MidReal Story

Power Play

Scenario:Sebastian Winston/ bash meyers Sebastian Winston of the Winston group has hired a new secretary who has plans to be the new Mrs. Sebastian Winston at all cost
Create my version of this story
Sebastian Winston/ bash meyers Sebastian Winston of the Winston group has hired a new secretary who has plans to be the new Mrs. Sebastian Winston at all cost
I’m Sebastian Winston, CEO of the Winston Group.
I’ve been with my girlfriend Olivia Benson for five years now, and I’ve never been happier.
She’s a lawyer at one of the most prestigious law firms in New York City, and she’s beautiful, intelligent, and strong.
She’s the whole package.
I know I’m a lucky man to have her in my life, and I don’t take her for granted.
That’s why I make sure to show her how much I love her every single day.
Power Play
We have a good thing going, and I don’t want anything or anyone to come between us.
But then Emily Carter walks into my office and changes everything.
Power Play
I’m Sebastian Winston, CEO of the Winston Group.
I’ve been with my girlfriend Olivia Benson for five years now, and I’ve never been happier.
She’s a lawyer at one of the most prestigious law firms in New York City, and she’s beautiful, intelligent, and strong.
She’s the whole package.
I know I’m a lucky man to have her in my life, and I don’t take her for granted.
That’s why I make sure to show her how much I love her every single day.
We have a good thing going, and I don’t want anything or anyone to come between us.
But then Emily Carter walks into my office and changes everything.
I sat at my desk, reviewing the quarterly reports that had just come in.
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The numbers were good, but there was always room for improvement.
A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.
"Come in," I called out without looking up.
Emily Carter walked in, her eyes sharp and calculating.
She moved with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.
She handed me a file, her fingers brushing against mine.
A shiver ran down my spine, but I brushed it off.
"Thank you, Emily," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Nice tie," she complimented, her voice sweet but with an edge that made me uneasy.
"Thanks," I replied curtly, hoping she would take the hint and leave.
But she lingered too long, her presence making me uncomfortable.
Finally, she turned and left the room, leaving a strange tension in the air.
Later that afternoon, my phone rang.
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It was Olivia.
"Hey, babe," she said cheerfully. "Just calling to confirm our dinner plans tonight."
I smiled, feeling reassured by her voice.
"Of course. Seven o'clock at La Bella Vita."
"Perfect. Can't wait to see you," she said warmly before hanging up.
As I put down the phone, I noticed Emily standing in the doorway again.
Her expression had darkened.
"Everything alright?" I asked cautiously.
She stepped closer, invading my space.
"You know," she whispered suggestively, "there are other ways to spend your evening."
I was stunned and angry.
"What are you implying?" I demanded.
She smirked. "Just think about it."
Realization hit me like a ton of bricks.
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I needed to get to the bottom of this.
That night, after dinner with Olivia, I decided to take action.
The next morning, I contacted a private investigator named Jack Thompson.
He came highly recommended and had a reputation for being thorough.
"Mr. Winston," Jack greeted me over the phone. "What can I do for you?"
"I need you to dig into someone’s past," I said, my voice firm. "Her name is Emily Carter. I want to know everything about her—connections, history, everything."
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"Understood," Jack replied. "I'll get started right away and keep you updated."
I thanked him and hung up, feeling a mix of anticipation and dread.
At the office, Emily's behavior continued to unsettle me.
She handed me a stack of documents, her fingers lingering on mine longer than necessary.
Her eyes locked onto mine, an unsettling intensity in them.
"Here are the reports you asked for," she said softly, her voice dripping with insinuation.
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"Thank you," I replied curtly, pulling my hand away and focusing on the papers.
But she didn't leave.
Instead, she leaned in closer, her breath warm against my ear.
"You seem tense, Sebastian," she whispered. "Maybe you need someone to help you relax."
My anger flared, but I forced myself to stay composed.
"That's enough, Emily," I said coldly. "Please leave."
She straightened up, a sly smile playing on her lips.
"As you wish," she said before sauntering out of my office.
I exhaled sharply, trying to regain my focus.
That evening, I met Olivia at La Bella Vita for dinner.
The restaurant was dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background.
Olivia looked stunning as always, her eyes lighting up when she saw me.
"Hey," she greeted warmly as we sat down. "You look like you've had a rough day."
"You have no idea," I sighed. "There's something I need to talk to you about."
Her expression turned serious. "What is it?"
"It's about Emily Carter," I began. "She's been acting...strangely. Making advances that are completely inappropriate."
Olivia's eyes narrowed. "What kind of advances?"
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I explained everything—her suggestive comments, the way she invaded my space, the unsettling intensity in her eyes.
Olivia listened intently, her concern growing with every word.
"We need to find out more about her," she said decisively. "If she's a threat, we can't ignore it."
"I've already hired a private investigator," I told her. "He's looking into her past as we speak."
"Good," Olivia nodded. "We need to be prepared for whatever he finds."
We finished our meal in relative silence, both lost in thought about what might come next.
As we left the restaurant and walked towards my car, my phone rang.
It was Jack Thompson.
"Mr. Winston," he said urgently. "I've found some initial information on Emily Carter."
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"What did you find?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Her past is darker than we expected," Jack revealed. "There are connections to some very dangerous people."
My grip tightened on the phone as Olivia looked at me with wide eyes.
"How dangerous?" I demanded.
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"Emily has ties to a criminal syndicate.
She's not just after your money; she wants control."
My mind raced, trying to process the gravity of his words.
I had to protect Olivia.
"Thank you, Jack," I said, my voice tense. "Keep digging and let me know if you find anything else."
"I will," he assured me before hanging up.
I turned to Olivia, who was watching me with concern etched across her face.
"We need to talk," I said, guiding her towards the car.
Once inside, I explained everything Jack had told me.
Olivia's expression hardened with determination.
"We need to take action immediately," she said firmly. "We can't let her get any closer."
"I agree," I replied. "What do you suggest?"
"First, we need to install security measures at home and at the office," she suggested. "Cameras, alarms, everything."
"Good idea," I nodded, feeling a surge of protective anger. "I'll contact a security company first thing in the morning."
That night, we stayed up late discussing our next steps.
The living room was dimly lit by the soft glow of a table lamp, casting long shadows on the walls.
Olivia sat cross-legged on the couch, her laptop open as she researched security options.
I paced back and forth, my mind racing with thoughts of how to keep her safe.
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"We should also inform the authorities," Olivia said without looking up from her screen. "They need to be aware of the situation."
"Agreed," I said, stopping in front of her. "I'll call them tomorrow."
The next morning came too quickly.
I barely slept, my mind plagued by thoughts of Emily and her dangerous connections.
As I walked into the office, Emily greeted me with her usual smirk.
"Good morning, Sebastian," she said sweetly.
My eyes narrowed as I looked at her, my resolve hardening.
"Morning," I replied curtly before walking past her.
In my office, I immediately called the security company and arranged for them to come by later that day.
Then I dialed the police department to report what Jack had found out about Emily.
After making those calls, I felt a small sense of relief knowing that steps were being taken to protect us.
Around noon, Emily knocked on my door again.
"Come in," I called out, bracing myself for another unsettling encounter.
She walked in with a stack of documents and that same calculating look in her eyes.
"Here are the reports you requested," she said smoothly as she placed them on my desk.
"Thank you," I replied coldly, not meeting her gaze.
She lingered for a moment too long before finally leaving my office.
I exhaled sharply once she was gone, feeling the tension in my shoulders ease slightly.
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Later that afternoon, the security team arrived at both my home and office to install cameras and alarms.
Olivia coordinated with them at home while I oversaw the installations at work.
By evening, everything was set up and ready to go.
As I drove home that night, my phone buzzed with a text from Jack: "Need to meet. Urgent."
I replied quickly: "Where?"
He sent an address—a small café downtown—and a time: 8 PM.
When I arrived at the café, Jack was already there waiting for me at a corner table.
He looked up as I approached and gestured for me to sit down.
"What did you find?" I asked urgently as soon as I sat down.
Jack leaned in closer and lowered his voice.
"Emily's connections go deeper than we thought.
She's been involved in several high-profile crimes—embezzlement, fraud, even blackmail."
My heart pounded in my chest as he continued speaking.
"And there's more," he added grimly.
"She's been using aliases to cover her tracks.
Emily Carter isn't even her real name."
I felt a chill run down my spine at his words.
"We need to act fast," Jack said urgently.
"If she's planning something big, we have to stop her before it's too late."
I nodded in agreement.
"I'll do whatever it takes."
Just then, my phone buzzed again—it was Olivia: "Come home now. Urgent."
My blood ran cold as I read her message.
Without another word to Jack, I stood up abruptly and rushed out of the café towards my car.
Power Play
"Olivia!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the empty house.
There was no response.
Panic surged through me as I began to search each room frantically.
The living room was untouched, the kitchen immaculate.
I sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
"Olivia!" I called again, my voice cracking with desperation.
Still nothing.
I reached the bedroom and froze.
A shattered vase lay on the floor, shards of glass scattered everywhere.
Olivia's phone was next to it, its screen cracked.
My mind raced with fear and anger.
Suddenly, my phone rang.
I snatched it from my pocket, hoping it was Olivia.
The caller ID read "Emily."
My blood boiled as I answered.
"Where is she?" I demanded, my voice shaking with rage.
Emily's laugh echoed through the line, cold and mocking.
"Hello, Sebastian," she purred. "Miss me?"
"Cut the crap, Emily. Where is Olivia?" I snarled.
She chuckled again. "She's safe... for now."
My fists clenched so tightly that my knuckles turned white.
"What do you want?" I growled.
"Oh, Sebastian," she sighed theatrically. "It's not about what I want. It's about what you're willing to do."
"Tell me where she is!" I shouted, my patience wearing thin.
Emily's tone turned icy. "You'll find out soon enough. But first, you need to play my little game."
Before I could respond, she hung up.
Desperation fueled me as I dialed Jack Thompson's number.
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He picked up on the second ring.
"Jack, it's Sebastian. Emily has Olivia," I said breathlessly.
"What? Are you sure?" he asked urgently.
"Yes. She just called me," I replied. "We need to find her before it's too late."
Jack's voice was steady but tense. "Alright. We need to track her down. Do you have any idea where she might be?"
"She gave me some cryptic clues," I said, trying to remember Emily's exact words.
"Think carefully," Jack urged. "Anything could be a hint."
I closed my eyes and replayed the conversation in my head.
"She said something about playing her little game," I recalled slowly. "And that I'd find out soon enough."
Jack was silent for a moment before speaking again. "That sounds like she's leading you somewhere specific."
"I agree," I said. "But where?"
"We'll figure it out," Jack assured me. "Meet me at your office in fifteen minutes."
I hung up and rushed back downstairs, grabbing my car keys from the kitchen counter.
The drive to the office was a blur of red lights and honking horns as I weaved through traffic.
When I arrived, Jack was already there, pacing outside the building.
He looked up as I approached and nodded grimly.
"We need to think like her," he said without preamble. "Where would she take Olivia?"
I racked my brain for any detail that might help us.
"She mentioned playing a game," I repeated. "Maybe somewhere significant to her?"
Jack nodded thoughtfully. "Any places come to mind? Somewhere she might feel in control?"
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I thought back to our previous encounters with Emily and remembered something she had said during one of her unsettling visits to my office.
"There’s an abandoned warehouse near the docks," I said suddenly. "She mentioned it once when talking about her past."
Jack's eyes lit up with realization. "That could be it."
We wasted no time and headed straight for the docks.
The sun had set by the time we arrived at the old warehouse district.
The area was eerily quiet, with only the sound of waves lapping against the pier breaking the silence.
We approached cautiously, our footsteps echoing off the dilapidated buildings around us.
As we neared one of the larger warehouses, a faint light flickered inside.
"This has to be it," Jack whispered, drawing his gun.
I nodded and followed suit, adrenaline pumping through my veins.
We crept closer until we were right outside the door.
Jack signaled for me to stay back as he pushed it open slowly.
Inside, shadows danced on the walls from a single hanging bulb swinging above an old wooden chair—where Olivia sat tied up and gagged.
My heart leaped into my throat as I saw her struggling against her restraints.
But before we could move any further, a figure stepped out from behind a stack of crates—Emily.
She smiled wickedly at us both and raised a gun of her own.
"Welcome to my game," she sneered.
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"Sebastian, Jack, so nice of you to join us," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
I clenched my fists, trying to keep my anger in check.
"What do you want, Emily?" I demanded, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at me.
She laughed softly, shaking her head.
"Oh, it's not about what I want," she replied. "It's about what you're willing to do."
Jack took a step forward, his gun trained on Emily.
"Let her go," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.
Emily's smile widened as she turned her attention to me.
"Sebastian," she purred. "I have a proposition for you."
I glanced at Olivia, who was watching us with wide, terrified eyes.
"Just tell me what you want," I said through gritted teeth.
Emily's expression turned serious.
"I want you to admit your feelings for me," she said coldly. "In front of Olivia."
My blood ran cold at her words.
This was beyond twisted.
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"You’re insane," I spat.
She shrugged nonchalantly.
"Maybe," she said. "But if you want Olivia to walk out of here alive, you'll do as I say."
Jack's eyes flicked to me, silently urging me to stall for time.
I took a deep breath and nodded slowly.
"Alright," I said reluctantly. "I'll do it."
Emily's smile returned as she gestured for me to step forward.
"Good boy," she cooed.
I walked towards her, my heart pounding in my chest.
As I got closer, Jack discreetly signaled for backup with a subtle movement of his hand.
Emily's eyes never left mine as she spoke again.
"But first," she said, her voice taking on a sinister edge. "There's something you should know."
She turned to Olivia, who was trembling in her chair.
"Do you recognize me?" Emily asked softly.
Olivia's face paled as recognition dawned on her features.
"No... it can't be," she whispered, horror etched across her face.
Emily's smile widened even further.
"Oh, but it is," she said triumphantly. "Am I sis?"
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The room seemed to freeze in that moment as the weight of Emily's revelation sank in.
Olivia's sister—someone from her past—had been behind this all along.
The betrayal cut deep, and the tension in the room escalated to a breaking point.
"Why are you doing this?" Olivia choked out, tears streaming down her face.
Emily's expression hardened as she leveled the gun at Olivia’s head.
"Because you took everything from me," she hissed. "And now it's time for payback."
I felt a surge of protective anger and took another step forward.
"Emily, this isn't the way," I pleaded. "We can work something out."
Her eyes flicked back to me, filled with rage and desperation.
"It's too late for that," she snapped. "Now admit your feelings or watch her die."
I swallowed hard, my mind racing for a way out of this nightmare.
But before I could say anything more, the sound of sirens pierced the air outside the warehouse.
Emily's eyes widened in panic as Jack lunged towards her.
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Jack scrambled to his feet, yelling, "Stay with Olivia!"
I rushed to Olivia's side, my hands shaking as I worked to untie her.
"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice barely steady.
She nodded, tears streaming down her face but otherwise unharmed.
As I freed her from the ropes, another gunshot echoed from outside.
My heart pounded in my chest as I realized Jack had gone after Emily.
"Come on," I urged Olivia, helping her to her feet.
"We need to get out of here."
We moved quickly but cautiously towards the warehouse entrance.
The scene outside was chaotic.
Jack and Emily were locked in a violent struggle near the entrance.
Emily's face was twisted with rage as she fought to escape his grip.
Jack was doing his best to subdue her without getting hurt himself.
"Sebastian!" Jack shouted when he saw us. "Get Olivia out of here!"
I hesitated for a moment, torn between helping Jack and protecting Olivia.
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But the look in his eyes made it clear—Olivia's safety came first.
I pulled Olivia close, guiding her towards a safer spot behind a stack of crates.
"Stay here," I whispered urgently. "I'll be right back."
She clutched my arm tightly, fear evident in her eyes.
"Please be careful," she begged.
I nodded and turned back to where Jack and Emily were still struggling.
Emily managed to break free for a split second, aiming her gun at Jack again.
Without thinking, I lunged forward and tackled her to the ground.
The gun skidded across the concrete floor, out of reach.
Emily thrashed beneath me, screaming in frustration.
"You think you can stop me?" she spat, her eyes wild with fury.
Jack quickly joined me, helping to pin her down.
"You're finished, Emily," he said through gritted teeth.
Sirens grew louder as police cars screeched to a halt outside the warehouse.
Officers poured in, guns drawn and shouting commands.
"Hands up! Don't move!"
Jack and I raised our hands slowly as officers took over, securing Emily in handcuffs.
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I stumbled back towards Olivia, my legs feeling like jelly from the adrenaline rush.
She ran into my arms, sobbing uncontrollably.
"It's over," I whispered into her hair. "You're safe now."
The police escorted Emily out of the warehouse while paramedics arrived to check on us.
Jack walked over, looking exhausted but relieved.
"You did good," he said quietly. "We got her."
I nodded, still holding Olivia tightly as if letting go would make this nightmare real again.
The warehouse was now filled with flashing lights and bustling officers, but all I could focus on was the warmth of Olivia in my arms.
One of the officers approached us. "Are you both alright?"
"We're fine," I replied. "Just shaken up."
He nodded sympathetically. "We'll need statements from both of you when you're ready."
As we were led outside into the cool night air, I glanced back at the warehouse one last time.
Emily was being loaded into a police car, her face a mask of defiance even in defeat.
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I knew this wasn't truly over—there would be questions to answer and wounds to heal—but for now, we had survived.
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