MidReal Story

Woman of Steel

Scenario:Liza soberano as iron man
Create my version of this story
Liza soberano as iron man
Chapter 1
I was an orphan.
My parents died in a car accident when I was five years old, and I had no other family.
But it wasn’t all bad.
I inherited their house, their money, and most importantly, their research.
My parents were both genius inventors who worked for the government on top-secret projects.
When they died, the government took me in, but I didn’t want to be a lab rat like my parents.
So I ran away and went to live with my parents’ former colleague, Dr. Henry Shaw.
He was like a grandfather to me and taught me everything he knew about science and technology.
He didn’t have much longer to live, but before he died, he introduced me to his friend at Stark Industries, and I got a job as an engineer there.
I was so excited; it felt like my entire life had been leading up to that moment.
But then I found out about my parents’ secret project, and everything changed.
As a child, I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the hidden room in our family mansion.
But one day the door was slightly ajar, and when no one was looking, I snuck inside.
The room was filled with blueprints and designs for all kinds of robots and gadgets, but what caught my eye were the ones labeled "Iron Lady."
Woman of Steel
As I grew older, I realized that my parents had been working on something big, something important.
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And I knew that one day, I would follow in their footsteps and become Iron Lady.
Woman of Steel
"Dr. Shaw," I said as soon as I saw him.
"I have a question for you."
He looked up from his work and raised an eyebrow at me.
"What kind of question?"
"It’s about that room," I said.
"You know which one I mean."
He laughed.
"Eliza, why are you so interested in that old thing?"
"I don’t know," I said truthfully.
"But now that you mention it…"
I frowned and tried to remember.
"Was there something important about it?"
Dr. Shaw just shook his head with a sigh.
"No, Eliza," he said.
"There’s nothing important about that old room."
But even as he spoke the words, the expression on his face told me otherwise.
Intrigued despite myself, I decided to do some investigating of my own.
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And sure enough, I found that old room.
It wasn’t easy to do – the mansion was huge and full of secret passageways – but eventually, I stumbled upon it.
And when I did, I couldn’t believe what I found.
It was my parents’ research.
All the notes and blueprints they’d left behind when they died.
The things they’d been working on before the accident.
I spent hours going through everything in that room – and when I was done, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life.
Because buried in all those notes and designs was something truly amazing: blueprints for an Iron Lady suit.
In that moment, everything changed for me.
Suddenly, I understood why Dr. Shaw always spoke so highly of my parents.
They weren’t just any inventors – they were the best of the best!
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And their work could change the world.
From that day forward, I threw myself into technology and robotics with a passion.
I wanted to be just like my parents – and most importantly, I wanted to finish what they’d started.
It took me years of hard work and dedication to complete the Iron Lady suit.
But when I finally did, it was worth it.
Iron Lady became a hero to the people of our city – a symbol of hope and justice in troubled times.
And no one ever knew her true identity – not even Dr. Shaw.
As far as anyone was concerned, she’d come out of nowhere to save the day.
Woman of Steel
I didn’t want to know what Dr. Shaw was up to in that room.
I had enough secrets in my life already – I didn’t need any more.
But I couldn’t help myself.
I had to ask him about it one more time.
"What are you working on back there?"
I asked him as we walked down the hallway towards his study.
"You know I can't tell you that," he said, not even bothering to look at me.
"Oh come on," I said, rolling my eyes at him.
"You can trust me."
He laughed at that, but kept walking.
"I don't think so. Not after the stunt you pulled last night." "That's not fair," I told him.
"I only did what I had to do."
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He stopped at the door and turned to look at me with a serious expression on his face.
"I know you did," he said softly.
"But that doesn't mean I have to tell you anything about what I'm working on."
Then he pushed the door open and walked inside, leaving me standing there in the hallway by myself.
The nerve of him!
I thought as I watched him go.
But then again, he was right – it wasn't fair of me to expect him to tell me what he was up to just because I wanted to know.
Still… there was only one thing left for me to do."What's in the room?"
I asked Dr. Shaw again after we'd been walking for a few minutes in silence.
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He sighed and shook his head.
"It's nothing. Just an old storage room. I don't know why you're so interested in it."
"Well maybe if you told me what you were keeping in there, I wouldn't be so curious," I pointed out.
"But that would ruin the fun," he said with a chuckle.
"And besides… it's not my place to tell you about that room. It belonged to your parents. So if anyone has a right to know what's in there, it's you." "Then tell me," I said eagerly.
He smiled at me again and shook his head once more.
"Nice try," he said.
"But I'm not going to fall for that one. Not yet anyway."
"What do you mean?"
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Chapter 2
My parents created the technology for the suit years ago. They only finished building it after they died, so it was up to me to put it to good use and protect my city from those who sought to do it harm.
"Tell you what," he continued.
"Why don't we make a deal? You keep your promise and never reveal your secret identity to anyone… And then maybe someday I'll show you what's in that room - once I'm sure you've matured enough to handle it."
"And how long is that going to take?"
I asked him, feeling impatient all of a sudden.
He shrugged again and smiled at me knowingly.
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
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I asked.
"You said this information was meant for me. So why can't you tell me what it is?" "Because if I did, I'd be putting both of our lives in danger," Dr. Shaw explained.
Then he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"The technology your parents developed was groundbreaking. It could have changed the world for the better… But with that kind of power comes great responsibility. And unfortunately not everyone is capable of handling that kind of power." "What are you trying to say?" "Your parents were murdered," he said bluntly.
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"They were working for the government at the time. They created a new kind of technology that could be used to combat cyberterrorism. But as soon as they finished building a prototype, a rival organization known as The Black Hand came after them to make sure they'd never be able to complete their work."
Dr. Shaw shook his head sadly and let out a deep sigh.
Woman of Steel
Now we were at a crossroads.
My parents were dead and gone.
There was no way I could bring them back or atone for the mistakes they made.
But their work still lived on.
And as much as I wanted to turn my back on all of this and pretend like none of it had ever happened, that just wasn't an option anymore.
Knowing what I knew now, I couldn't just sit back and let this happen.
The world needed Iron Lady more than ever.
And if I didn't do something soon, then who would?
Dr. Shaw put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring squeeze."Whatever you decide to do from here on out, just know that you'll always have my help and support. This is something your parents would've wanted you to finish. And even though I know how dangerous it's going to be—"
I looked into his eyes and saw the fear hidden beneath his kind expression.
"I'm going to do it," I said firmly.
"Whatever it takes. I'm not going to let The Black Hand get away with murdering my parents."
For the first time since our conversation began, Dr. Shaw let out a small smile."I was hoping you'd say that," he said.
Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small flash drive."Because there's something else you need to see."
Woman of Steel
As soon as I saw the contents of the flash drive, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach.
Everything made sense now.
My parents hadn't died in a tragic accident like I'd been told all those years ago.
They were murdered in cold blood by assassins who had been hired to take them out.
The Black Hand had killed them because they knew too much about their operations, and because they didn't want anyone else getting their hands on the technology that your parents had created," Dr. Shaw explained grimly.
"And I guess you could say they succeeded… For a while, anyway."
"What do you mean?"
"The information you see here was given to me by someone who works for the government," he said, gesturing to the computer screen."The same organization your parents used to work for. Apparently once The Black Hand was finished with them, the government took over where they left off and decided to go ahead and finish what your parents had started."
"Why would they do that?"
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"Because your parents were on the verge of creating something truly revolutionary," Dr. Shaw said.
"And even though it was too late to save them, they didn't want that kind of technology going to waste."
I took a deep breath and tried to process everything that he'd just told me.
It was a lot to take in all at once, but somehow it made perfect sense.
And even though I knew this was only the beginning of what would be a long and difficult journey ahead of me, I was more determined than ever to see things through to the end.
Not if I had anything to say about it.
"You said there was something else," I said finally, looking down at the flash drive in his hand."What's on it?"
"I'm not sure," Dr. Shaw admitted."But before your father died, he gave this to me and told me that one day you'd come looking for answers. He said whatever information you needed would be stored on here."
"What kind of information?"
"I don't know," he said, holding out the flash drive for me to take."All he said was that once you saw it, everything would make sense. That whatever was on here would help you finish what your parents started… And change the world forever."
Woman of Steel
A moment later, a list of files appeared on the screen, and I quickly scanned through them one by one.
At first nothing stood out to me until I saw it at the very bottom of the page.
The last file was labeled "Part 3/3 – The Iron Lady Project".
It was only then that I realized what this meant.
And before I could stop myself, I turned to Dr. Shaw and demanded an explanation.
"Are you telling me these files contain everything I need to know about my parents? About who they really were and what they created together?"
Dr. Shaw nodded grimly.
"That's exactly what I'm telling you."
"And why should I believe you?" "Because it's true," he said solemnly.
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"You need to understand, Eliza… Your parents were brilliant scientists. And even though they never got a chance to finish what they started, I know with your help we can finally bring their vision to life."
I swallowed hard and tried to process everything he'd just told me.
I wanted so badly to believe him.
But how could I be sure that he wasn't lying?
And even if he was telling the truth… How could we possibly succeed where my parents had failed?
"I know this is a lot for you to take in," Dr. Shaw said gently.
"But please… You're the only one who can do this now. The only one who can stop them before it's too late."
My jaw clenched as I fought back tears of frustration.
I knew he was right, but that didn't make any of this easier for me to deal with.
All these years I'd been lied to about my parents' deaths, and now that I finally knew the truth… Well, part of it anyway… It felt like someone had punched me in the gut.
But no matter how much it hurt…I couldn't turn my back on them now.
Not when there was still so much work left for me to do.
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"All right," I said finally, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves.
"I'll do it. I'll finish what they started."
Dr. Shaw smiled sadly and reached into his pocket.
"That's all I could ever ask of you, Eliza. Thank you for giving me this chance to make things right."
He pulled out a small ring of keys and held them out to me.
"What are those?"
I asked as I took them from his hand.
"They're for the door back there," he said, nodding toward the unassuming wooden door near the back of his lab."There are some secrets about your past and your future that only you can uncover. So when you're ready…"
He gestured for me to take a closer look at the keys in my hand.
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