MidReal Story

The Goddess's Choice

Scenario:Riven of a thousand, goddess of emotions, seeks story destroy the world in order to move to a new world. Seeing the world as nothing more than an insect. Though when finding a human woman one of her most dangerous emotions begins to rise to the surface. Love
Create my version of this story
Riven of a thousand, goddess of emotions, seeks story destroy the world in order to move to a new world. Seeing the world as nothing more than an insect. Though when finding a human woman one of her most dangerous emotions begins to rise to the surface. Love
I was a goddess.
A being of immense power and beauty.
I was the goddess of emotions, and I was bored.
I had been in my realm for far too long, and I needed a change.
I needed something new, something exciting.
I needed to destroy the world.
The human world, that is.
I watched as they went about their lives, oblivious to the fact that their world would soon come to an end.
They were so fragile, so weak.
And yet, they thought they were so powerful.
They thought they could control their own destinies, that they were the masters of their own fates.
How wrong they were.
The Goddess's Choice
I descended to the human world, my silver hair shimmering under the moonlight.
The city was alive with lights and sounds, a stark contrast to the silence of my realm.
I walked through the bustling streets, unseen by mortals.
They hurried past me, their faces etched with worry and fatigue.
My eyes scanned the crowd with disdain, searching for something—anything—that could hold my interest.
Then I saw her.
She radiated warmth and kindness, a beacon of light in the sea of darkness.
Intrigued, I decided to follow her.
She moved gracefully through the throng of people, oblivious to my presence.
I trailed behind her, my curiosity piqued.
Elara led me to a quiet park, a small oasis amidst the chaos of the city.
She sat on a bench, pulling out a book from her bag.
I watched as she began to read, her face serene and content.
I approached her slowly, my presence causing an unsettling chill in the air.
Elara looked up, her eyes meeting mine.
For a moment, I felt something stir within me—a flicker of emotion I hadn't felt in eons.
Confusion. Intrigue.
"Hello," I said, my voice smooth and cold.
The Goddess's Choice
Elara blinked, clearly startled by my sudden appearance. "Hello," she replied cautiously. "Do I know you?"
"No," I said, taking a seat beside her. "But I know you."
Her brow furrowed in confusion. "How?"
"I've been watching you," I admitted. "You're different from the others."
She closed her book, placing it gently on her lap. "Different how?"
"You're...kind," I said, struggling to find the right words. "You care about others."
Elara smiled softly. "Is that so unusual?"
"In this world? Yes," I replied bluntly.
She studied me for a moment, her eyes searching mine. "Who are you?"
"I'm Riven," I said simply. "And I'm here to learn more about you."
"Why?" she asked, genuinely curious.
"Because you're interesting," I said honestly. "And that's rare."
Elara's smile widened slightly. "Well, Riven, it's nice to meet you."
We sat in silence for a few moments, the night air cool and crisp around us.
"So," Elara began hesitantly. "What do you want to know?"
"Everything," I said without hesitation. "Tell me about your life."
She chuckled softly. "That's quite a broad question."
"Start wherever you like," I urged her.
The Goddess's Choice
Elara took a deep breath before beginning to speak. "I grew up in a small town..."
As she spoke, I found myself drawn into her story.
Her words painted vivid pictures in my mind—images of laughter and sorrow, love and loss.
For the first time in centuries, I felt something other than boredom or disdain.
I felt...connected.
"And that's how I ended up here," Elara finished with a wistful smile. "In this city."
"Thank you for sharing that with me," I said sincerely.
"You're welcome," she replied warmly. "But now it's your turn."
"My turn?" I echoed, puzzled.
"Yes," Elara said firmly. "Tell me about yourself."
I hesitated for a moment before deciding to play along. "I come from another world," I began carefully.
"A world where emotions are everything."
Her eyes widened in fascination. "That sounds incredible."
"It can be," I admitted. "But it can also be...overwhelming."
Elara nodded understandingly. "I can imagine."
Before we could continue our conversation, a sudden commotion erupted nearby—a group of men arguing loudly as they approached us.
One of them caught sight of Elara and sneered maliciously.
"Hey there pretty lady," he called out mockingly as he advanced towards us.
The Goddess's Choice
The Goddess's Choice
The men halted, sensing danger.
Elara grabbed my arm, her touch soft yet firm.
"Please, don't," she whispered, her voice trembling.
I hesitated, feeling an unfamiliar warmth from her plea.
The leader of the group sneered and lunged at Elara.
Without thinking, I raised my hand and sent him flying back with a forceful gust of wind.
He crashed into a nearby tree, slumping to the ground unconscious.
The others fled in terror, their footsteps echoing through the park as they disappeared into the night.
Elara stared at me, wide-eyed.
"What are you?" she asked, fear mingled with awe.
I met her gaze, conflicted emotions churning within me.
"I'm... different," I said slowly, unsure of how much to reveal.
She took a step back, her eyes never leaving mine. "Different how?"
"I have powers," I admitted. "Powers that most humans can't even comprehend."
Elara's expression softened slightly, though the fear was still evident. "Why did you save me?"
"Because I couldn't let them hurt you," I replied honestly. "You're too important."
"Important?" she echoed, confusion lacing her voice. "To who?"
The Goddess's Choice
"To me," I said quietly. "You're the first person in centuries who has made me feel... something."
She seemed to process this for a moment before nodding slowly. "Thank you," she said softly. "For saving me."
I nodded in return, feeling an odd sense of relief wash over me.
"Let's get out of here," I suggested. "It's not safe."
Elara agreed, and we began walking away from the park.
As we walked through the dimly lit streets, I couldn't help but notice how quiet it had become.
The city that once buzzed with activity now seemed eerily silent.
We reached a small café that was still open and decided to go inside.
The warm light from the café spilled onto the sidewalk as we entered.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of pastries.
We found a table near the window and sat down.
Elara looked at me intently. "So, what now?"
I shrugged slightly. "I don't know," I admitted. "I've never been in this situation before."
She smiled faintly. "Neither have I."
A waitress approached our table, her notepad ready. "What can I get for you two?"
"I'll have a coffee," Elara said politely.
"And you?" the waitress asked, turning to me.
I glanced at Elara before responding. "Same for me."
The Goddess's Choice
The waitress nodded and walked away to prepare our order.
Elara leaned forward slightly. "Tell me more about your world," she urged gently.
I hesitated before speaking. "It's a place where emotions are tangible," I explained. "Where feelings can shape reality."
"That sounds... intense," she remarked.
"It is," I agreed. "But it's also beautiful in its own way."
The waitress returned with our coffees, placing them on the table before leaving us alone again.
Elara lifted her cup to her lips, her gaze unwavering and intense. "Do you ever find yourself longing for it?"