MidReal Story

Vengeance of the Fallen Angel


Jul 21
Scenario:The need for revenge was strong. The fallen angel had done all she could to try and protect those she loved. Aerilla feels the tears fall but does not wipe them away.
Create my version of this story
The need for revenge was strong. The fallen angel had done all she could to try and protect those she loved. Aerilla feels the tears fall but does not wipe them away.
I was falling.
Falling from the sky.
The wind rushed past me, tugging at my wings, threatening to rip them from my back.
I could see the ground below me, a blur of greens and browns, getting closer and closer with each passing second.
I was going to die.
I was going to die and it would all be his fault.
My eyes snapped open and I jolted upright in bed, gasping for air.
It took me a moment to realize that I was in my room at the Guild, not plummeting to my death.
I ran a hand through my hair and tried to catch my breath, but the memory of the dream lingered, like a bad taste in my mouth.
It had been years since I'd had that dream, but it still haunted me, even now.
I got out of bed and went to the window, looking out at the city below.
It was still dark outside, the streets empty and quiet.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
I stood by the window, my breath still ragged from the nightmare.
My fists clenched, nails digging into my palms as I fought to steady myself.
The familiar surge of anger and sorrow welled up inside me, threatening to spill over.
From across the room, I heard a soft rustling.
"Aerilla?" Lyra's voice was tentative, her silver eyes wide with concern as she sat up in bed.
"I'm fine," I said, forcing a smile. "Just a bad dream."
She didn't look convinced, but she nodded anyway, trusting me as she always did.
I turned back to the window, staring out at the dark streets below.
Malakai would pay for his atrocities.
I vowed silently that he would suffer for what he had done to our family.
The memory of our home's destruction flashed before my eyes—flames licking at the walls, screams echoing in my ears.
I shook my head, dispelling the image.
There was no time for dwelling on the past.
We had a mission to complete.
I dressed quickly, strapping on my weapons with practiced ease.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
The weight of the daggers at my hips and the bow slung across my back was comforting, a reminder of my purpose.
Lyra slipped out of bed and began to dress as well, her movements slower but no less determined.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked, watching her closely.
She met my gaze with a steely resolve that belied her gentle nature. "I'm with you, Aerilla. Always."
I nodded, feeling a swell of pride and gratitude for my sister's unwavering support.
Together, we stepped out into the cool night air, the city's silence wrapping around us like a shroud.
The cobblestone streets were slick with dew, and our footsteps echoed softly as we made our way through the narrow alleys.
Every shadow seemed to hold a threat, every whisper of wind a warning.
We moved swiftly and silently, our senses heightened by the danger that lay ahead.
As we approached the edge of the city, I could see the outline of Malakai's fortress looming in the distance—a dark silhouette against the starless sky.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
"We're getting close," I whispered to Lyra. "Stay sharp."
She nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword as we continued forward.
Suddenly, a figure stepped out from an alleyway ahead of us, blocking our path.
"Going somewhere?" The man's voice was low and menacing, his eyes glinting with malice in the dim light.
I drew my daggers without hesitation, stepping protectively in front of Lyra. "Out of our way."
He chuckled darkly. "I'm afraid I can't do that. Orders from Malakai himself."
My heart pounded in my chest as I realized we had been expected.
This was no coincidence; Malakai knew we were coming.
Before I could react further, more figures emerged from the shadows, surrounding us on all sides.
Lyra's grip tightened on her sword as she moved to stand beside me. "What now?"
"We fight," I said through gritted teeth, preparing for the inevitable clash.
But just as we braced ourselves for battle, a blinding light erupted from above us.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
My heart raced as I recognized them—old allies from my past life.
They nodded in acknowledgment, their eyes filled with the same determination that burned within me.
Lyra's grip tightened on her sword, her eyes wide but resolute.
The man blocking our path hesitated, sensing the shift in power.
I didn't waste a second.
With a fierce cry, I lunged at him, my blade flashing in the dim light.
He parried clumsily, staggering back under the ferocity of my attack.
The cloaked allies engaged the surrounding enemies, creating chaos in the narrow alleyway.
Steel clashed against steel, and the air was filled with shouts and grunts of exertion.
I could see Lyra out of the corner of my eye, her movements swift and precise as she fought alongside me.
"Push forward!" I shouted over the din. "We need to reach Malakai!"
Lyra nodded, her face set in grim determination.
We pressed on through the fray, our goal clear in our minds.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
A cloaked figure fell in step beside me, his sword flashing as he cut down an enemy.
"It's good to see you again, Aerilla," he said between breaths.
"Likewise," I replied, not taking my eyes off the battle ahead. "Let's finish this."
We fought our way through the alley, each step bringing us closer to Malakai's fortress.
The dark silhouette loomed ominously against the starless sky, a constant reminder of the evil we sought to vanquish.
An enemy lunged at me from the side, but I sidestepped his attack and drove my dagger into his side.
He crumpled to the ground with a groan, and I pressed on without a second thought.
Lyra was right beside me, her sword cutting through the air with deadly precision.
Her silver eyes were focused and unyielding, a testament to her strength and resolve.
As we neared the fortress gates, more enemies poured out to meet us.
But our allies were relentless, their skill and determination unmatched.
"We're almost there!" I called out to Lyra. "Just a little further!"
She nodded, her breath coming in short gasps as she continued to fight.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
The fortress gates loomed ahead, massive and foreboding.
But we were undeterred.
With a final push, we broke through the last line of defense and reached the gates.
I glanced back at our allies, their faces grim but resolute.
"Thank you," I said simply. "We couldn't have done this without you."
One of them nodded. "Go. End this."
Lyra and I exchanged a look before turning to face the gates.
With a deep breath, I pushed them open and stepped inside.
The interior of the fortress was dark and cold, the air thick with tension.
Every step echoed ominously off the stone walls as we made our way deeper into Malakai's lair.
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows ahead of us.
Malakai stood there, his eyes gleaming with malevolent intent.
"Welcome," he said with a sneer. "I've been expecting you."
My grip tightened on my daggers as I stepped forward. "This ends now."
Malakai laughed darkly. "You think you can defeat me? You're fools."
"We'll see about that," Lyra said fiercely, stepping up beside me.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
My breath caught in my throat, and my heart felt like it might burst.
It was our long-lost brother, Alaric.
But he was different now, twisted by dark magic.
His eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and his once gentle demeanor had been replaced by malice.
"Alaric?" Lyra gasped, her grip on her sword faltering.
Tears streamed down her face as she took a hesitant step forward.
"Brother, it's us. It's Aerilla and Lyra."
Alaric's lips curled into a cruel smile, and without hesitation, he lunged at us.
I barely had time to raise my daggers to defend myself against his attack.
His movements were swift and brutal, nothing like the brother I remembered.
"Lyra, stay back!" I shouted, blocking a vicious strike aimed at my head.
"We have to save him!"
Lyra hesitated, her sword trembling in her hands as she watched the brother we loved try to kill us.
"Alaric, please! Snap out of it!" she cried, desperation in her voice.
Malakai watched from the shadows with a cruel smile, relishing our torment.
"Isn't this touching?" he taunted. "A family reunion."
I gritted my teeth and parried another blow from Alaric.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
"We can break this spell," I said through gritted teeth. "We just need to hold on."
Alaric's attacks were relentless, each strike filled with a dark fury that seemed to come from deep within him.
I could see the pain in his eyes, the struggle against whatever dark force controlled him.
"Lyra!" I shouted over the clash of steel. "Stay strong! We can do this!"
She nodded, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.
Her resolve hardened as she stepped forward to join me in the fight.
With a fierce cry, Lyra swung her sword at Alaric, forcing him to split his attention between us.
We fought together, our movements synchronized from years of training side by side.
"Alaric," I pleaded between strikes. "Remember who you are! Remember us!"
For a moment, his eyes flickered with recognition, but then the darkness surged back, and he attacked with renewed ferocity.
"We can't give up," Lyra said determinedly. "We have to save him."
I nodded, feeling a surge of determination despite the odds stacked against us.
We pressed on, fighting not just for our lives but for our brother's soul.
Malakai's laughter echoed through the chamber as he watched us struggle.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel
"You think you can save him?" he sneered. "He's mine now."
Ignoring his taunts, I focused on Alaric, looking for any sign that he was still in there somewhere.
"Alaric," I said softly during a brief lull in the fight. "We love you. Come back to us."
He hesitated again, his glowing eyes dimming slightly as if battling an internal war.
Lyra seized the moment and struck at Malakai with all her might.
He deflected her blow easily but stumbled back slightly.
Seeing an opening, I lunged at Malakai while Lyra continued to engage Alaric.
My daggers clashed against Malakai's sword as we fought fiercely.
"You won't win," Malakai hissed. "Your brother is lost forever."
"We'll see about that," I retorted, pushing him back with all my strength.
Behind me, Lyra continued to fight Alaric with everything she had.
"Come on, Alaric! Fight it!" she urged desperately.
The battle raged on around us as our allies clashed with Malakai's forces outside the fortress walls.
But inside this chamber, it was just us—two sisters fighting for their brother and their future.
Vengeance of the Fallen Angel