MidReal Story

Unexpected Roommates


Jul 22
Scenario:I find myself stuck in a hotel room with my enemy for a week, with only one bed, for the two of us
Create my version of this story
I find myself stuck in a hotel room with my enemy for a week, with only one bed, for the two of us
I should have known this would happen.
I should have double-checked the rooming list as soon as I got it, but I was so busy with work and packing that I didn’t even think about it.
Now, here I am, standing in front of the door to my hotel room, and I know exactly who’s going to be on the other side.
I just can’t believe it’s him.
I slide my key card into the slot and open the door, stepping inside.
Sure enough, he’s sitting on one of the beds, flipping through a magazine like he owns the place.
He looks up when I come in, his blue eyes narrowing as he takes me in.
"Emily," he says, his voice tight.
"What are you doing here?"
I close the door behind me and drop my suitcase on the floor.
"I could ask you the same thing," I say.
"I’m here for the conference. What’s your excuse?"
He stands up and glares at me.
"I’m here for the conference too. What I want to know is why you’re in my room."
I roll my eyes.
"Your room? This is my room. Look."
Unexpected Roommates
I pull out my phone and thrust it toward him, showing the reservation confirmation on the screen.
He doesn’t even glance at it before pulling out his own phone and shoving it in my face.
"See? My reservation. Same room number."
I snatch his phone and compare the details.
Sure enough, both our confirmations list Room 305.
"Unbelievable," I mutter, handing his phone back.
"This hotel must have double-booked us."
Lucas crosses his arms over his chest, his jaw set in that infuriatingly stubborn way of his.
"So what now? You’re just going to leave?"
I laugh, a short, bitter sound.
"Leave? Why should I leave? I got here first."
He steps closer, his eyes blazing.
"And I’m not going anywhere either. I have just as much right to be here as you do."
We stand there, inches apart, glaring at each other like two cats ready to pounce.
The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"You always were impossible," I snap.
"And you always had to have the last word," he shoots back.
My phone rings, cutting through the charged silence.
I glance at the screen and see Sarah’s name.
With a sigh, I answer it.
Unexpected Roommates
"Hey, Sarah."
"Emily! How’s the hotel?"
I glance at Lucas, who’s still glaring at me with those piercing blue eyes.
"It’s... complicated," I say slowly.
Lucas rolls his eyes and grabs his own phone, dialing furiously.
"Sarah," he says into the receiver. "We’ve got a problem."
There’s a pause as Sarah processes this new information.
"Oh no," she says finally. "You’re both in the same room?"
"Yep," we say in unison, our voices dripping with frustration.
Sarah sighs deeply.
"Look, guys. The hotel is fully booked because of the conference. There are no other rooms available tonight."
I can practically hear her rubbing her temples on the other end of the line.
"You’ll just have to make do until tomorrow when they can sort this out."
Lucas and I exchange a look of mutual exasperation.
"Fine," he says grudgingly. "But this isn’t over."
I hang up and toss my phone onto the bed, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
"We’ll just have to survive one night," I say through gritted teeth.
Lucas nods curtly and starts unpacking his suitcase with sharp, angry movements.
Unexpected Roommates
I do the same, trying to ignore the way my hands are shaking with pent-up anger.
The room feels even smaller now that we’re both moving around in it, bumping into each other every few seconds.
"Watch it," I snap as he nearly knocks me over with his elbow.
"Maybe if you weren’t standing in the middle of everything," he retorts.
We continue like this for what feels like an eternity until finally, we’re both settled in our respective spaces—me on one bed, him on the other.
The silence between us is heavy and uncomfortable.
Just as I’m about to suggest some ground rules for our uneasy truce, there’s a loud knock on the door.
We both freeze and turn to look at each other.
"Are you expecting someone?" Lucas asks warily.
"No," I reply, my heart pounding in my chest.
Another knock, louder this time.
Without thinking, I move towards the door and yank it open.
Standing there is someone I never expected to see again—a face from my past that sends chills down my spine.
Before I can react or say anything, they step inside and close the door behind them with a sinister smile.
Unexpected Roommates
"Good evening," he says, his voice steady but hurried. "I’m sorry to disturb you, but we have an emergency situation."
Lucas and I exchange confused glances.
"What kind of emergency?" I ask, my voice tinged with frustration.
The staff member clears his throat. "Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need to take one of your beds."
My eyes widen in disbelief. "You’ve got to be kidding me."
Lucas steps forward, his posture tense. "What kind of emergency requires taking a bed?"
The staff member’s expression remains firm. "It’s urgent and non-negotiable. We need the bed immediately."
I feel my frustration boiling over. "This is ridiculous! We’re already stuck sharing this tiny room. Now you want to take one of our beds?"
Lucas’s jaw tightens as he glares at the staff member. "We need an explanation."
The staff member shakes his head. "I’m sorry, but I can’t disclose any more details. It’s a matter of hotel policy and safety."
Unexpected Roommates
Lucas and I exchange another look, silently acknowledging our predicament. His eyes soften slightly, and I can see the reluctant acceptance mirrored in mine.
"Fine," Lucas says through gritted teeth. "Take the bed."
The staff member nods curtly and signals to someone outside the door. Two more hotel employees enter and begin dismantling one of the beds with practiced efficiency.
I stand there, arms crossed, watching as they carry out the pieces of the bed frame and mattress. The room feels even more cramped now, the remaining bed looming large in the small space.
As the last piece of the bed is taken away, the staff member turns back to us. "Thank you for your cooperation. We’ll do our best to make this right as soon as possible."
With that, he leaves, closing the door behind him.
Lucas and I are left standing in the now even more confined room, our animosity simmering just below the surface.
"This is unbelievable," I mutter under my breath.
Lucas runs a hand through his hair, clearly trying to keep his temper in check. "Yeah, well, it’s not like we had a choice."
Just then, there’s another knock on the door. This time it’s softer, almost hesitant.
I open it to find Sarah standing there, her eyes wide with concern.
"Hey," she says softly, stepping inside. "I heard about the mix-up and came as soon as I could."
Unexpected Roommates
She looks around the room and immediately senses the heightened tension between Lucas and me.
"What happened?" she asks, her gaze flicking between us.
"They took one of our beds," Lucas says flatly.
Sarah’s eyes widen further. "What? Why?"
"Some kind of emergency," I say with a shrug. "They wouldn’t tell us more."
Sarah sighs deeply and rubs her temples. "This is a nightmare."
"You’re telling me," Lucas mutters.
We all stand there in awkward silence for a moment before Sarah speaks again.
"Look," she says gently, "let’s just try to get through tonight. We’ll figure something out tomorrow."
Lucas nods reluctantly, and I can see the exhaustion in his eyes mirroring my own.
"Fine," he says quietly.
Sarah gives us both a sympathetic look before heading towards the door. "I’ll check in with you guys first thing in the morning."
As she leaves, I sink down onto the remaining bed, feeling utterly defeated.
Lucas sits on the edge of it beside me, his shoulder brushing against mine ever so slightly.
For a moment, neither of us speaks; we just sit there in shared silence, each lost in our own thoughts about how we ended up here together again after all these years.
Then suddenly there's another knock at the door.
Unexpected Roommates
"Compliments for the inconvenience," he says, placing the bottle on the table.
Lucas scoffs, crossing his arms. "Champagne won't fix our problem."
I glare at him but grab the bottle anyway, my frustration bubbling over.
With a sharp twist, I pop it open, the cork flying across the room and hitting the wall with a dull thud.
The manager quickly excuses himself, sensing the tension in the room.
I pour three glasses, my hands shaking slightly as I hand one to Lucas and another to Sarah.
"To surviving the night," Sarah says, trying to lighten the mood with a weak smile.
Reluctantly, I raise my glass and lock eyes with Lucas.
His expression is unreadable, but I can feel the simmering resentment between us.
We clink glasses, the sound sharp and uneasy in the confined space.
We drink in silence, each sip doing little to ease the tension.
Unexpected Roommates
The bubbles from the champagne tickle my nose, but it does nothing to lift my spirits.
Lucas stares at his glass as if it holds all the answers to our predicament.
Sarah shifts uncomfortably on her feet, clearly feeling out of place.
"So," she finally says, breaking the silence. "What’s our plan for tomorrow?"
Lucas shrugs. "Hopefully, they’ll sort this mess out and give us separate rooms."
I nod in agreement. "That’s all we can hope for."
The room feels even smaller now, with all three of us crammed into it.
The single bed looms large in my peripheral vision, a constant reminder of our uncomfortable situation.
I take another sip of champagne, trying to focus on anything other than Lucas’s presence beside me.
Sarah glances at her watch. "I should probably head back to my room. Try to get some rest, you two."
She gives us both a sympathetic look before making her way to the door.
"Goodnight," she says softly before slipping out into the hallway.
Unexpected Roommates
As soon as she’s gone, Lucas stands up and starts pacing the room.
"This is ridiculous," he mutters under his breath. "How did we end up here?"
I watch him for a moment before responding. "It’s just one night. We’ll get through it."
He stops pacing and looks at me, his eyes filled with frustration. "You always make it sound so simple."
I set my glass down on the table and stand up. "Because it is simple. We just have to survive until morning."
He shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "You don’t get it, do you? This isn’t just about tonight."
I cross my arms over my chest. "Then what is it about?"
Before he can answer, there’s another knock at the door.
We both freeze and exchange wary glances.
"Now what?" I mutter under my breath as I move towards the door.
I open it cautiously to find another hotel staff member standing there with a sheepish expression.
Unexpected Roommates