in nerve endings that had been turned on by her caress.
This was so wrong… so strange and weird… but at the same time, it felt so good!
I didn’t want to like it; I didn’t want to enjoy the feeling of her hands on my skin as she explored this new body we shared.
But I couldn’t help myself—the sensations were just too powerful for me to resist.
"Can you feel my touch? Can you hear my voice?"
She asked again, her words filled with a promise that made me shudder with desire.
I… I can feel your touch… I thought back to her, my mind still reeling from the shock of everything that had happened.
"Yes," she replied, relief clear in her voice.
"I can feel everything."
I could hear the smile in her tone and I knew that she was as relieved as I was to know that she wasn’t alone in this—that she wasn't crazy or hallucinating.
We were together in this—whatever it was—and we would figure it out together.
"I'm so glad… I thought you were gone…"
She said on a sigh, her fingers trailing along our skin as she caressed us.
"My name is Leila. What's yours?"
Alex Mercer, 30 years old, male…
My mind supplied when I tried to remember who I was and what my name used to be.
What did she ask me?
She asked for my name, not for me to tell her about myself…
Was the answer just supposed to come to me?
Or did I have a choice?
My name is Alex," I told her at last, realizing that it didn't really matter what we called ourselves now—we were one being in two bodies and nothing could change that.
"Did you know that your senses would be so much more intense now?"
She questioned, her fingers still moving over our skin as she caressed us.
I replied, my thoughts still muddled from the intensity of what we’d just shared.
"I didn't know…"
"It's amazing, isn't it?"
She whispered, her words vibrating through both of us like a purr.
"It's like everything has been turned up to eleven; I can hear every sound, smell every scent… and feel every touch. It’s incredible!"
As she spoke those last words, her hands moved with purpose over our skin.
It was as if she knew exactly how to touch me—how to bring me pleasure—and I couldn’t do anything else other than surrender myself to the feelings she’d awakened within us.
Our movements were instinctual but purposeful, each touch driving us further into the depths of pleasure and ecstasy.
It felt like there were fireworks going off inside my head and I could barely think or see straight as I succumbed to the overwhelming sensations coursing through our bodies.
"I love you, Alex," she whispered, her words echoing in my mind like a mantra.
I replied, knowing that it was true—even if I didn't know how or when we’d fallen in love.
Our bodies moved together as one and our pleasure built until it reached its peak and washed over us in waves of ecstasy.
I cried out, my voice filled with passion and desperation as our body shuddered under the force of our orgasm.
She repeated my name again and again as her hands roamed over our curves.
It was clear from the way she touched us—from the way she knew exactly how to please us—that this wasn't the first time we’d made love together.
We were familiar with each other's body; familiar with what we needed and what we desired from each other.
"Te amo," she whispered into my ear, her voice soft and tender as she spoke those words in Spanish—the language of love.
"Ich liebe dich," I told her without even thinking about it.
"That's German," Leila informed me with a giggle. "But it's sweet anyway."
I watched her as she moved around the room putting on her clothes.
No words passed between us; none were needed.
I could feel every fiber of her being as if it was my own.
The bond between us was so intimate, so profound… it felt like I’d known her forever.
When she finished getting dressed, she turned to me and smiled.
"I have to go now, papi."
Her voice was soft and sweet but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes as she spoke those words.
"I’ll see you soon."
I replied, knowing that she wouldn't be back for hours.
"Promise me you won't wait up for me?"
"It’s crazy…"
She said with a shake of her head.
"You don’t even know me…"
I pleaded but she just shook her head before turning to leave.
For a moment I thought she’d hesitate, that she’d look back at me one last time before leaving but she didn’t.
Without another word, Leila left the room; closing the door behind her and shutting me out in the process.
Feeling something akin to despair—though it seemed so unlike me—I closed my eyes and sighed before sinking back onto the bed.
Even though we were no longer touching, I could still feel her presence all around me; I could sense her emotions like they were my own.
It was strange… How could I be so connected to someone I barely knew?
Not for the first time since this whole thing started had I wondered if I was going crazy…
The hours passed slowly as I lay on the bed waiting for Leila to return; wondering how on earth I was supposed to pass the time without going out of my mind with boredom.
At some point, hunger pangs forced me from the bed and into the shower where—after much trial and error—I managed to get myself clean again.
Simple tasks like getting dressed—or even walking to the bathroom—had turned into monumental feats of strength now that I was no longer the one in control of my body.
Everything seemed so much harder than it should have been; I was used to being six feet tall with broad shoulders, not a petite woman wearing high heels.
And yet, here I was…
When I finally made it to the bathroom, I discovered that there were still some things about my new body that surprised me.
Staring at myself in the mirror—I’d never been particularly vain before but it had become something of a habit since this started—I realized that the reflection staring back at me wasn't entirely mine.
There was something… off about it.
Chapter 3
Still, there was nothing I could do about it now.
I had already come to terms with the fact that my life would never be the same again; there was no going back from this.
In a way, it almost felt like I’d died; like my life as Alex Mercer—the tall, dark-haired man who worked for a software company—had been over since that night at the bar with Leila Vasquez.
And yet, here I was…My thoughts were interrupted when my stomach growled; reminding me that I hadn’t eaten anything since last night.
As usual, hunger pangs washed over me and—I found myself thinking for what felt like the hundredth time since this whole thing started—what was I supposed to do?
Was there some sort of plan or purpose to this ridiculous situation?
Or would I just be stuck here forever; a prisoner inside my own body with no hope of escape?
It seemed so unfair…
Days turned into weeks before I knew it and—much to my dismay—nothing changed.
Every day was the same: I would get up, eat when Leila ate, go to the bathroom when she did… It was like living with a stranger who just happened to share my physical form.
At some point I had stopped wondering why this had happened to me and started wondering if there was ever going to be a way out of this mess.
If I’d figured out how—or why—it happened, maybe I could reverse the process; turn back into myself and go back to living my life as if nothing had ever happened… But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t come up with any answers; none of this made any sense.
As the days turned into weeks—and then months—I eventually resigned myself to the fact that there might never be an answer; that my life as Alex Mercer might be over for good.
It wasn’t a pleasant thought but after all this time, I’d come to accept it.
Every morning when I woke up, I would lie in bed staring at the ceiling—feeling the warmth of the sun on my face through the window—wondering what I was supposed to do with myself.
There was nothing to do now that Leila had left; nothing to fill the silence and distract me from my thoughts.
Eventually, after months of lying there and doing nothing but thinking, I turned on the radio in an attempt to drown out the silence.
As familiar tunes played—and a wave of unexpected nostalgia hit—I started skimming through stations until something caught my attention: A news broadcast about a government study involving people like me—men and women who had undergone sudden physical changes for no apparent reason—with Dr. Elena Shaw of Bethlehem University Hospital.