MidReal Story

The Last Elven Princess

Scenario:Nelaria an elf looks into the distance wondering ehat would become of her and her kind.With silver long hair that shines in the moonlight the silver of royalty.
Create my version of this story
Nelaria an elf looks into the distance wondering ehat would become of her and her kind.With silver long hair that shines in the moonlight the silver of royalty.
Chapter 1
I was not supposed to be here.
It had been many years since I first set out to find the Heart of Aeloria.
They turned as one to look up at us, their glowing red eyes narrowing with malice as they snarled and bared their teeth.
Not in this place, not at this time.
I shivered at the sight of them; they were twisted and grotesque, more monster than elf now after centuries of living in this cursed place.The shadowrealm has risen!
Not with these people.
At first, I had been driven by a sense of duty to my people, but as time passed, that sense of duty grew into something more.
But I had no choice.
It became an obsession, a relentless need to change our fate.
one of them hissed, its voice a low rasping sound like nails on a chalkboard.
The prophecy had seen to that.
The end is nigh!NelariaElowen whispered my name, her voice barely audible over the far-off cries of battle.I nodded once more, knowing what she was about to say.Then let’s go get it
The Last Elven Princess
I stood at the edge of the clearing, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the scene before me unfold.
The air was thick with the scent of blood and magic, and I could feel the power of the ancient forest pressing down on me, heavy and oppressive.
I had searched far and wide, from ancient libraries to distant islands, in search of the artifact.
I didn’t bother to look back at the others or say goodbye.
But no matter where I looked, I found nothing but dead ends.
They already knew I had to do this alone; they could not enter the Cave of Whispers with me.
It was as if the artifact had vanished from existence, leaving me with no hope of saving my people.
I knew that if I stayed here much longer, I would be caught up in the battle.
But then, one day, everything changed.
It would consume them if they tried.
But even as I turned to leave, my feet moving of their own accord, I knew that this was where I was meant to be.
As I tracked a powerful magical presence through the forest, I stumbled upon a clearing where dark creatures were fighting against other elves.
The prophecy had foretold our doom long ago, and now it was finally coming to pass.
And so I steeled myself and walked into the cave entrance that yawned before me like a great black maw ready to swallow me whole.The darkness grew deeper with every step I took, swallowing up all sound and light until it felt as though I had stepped into another world entirely.
The elves were brave and fierce warriors who fought with all their might to protect their homeland.
The elves were a dying race, their glory days long behind them, and there was nothing that could save them from the fate that awaited them.
Nothing except for me.
The Last Elven Princess
And among them were two elves who stood out to me: Elowen Silvershade and Thalion Evergreen.
The silence was so complete that it echoed off the walls like a thousand voices crying out in despair, and for a moment I felt as though they were calling my name: Nelaria
Elowen was a fierce warrior whose pale gold hair glinted in the sunlight as she fought.
Nelaria Elthinor
I stumbled out of the clearing, my silver hair streaming behind me as I ran through the trees, my breath coming in short gasps.
Her slender frame belied her strength, and her eyes blazed with a fierce determination to protect her people.
The Last Elven Princess
The air was cold and damp, my thin elven tunic doing little to protect me from the chill as I hurried along the narrow path.
The Last Elven Princess
Thalion was an archer, and he moved with a grace that only came from years of training.
His chestnut hair fell in waves around his face as he drew his bow and took aim at his enemies.
Behind me, a pack of dark creatures gave chase, their howls echoing through the forest as they pursued me with single-minded determination.
I tried to go faster, but it was no use; my legs were burning with exhaustion and I could barely draw enough breath to keep running.
With unerring precision, he dispatched one dark creature after another without breaking a sweat.
I did not know them, and I did not trust them.
I knew that it would only be a matter of time before they caught up with me.
And when they did…
But something inside me told me that they too sought the Heart of Aeloria.
And I knew that I could not do this alone.
This is how it ends for us Nelaria
I had spent years searching for the artifact without success, and I could not face this task on my own anymore.
It’s happening
Elowen exclaimed from where she stood beside me on the edge of the clearing.
So when the battle was over and the other elves had left, I stepped into the clearing and walked toward Elowen and Thalion.
She gazed down into the trees below us with wide eyes, her pale gold hair streaming in the wind like liquid sunlight.
The Last Elven Princess
This is what we’ve been waiting for
The Last Elven Princess
I nodded slowly, feeling a surge of determination welling up inside me.
Yes, it’s finally happening
I said quietly as the sound of battle reached my ears.
Elowen glanced over at me and smiled slightly; her emerald green eyes glittered with fierce determination in the dim light of the moon.
It’s time
she said simply.
Time to put an end to this once and for all
I nodded again, my own resolve hardening within me as I gazed down into the clearing below us and the chaos that was unfolding there.
The Last Elven Princess
Suddenly, a faint glow appeared ahead, illuminating the jagged walls of the cave. It was the artifact—the Heart of Aeloria—pulsing with an ethereal light. As I approached, the whispers intensified, morphing into coherent words that chilled me to my core.
"Do you know where to start?" I asked, my voice barely audible over the rustling leaves.
Elowen's expression softened slightly. "We've heard whispers of an ancient map hidden in the Ruins of Eldoria. It’s said to reveal the path to the Heart of Aeloria."
"Nelaria Elthinor," they hissed. "You are unworthy. You will fail."
I hesitated, doubts gnawing at my resolve. But then I remembered Elowen's unwavering support and Thalion's fierce determination. They believed in me, even when I did not believe in myself.
Thalion stepped forward, his voice calm yet determined. "The journey to Eldoria is perilous. Dark creatures patrol the area day and night. But with you, Nelaria, our chances are better."
Drawing on their strength, I reached out and grasped the Heart of Aeloria. A surge of energy coursed through me, banishing the cold and silencing the whispers. The artifact's light enveloped me, filling me with a newfound sense of purpose.
I felt a surge of hope and apprehension. For the first time in years, I wasn’t alone in this quest. Together, we could face the perils that lay ahead.
With a silent agreement, we set off towards Eldoria, our steps quickening as darkness began to fall. The forest seemed to close in around us, shadows whispering threats we couldn’t yet see.
With renewed vigor, I turned to leave the cave, ready to face Hestia Bloodthorn and alter our destiny once and for all.
But now, with Elowen and Thalion by my side, I felt a glimmer of hope—a chance to change destiny and save our realm from impending doom.
I hesitated when I saw the Heart of Aeloria, my doubts resurfacing.Was I truly worthy to wield such power?Could I truly save my people?
"Nelaria Elthinor," one of the voices murmured.
I flinched, but did not release my grip on the artifact.
I knew it was foolish to dwell on past choices.
There was nothing I could do to change them now, anyway.
"Did you truly believe that you could stop me?"
A familiar voice sneered from somewhere behind me.Hestia Bloodthorn stepped into view, a cruel smile curving her lips."Did you really think you could save your people?That you could change your fate?"She laughed."You are weak. You are nothing."
But as I navigated through the dark and crumbling ruins, I couldn’t help but think back on everything I had left behind.
My family—once a source of strength and joy—had been sacrificed on the altar of destiny.
"I will not let you destroy everything we have worked for," I said through gritted teeth.
The prophecy had demanded it, so there was no other choice.
But even after all these years, I still longed for their forgiveness—for their understanding that I had done what needed to be done in order to save our realm.
Hestia's smile widened, and her eyes glinted with malice.
The Last Elven Princess
"Oh?And what are you going to do about it?"
The Last Elven Princess
As the ruins stretched out before me, I could barely make out the shapes of broken towers and crumbling arches.
She took a step toward me, and I could feel her power crackling in the air around us.
"You cannot defeat me. You cannot change what has been foretold."
The land around us was dark and foreboding, and as we pressed on deeper into the ruins, it felt as if we were descending into some kind of nightmare.
The very stones beneath our feet seemed to groan with every step we took as if they too were mourning the loss of what this place had once been.
"I will try," I said, my voice steady despite the fear that churned inside me.
A great kingdom had stood here once—a realm of peace and prosperity that had spanned for miles in every direction.
"Then you will die trying," Hestia said, her eyes flashing with fury.
I am so tired of this game, she hissed.I have waited centuries for this moment, only to be thwarted by an arrogant little princess.It is time I put an end to it.
Now it lay in ruins—the legacy of a once-great people who had lost their way under Hestia Bloodthorn's rule.
My heart ached at the thought of all we had lost because of her greed and ambition.
She raised her hands, and dark energy began to swirl around her as she spoke words of power.
The Last Elven Princess
I ignored her threats and tightened my grip on the Heart of Aeloria.
But the whispers of a better time only fueled my determination to restore our realm to its former glory.
The Last Elven Princess
I would not let it fall into darkness—not while there was still hope that the prophecy could be rewritten.
I would not let my people fall not while there was still a chance to save them.
Hestia's laughter rang in my ears, but I pushed aside my doubts and focused on what needed to be done.
I had come all this way, and I would not turn back now.
Elowen and Thalion were behind me, their faces determined as they scanned the area for any sign of danger.
I could save my people; I would save my people.
We had vowed to see this quest through no matter what dangers we faced, and I trusted them with my life.
With that thought firmly in mind, I turned to face Hestia head-on and raised the artifact before me.
They too sought redemption in the face of Hestia Bloodthorn's tyranny—and together, we would fight to save our people from certain doom.
The odds were against us, and the road ahead was fraught with peril at every turn.
The Last Elven Princess
As we pressed on deeper into the ruins, the very stones around us seemed to shift and groan beneath our feet.
The Last Elven Princess