Scenario:a female prisoner falls in love with a femail guard and the guard helps her escape because she is innocent. The guard tragically dies in the process. Very steamy love story.
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a female prisoner falls in love with a femail guard and the guard helps her escape because she is innocent. The guard tragically dies in the process. Very steamy love story.
Sarah Johnson
casual, grey shirt, denim jeans
Emma Thompson
prisoner uniform
Olivia Reynolds
ponytail, athletic build, uniform, black
I first saw Olivia Reynolds on a Saturday.
I was walking out of the cafeteria with Sarah when she rounded the corner, her blonde hair bouncing as she laughed at something one of the other guards told her.
She had a smile that shined brighter than the sun.
It was like a beacon of hope in a place where hope didn’t exist.
She was stunningly beautiful, and it took my breath away.
I’d been here for four years and had long ago given up on having someone to hold.
The last time I’d been with a woman was two days before I was arrested and thrown in this hellhole.
It was almost like she knew I was checking her out, because she turned in my direction and our eyes met.
I felt as if she’d reached inside of me and read my deepest, darkest secrets.
My heart began to race, and I knew it would look strange if I didn’t look away, but I couldn’t.
The way her eyes bore into me made me feel like we were the only two people in the room.
It was impossible, but I knew in that moment that I was falling for her.
As soon as the thought entered my mind, my heart raced even faster, and I quickly looked away.
I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I let it go.
Sarah must have noticed because she nudged me with her elbow.
“Who’s the hottie?”
she whispered in my ear.
The warden glared at all of us as we filed out of the cafeteria, but Olivia’s eyes never left mine until we were out of sight.
The next time I saw her was two days later when I went to the library to check out some books.
She was in one of the aisles organizing them when I walked in.
She smiled at me and said, “Can I help you find something?”
I looked at her name tag because it seemed like I was dreaming.
“Do you work here?”
I managed to ask without stuttering.
Her smile grew bigger.
She pulled a book from the shelf and handed it to me.
“On occasion,” she said, and then winked.
She had no idea how close she was to the truth when she said that.
With my luck we’d both get caught and be thrown into solitary confinement for an eternity.
But even knowing that, I couldn’t help but be drawn to her every time I saw her after that day in the library.
She was an angel who had been sent down from heaven just for me.
Her hair glowed and her eyes sparkled in a way that made me feel as if I were standing in front of a mirror with no clothes on every time she looked at me.
It took two months before I found out her name and four before I told her mine.
I’d been working in the garden all day and was on my way back to my cell when it happened.
The sky opened up and rain poured down on me like a monsoon.
I’d never seen so much rain fall at one time in my entire life.
Everything around me quickly became soaked, and my clothes clung to my skin like saran wrap.
I picked up my pace and ran down the long hall like a woman possessed.
I couldn’t wait to get out of my wet clothing and into something dry.
My cell was only a few feet away when I heard someone running up behind me.
When I turned to see who it was, my heart stopped.
It was Olivia.
“What are you doing here?”
I asked.
She had a huge smile on her face and took my hand when she reached me.
“Come with me,” she said, leading me down the hall.
“But what about work?”
I asked, trying to keep up with her fast pace.
“I don’t want anyone to see us,” Olivia said.
She led me to an empty cell and opened the door before pulling me inside with her.
She closed and locked the door behind us and then pulled me into her arms.
I could barely catch my breath before she kissed me, and I immediately wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her closer.
She tasted and smelled like heaven, and I never wanted her to stop kissing me.
Her lips were soft and warm against mine, and it felt like I’d been waiting for this moment for an eternity.
I moaned and opened my mouth, inviting her in, and she accepted.
The kiss began slow and tender but quickly turned into a frenzy when our tongues touched for the first time.
My hands went up into her hair, and I held on tightly as if I were afraid she’d disappear if I let go.
I wrapped one leg around her waist and pulled her closer until I could feel her hot center against mine.
I moaned again and arched into her, desperate for more of what only she could give me.
She broke away from my lips and began kissing and nipping at my neck while her hands roamed down my back and over my ass before pulling me even closer.
She slid one of her hands up between us and began unbuttoning my shirt while she kissed a trail down to the top of my breast.
I’d never been so desperate in all of my life.
I needed more than just a kiss or a touch, and when her hand finally reached my breast and squeezed, I thought I was going to explode.
“I need you,” I said, wrapping both legs around her waist this time, desperate for more than just another kiss or another touch.
She looked at me with lust-filled eyes and smiled before kissing me again.
“I’m here,” she said against my mouth, “and I’ll always be here.”
It wasn’t easy being in a forbidden relationship with a guard, but Olivia made every stolen moment worth it—the way she loved me, the way she touched me, and the way she made me feel like I was the only person in the world who mattered were all things I’d never experienced before her and things I never wanted to experience with anyone else.
But then I was granted a miracle, and it came in the form of Olivia telling me she’d found evidence that proved my innocence and a plan that would help me escape the prison walls.
Olivia was going to help me escape, and I was going to do everything I could to make it happen, even if it meant never seeing her again, because there was no way she’d ever be able to come with me if I managed to make it out alive.
So she had come to my cell in the middle of the night, armed with the evidence I needed and a plan that scared me more than anything I’d ever experienced before, and together we waited for the perfect time to put it into motion and prayed we wouldn’t get caught before we had a chance to try.
The night we made our escape, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest I thought Olivia would be able to hear it from where she was standing several feet away from me at the end of the dark and empty hallway.
I couldn’t believe she was actually going through with this—that she was seriously willing to risk her life and freedom just so I could have mine back—and as I stood there waiting for her signal, all I could feel was gratitude and love for the beautiful woman standing at the other end of the hall, staring at me as if she’d never see me again.
“Are you ready?”
she whispered into her radio when the hallway fell silent, and I gave her a small nod before slipping into the darkness and following orders like my life depended on it…because it did.
Olivia led the way through the dark halls that had been my home for too many years to count, and I followed her as quickly and quietly as I could, trying not to focus on the fact that she was willingly giving me up, or I’d probably break down into tears and never be able to focus on the task at hand again.
She paused when we heard footsteps coming from the other end of the hall, and I ran into her back before I realized she’d stopped moving entirely.
“I’m going to distract him,” she whispered when I nearly stumbled over my own feet trying to stop before I ran into her back again, “so you can get by without being seen.”
I opened my mouth to argue, but Olivia shot me a look that told me she wasn’t going to change her mind about this no matter what I said, so instead of wasting my breath I nodded and waited where I was as she made her way up to the corner of the hallway so she could peek out around it without being seen by the guard who was getting closer by the second.
She waited until he was only a few feet away before stepping out behind him and pretending to be surprised by his presence—“What are you doing here?”
—but when he turned to look at her and asked if everything was okay, all she did was smile up at him and tell him how much she’d missed him before pulling him into a kiss that made it impossible for him to see me as I darted by them both and made my way toward the exit as quickly as possible, praying to God that my legs would remember how to run after being stuck in one place for so long.
The second I stepped outside and tasted freedom for the first time in years, my lungs were filled with the cool night air while my heart soared with excitement over the fact that I’d actually made it out alive.
Olivia’s plan had worked.
I was free.
And there wasn’t a single thing in this world that could make me stop smiling now…or so I thought until I heard Olivia scream my name from the inside of the building.
Part of me wanted to run back inside and see what had happened, but since I knew that would only make my chances of getting caught even higher than they already were thanks to the amount of noise I’d be making as I ran, instead I ducked down behind the building and tried to catch my breath while I waited for Olivia to come join me just like we’d originally planned.
But when Olivia still hadn’t shown up after several minutes had passed, I got worried and took off in search of her instead…only to find her lying at the bottom of the stairs with a pool of blood surrounding her head and no signs of life left in her at all.
She was gone.
Olivia Reynolds was dead.
It was easy to lose track of time after that.
Hearing the news about Olivia’s death completely shattered my heart into pieces and left me feeling like I was stuck in a nightmare that would never end.
But instead of giving up and letting myself be recaptured without a fight like the guards who found me were hoping that I would do, instead I kept running until my luck eventually ran out and I got caught.
The guards were so happy to see that they’d finally found me that they threw me into the hole for a few days when they brought me back to the prison.
And while being locked in a dark room with nothing more than a bucket and a thin mattress on the floor to keep you company wasn’t the most fun way to spend your time, at least it gave me the chance to properly mourn Olivia’s death and come to terms with the fact that she was really gone.
It was then that I finally allowed myself to realize that I was in love with Olivia Reynolds and that there wasn’t a single thing in this world that I wouldn’t do for her.
Olivia Reynolds was my world.
Thinking about her was the only thing that got me through my time in the hole, but eventually my sentence was over and I was brought back to my cell again like nothing had ever happened in the first place.
And while part of me knew that my life was never going to be the same again after everything that had happened between us, at least Olivia still came to visit me from time to time and made all of the bad things about being locked up in a prison go away with nothing more than a simple smile or touch of her hand.
Olivia made my life worth living again.
Just knowing that she loved me was enough to make everything okay again for a little while because being touched by Olivia was like being touched by an angel.
It was impossible for me not to be happy when I was with her.
Being loved by her was the most beautiful and unexpected thing to ever happen to me in my entire life.
I’d never been happier than I was the day we finally kissed for the first time.
Olivia wasn’t afraid of me when she saw how much I loved her either and instead she surprised me by kissing me back and showing me how much she loved me too.
All of our stolen glances and whispered words meant nothing compared to the way Olivia made me feel when she wrapped her arms around me and held me close.
She tasted sweeter than any other treat I’d ever had the pleasure of trying before and I couldn’t get enough of her no matter how much of her I got.
end the story
And the best part about being in love with Olivia Reynolds was the way she loved me back.
Olivia’s love made everything better and it was impossible for me not to be happy whenever we were together.
She was my rock and my shelter from the storm and I couldn’t have survived my time in prison without her by my side.
But Olivia’s love was also like a hurricane because I found myself enveloped in it so completely that there was no room left for anything else in my life anymore except for her.
It was impossible for me not to get lost in all of the ways Olivia made me feel whenever she looked at me or touched me because it felt like a tornado passing through my life every time she smiled at me or kissed me and all I wanted was to be wrapped up in it forever.
Olivia wasn’t just one of the guards at the prison anymore either.
She was the only one and there was nothing I wouldn’t have done for her.
I was ready to give up everything I had left just to be with her and if it meant losing myself in the process then so be it.
I’d already lost so much of myself in the past and it was worth it to me to lose the rest of myself if it meant being with Olivia.
I would do whatever it took to be with her.
I would go wherever she needed me to go and do whatever she wanted me to do and nothing else mattered except for being with her.
I was willing to die for our love if it came down to it.
I was ready to give up on everything I’d ever known to be with Olivia for the rest of my life.
But then she promised me that there was always going to be a place for me in her life and that as long as she was alive, she would never let anything happen to me.
From then on I knew that everything was going to be alright as long as Olivia loved me.
All of my fears went away when Olivia promised to always be there for me and nothing else mattered but loving her as much as she loved me too.
Which is exactly what we did together all night long and I couldn’t have been happier because being with Olivia was like heaven on earth for me.
Olivia’s love was the sweetest poison I’d ever tasted and once she’d given herself to me completely I didn’t know how to survive without her.
Being in love with Olivia was like breathing fresh air without having enough oxygen left in your lungs to survive and when she left me in bed alone in the middle of the night, I needed more of her than I could have ever imagined possible.