Storia MidReal

Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession

Scenario:I'm in love with my sister and I dont care who knows. Today's the day that I ask her for a date.
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I'm in love with my sister and I dont care who knows. Today's the day that I ask her for a date.

James Carter

in love with his sister, brother to Emily, tall with dark hair, conflicted and determined


Emily Carter

unaware of her brother's feelings, sister to James, petite with blonde hair, caring and naive


Sarah Jennings

mutual friend of James and Emily, supportive of both siblings, medium build with curly red hair, wise and empathetic

Chapter 1
I’m in love with my sister.
I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it.
I’ve been in love with her since I was a kid and she used to play dress-up with me.
She’d put makeup on me and do my hair, and I’d pretend to be her boyfriend.
I loved the way she looked at me, like I was the most important person in the world.
And I loved the way she smelled, like strawberries and sunshine.
I never told her how I felt, of course.
That would be crazy.
But now that we’re older, I can’t stop thinking about her.
About what it would be like to kiss her, to hold her in my arms, to make love to her.
It’s driving me insane.
So tonight, I’m going to tell her the truth.
Our parents will be there, of course, but they’ll leave us alone when we sit down to eat.
It’ll be the perfect opportunity for me to confess my feelings for Emily and see how she reacts.
I’m scared, but I know I have to do it.
I can’t go on living this lie.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I’ve been in love with my sister for as long as I can remember.
It’s not just a little crush or an infatuation that will go away with time; it’s a deep, intense love that only gets stronger the older we get.
The first time I saw her when she was born I thought she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life and nothing has changed since then.
As we grew older together my feelings for her grew stronger as well.
I don’t know if it’s because of society but I know that what I feel for her is not right and nothing good will come out of it if anyone finds out.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
But tonight is different.
I’ve made up my mind to tell her how I feel because I can’t keep living this lie anymore; our family dinner at our parents’ house seemed like the perfect opportunity for it would only be us and our little brother Alex, besides our parents who are very supportive of me for being who I am so there is no way they would judge me if they found out about my feelings for Emily.
I don’t know if she would accept them or not but at least I’ll get it out of my chest and try to move on from this absurd situation that makes me want to go crazy every time we are near each other.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
Emily, I'm desperately, madly in love with you.
It's so wrong, but I can't help myself.
I've loved you since we were kids.
The first time I saw you, I knew you were the one for me.
But now I realize that just because society says something is wrong doesn't mean it has to be wrong.
And if anyone can understand what I'm going through, it's you.
Why do we have to hide from our family and friends?
What would happen if they found out?"
As soon as those words left my mouth a shiver ran down my spine and I felt everything inside me scream at once that this was a terrible idea.
"Well, we could be ostracized by everyone we know," she replied matter-of-factly.
"Maybe even forced to move away and start over."
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
"I suppose that's a possibility," I said slowly, nodding my head.
"But how much worse would it be if we didn't tell them and they found out some other way?"
She swallowed hard before speaking again.
"We'd probably never see each other again."
"Maybe not," I said hopefully.
"Not if we had each other's support."
"That's true," she said, "but right now, I'm not sure what to do. Our family dinner at our parents' house seemed like the perfect opportunity for you to confess your feelings for me, but then Sarah showed up unannounced."
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I was very disappointed when Sarah showed up.
I had been looking forward to having dinner alone with my parents and my brother before I told Emily how I felt.
But once she arrived, I realized it might be a good thing after all.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
It might be better if we wait until later, though," she said.
"Wait until after Sarah leaves."
I didn't want Sarah to hear me confess my love for her.
And I wanted Emily all to myself when I told her how I felt.
So I decided to wait.
Maybe it was a good thing Sarah showed up after all.
She and I have been friends since high school.
I've always trusted her with my secrets, and she's been a close friend of Emily's for years.
As we sat down at the table and dug into the lasagna my mom had made from scratch, Emily told us about running into Sarah at the market earlier in the day and inviting her over for dinner
"I hope you don't mind," she said as she shot a smile in my direction.
"Of course not," I replied.
"It'll be fun."
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
She went on to tell us about how Alex had helped her make a salad in the kitchen, which my little brother immediately denied.
They bickered back and forth for a bit, but I could tell they were both enjoying it.
Our parents were sitting across from me, watching the whole exchange with amused smiles on their faces.
Emily sat next to me, and every now and then she would shoot me a playful smile or a quick glance in my direction that sent a shiver down my spine.
I wanted so badly to grab her hand in mine and promise that everything was going to be okay—that we would figure this out together—but I knew it was still too soon.
We needed more time before we could figure out what we were going to do.
After dinner, our mom brought out strawberry shortcake for dessert, one of my favorites.
As I took the first bite, I decided that tonight wasn't the night.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I wanted it to be perfect when I told her, and this wasn't the right moment.
Maybe later, when we were alone, just the two of us, and I could tell her exactly how I felt without being afraid of who might overhear us.
I thought about talking to Sarah first, too.
I wanted to make sure she was okay with everything before I went through with it.
We had been friends for a long time, and while I didn't want to lose her as a friend, I knew Emily would always come first in my life.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
Chapter 2
My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at her across the table.
She looked so beautiful tonight, with her blonde hair pulled up into a bun and a light summer dress that hugged all the right curves of her body.
My mouth went dry as desire shot through me like an electric current, and all I could think about was lifting her out of that chair and taking her right there on the kitchen table.
It took every ounce of self-control I had not to act on my urges, but I knew it wasn't time yet.
I wanted our first time together to be perfect—to show her how much she meant to me and how deeply I loved her—but I also knew it was too soon.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
My cock throbbed beneath the table, begging for release as I imagined all the things we could do together if she would just give me a chance.
My sister was the only woman who had ever made me feel this way, and nothing else in the world mattered to me but showing her how much she meant to me.
I took another sip of water, trying to calm my racing heart as I stared at Emily from across the table and thought about what it would be like to make love to her for the first time.
As our eyes met, my throat tightened and my palms grew sweaty with nervous anticipation, but I couldn't stop myself from confessing the truth—I didn't want to keep living this lie any longer.
Just as I was about to excuse myself from the table, Sarah looked up at me with a concerned expression on her face.
"Is everything okay?" she asked softly, barely audible over my pounding heart.
"You look like you've seen a ghost."
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
For a moment, I considered telling her the truth or asking for her advice, but I knew it wouldn't change anything.
I had been struggling with these feelings for as long as I could remember, even though I was well aware of how wrong they were—and how they could destroy everything if anyone ever found out about them.
But things were different now.
I was different now, and I was finally ready to do something about it once and for all—even if it meant risking everything in the process
And then Emily walked into the kitchen, with her blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head and wearing nothing but a light summer dress that showed off all her curves in exactly the right way.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I sat in the kitchen, alone for what felt like hours, as I tried to convince myself that everything would be okay, even though I knew it wouldn't be.
My mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions, trying desperately to distract myself with anything else so I wouldn't have to dwell on how much I wanted my sister—how much I had always wanted her—and how wrong that was on every possible level.
The tears came without warning, slowly trickling down my cheeks even though I couldn't stop them no matter how hard I tried, knowing deep down that there was nothing I could do about it now. "What are you doing? Why aren't you eating dessert?"
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I must have lost track of time, because my throat was dry and my head felt foggy as I tried to regain my composure before turning around to see what she wanted.
"Hey, you're going to get us both in trouble if Mom catches us eating without everyone else," Emily scolded playfully, walking around the table and leaning against the counter with a mischievous smile on her face.
"And besides, dessert is always better when we eat it together."
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
She was right, of course—I loved spending time with my sister more than anything else in the world—especially when we were alone like this, where I could admire her beauty without anyone else noticing or judging me for it.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
"Emily, I have something important to tell you," I said as I moved closer, the words falling out of my mouth like they'd been stuck on the tip of my tongue for years.
"I don't know how you're going to react when I say this, but I need to get it off my chest before I lose my nerve."
Placing a hand on her shoulder, I turned her around so she was facing me and met her eyes with an intense gaze that made her blush a bright shade of red.
"Emily…I'm in love with you. I have been since we were kids."
The confession hung heavy in the air between us as I dipped down to close the distance between our lips—for just one kiss; a fleeting moment where everything would finally be out in the open and our lives could go back to normal once again.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
But just as I was about to press my lips against hers, the door swung open and Sarah's eyes widened in shock as she watched the scene unfold before her.
It was clear that I had crossed a line that even I didn't realize existed until that very moment, and she quickly turned around without saying a word and went back inside the house before I could stop her.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
"What's wrong?" Emily asked, her brow furrowing in confusion as she struggled to make sense of the situation.
"Where did Sarah go?"
"I…I don't know," I said, still stunned by what had just occurred.
A moment ago, everything had been perfect—I was finally going to tell Emily how I felt about her, and then we'd share a kiss under the stars like we were two characters in some cheesy romantic movie.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
Chapter 3
Sarah quickly left the room after catching me about to kiss my sister, Emily. As Emily and I were left alone, she coldly told me to leave, her eyes reflecting a mix of pain and confusion. I tried to explain that my feelings for her were sincere and not some fleeting infatuation, but she recoiled sharply when I touched her arm, telling me to stop. Her rejection was clear; I had lost something crucial by revealing my forbidden love. Feeling rejected and profoundly alone, I left the kitchen with a heavy heart.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
After seeing the look on my sister's face when I told her that I loved her, the last thing in the world I wanted to do was continue this conversation.
I could tell by the way she recoiled at my touch that she had no interest in being with me—and who could blame her?
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I had spent years building up the courage to finally tell her how I felt, and then in one single moment, it all came crashing down around me.
Emily may not have known how much I loved her before, but she certainly knew now—and there was no going back from this.
"Fine," I said, taking a step back from her to give us some space.
"I'll go."
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I watched as Sarah seemed to grasp the gravity of what I had just confessed.
Her expression shifted rapidly from disbelief to understanding, and finally, she excused herself quickly.
As she left, her gaze met mine for a brief moment, holding a mix of shock and compassion. Afterward, thankfully James didn't say another word until we heard our parents returning from their dinner date; they walked into the kitchen just as Emily was coming down the stairs from her bedroom.
She gave me a pleading look before running past me out of the room.
Sarah stopped in front of me on her way out too saying "James…"
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
Emily ran upstairs after leaving James alone in the kitchen.
He was still processing what had just happened between them—what he had confessed to her…What he had almost done
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I must have been struck dumb because I didn't say anything in response to Sarah's warning—didn't even move off the step where I was sitting so she could go by me.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
"I don't know what else to say," I told her honestly.
"If there was any way I could explain it more clearly, don't you think I would have tried by now? Don't you think I would have said something that would make it all go away?"
She nodded slowly and moved past me without another word as if she knew there wasn't anything left to discuss between us for the moment.
I waited until she'd gone inside before pushing myself to my feet and following her into the house.
As much as I wanted to disappear into my own mind for a while—try to figure out a way to put everything together so that it made sense—I had no doubt that my sister had already filled our friend in on what had happened earlier in the kitchen.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
I tried to explain my feelings to Emily Carter, emphasizing that they were real and not just some fleeting emotion.
As I moved closer and touched her arm, seeking some kind of connection, she recoiled sharply and told me to stop.
Her rejection was clear; I had crossed a line that could never be uncrossed.
The pain in her eyes made me realize the depth of my mistake.
Feeling rejected and profoundly alone, I left the kitchen with a heavy heart, avoiding any further confrontation with our parents who were still discussing family matters at the dinner table.
Later that night, consumed by guilt and confusion, I sat on the front steps of our home, trying to make sense of what had happened.
I felt like an outsider in our house, which suddenly seemed so foreign and unwelcoming.
My thoughts were interrupted when Sarah Jennings joined me unexpectedly.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
She had two bottles of beer with her and handed one over without a word.
Sitting down beside me, she acknowledged the complexity of my emotions but didn’t press for details about what had transpired between Emily and me earlier.
When I got outside, James was sitting on the front steps with his head in his hands.
It wasn't hard to figure out he didn't want company because by all rights he should've heard me coming from inside, but I moved as quietly as possible anyway.
When I stepped onto the porch, he looked up at me; there was something haunted in his eyes that had no place there, and it broke my heart.
Forbidden Hearts: A Brother's Confession
Chapter 4