Storia MidReal

The Zombie War

Scenario:ARMOR is called upon to rescue a reality where the Nazis won WWII… with zombies! Howard the Duck brings in Nazi-fighter extraordinaire Dum Dum Dugan, and takes a squadron of fighters known as Ducky’s Dozen on a daring raid into the very heart of the zombie Red Skull’s territory!
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ARMOR is called upon to rescue a reality where the Nazis won WWII… with zombies! Howard the Duck brings in Nazi-fighter extraordinaire Dum Dum Dugan, and takes a squadron of fighters known as Ducky’s Dozen on a daring raid into the very heart of the zombie Red Skull’s territory!
Howard the Duck

Howard the Duck

resourceful, and humorous. Howard leads a team of fighters, Ducky's Dozen, on a mission to infiltrate the Red Skull's territory. He works closely with Dum Dum Dugan and other allies to rescue people from the zombieinfested world. Despite facing danger, Howard maintains his wit and confidence throughout the mission.

Captain America

Captain America

determined, and principled. Despite being held captive by zombies, Captain America remains defiant and continues to inspire hope for those fighting against the Red Skull's regime. His capture serves as motivation for Howard's mission to rescue him.

Dum Dum Dugan

Dum Dum Dugan

experienced, and loyal. Dum Dum joins Howard on his mission to rescue people from the zombie Red Skull's regime. He provides valuable combat skills and strategic insight during the operation. His presence bolsters Howard's confidence and helps ensure their success in infiltrating enemy territory.

I was in the middle of a nice nap when I got the call from ARMOR.
I didn’t bother to ask what the situation was.
When ARMOR calls, you go.
I ended up in a war room, and at first I didn’t understand what I was seeing.
There were maps and charts, but they all seemed to be about zombies.
I was about to ask if this had something to do with the Maggia Flesh Eaters when someone explained that the Nazis had won WWII—in this reality—and their big weapon had been zombies.
"Okay," I said.
"I can see how that would be a problem."
"The Red Skull—zombie division—has taken over this reality," one of the briefers said.
"He’s using the remaining healthy Nazis to hunt down any remaining survivors."
"Great," I muttered.
"Just what I always wanted. A chance to fight Nazis and zombies at the same time."
"Red Skull has taken a particular interest in hunting down any remaining heroes," the briefer went on.
"As far as we can tell, he’s only got one major captive at the moment."
"Who’s that?"
"Captain America."
I whistled.
"That’s a bad Red Skull to have as a prisoner. Even zombieified."
"Yeah, well—zombie or not—he’s still Cap, and he’s inspiring hope in everyone who knows he’s out there fighting."
"Okay, so how do we get him out?"
"We need to get into Red Skull’s territory—"
"I know an easy way to do that—"
The Zombie War


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