दृश्य:A magical wizard opens the doors to a new world, one full of magic, light and love. He meets the stars, constellations and the Field during this trip
इस कहानी का मेरा संस्करण बनाएं
A magical wizard opens the doors to a new world, one full of magic, light and love. He meets the stars, constellations and the Field during this trip
Merlin Silvermoon
long, straight, blue eyes, tall, robe, dark blue
Luna Stardust
long flowing hair,silver eyes,slim,flowing dress, silver
Stella Nightshade
green eyes, lean body, black leather armor
A new chapter begins, and I stand on the threshold of destiny, my heart filled with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.
It’s been an age since I set out on a journey like this, but something about the world beyond this doorway tells me it will be different from any other I’ve embarked on in my long, storied life.
I am Merlin Silvermoon, a magical wizard with considerable power—though not as much as I once had, since I foolishly wasted much of it on petty spells and acts of vanity.
I have been exploring the many worlds that make up the vast expanse of the cosmos for longer than I can remember, and yet I still feel like a small child setting out on his very first adventure.
The world before me shimmers with the light of countless stars, each one a beacon of hope in the vast darkness that surrounds us.
I hear Luna Stardust’s voice in my mind, telling me that this world is a world of magic, light, and love.
The darkness has pursued me for so long, and I’m beginning to wonder if it will ever let me go.
But what if there is a way to rid myself of it once and for all?
This new world is on the brink of rebirth, Luna tells me as she takes my hand and leads me through a field of stars.
The ancient constellations whisper to us as we walk past them, each one eager to see what the future holds.
All they know is that something is about to change—something big.
For an instant I feel like I am drowning in starlight, but then Luna takes my hand and pulls me to my feet.
“Be careful,” she warns me as we step out into the void.
“The Field is not like other worlds.
There is balance here—more than you can imagine—and you must learn to respect it.”
I nod in understanding, but I wonder why she’s telling me this now.
Luna is my guide here in the space between worlds—an ethereal beauty with long flowing hair and silver eyes.
She is guardian of the stars, wise beyond her years, and she has been my close friend for as long as I can remember.
But she has never told me anything like this before.
“What do you mean?”
“The Field is a creation of your own making,” Luna tells me, her voice soft and gentle.
“Or rather, it is a manifestation of your own imagination.
You have always been one to see more than others—more beauty in the world around you, more suffering in those who are less fortunate—and your heart has always been filled with longing for something more.”
“I don’t understand,” I say in confusion.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“You will see,” Luna says with a smile as she holds out her hand to me once again.
“Come now, Merlin.
It is time.”
I take a deep breath and look around me one last time before stepping through the portal at Luna’s side.
This is it—I am on my way to my destiny at last.
My journey through the cosmos will be over soon, but even so I feel like it’s only just beginning.
The Field is waiting for me, and there are so many secrets it has yet to reveal.
I am the Traveler, the Guardian of the Stars, and the protectors of the Field.
I am the only being in existence who can travel between worlds, the only one who can slip through the dimensional barriers that separate them, and the only one who can traverse the Field.
Even the most powerful wizards in all the realms are unable to do what I do, for they are bound by the laws of nature, and I am not.
I am a force unto myself, and I have no master—no one to tell me what I can or cannot do.
But that does not mean I am invincible.
In fact, it means quite the opposite.
It means that I am alone, more alone than anyone should be, and that my very existence is an anomaly.
It means that I do not belong anywhere—not here in this world, not there in the others—and that I am destined to wander the cosmos forever, seeking something that I may never find.
All of this is true, but it is not why I am alone.
I am alone because there is no other being like me, and there never will be.
Except for Luna Stardust.
Her hand is still in mine as we step through the portal into the Field, and I feel her presence in my mind like never before.
She is part of me, bound to me in a way that no one else ever has been, and though we are two separate beings we are also one in spirit.
We have both lived long lives and seen many things, and we have both known the pain of eternity.
That is why we are kindred spirits, Luna and I.
That is why we are so close.
“Are you ready?”
Luna asks me as we stand together on the threshold of my tower.
“I don’t know,” I say with a sigh as I look down at her.
“The Field has been my home for so long—but it has also been my prison.
Now that it is time for me to leave, I find that I am not sure what to feel.”
“Don’t worry,” she says with a smile as she wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly against her chest.
“Everything will be all right.”
“And what about Rhiannon?”
I ask her as I close my eyes and try to push the thought of my beloved from my mind.
“What should I do about her?”
“You know what you have to do,” Luna says as she strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head.
“You must leave her behind until you can return.
I know it is painful, but you must trust in your love for each other.
It is the binding force of all things.”
I nod in agreement as I wrap my arms around Luna’s waist and hold her close.
“I know,” I say with a sigh as I look up at the sky.
“I will see you soon, my love,” I whisper as I take a deep breath and step out onto the balcony.
The sky before me is a vast expanse of stars unlike anything I have ever seen before—their light is so bright it makes my eyes water—and yet there are no constellations here.
They are all around us—there are so many of them—but they are not arranged in patterns or shapes like they are in other worlds.
“Are those…souls?”
I ask Luna as I look up at them in wonder.
“Every star is a soul,” she tells me with a smile as she takes my hand and leads me out onto the balcony.
“The stars are sentient beings who have lived and died just as you have, Merlin.
“Their light is ancient,” I say with a sigh as I look up at the stars.
“And yet I am here…and they are here…and we are all here together…”
“Yes,” Luna tells me with a smile as she takes my hand and leads me out onto the balcony.
And I am one with the stars.”
“Please,” I say with a smile as I bow before them.
“I am Merlin Silvermoon, and I am not worthy to be in your presence.
But I am also the Traveler—and I am here because I have been called to this place by love—and I will do whatever it takes to find my destiny.”
The stars are silent for a moment—but I can feel their presence all around me as I stand there with my head bowed.
And then, just when I am about to give up hope, they speak.
“Welcome to the Field, Merlin Silvermoon,” they say in unison.
“We have been waiting for you.”
I take a deep breath and look up at them with a smile.
Thank you,” I say with a nod.
And then I take Luna’s hand once again—she is so beautiful—and I walk toward the door.
“Are you ready?”
As I wait for her answer, we are joined by Stella Nightshade—the protector of the Field.
She is tall with dark hair and green eyes—and she is wearing a suit of armor that glows with an inner light.
“Are we ready to go?”
Stella asks me as she looks down at her hands and flexes her fingers.
There is a look of determination on her face that makes me feel safe.
“Yes, we are,” I tell her with a smile as I take her hand and lead her toward the door.
“Come on,” Luna says as she takes my other hand.
“We need to get going if we want to make it there before nightfall.”
“Don’t worry,” Stella says as she puts her arm around my shoulder.
I won’t let anything happen to you.”
With Stella by my side—and Luna leading the way—I step out onto the Field for the very first time.
The ground beneath me hums with magic as I look around at the vast expanse of grass that stretches out before me as far as the eye can see.
There are trees and flowers and streams—and I can see the mountains in the distance—as well as the ocean beyond them.
The air is warm and smells of spring—and I can hear the birds singing as they fly through the sky above me.
As I take it all in, I close my eyes and take a deep breath—and I know that this is where I was meant to be all along.
“This is it,” Luna says with a smile as she takes my hand and leads me forward.
“The Field is your creation—and it will be your destiny.”
“I know it will,” I tell her with a smile as I walk forward and follow her down the path.
And as I do, the stars whisper to me of love and magic—encouraging me to trust the journey that lies ahead and to believe in the power of my heart and soul.
Are you ready to begin your adventure?
A voice asks me as I step out onto the balcony and see the vast expanse of sky that stretches out before me.
And when I look up at the stars—I know that it is time for me to go.
I have been preparing for this moment for many years—ever since I was a little boy growing up in the Enchanted Forest and dreaming of going on an adventure like all the great wizards before me.
And now that I am finally here—I am ready to begin my quest for knowledge and connection—to find out who I am and what I am meant to do in this new world that lies before me.
“Are you ready?”
A voice asks me from behind—and when I turn around—I find myself gazing into the eyes of Luna Stardust—the guardian of the stars—the living embodiment of the mysteries of the cosmos—and my best friend in the whole wide world.
She is tall and beautiful with long flowing hair that shimmers like liquid silver—and her eyes are the color of the moon as she smiles at me from across the room.
“Of course,” I say with a smile as I take her hand and lead her out onto the balcony.
And as we step outside, the stars above us begin to twinkle—and the trees around us begin to glow—and we find ourselves standing in the middle of the Enchanted Forest.
The air is warm and smells of spring as we stand there together—and the leaves rustle in the wind as the trees sway back and forth.
And when I look up at the sky above me, I can see the stars shining down upon us from high above as they light up the night and fill my heart with love.
“Wow,” I say as I take it all in.
“It’s so beautiful.”
“It’s even more beautiful when you see it from up close,” Luna tells me with a smile as she takes my hand once again.
“Come on,” she says as she leads me forward.
“There is so much that I want to show you.”
And as we walk hand in hand down the path, I am filled with wonder as I take in the magic of this new world that lies before me.
The stars are so bright—and their light is so warm—as it shines down upon us from high above.
I am so happy as I stand there with my best friend at my side.
Her eyes are shining like two silver moons as she looks up at me from across the room.
“They have been waiting for you for a long time,” Luna tells me.
“They know that you are coming—and they are so happy that you are finally here.”
“So am I,” I tell her with a smile.
And then, just when I think that my heart is about to burst, she takes my hand once more and leads me forward down the path.
“Come on,” she says as she gives my hand a tug.
“There is so much that I want to show you.”
And as we walk together through the Enchanted Forest, Luna tells me all about the stars—their names and their stories—their likes and their dislikes.
She tells me how they were created by magic—and how they have been watching over us ever since.
“And did you know that some of the stars burn brighter than others?”
“They do?”
“They do,” Luna tells me with a smile as she stops and looks up at the sky above us.
“And some of the stars even have names—just like us.”
I ask as I look up at the sky above us as well.
“Some of the stars are so bright that they shine day and night—even when the sun is up!
Can you imagine how much magic it would take to make that happen?”
she asks as she turns to look at me once again.
“I think that this world is even more magical than the one that we came from, Merlin!”
she tells me as she gives my hand another tug.
“And now come on!”
she says as she takes off running, laughing as she goes.
“Hey, wait for me!”
I say as I take off after her.
The next thing I know, Luna is running through the forest as fast as she can go, laughing all the while.
She is so beautiful as she runs—her silver hair flowing out behind her like a shining river of moonlight—as her silver eyes sparkle like two little stars in the dark.
She is so happy—and she is having so much fun—as she runs through the forest and disappears into the night.
I can’t help but stare at her lips as she runs—as her laughter fills my heart with joy and makes my soul sing—but then suddenly, her lips stop moving and her laughter fades away as well.
I can see her looking at me out of the corner of her eye—as she walks forward through the Enchanted Forest—and then suddenly, she stops and turns to face me once again.
she asks with a smile as she reaches up to touch her lips with her finger.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I tell her with a smile.
“I was just thinking about what you were saying earlier about the stars.”
“The stars?”
Luna asks with a tilt of her head.
“Yeah,” I tell her with a nod.
“I was just wondering how some of the stars can burn so bright—and shine day and night—even when the sun is up.”
“Is that all?”
Luna asks with a chuckle as she reaches out and takes my hand once again.
“I guess that I don’t really know how that works either,” she tells me with a shrug of her shoulders as she starts to walk forward once again.
“And to be honest, I am not really sure if I even want to know,” she says with another chuckle of her own as she reaches up to touch the silver moon that hangs around her neck.
“Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know,” I tell her with a shrug of my shoulders as I reach up to touch the silver moon that hangs around my own neck.
I become one with the stars
“And besides,” I tell her with a chuckle of my own as I reach out and wrap my arms around her waist and give her a tight hug before looking down at her face and grinning from ear to ear, “it’s not like the stars can be bothered by something like that anyway.”
Luna looks up at me with a knowing expression on her face—as though she has just remembered something that she had forgotten long ago—and then suddenly, her silver eyes widen in surprise as she reaches up and places her hand over her mouth.
“How could I have forgotten?”
Luna asks herself with a sigh in her voice as she looks at me with sadness in her eyes.
“I am the guardian of the stars,” she says—her voice barely above a whisper now—before looking at me once again and smiling warmly at me once again with love in her eyes.
“It’s just that—” she says—her voice trailing off for a moment, “—they speak to me in hushed whispers—in the dead of night—and tell me things that no one else knows.”
“Like what?”
Luna smiles up at me once again before she closes her eyes for a moment—and I get the feeling that she is listening to something that I cannot hear—and then suddenly, she opens them again and nods in response.
“I can’t tell you,” Luna says with a shake of her head, “but I am sure that you will understand one day,” she tells me—her voice soft and warm like a gentle breeze in the night.
“I am sure that you will understand everything before too long.”
“I hope so,” I tell her as I wrap my arm around her shoulder and give her another tight hug.
“Because honestly, I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
Luna laughs again before she takes my hand in hers once again, but then suddenly, the two of us stop in our tracks—our laughter fading away—when we see the two strange beings standing in front of us now.
One of them is tall, with long flowing hair, while the other is small, with short, spiky hair.
The tall one is wearing a long, flowing dress, while the small one is wearing a small suit of armor.
“Do I know you?”
I ask with a frown as I look at the tall figure in front of me.
“You look kind of familiar to me,” I tell them with a shrug of my shoulders, “but I’m not really sure.”
The tall figure looks at me with a blank expression—but then suddenly, they start to laugh as well, and when they do, I can see a smile on their face.
“How could you forget me, Merlin?”
they ask with a grin before they reach up and remove their hood—and reveal their identity to me at last.
“How could you forget your old friend?”
I ask in surprise when I see who it is.
“What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t let you go on this journey by yourself,” they tell me with a smile before they turn and look at Luna—and the two of them lock eyes for a moment before they both start to laugh together once again.
“Do you two already know each other?”
I ask in surprise.
“Of course we do,” Luna says with a smile.
“I’m one of Merlin’s closest friends,” they say with a grin.
“After all, how could he forget about me?”
“You know,” I say with a frown before I turn and look up at the sky, “you are right about one thing.”
“What do you mean?”
“You asked if I knew who you were,” I say with a frown, “and honestly, I didn’t think that I did—but now that I see you again, I realize that I do,” I tell them with a smile before I reach up and point at the stars above us.
“You’re one of the stars,” I say with a nod of my head before I turn back to them—and then suddenly, I stop talking when I see how strange they look, standing there in front of me.
“Are you okay?”
I ask when I see how surprised they look—almost like they have been caught doing something that they shouldn’t have been.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“They’re winking at me,” they say with a frown before they turn and look up at the sky.
“Why are they winking at me?”
“I’m sorry,” I say with a laugh when I hear this.
I really am sorry,” I say as I try to stop laughing, “but I can’t help it.”
“Why are they winking at you?”
I ask when I finally manage to stop myself.
“Oh, that’s not what it is,” they say with a shake of their head.
“They’re not winking at me,” they tell me as they reach up and point at the stars above us.
“They’re smiling at me,” they add before they turn and look at me—and then suddenly, their entire face lights up.
“I knew that you were special the moment that I saw you,” they say with a smile.
“How could I ever forget you?”
“And now that I see you again,” I say as I take their hand in mine once again, “I don’t think that I will ever forget you either.”
“Are you sure that you want to leave?”
they ask before they turn and look at the world that we have made together.
“Are you sure that you want to walk away from this place—the place where we made so many memories together—and never look back again?”
I look at them for a moment before I turn and look at the world that we have made together—and then suddenly, I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath.
“I don’t want to leave,” I tell them as I open my eyes once again.
“But I have to,” I add as I reach up and touch my chest.
“I am not like you,” I tell them as I look down at myself once again.
“I cannot stay here forever.”
“But why not?”
they ask with a frown.
“Why can’t you stay here forever?”
“I was not made for this world,” I tell them with a frown.
“I was made for something else.”
“And what is that something else?”
“Well,” I say as I turn and look at them once again, “it is hard for me to say.”
“Is it hard for you to say,” they ask as they take my hand in theirs once again, “or is it hard for you to admit?”
“I don’t know,” I say with a frown before I close my eyes for a moment and take another deep breath.
“But what I do know is this,” I add when I open them once again.
“This world may be beautiful, but it is also dangerous—more dangerous than you can ever imagine.”
“I think that I can imagine it,” they tell me with a grin.
“No matter what it looks like—or how many times people tell you otherwise—this world is not safe,” I tell them as I look at them for another long moment.