MidReal Story

The Young Avengers

Scenario:The world has changed since the Avengers disbanded. With major threats still looming and the streets of New York City becoming increasingly dangerous, a new team of heroes rises from the shadows—the Young Avengers. Comprised of spirited teenagers with their own unique abilities and hero legacies, this new team strives to continue the legacy of their predecessors, but they quickly find that being a superhero is more complicated than they imagined. Kate Bishop, the archer and skilled tactician; America Chavez, the dimension-hopping powerhouse; Cassie Lang, growing and shrinking with her Pym Particle technology; Billy Kaplan, with incredible magical prowess; Tommy Shepherd, the speedster; Teddy Altman, the shapeshifting Kree-Skrull hybrid; and Eli Bradley, the stalwart leader with ties to Captain America's legacy, and cat bishop Kate’s twin sister who can never miss her target . As they navigate their responsibilities, they also grapple with burgeoning romantic feelings within their team. Kate is drawn to America; Cat Bishop, Kate's twin sister , has a crush on Cassie; Billy can't help but fall for Teddy; and Tommy finds himself enamored with Eli. The Young Avengers confront not just their external enemies, but also their internal struggles. Can they balance their duties as heroes while exploring their complex interpersonal relationships? Will their bonds make them stronger or tear them apart? And will the original Avengers step in to show their support or deem the Young Avengers unfit to carry the mantle? This Faible explores the challenges of young love, friendship, and heroism in a world that may not be ready for them yet.(cat bishop is apart of the team)
Create my version of this story
The world has changed since the Avengers disbanded. With major threats still looming and the streets of New York City becoming increasingly dangerous, a new team of heroes rises from the shadows—the Young Avengers. Comprised of spirited teenagers with their own unique abilities and hero legacies, this new team strives to continue the legacy of their predecessors, but they quickly find that being a superhero is more complicated than they imagined. Kate Bishop, the archer and skilled tactician; America Chavez, the dimension-hopping powerhouse; Cassie Lang, growing and shrinking with her Pym Particle technology; Billy Kaplan, with incredible magical prowess; Tommy Shepherd, the speedster; Teddy Altman, the shapeshifting Kree-Skrull hybrid; and Eli Bradley, the stalwart leader with ties to Captain America's legacy, and cat bishop Kate’s twin sister who can never miss her target . As they navigate their responsibilities, they also grapple with burgeoning romantic feelings within their team. Kate is drawn to America; Cat Bishop, Kate's twin sister , has a crush on Cassie; Billy can't help but fall for Teddy; and Tommy finds himself enamored with Eli. The Young Avengers confront not just their external enemies, but also their internal struggles. Can they balance their duties as heroes while exploring their complex interpersonal relationships? Will their bonds make them stronger or tear them apart? And will the original Avengers step in to show their support or deem the Young Avengers unfit to carry the mantle? This Faible explores the challenges of young love, friendship, and heroism in a world that may not be ready for them yet.(cat bishop is apart of the team)
I’m still getting used to this whole "superhero team" thing.
I mean, I’ve been on plenty of teams before.
I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout (before I got kicked out for "inappropriate behavior" and "influence," respectively).
I was on the debate team in high school (only for a semester, but still).
And, of course, I was on the fencing team (which was actually the only team I stayed on for a full four years and really gave a damn about).
But this is the first time I’ve been on a team that’s entirely made up of people my age who are all trying to balance their normal lives with their superhero lives.
I mean, don’t get me wrong.
The Young Avengers
I love being a Young Avenger.
It’s just that sometimes, it feels like I’m juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle on a tightrope.
And let me tell you, I’m not exactly known for my balance.
"Kate, are you even listening?" America Chavez's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
She’s standing in front of me, hands on her hips, looking every bit the confident powerhouse she is.
I blink and shake my head slightly.
"Sorry, America. What were you saying?"
She rolls her eyes but smiles.
"We need to figure out our patrol schedule for the week. Cassie and I can cover the east side, but we need someone to take the west."
"I can do it," I say quickly.
Anything to get out of this awkwardness.
Plus, patrolling the west side means I might get some alone time to clear my head.
Cassie Lang, aka Stature, walks over with a tablet in hand.
"Great. So it's settled then. Kate, you take the west side. Cat and I will handle the north."
Cat Bishop, my twin sister, gives me a thumbs up from across the room.
She’s busy tinkering with one of her gadgets, probably something that will make our lives easier—or more complicated.
The Young Avengers
"Sounds good," I reply, trying to sound more enthusiastic than I feel.
As we break off to prepare for our respective patrols, America catches up with me.
"Hey, you sure you're okay? You seem...distracted lately."
I glance at her and force a smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind."
She nods but doesn't push further.
That’s one of the things I appreciate about America; she knows when to give space.
We head out into the bustling streets of New York City.
The sun is setting, casting long shadows and painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.
It would be beautiful if it weren’t for the constant threat of danger lurking around every corner.
As I make my way to the west side, I can’t help but think about how different my life is now.
A year ago, I was just another college student trying to figure out what to do with my life.
Now, I’m a Young Avenger, fighting alongside some of the most incredible people I've ever met.
My comm crackles to life with Cat’s voice.
“Hey Kate, you got eyes on anything suspicious yet?”
The Young Avengers
“Not yet,” I reply. “Just a lot of tourists and street performers.”
“Keep your guard up,” she warns. “You never know when something might go down.”
I nod even though she can’t see me and continue my patrol.
The city is alive with energy; people rushing home from work, couples heading out for dinner dates, kids playing in the park.
Suddenly, a loud crash echoes from an alleyway nearby.
I sprint towards the sound without hesitation.
Rounding the corner, I see a group of thugs surrounding a young woman who looks terrified.
They’re armed and clearly up to no good.
“Hey!” I shout, drawing their attention. “Back off!”
One of them laughs and steps forward menacingly.
“And who’s gonna make us? You?”
I smirk and pull out my bow from its collapsible form on my back.
“Yeah. Me.”
Before they can react, I fire an arrow that lands between their feet with a loud thud.
They hesitate for just a moment—long enough for me to close the distance and take down two of them with swift kicks.
The leader snarls and lunges at me with a knife.
I dodge easily and disarm him with a well-placed strike to his wrist.
Just as I’m about to finish him off, he pulls out a small device and presses a button.
The Young Avengers
A blinding light erupts from the device, engulfing me in an intense energy field.
I feel an overwhelming force pulling me towards it, like a powerful magnet.
My comm crackles to life with Cat’s urgent voice.
"Kate, we need you back at HQ now!"
I struggle to respond, but my words are lost in the swirling vortex.
The world around me becomes a blur of colors and sounds.
I try to fight against the pull, but it's too strong.
"Cat! I can't—" My voice is swallowed by the energy field.
I reach out, trying to grab onto something, anything, to anchor myself.
But there's nothing.
Just as I feel myself being completely sucked into the unknown, a thought crosses my mind: Is this the end for me and the Young Avengers?
Back at HQ, the team is in chaos.
Cassie’s eyes widen as she looks at the tracker on her tablet.
“Kate’s signal just went dark!”
America slams her fist on the table.
“We need to find her. Now.”
The Young Avengers
Cat’s fingers fly over the keyboard of her computer.
“I’m trying to trace her last known location. Give me a second.”
The room is filled with tension as everyone waits for Cat to work her magic.
“Got it!” Cat exclaims. “She was last seen near 42nd Street and 8th Avenue.”
America nods. “Let’s move out.”
The team rushes to gear up, each member grabbing their respective weapons and equipment.
Cassie transforms into Stature, growing to her towering height.
“I’ll cover more ground this way.”
America opens a star portal.
“Everyone through here. It’ll get us there faster.”
They step through the portal and emerge in the middle of a bustling New York street.
People scatter in surprise as they appear out of nowhere.
Cat scans the area with a handheld device.
“She was right here.”
America looks around, frustration evident on her face.
“There’s no sign of her.”
Cassie shrinks back to normal size and joins them.
“What do we do now?”
Cat takes a deep breath, trying to stay calm.
“We need to think like Kate. Where would she go if she were in trouble?”
America clenches her fists.
“She wouldn’t just disappear without a fight.”
Cassie nods in agreement.
“She must have been taken by force.”
Suddenly, Cat’s device beeps loudly.
She looks down at it and frowns.
“There’s some kind of residual energy signature here. It matches the readings from that device we confiscated last month.”
America’s eyes narrow.
“The one from that rogue scientist?”
Cat nods.
Cassie looks determined.
“Then we know who’s behind this.”
America steps forward, determination etched on her face.
“Let’s find this guy and get Kate back.”
The team springs into action, following Cat as she tracks the energy signature through the city streets.
Meanwhile, I’m still trapped in the swirling vortex.
The energy field is disorienting, making it hard to focus.
I try to remember my training, to stay calm and think clearly.
But it’s difficult when everything around me is spinning out of control.
Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, the vortex spits me out into a dark room.
I land hard on the cold floor, gasping for breath.
As I try to get my bearings, I hear footsteps approaching.
A door creaks open, and a figure steps into the dim light.
“Well, well,” a voice says mockingly. “Look who decided to drop in.”
I struggle to stand up, my body still reeling from the energy field.
“Who are you?” I demand.
The figure steps closer, revealing a man with a sinister smile.
“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough,” he says with a chuckle.
Before I can react, he presses another button on his device.
Pain shoots through my body as electricity courses through me.
I collapse back onto the floor, unable to move.
“Welcome to your new home,” he says coldly.