MidReal Story

Seoul Love Diaries

Scenario:I finally met my Korean boyfriend in person
Create my version of this story
I finally met my Korean boyfriend in person
I was finally in Seoul.
I’d been dreaming about this moment for years, and now that it was here, I couldn’t believe it.
I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
But the pain was real, and so was the man standing in front of me.
My boyfriend.
My Korean boyfriend.
The one I’d been talking to online for the past three years.
The one who’d stolen my heart with his gentle eyes and sweet smile.
The one who’d made me fall in love with him even though we were thousands of miles apart.
And now he was here, in the flesh, standing right in front of me, looking even more handsome than he did in his pictures.
He had short black hair and a pair of glasses perched on his nose, and he was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans that hugged his long, lean frame perfectly.
He looked exactly like I’d imagined he would, only better.
"Emily," he said, his voice soft and hesitant as he held out his hand to me. "It’s nice to finally meet you."
I stared at his hand for a moment, not sure what to do.
Should I shake it?
Should I hug him?
Seoul Love Diaries
My heart raced as I stood there, frozen.
I could feel the eyes of other travelers on us, but all I could focus on was Jaemin.
His hand hung in the air between us, and I knew I had to make a decision.
I took a deep breath and stepped forward, wrapping my arms around him.
He stiffened for a moment, then relaxed into the hug, his arms encircling me gently.
It felt awkward and wonderful all at once.
"Hi, Jaemin," I whispered into his shoulder.
"It's so good to finally see you."
He pulled back slightly, looking down at me with a smile that made my heart flutter.
"I'm glad you're here, Emily," he said softly.
We stood there for a moment longer before he cleared his throat and stepped back.
"I got these for you," he said, holding out the bouquet of flowers he'd been carrying.
I took them from him, inhaling their sweet scent.
"Thank you," I said, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "They're beautiful."
Jaemin's smile widened. "Shall we go? My car is just outside."
I nodded, clutching the flowers to my chest as we walked toward the exit.
The bustling city of Seoul greeted us with its cacophony of sounds and sights.
Seoul Love Diaries
Cars honked, people chatted animatedly, and neon signs flashed everywhere I looked.
"It's... it's amazing," I said, trying to take it all in.
Jaemin chuckled. "It can be overwhelming at first. But you'll get used to it."
We reached his car, a sleek black sedan that looked like it had just rolled off the showroom floor.
He opened the passenger door for me with a flourish. "Your chariot awaits."
I laughed, sliding into the seat. "Thank you, kind sir."
He closed the door and walked around to the driver's side.
As he started the engine and pulled out into traffic, I couldn't help but steal glances at him.
He looked so calm and confident behind the wheel.
"So," he said after a few minutes of silence. "How was your flight?"
"It was long," I admitted. "But worth it."
He smiled again. "I'm glad to hear that."
We drove through the city, Jaemin pointing out landmarks and interesting places as we went.
I tried to remember everything he said, but there was so much to take in.
Finally, we arrived at a cozy little café tucked away on a quiet street.
Jaemin parked the car and led me inside.
Seoul Love Diaries
The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and soft music played in the background.
We found a table near the window and sat down.
A waitress came over to take our order, and Jaemin ordered for both of us in rapid Korean that left me feeling slightly dizzy.
"Do you like coffee?" he asked once she had gone.
"I love it," I replied. "Especially when I'm jet-lagged."
He laughed. "Good choice then."
Our drinks arrived quickly, and we sipped them in comfortable silence for a few moments before Jaemin spoke again.
"So," he said, looking at me with those gentle eyes that had first drawn me to him. "Tell me everything about your trip."
I launched into a detailed account of my journey from New York to Seoul, complete with anecdotes about lost luggage and chatty seatmates.
Jaemin listened attentively, nodding and smiling in all the right places.
As I finished my story, he reached across the table and took my hand in his.
"I'm really happy you're here," he said softly.
"Me too," I replied, squeezing his hand gently.
Just then, a loud crash echoed through the café.
We both turned to see what had happened.
Seoul Love Diaries
My heart raced as the woman approached our table.
Jaemin's expression shifted from surprise to discomfort.
"Jaemin, we need to talk," the woman said in Korean, her voice tense.
I glanced at Jaemin, confused and anxious.
He stood up slowly, his eyes pleading with me for understanding.
"This is my ex-girlfriend, Hyejin," he explained softly.
Hyejin's gaze flickered to me, then back to Jaemin.
"Please, just a few minutes," she insisted.
I felt a knot tighten in my stomach as I watched them step outside.
The café seemed to grow quieter, the soft music and murmured conversations fading into the background as my mind raced.
I could see them through the window, their faces close as they spoke in hushed tones.
Jaemin looked agitated, running a hand through his hair while Hyejin gestured emphatically.
I tried to focus on my coffee, but my hands were trembling too much to lift the cup.
The waitress came by and gave me a concerned look. "Is everything okay?" she asked in English.
"Yes," I lied, forcing a smile. "Just... waiting for someone."
She nodded sympathetically and walked away.
Minutes felt like hours as I sat there alone, my thoughts spiraling.
What could they be talking about?
Why did she need to see him so urgently?
Seoul Love Diaries
I glanced out the window again; Jaemin's expression was now one of resignation.
Finally, the door opened, and Jaemin walked back in, looking drained.
He sat down across from me, avoiding my eyes.
"I'm sorry about that," he said quietly.
"What happened?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
He sighed deeply. "Hyejin... she's going through some things right now. She needed someone to talk to."
I nodded slowly, not sure what to say. "Is everything okay?"
He hesitated before answering. "It's complicated. But it doesn't change anything between us."
I wanted to believe him, but doubt gnawed at me. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," he said firmly, finally meeting my gaze. "I'm here with you now. That's what matters."
Before I could respond, the café door opened again. This time it was a group of teenagers who burst in laughing loudly. The noise broke the tension between us momentarily.
Jaemin reached across the table and took my hand again. "Let's not let this ruin our day," he said softly.
I squeezed his hand back, trying to push away the lingering unease. "Okay."
We finished our coffee in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. When we finally left the café, the sun had dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows on the bustling streets of Seoul.
Seoul Love Diaries
As we walked back to his car, Jaemin kept glancing at me as if trying to gauge my mood. "Do you want to go somewhere else? Maybe see more of the city?" he asked tentatively.
"Sure," I replied, hoping that keeping busy would help distract me from the unsettling encounter with Hyejin.
We drove around for a while longer, Jaemin pointing out more landmarks and interesting spots. But no matter how hard I tried to focus on his words or the sights around me, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something had shifted between us.
Eventually, we pulled up at a small park overlooking the Han River. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink as we walked along the riverbank.
Jaemin stopped suddenly and turned to face me. "Emily," he began hesitantly. "I know today has been... unexpected. But I want you to know that I'm committed to making this work."
I looked into his eyes and saw sincerity there. "I believe you," I said softly. "But it's going to take time for me to fully trust that."
He nodded understandingly. "I get that. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes."
We stood there for a moment longer before continuing our walk along the riverbank. The city lights began to twinkle in the distance as night fell over Seoul.
Just then, Jaemin's phone buzzed loudly in his pocket. He pulled it out and frowned at the screen before quickly putting it away without answering.
"Who was that?" I asked cautiously.
"It was nothing," he said dismissively.
Seoul Love Diaries
The river flowed gently beside us, reflecting the city lights that were beginning to twinkle in the growing dusk.
Jaemin's hand was warm in mine, but I could feel the unease between us.
We walked in silence for a few more minutes before Jaemin stopped abruptly.
He turned to face me, his expression serious.
"Let's forget about everything for now," he said, his voice steady but soft.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gift box.
My heart pounded as he handed it to me.
I looked up at him, searching his eyes for any hint of what might be inside.
"Open it," he urged gently.
With trembling fingers, I lifted the lid of the box.
Inside was a delicate silver bracelet, its surface catching the last rays of sunlight.
It was simple yet elegant, exactly my style.
"Jaemin... it's beautiful," I whispered, feeling a mix of relief and happiness wash over me.
I took the bracelet out of the box and held it up to the light.
"Here, let me help you," Jaemin offered, taking the bracelet from my hands and fastening it around my wrist.
His touch was gentle, and I felt a warmth spread through me as he secured the clasp.
Seoul Love Diaries
We stood there for a moment, holding hands and watching the river flow by.
The water shimmered under the city lights, creating a serene backdrop for our quiet moment.
Suddenly, Jaemin's phone rang loudly, shattering the peace.
He glanced at the screen and frowned before quickly silencing it.
I noticed but decided not to ask, wanting to savor this rare moment of tranquility between us.
Instead, I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed contentedly. "Thank you for the bracelet," I said softly. "It's perfect."
"I'm glad you like it," he replied, his voice low and soothing. "I wanted to give you something special to remember this day by."
We continued to stand there in silence, letting the sounds of the river and distant city fill the space between us.
For a brief moment, it felt like nothing else mattered but us.
But then Jaemin's phone buzzed again, vibrating insistently in his pocket.
This time he didn't even look at it; he just ignored it completely.
"Are you sure everything's okay?" I asked cautiously, unable to keep my concern at bay any longer.
He sighed deeply and finally met my gaze. "It's just work stuff," he said dismissively. "Nothing that can't wait."
I nodded slowly, trying to believe him. "Alright."
We resumed our walk along the riverbank, our steps in sync with each other.
Seoul Love Diaries
The night air was cool and refreshing, carrying with it the faint scent of flowers from a nearby garden.
As we walked, I couldn't help but steal glances at Jaemin.
He seemed lost in thought, his brow furrowed slightly as if wrestling with something internally.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked gently after a while.
He shook his head. "Not right now," he replied quietly. "Let's just enjoy our time together."
I squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Okay."
We continued walking until we reached a small bridge that arched gracefully over the river.
Jaemin stopped again and turned to face me once more.
"Emily," he began hesitantly. "I know things have been complicated today. But I want you to know that I'm here for you. No matter what happens."
I looked into his eyes and saw sincerity there. "I believe you," I said softly. "And I'm here for you too."
He smiled then, a genuine smile that made my heart flutter despite everything that had happened earlier.
Just as we were about to continue our walk again, Jaemin's phone buzzed loudly one more time.
This time he pulled it out and glanced at the screen with an exasperated sigh before putting it away again without answering.
Before I could say anything else, a loud splash came from behind us.
Seoul Love Diaries
"Help! Someone, please!" the woman screamed, her voice cracking with desperation.
Jaemin quickly handed his phone to me.
"Hold this," he said, his tone urgent.
Without hesitation, he sprinted towards the edge of the river and jumped in.
I watched, my heart pounding in my chest as Jaemin swam towards the dog.
The water was dark and cold, and I could see the dog's tiny legs flailing helplessly.
"Come on, Jaemin," I whispered under my breath, feeling a mix of fear and admiration.
Jaemin reached the dog and wrapped an arm around its small body.
He began swimming back towards the shore, his strokes strong and determined.
The dog's owner was crying now, her hands clasped together in a silent prayer.
"Please be okay," she murmured repeatedly.
Finally, Jaemin reached the riverbank and lifted the dog out of the water.
The woman rushed forward, taking her pet into her arms.
"Oh my God, thank you! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed through her tears.
Seoul Love Diaries
Jaemin climbed out of the water, soaked and shivering.
I hurried over to him, pulling off my scarf and wrapping it around his shoulders.
"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling with concern.
He nodded, giving me a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit cold."
The woman continued to thank him profusely. "You saved my baby! I don't know how to repay you!"
Jaemin waved off her gratitude with a modest shrug. "I'm just glad your dog is safe."
We walked back to our spot by the riverbank, Jaemin's clothes dripping wet and his teeth chattering from the cold.
I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of admiration for him.
His selflessness and bravery had only deepened my affection for him.
As we sat down on a nearby bench, I pulled out my phone to check the time.
It was getting late.
"We should probably head back soon," I suggested gently.
Jaemin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's go."
We stood up and began walking back towards his car.
The city lights reflected off the wet pavement, creating a shimmering path ahead of us.
Seoul Love Diaries
As we walked, I glanced at Jaemin's profile.
His hair was plastered to his forehead, and his glasses were slightly askew from his dive into the river.
Yet he still managed to look calm and composed.
"You were amazing back there," I said softly. "I don't think I could have done what you did."
He looked at me with those gentle eyes that had first drawn me to him. "Anyone would have done the same," he replied humbly.
"No," I insisted. "Not everyone would have jumped in without thinking twice."
He smiled then, a genuine smile that made my heart flutter despite everything that had happened earlier.
"Thank you," he said simply.
We reached his car and got inside, the warmth of the heater providing some much-needed relief from the cold night air.
As Jaemin started the engine and pulled out into traffic, I couldn't help but steal glances at him once more.
Despite all the uncertainties and complications that had arisen today, one thing was clear: Jaemin was someone worth holding onto.
Seoul Love Diaries
He led me inside, and the warmth of the lobby was a welcome contrast to the chilly night air outside.
As we stepped into his apartment, Jaemin immediately handed me a towel and some dry clothes.
"Here, you should change out of those wet clothes," he said, concern evident in his voice.
I took the items from him, feeling a mix of gratitude and awkwardness.
"Thanks," I replied softly.
The bathroom was small but tidy, with neatly folded towels and a faint scent of lavender.
I quickly changed into the dry clothes—a pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie that smelled like Jaemin.
The warmth enveloped me, and I felt a sense of comfort wash over me.
When I emerged from the bathroom, Jaemin was already in the kitchen, preparing something.
He looked up and smiled when he saw me.
"Feel better?" he asked.
"Much better," I said, returning his smile. "What are you making?"
Seoul Love Diaries
"Just something simple," he replied, gesturing to the stove where a pot of soup was simmering. "I thought some warm soup would be nice."
We ate in comfortable silence at his small dining table, the only sounds being the clinking of spoons against bowls and the occasional hum of traffic from outside.
The soup was delicious, its warmth spreading through me with each bite.
After dinner, we worked together to clean up.
Jaemin washed the dishes while I dried them and put them away.
As we moved around the kitchen, his phone buzzed again on the counter.
He glanced at it briefly before frowning slightly and putting it back down without answering.
I noticed but decided not to ask about it.
Instead, I tried to lighten the mood. "How about we watch a movie? Something to help us relax after today."
Jaemin looked relieved at my suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea."
We settled on the couch in his living room, scrolling through streaming options until we found a movie that seemed interesting.
As the opening credits rolled, I leaned against Jaemin, feeling safe and content for the first time all day.
Seoul Love Diaries
The movie played on, but my focus was more on Jaemin than on the screen.
His arm wrapped around my shoulders felt reassuring, and despite everything that had happened earlier, I felt closer to him than ever before.
Halfway through the movie, Jaemin's phone buzzed again.
This time he didn't even look at it; he just ignored it completely.
I glanced up at him. "Are you sure everything's okay?" I asked quietly.
He sighed deeply but didn't move away from me. "It's just work stuff," he said dismissively. "Nothing that can't wait."
I nodded slowly, trying to believe him. "Alright."
We continued watching the movie in silence, our bodies pressed close together on the couch.
The day's chaos seemed to fade away as we sat there, lost in our own little world.
Just as the movie reached its climax, there was a loud knock on Jaemin's door.
We both jumped slightly at the unexpected sound.
Jaemin frowned and got up to answer it.
I watched as he opened the door cautiously.
Standing there was Hyejin, her face pale and eyes wide with urgency.
"Jaemin," she said breathlessly.
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"I found something that belongs to you. You need to see this," she said, thrusting a small envelope into his hand.
Jaemin looked taken aback, his face a mix of confusion and concern.
I stood up from the couch, my heart pounding in my chest.
"What is it?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Jaemin hesitated for a moment before opening the envelope.
Inside was a photograph.
He pulled it out slowly, his hands trembling slightly.
I moved closer to get a better look.
The photo showed Jaemin with another woman, their faces close together in what looked like an intimate moment.
The date on the corner of the photograph was just a month ago.
A surge of betrayal and anger washed over me.
"Jaemin, what is this?" I demanded, my voice shaking.
Jaemin's face turned pale as he stammered, trying to find the words to explain.
"It's not what it looks like, Emily," he said, his voice desperate. "I can explain."
Hyejin smirked, clearly enjoying the chaos she had unleashed.
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"Explain? This seems pretty clear to me," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
I stepped back, tears welling up in my eyes.
"Is this true?" I asked again, my voice breaking.
Jaemin reached for me, but I stepped further away.
"Emily, please," he pleaded. "Let me explain."
I shook my head, unable to process the betrayal I felt.
"How could you do this?" I whispered, my voice filled with hurt.
Jaemin took a deep breath, his eyes filled with regret. "It's not what you think. That woman... she's an old friend. We met up to talk about some personal issues she's going through."
Hyejin scoffed. "An old friend? That's your excuse?"
I glared at Hyejin. "Why are you doing this?" I demanded.
She shrugged nonchalantly. "I thought you deserved to know the truth."
Jaemin turned to Hyejin, anger flashing in his eyes. "You had no right to interfere in our lives like this."
Hyejin crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe not, but someone had to show Emily who you really are."
I felt torn between wanting to believe Jaemin and the undeniable evidence in front of me.
Seoul Love Diaries
"Why didn't you tell me about meeting her?" I asked quietly.
Jaemin sighed deeply. "I didn't want to worry you. It was supposed to be a one-time thing."
Hyejin laughed bitterly. "A one-time thing? Sure."
I looked at Jaemin, searching his eyes for any hint of truth. "Do you expect me to just forget about this?"
He shook his head slowly. "No, I don't. But I want you to understand that nothing happened between us."
Hyejin rolled her eyes. "Believe what you want, Emily. But don't say I didn't warn you."
I felt a wave of frustration and sadness crash over me. "I need some time to think," I said finally.
Jaemin nodded reluctantly. "Take all the time you need."
Without another word, I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.
As I walked out into the cold night air, I could hear Jaemin calling after me.
But I didn't look back.
All I could think about was the photograph and the questions swirling in my mind.
The city lights blurred through my tears as I walked aimlessly down the street.
My heart felt heavy with confusion and pain.
What was I supposed to believe?
Seoul Love Diaries
The city seemed quieter than usual, the streets nearly empty under the soft glow of streetlights.
Eventually, I found myself at a small park.
The swing set stood empty and inviting in the moonlight, casting long shadows on the ground.
I sat down on one of the swings, pushing myself gently back and forth.
Tears streamed down my face, and I wiped them away with the back of my hand.
The cool night air did little to calm my racing thoughts.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching.
I looked up to see Sooyoung walking towards me, her expression filled with concern.
"Emily," she called softly.
I sniffled and tried to compose myself. "Sooyoung? What are you doing here?"
She sat down on the adjacent swing, her eyes never leaving mine. "I was worried about you. Jaemin called me after you left."
I nodded slowly, grateful for her presence but unsure of what to say.
For a moment, we sat in silence, the only sound being the creaking of the swings.
Finally, I couldn't hold it in any longer. "He lied to me," I blurted out, my voice breaking.
Sooyoung listened intently as I recounted the evening's events, from Hyejin's unexpected visit to the photograph that shattered my trust.
Seoul Love Diaries
"I don't know what to believe anymore," I admitted, my hands trembling.
Sooyoung reached over and took my hand in hers. "I'm so sorry you're going through this," she said softly. "But you don't have to go through it alone."
Her words brought a small measure of comfort, and I squeezed her hand in gratitude.
"Thank you," I whispered.
After another moment of silence, Sooyoung suggested something that made sense. "Why don't we go back to my place? We can talk more comfortably there."
I hesitated for a second but then nodded. "Okay."
We stood up from the swings and began walking towards Sooyoung's apartment.
The night air was crisp and cool, and I wrapped my coat tighter around myself.
As we walked, Sooyoung kept a steady pace beside me, her presence reassuring.
When we arrived at her apartment building, she led me inside and up to her cozy unit.
The warmth of her living room was a welcome contrast to the chilly night outside.
She motioned for me to sit on the couch while she went into the kitchen.
"Tea?" she called out.
"Yes, please," I replied.
A few minutes later, Sooyoung returned with two steaming mugs of tea.
She handed one to me and sat down beside me on the couch.
Seoul Love Diaries
The warmth of the tea seeped into my hands as I took a sip, feeling a bit more grounded.
"So," Sooyoung began gently. "What do you want to do now?"
I sighed deeply, staring into my mug. "I don't know," I admitted. "Part of me wants to believe Jaemin, but that photograph..."
Sooyoung nodded understandingly. "It's okay not to have all the answers right now."
We talked for hours, discussing everything from Jaemin's explanation to Hyejin's motives.
Sooyoung listened patiently, offering advice when needed but mostly just being there for me.
As the night wore on, I felt a sense of clarity slowly emerging from the chaos.
Finally, exhaustion began to take its toll.
Sooyoung noticed and suggested that I stay over for the night.
"You can sleep in my guest room," she offered kindly.
"Thank you," I said gratefully.
She showed me to the guest room and handed me some spare pajamas.
As I changed and settled into bed, I felt a sense of relief wash over me.
Despite everything that had happened tonight, I knew I wasn't alone.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep, there was a loud knock at Sooyoung's door.
My heart skipped a beat as I heard her footsteps approaching the door.
I sat up in bed, straining to hear who it could be at this hour.
Seoul Love Diaries
"Please, Sooyoung, I need to talk to Emily," he pleaded.
Sooyoung hesitated, her eyes flicking back towards me.
I could see the conflict in her expression, but she eventually stepped aside, allowing Jaemin to enter.
He walked in slowly, his eyes searching for mine.
I sat on the couch, my face tear-streaked and weary.
Jaemin knelt beside me, his voice trembling as he spoke.
"Emily, please listen," he begged.
I felt a whirlwind of emotions—anger, confusion, hurt—all swirling inside me.
I took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye.
"I want the truth about that photograph," I demanded.
Jaemin's eyes filled with desperation as he tried to explain.
"It was a misunderstanding," he said earnestly. "That woman is an old friend. We met up because she's going through some personal issues."
I shook my head, my resolve wavering but still strong.
"Why didn't you tell me about it?" I asked, my voice cracking.
Seoul Love Diaries
"I didn't want to worry you," he replied softly. "It was supposed to be a one-time thing."
I could see the sincerity in his eyes, but doubt still lingered in my heart.
"Sooyoung," I called out without breaking eye contact with Jaemin. "What do you think?"
Sooyoung stepped closer, her arms crossed over her chest.
"I think you deserve the truth," she said firmly.
Jaemin looked at her, then back at me, his eyes pleading.
"Emily, I swear on everything I hold dear that nothing happened between us," he said.
I wanted to believe him so badly, but the image of that photograph was burned into my mind.
"How can I trust you after seeing that?" I whispered.
He reached out and took my hands in his, his grip firm yet gentle.
"Because I love you," he said simply. "And I would never do anything to hurt you."
Tears welled up in my eyes again as I searched his face for any sign of deceit.
All I saw was regret and sincerity.
Sooyoung placed a hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay to take your time with this decision," she said softly.
Seoul Love Diaries
I nodded slowly, feeling torn between my love for Jaemin and the betrayal I felt from that photograph.
Jaemin squeezed my hands gently.
"I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself to you," he promised.
I took a deep breath and looked at him one last time before making my decision.
"I need more time," I said finally.
Jaemin nodded reluctantly, understanding in his eyes.
"I'll wait for as long as it takes," he said quietly.
With that, he stood up and walked towards the door, casting one last glance back at me before leaving.
The door closed behind him with a soft click, leaving Sooyoung and me alone once more.
She sat down beside me on the couch and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"You did the right thing by asking for time," she reassured me.
I leaned into her embrace, feeling a mix of relief and uncertainty.
As we sat there in silence, the weight of the evening's events began to settle over me like a heavy blanket.
Seoul Love Diaries
Just then, Sooyoung's cat jumped onto my lap, purring softly, offering a small but welcome distraction.
I stroked the cat absentmindedly, feeling a brief moment of peace wash over me.
Sooyoung returned from the kitchen with two cups of tea and sat down beside me.
"You did the right thing," she said firmly, her eyes meeting mine.
I nodded but felt a pang of doubt gnawing at me.
"Did I?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.
The doorbell rang again, making me tense up immediately.
Sooyoung stood up to answer it, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the comforting presence of the cat.
I could hear her footsteps as she walked towards the door, each step echoing in the quiet room.
The cat nuzzled its head against my hand, and I continued to stroke it, trying to calm my racing heart.
The warmth of its fur was soothing, but it did little to ease the turmoil inside me.
"Sooyoung?" I called out hesitantly, not sure who could be at the door at this hour.
"It's okay," she replied from the hallway. "I'll handle it."
Seoul Love Diaries
I heard the door creak open and muffled voices exchanged words that I couldn't quite make out.
Curiosity got the better of me, and I strained to listen more closely.
The voices grew louder for a moment before fading into hushed tones again.
After what felt like an eternity, Sooyoung returned to the living room with a concerned look on her face.
"Who was it?" I asked nervously.
"It was just a neighbor," she said reassuringly. "Nothing to worry about."
I let out a sigh of relief and sank back into the couch.
Sooyoung handed me my cup of tea and took a seat beside me once more.
We sipped our tea in silence for a few moments, the warmth spreading through my body and helping to steady my nerves.
"So," Sooyoung began gently. "What are you thinking now?"
I took a deep breath and set my cup down on the coffee table. "I'm still so confused," I admitted. "Part of me wants to believe Jaemin, but that photograph... it's hard to ignore."
Sooyoung nodded understandingly. "It's completely normal to feel that way. Trust takes time to rebuild."
I appreciated her words but still felt an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.
Seoul Love Diaries
The cat curled up on my lap, its purring growing louder as it settled in comfortably.
I couldn't help but smile at its contentment despite everything going on around us.
"Do you think I should talk to him again?" I asked hesitantly.
Sooyoung considered this for a moment before responding. "Only if you're ready. Don't rush yourself into anything you're not comfortable with."
I nodded slowly, taking her advice to heart.
"Thanks for being here for me," I said softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
She smiled warmly. "That's what friends are for."
We sat there in companionable silence for a while longer, each lost in our own thoughts.
The weight of the evening's events still hung heavily over me, but having Sooyoung by my side made it a little more bearable.
Just as I started to feel a bit more at ease, there was another knock at the door.
My heart skipped a beat as I looked at Sooyoung in alarm.
"I'll get it," she said quickly, standing up once more.
I watched her walk towards the door, my anxiety mounting with each step she took.
Seoul Love Diaries
My heart pounded as I saw him standing there, his eyes filled with desperation.
He stepped inside, his gaze never leaving mine.
"Please, just hear me out," he said softly, almost pleading.
I felt a mix of emotions—anger, confusion, and a flicker of hope.
Reluctantly, I nodded.
Jaemin handed me the box, his hands shaking visibly.
I took it from him cautiously and slowly opened it.
Inside was a handwritten letter and a keychain with our initials engraved on it.
My fingers trembled as I unfolded the letter.
Jaemin watched me intently, his eyes searching for any sign of forgiveness or understanding.
The letter explained everything about the photograph and his friend's crisis in detail.
He wrote about how his friend Hyejin was going through a severe personal issue and had reached out to him for support.
He admitted he should have told me but didn't want to burden me with someone else's problems.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I read his words.
Seoul Love Diaries
The sincerity and regret in his writing were palpable.
I looked up at Jaemin, who was still watching me closely, waiting for my reaction.
"I didn't know how to tell you without making you worry," he said quietly. "But I realize now that keeping it from you only made things worse."
I wiped away a tear that had escaped down my cheek.
"Sooyoung," I called out, needing her support.
She stepped closer, her presence grounding me.
"Emily," Jaemin continued, "I love you more than anything. I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally."
His voice cracked with emotion, and I could see the tears forming in his eyes as well.
I glanced at Sooyoung, who gave me an encouraging nod.
Taking a deep breath, I turned back to Jaemin.
"I need time to process all of this," I said softly but firmly. "But thank you for being honest with me."
Jaemin nodded, relief washing over his face. "Take all the time you need. I'll be here waiting."
He reached out and gently placed the keychain in my hand. "This is a reminder of us. Of what we have."
Seoul Love Diaries
I clutched the keychain tightly, feeling the cool metal against my skin.
"Thank you," I whispered.
Jaemin stood up slowly, giving me one last look before heading towards the door.
Sooyoung walked him out, leaving me alone with my thoughts for a moment.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Sooyoung returned to my side.
"How are you feeling?" she asked gently.
I took a deep breath and looked at her. "Confused but also... hopeful."
She smiled warmly. "That's a good start."
We sat back down on the couch together, the weight of the evening's events still heavy but somehow more manageable now.
The cat jumped back onto my lap, purring softly as if sensing my need for comfort.
"So what now?" Sooyoung asked after a moment of silence.
I looked down at the keychain in my hand and then back at her. "Now... I take it one day at a time."
She nodded in agreement. "And remember, I'm here for you every step of the way."
With that reassurance, we settled into a quiet companionship once more.
Seoul Love Diaries