Scenario:I woke up and found that I'd turned into a beautiful female cat woman with big breasts. This was a far cry from the man that I once was.
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I woke up and found that I'd turned into a beautiful female cat woman with big breasts. This was a far cry from the man that I once was.
Elias Hart
felinehuman hybrid, relationship with his new roommates, slender with sharp feline eyes, curious and adaptable.
Leo Sharpe
Elias's former best friend and a skeptic of his transformation, acquaintance to Elias and Marie, muscular build with skeptical eyes, humorous and protective.
Marie Stroud
human roommate and confidant, friend to Elias, medium height with curly hair, caring and practical.
Chapter 1
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and groaned.
I didn’t want to get up, but I had to go to work.
I reached out to turn off the alarm, but my hand didn’t respond.
I tried again, but it was like my hand wasn’t there.
Panic set in as I opened my eyes and looked at my body.
My hands were gone, replaced by paws.
I sat up and looked down at myself.
I was a cat woman!
How did this happen?
What was I going to do?
I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.
Maybe this was just a dream.
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to convince myself it was just a nightmare.
Maybe if I opened my eyes again, I would be myself.
I moved closer to the mirror and slammed my head against the tiles, hoping that it would wake me up from this nightmare.
But nothing changed.
My head hurt from slamming it into the tiles, and tears welled in my eyes from disappointment.
This wasn't a dream or a nightmare; it was reality!
"Come on! Get up! You have work!"
I heard my mom’s voice say in my head.
She had been right all along; I should’ve just gone to law school like she wanted me to do instead of studying animal science at the university.
There was no one who looked like me in the world!
"Are you ready? We’re gonna be late!"
I heard Marie call out from outside the bathroom door.
Marie was my new roommate, we were both interns at Parkview Animal Hospital, and she had become one of my closest friends since moving here last year.
But what would she think of me now that I had changed?
"I-I’ll be right there!"
I said with a shaky voice, not sure if she could hear me or not through the door.
Another knock sounded on the door, and I flinched for a second before taking a deep breath.
"Can I come in?"
Marie asked.
"We’re already late."
"I’ll be out in a minute."
I said and took off my clothes before turning on the shower water, hoping Marie would get tired of waiting for me and go down without me seeing her so I wouldn’t have to explain anything yet. "Hurry up!"
She whined on the other side of the door after what felt like an eternity under the stream of hot water.
"I’m coming!"
"You don’t have to go if you don’t want to."
Her voice was soft and calm and her eyes were sad.
I wasn’t sure if that made me feel better or worse.
"I can't not go."
I said as an excuse and let out a sigh.
I could tell she still didn't believe me, but she didn't push it.
We got up from the bed and walked over to my bedroom.
"Come with me."
She said before pushing open my door and leading us out of my room and into hers.
"You can pick something out of my closet so at least you’ll have clothes while we figure this out. Yours won’t fit you anymore."
I followed her obediently as her words made my heart race again.
Marie's calm and caring attitude was really helping me keep it together.
I didn't know what I would have done without her since this all started.
She opened the door to her room for me and waited for me to walk inside before following behind me and closing it after us.
Then she turned around to face me with a small smile on her face.
"You can sit down on the bed if you want. I’ll go through my closet and see if we can find something for you."
I walked over to her bed like she said and sat down on it while I watched her dig through her closet full of clothes.
"I’m sorry…"
I mumbled as I watched her search through her things as if she knew this would happen one day and had already prepared for it.
"It’s not your fault," She said, still smiling at me as she pulled out a shirt and a pair of pants before turning around to face me again.
"Here. Try these on while I get some shoes for you too."
I took them from her hands before setting them down next to me on the bed before turning back around to face Marie who had already started searching through another drawer in her closet.
"Thank you…"
I pulled the white t-shirt and black jeans on over my body and stood up to look at myself in the mirror that was hanging on the back of Marie's closet door.
The clothes were a little big on me since I was pretty skinny as a human, but they should work until we could find something else for me to wear… or until Marie got tired of lending them to me... "How do I look?"
I asked as I turned around to face her again and watched her pull out a pair of shoes from one of her drawers before closing it and walking back over to me.
I cursed myself for not bringing a coat.
It was probably going to rain today though it wasn’t raining yet, but it was definitely cold enough for it.
I pulled my arms around myself as Marie and I walked the short distance to our workplace.
A few people turned their heads as we made our way down the sidewalk toward our job, but no one stopped to talk which was fine by me because they weren’t the ones who left without their coat this morning!
I thought to myself as we finally arrived at work ten minutes later and stepped inside the warm building.
My mood was already ruined as we made our way to the back of the building where we worked.
I could feel people staring at me all day long which only made me more uncomfortable than I already was.
Some people even stopped what they were doing to whisper something to their coworkers before turning their heads to look at me too… It was obvious to me that they knew something was different about me, and they didn’t know how to react to it. I tried my best not to let it bother me even though I could feel their eyes on me the whole time.
I stayed busy throughout the day so that I wouldn’t have time to think about what happened or worry about what other people thought of me.
I did everything from taking out the trash and mopping the floors to running food out to customers who ordered takeout.
Marie noticed that I was having a difficult time dealing with everything so she brought me lunch from our favorite restaurant a little while later to try and cheer me up.
I thanked her before reaching into the bag and pulling out an order of french fries which was one of my favorite things to eat.
"I can’t believe you’re eating that crap," She said as she shook her head at me playfully.
She always ate healthy food like salad or turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread while I filled up on junk food all day long!
Chapter 2
I was trying to type out a message on my phone, but I kept hitting the wrong letters over and over again.
I growled in frustration as I stared down at the screen of my phone.
Using feline paws for hands was not an easy task, and I still wasn’t used to it yet.
"Are you okay?" Marie asked as she looked up from her computer screen and stared at me worriedly.
"You’ve been quiet all day."
"I’m fine," I replied as I tossed the phone down on the table next to me and ran a hand through my hair.
"What’s wrong?"
She asked as she leaned closer toward me after taking a sip of her coffee.
"Maybe I can help."
"It’s nothing," I lied as I shook my head and stood up from the chair.
"I just need some fresh air. Are you going on your lunch break soon?"
"In about twenty minutes," She answered before looking back down at her computer screen again.
"Okay, thanks," I said as I turned around and headed for the door that led to the outside.
I could tell that Marie wasn’t going to budge, so I decided not to bother her anymore.
The last thing she needed was for me to dump all of my problems on her when she was busy working too.
I pushed open the door and stepped outside before pulling out my phone a moment later and scrolling through the contacts list until I found Leo’s phone number.
I dialed his number and put the phone up to my ear, but he didn’t answer.
After two more attempts, he still didn’t pick up his phone, so I hung up and let out a frustrated sigh.
"Is everything okay?" Marie asked as she stepped outside a few moments later and stood beside me.
"Just leave the important calls to me," She suggested as she took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Leo’s number before putting it up to her ear.
"Hey, this is Marie. Is anyone there? Hello?"
She said into the phone after someone picked up on the other end of the line.
"I’m feeling sick today so I won’t be able to come in. Elias won’t be able to make it either. We’ll see you tomorrow."
Marie hung up the phone a few seconds later before turning around to face me again.
"What should we do now? Go back home or go shopping for a while?" she asked with a half-smile as she tried to cheer me up again.
"I don’t want to go back home," I replied honestly as I stuffed my hands into my pockets and looked down at the ground dejectedly.
I nodded at her suggestion as a smile returned to my face, and we both headed for the entrance to the mall again as quickly as possible.
But just as we were about to go inside, Marie’s phone started ringing with a loud ringtone that went off every few seconds, which stopped us both in our tracks.
Marie took it out of her pocket and checked the screen before answering it.
"Hey, Leo. What’s up?"
She said after she put it up to her ear, "You’re at the mall too? That’s great. Where are you right now? Okay, Elias is with me."
She hung up a few seconds later and turned to face me again with a serious look on her face this time.
"Don’t be mad, but Leo is going to meet up with us at the mall," Marie said quietly as she gave me an apologetic look.
"He’s one of my best friends," I replied calmly as a smile returned to my face again.
"I’m not mad at all. He’ll help you keep an eye on me, won’t he?"
I asked her curiously after realizing what she was getting at earlier when she told Leo that I was with her.
"Something like that," She responded vaguely as we both stood there waiting for Leo to show up already.
A few minutes passed by before Leo came walking through the main entrance of the mall and started looking around curiously for some reason until his eyes landed on us eventually, "Hey, Marie! What are you doing here?" he called out to her as he headed over in our direction while waving at her happily.
But when he finally got over to where we were standing, he suddenly froze up when he saw me and just stared at me silently for a moment or two without saying anything else.
"Leo, what are you looking at?"
Marie asked him curiously and followed his gaze to see what he was staring at so intently for some reason.
But when she finally saw me, she let out a small gasp of surprise before turning back to look at Leo again with a knowing look on her face.
"Yeah, it’s Elias," She replied calmly as if there was nothing strange going on.
"Really? Are you sure about that? He looks a lot different than I remember," Leo said skeptically as he looked me up and down carefully but still didn’t say anything else after that.
"Elias is that you?"
"Leo, it’s really me," I said gently while trying to grab his hand carefully to show him that it was really me and that everything would be alright.
I wasn’t sure how he would react to this gesture of mine since he was always a bit touchy about us touching him for some reason or another, but he didn’t seem to mind too much this time around surprisingly enough.
Instead, he just watched my hand carefully for a moment or two before looking back up at my face again with a confused look on his own, "Elias? Is that really you?" "Yes, it’s really me. Can’t you tell?" "Well yeah… But not exactly. You look different…"
"I know what you mean… Believe me, I do. But this is still my body no matter how strange it might look right now."
"Okay… So what happened?"
"I wish I could tell you…"
I said while shaking my head helplessly since there was nothing else I could do right now but wait for things to return back to normal on their own eventually.
"I’m sorry Elias…"
Leo said gently as he pulled me into a hug and held me tightly against him for a few moments.
"Me too…"
I replied as my own arms snaked around his waist to return his embrace, even though I knew that nothing would ever be the same between us ever again.
Leo was just too straight and macho of a guy to like someone like me in my current state no matter what happened between us in the past.
So all I could do now was enjoy this moment with him before letting it go and moving on with my life at some point later on down the road eventually.
"Do you want to try on your clothes now?"
Marie asked me curiously as we both stepped out of Leo’s embrace so that I could change into something more comfortable at long last.
"Sure," I said with a small nod of my own as we both headed over to the fitting room together, followed closely behind by Leo.
"You’re going to love these clothes, Elias. They feel so comfortable against your skin," Marie said softly as she handed me one of the outfits that we had picked out earlier, "Now take off your clothes and try this on for us please."
But when I hesitated to actually go through with her plan for some reason or another, Marie just let out a small sigh of irritation before coming over to help me undress instead.
I wasn’t sure why she was behaving like this all of a sudden, but we both knew that we needed to get this done one way or another.
And since it was obvious that I wasn’t going to help her out anytime soon, Marie just started stripping me down herself without saying anything more.
Afterwards, she handed me an outfit and told me how to put on every piece that came along with it in detail while Leo stood guard outside in case something happened unexpectedly.
Chapter 3
Marie and Leo cried out as they rushed over to help me, but the pain was just too much for me to handle.
I could tell that something had gone horribly wrong with my body somehow, yet I wasn’t able to do anything about it as I writhed around on the floor in agony until someone finally called for help or the whole world exploded into a million pieces either way.
One minute everything was fine, and the next it wasn’t as if my body was tearing itself apart from the inside out right before my very eyes without any warning whatsoever. "What’s happening…?!"
I couldn’t help but scream out as the pain continued to grow stronger and stronger by the second, "Make it stop!"
"Someone call 9-1-1!"
Leo cried out in a panic as he did his best to shield me from the curious onlookers who had gathered around us, "Elias? Can you hear me?"
"I think you need to back away from him!"
Marie yelled at the other people who were trying to get involved as she pressed her hands against my sides, "I’m a nurse! I need room to work!"
Marie asked me when I finally stopped screaming out in pain, but I wasn’t able to respond.
In fact, I couldn’t even see or hear what was going on around me anymore because the whole world had gone black instead.
"Elias? Snap out of it! Elias!" "What happened?"
I asked weakly as I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself lying down on my bed with Marie sitting beside me on the mattress.
"We’re home," she said softly as she continued to stroke my hair, "You passed out at the mall and wouldn’t wake up no matter what we did. So I called a taxi and had them drive us back here so that you could rest."
"You carried me all this way…?"
I knew that I needed to find a way to fix this problem before it was too late, because let’s face it, I had no idea how long it would be before my changes became permanent.
"Okay," I replied softly as I slowly got up off of the bed and made my way towards Marie’s room in search of some clothes, but when she noticed what I was doing she quickly stopped me.
"I already took care of it while you were sleeping."
Marie said softly as she returned with a pile of clothes in her arms.
"I didn’t know if you’d want your old clothes back or not so I brought a few different outfits for you to choose from."
"Thanks," I said with a small smile as I took hold of the clothes in my arms, "but what happened at the mall? Why did I pass out like that?"
"I’m not sure: but if I had to guess, your feline brain was probably causing your body to shut down so that it could finish changing. But don’t worry; once we got back here, I did everything that I could think of in order to help you recover. Including checking your vitals regularly and making sure that you stayed warm enough."
Marie explained.
"So does this mean we’re safe now?"
I asked weakly as I looked down at myself, only this time there were no feline features on my hands or feet anymore.
"Actually," Marie began, "that was when the strange things started happening. You see, I decided to try and call your phone so that we could let your parents know that you were okay; but once I found out that it was still at the mall, I called the number on my phone instead and asked them if they’d be willing to help me look for you.
"They told me that one of their staff members had seen you wandering around the food court in a daze not long after Leo left, but by the time they made it over there you were already gone. And from what I can tell, it doesn’t look like anyone saw you leave with anyone else or anything like that either; so my best guess is that something happened which made you come back here in order to get away from us.
"Maybe someone put something in our drinks while we weren’t looking or something," I suggested as I continued to pace back and forth across the room.
"But who would do something like that? And why?""I’m not sure," Marie replied softly as she grabbed a glass of water off of my nightstand and handed it over to me, "but from what I can tell, it looks like you passed out not long after you started talking about Leo. So maybe he has something to do with all this?"
"That’s possible I guess," I replied thoughtfully as I slowly took a seat at the edge of my bed, "but if Leo is responsible for what’s going on with me then why was he acting so surprised when he saw us at the mall earlier today?"
"I don’t know," Marie replied softly as she stroked my hair gently.
"Maybe we’ll find some kind of clue that will tell us what’s really going on here.
I nodded in agreement before reaching for my phone and punching in the number for the bar.
It rang three times before someone finally picked up, but when it did I could hear nothing but a loud burst of static coming from the other end of the line.
Worriedly, I held the phone up to my ear for another moment or two before realizing that the call had been cut off completely.
"It sounds like they might be closed right now," Marie said as she leaned over my shoulder and looked at me sympathetically.
"Maybe we can go over there later tonight after they open up again?"
"Yeah," I agreed as I got back up to my feet again, "but we should probably go over there sooner rather than later if we want to have any chance at getting me back to normal. For all we know, the changes might be permanent; so it’s probably going to take some time before we figure out how everything works."
"Hey," Marie said as she grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around so that I was facing her.
"It’s going to be okay, okay? We’ll find a way to get you back to normal; even if it takes us a while."
I nodded in agreement, but as soon as Marie turned away from me again I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if things didn’t work out like she hoped they would.
What would happen if we never found out who or what was responsible for my changes?
Would I ever be able to go back home again?
Would anyone be willing to accept me for who I was now?
As all these questions continued to run through my mind at once, all of which only served to make me feel more anxious than ever before, Marie wrapped her arm around me comfortingly as she led me toward our front door.
"Come on," she said gently as she reached down and closed her fingers around mine reassuringly.
"Let’s go see if we can figure out what’s going on here."
I nodded in agreement as I followed Marie out of the apartment and down the hall, but as soon as we reached our car I started to feel more anxious than ever before.
Sure, I wanted to get to the bottom of everything and find out what was really going on; but at the same time, I couldn’t stop worrying about what would happen if we didn’t have any luck finding answers to all our questions.
Sighing softly, I climbed into the passenger seat and waited for Marie to start the engine and pull out of her parking space; but once she did, I knew that it would only be a matter of time before we found out just how deep this rabbit hole went.
We walked through the front doors of the bar not long after that, but as soon as we stepped inside I knew that something was wrong.
Chapter 4
The bar was eerily quiet for the time of day, and a sense of foreboding hung in the air.
Marie looked around cautiously, her grip tightening on my paw-hand.
"Stay close," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
As we approached the bar counter, a man with an enigmatic smile emerged from the shadows.
He seemed familiar, like a distant memory trying to resurface.
"Welcome back," he said in a voice that sent chills down my spine.
Marie stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. "We need answers. What did you do to him?"
The man chuckled softly. "Ah, Elias Hart. Or should I say... half-Elias, half-Hart?"
His words confirmed our worst fears—he knew exactly what had happened to me.
The bartender leaned in closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "It was a simple spell, really. A transformation potion slipped into your drink."
Marie’s face turned pale. "Why? Why would you do this to him?"
He shrugged nonchalantly. "Call it an experiment, a test of sorts. But don't worry, there’s a way to reverse it."
My heart raced at his words. "How? Tell me how!"
The man raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the drama unfolding before him.
"There’s an antidote," he said slowly. "But it requires three things: a drop of your blood, a tear from someone who loves you deeply, and the feather of a rare bird known as the Moon Phoenix."
Marie looked at me with determination in her eyes. "We can do this. We’ll find what we need."
The bartender smirked. "You have until midnight tomorrow. After that... well, let's just say the transformation will be permanent."
Without another word, we turned and left the bar, my mind racing with thoughts of the quest ahead.
Marie squeezed my paw-hand reassuringly as we walked back to the car.
"We'll find everything we need," she said firmly.
As we drove through the city streets, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.
With Marie and Leo by my side, I knew I had a fighting chance to regain my humanity.
Our journey would be fraught with challenges and dangers untold.
But for now, I held onto Marie's promise and Leo's unwavering support.
Together, we would unravel this mystery and restore what had been taken from me.
And perhaps along the way, I would discover new strengths within myself that I never knew existed.
As the sun began to set on our city of secrets and spells, I felt a renewed sense of purpose.
No matter how deep this rabbit hole went, I was ready to face whatever lay ahead.
For in friendship and love lay our greatest power—the power to change fate itself.