MidReal Story

Lost in the Void

Scenario:A woman wandering in the interstellar space
Create my version of this story
A woman wandering in the interstellar space
I am a lost traveler in the vast expanse of interstellar space, my ship adrift with a malfunction that has yet to be fixed.
I’m not a man wandering alone in the desert, but a woman in a spacecraft.
It is depressing to be so isolated, but this is the reality of my predicament.
I can’t change it, so I might as well get used to it.
My ship is named Aurora Black, and I am also named Aurora Black.
The crew data shows that I have no relationships and my only relatives are dead.
I am no one important, but I am the engineer of the ship, the only person who can fix it.
As part of the mission, we were supposed to travel to an alien planet and gather some energy crystal samples.
After completing our task, we were supposed to head back.
However, something went wrong with the warp engine and we are now stranded in space.
I haven’t seen any alien creatures, but I have an AI named Ophelia.
She is smart and can operate the ship without me.
But she cannot fix the warp engine, so I have to do it myself.
The warp engine is housed in the hull of the spacecraft.
It is a large metal cylinder and extremely heavy.
So far, I have been unable to fix the malfunction despite two days’ worth of effort, but I am not discouraged.
I will continue to work hard until I can fix it.
The view from my window shows empty space with no stars or galaxies.
It’s like being in outer space for real.
But if I look closely, there are two tiny galaxies in the distance that are slowly moving away from each other.
Everything else is so quiet that if it weren’t for Ophelia’s voice telling me that life detection signals are being received and that I am still alive, I would think that I had already died.
The signal is very weak and there are only a few points of contact.
At first, I thought that the signal was just interference from the outside world, but now I realize that it isn’t.
It’s a real signal!
I don’t have any relationships and I don’t need to communicate with anyone on the outside world to get permission for anything I want to do.
I like this kind of freedom.
Of course it comes at a price; if I don’t know what I’m doing, I might get myself into trouble and die at any time without anyone knowing about it.
I put aside my work and used the ship’s detectors to trace the signal back to its source: an unknown spacecraft floating behind Aurora Black!
The signal is not strong and it is very slow to transmit information, but now that it has been confirmed, there must be someone on board the other spacecraft who can send it out!
I’m excited and get up and run to the hatch of the cabin to go out into the hallway and head to the other spacecraft to take a look!
Despite the fact that I have found another spacecraft, I still need to fix the Aurora Black before I can do anything else!
The other spacecraft has been here for a long time and I wonder if their crew are still alive?
Even if they are not alive, their bodies will probably not rot due to the harsh environment of outer space.
The signal disappeared from the radar when I was halfway out of the cabin.
I quickly ran back to the control room and found that the other party had closed the communication channel by itself, which meant that they knew we were here!
Did they activate their engines?
But why did they do that?
Is it possible that they are going to leave?
No, they are not leaving, but they are moving towards us at a high speed!
I was stunned for a moment, what should I do?
Should I turn on the engine and catch up with them as soon as possible or should I stay behind and try to communicate with them first?
We’ve been stranded here for too long and we can’t afford to waste any more time searching for someone to help us!
No one gave me any orders on what to do now, so I had to figure out what was going on myself.
If I can find someone who can help us solve this problem, then everything will be fine!
Just as the other party was about to leave my radar range, they suddenly stopped and started moving towards me at a speed of 0.1 of the speed of light, which was a speed of 30,000 kilometers per second, which was much faster than anything we have in the human world!
Even a photon torpedo would be slower than this thing!
The other party must have an extremely powerful engine, and it must be an ion engine because there are no flames spewing out of their engines!
After thinking about it, I decided to give up trying to catch up with them, and instead go to the observation deck to watch the other party move towards us from a distance!
I quickly headed to the observation deck after making up my mind and after going through the cabin hallways, I arrived at the observation deck and took a look at the radar and saw the other spacecraft moving towards us!
The other spacecraft has reached a speed of 0.1 light speed, but it still looks very small when viewed from the observation deck radar.
If it wasn’t for the fact that it was moving towards me at high speed, I would have thought it was an asteroid!
The universe is truly vast and beautiful!
The meteor shower in front of me is extremely dense and beautiful, and it can even be seen with the naked eye, but it will not hit me because it will disintegrate before it comes into contact with me due to the atmosphere of the spacecraft .
A meteorite suddenly appeared and flashed through the screen before disappearing into the vast void after hitting the spacecraft.
Wait a minute, what is that ship doing here?
Isn’t there supposed to be a meteor shower?
I quickly looked around and saw another ship appearing from behind one of the meteorites!
But this ship didn’t come from behind the meteorite, so where did it come from?
A few minutes later, the ship’s communication frequency was automatically connected to me, and the ship’s crew began to speak to me in an alien language, and the strange sounds began to be transmitted through the communication system.
I was dumbfounded when I heard them speak because the language they spoke was not the universal language that all human beings spoke, nor was it the language of any human country, and their language could even be heard clearly, but it was distorted somewhat.
Since the other party’s language was not something I could understand, I could only look at the radar screen and see that the other party’s ship was still moving closer to me at high speed.
As I listened to the strange sounds and the distorted noise, there were a few discernible words that came through, such as “unidentified” and “request assistance.”
It seems that the other party does not know who we are, and they are here to assist us!
I quickly adjusted my communication system and began to speak in English, “This is Aurora Black, and I appear to have encountered some sort of malfunction.
Is there anything you can help me with?”
After a short moment of silence, “unidentified” and “request assistance” were again heard through the communication system in an alien language, but the sound was clearer this time as there was no distortion.
It seems that they were able to understand my English!
After a moment of silence, I suddenly heard the sound of a spaceship moving away from me from the radar screen, and the image on the screen suddenly became blurry.
It seems that they were trying to move away from me!
I quickly turned off the communication system and decided to chase after them because I still didn’t know who they were, and if they were pirates or aliens, then…
Just as I was about to leave the observation deck, something appeared in the radar screen in front of me!
I quickly took a closer look at the radar screen in front of me, and saw a huge spaceship appearing in front of me!
This huge spaceship was so big that it almost took up half of the radar screen!
I quickly took a closer look at the radar screen in front of me, and saw that the other party’s ship had stopped moving, and was now hanging in front of me, as if it had been waiting for me to catch up to them.
I then realized that the ship had already changed directions, and had moved in front of the meteor shower before coming to a stop in front of the meteor shower so that I could see them!
They didn’t come looking for me, they came to find me to show off their new spacecraft!
I quickly turned on the communication system again, and a voice immediately came through the speakers in the observation deck, “Unidentified ship, please provide your identification!”
Who are you?”
I replied in English, as I looked at the flat side of the huge ship.
“My name is Aurora Black, an independent engineer who happened to be passing by here, and I have encountered an equipment failure, so I am unable to continue my journey!”
I said to them with a hint of pride in my heart, as well as a hint of defiance.
“I am Aurora Black, an independent engineer!”
Lost in the Void
The other side was silent, as if they were in a meeting, or discussing something, as I looked at the flat side of the huge ship through the observation deck, but could not see any windows or sign of movement on it.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later, when I heard another voice on the communication system, “Aurora Black, this is the spaceship Starlight, our captain would like to speak with you!”
I was taken aback when I heard the voice, but I quickly replied, “Yes, I am here!”
The voice on the other end of the communication system was silent for a moment, as if they were trying to find the right words, before a new voice came through the speakers in the observation deck.
Aurora Black, this is Captain Alex Carter, may I know what you are doing here?”
I was taken aback by his question because I had already told them what had happened when they first spoke to me, but after thinking about it, I decided to ask him a question instead, “May I ask who you are?”
I asked him as I looked at the huge ship in front of me.
The other side was silent for a moment, but soon replied, “We are an exploration ship!”
I looked at the huge ship in front of me and wondered how such a huge ship could be an exploration ship, but more importantly, what were they exploring?
Was it really just a coincidence that they appeared in front of us?
I quickly turned on my communication system and replied, “Explorer ship?What are you exploring?”
Upon hearing my question, the other side was silent for a moment, but soon replied, “Our mission is classified!”
“Classified mission?”
As I looked at the huge ship in front of me, I began to wonder what kind of mysterious organization could own such a huge ship?
And what kind of mysterious mission would require such a huge ship?
It was only after thinking for a while that I realized my mistake!
After turning off the communication system, I quickly turned on my radar system and saw that there was no other ship around us except for this huge ship!
The radar system scan showed that there were no other ships around us except for this huge ship!
There were no other ships on our radar system except for this one!
I quickly turned off the communication system and went to the control room to take over the radar system, and I saw that there was only one signal being detected by our radar system, and that was the signal from this huge ship in front of me!
It seems that I was being played by them, as they easily deceived me without any effort!
As I was lost in thought, a strange signal suddenly appeared on the radar screen in front of me, and it seemed to be coming from inside the huge ship in front of me.
It was moving closer and closer to me, but it wasn’t moving towards me as fast as before, and was only moving towards me very slowly.
I quickly took a closer look at the radar screen in front of me and found that there was only one signal with a range of about 100 kilometers in front of me, and it was moving very slowly towards me.
Since they were already here, why not let them come in?
I thought as I turned on the communication system and said to them, “This is Aurora Black, who is there?”
Lost in the Void
No response came from the other side of the communication system.
I repeated again, “This is Aurora Black, who is there?”
This time, there was still no response from the other side of the communication system.
Just as I was about to turn off the communication system, a voice suddenly came from the other side of the communication system: “You are Aurora Black?”
Hearing this voice, I couldn’t help but ask, “Who are you guys?”
The other side said, “We are an exploration ship sent by Earth to explore space.”
Hearing this voice, I couldn’t help but frown and asked, “What are you guys doing here?”
The other side said, “We are here to explore space.”
After hearing their answer, I couldn’t help but frown and ask, “What are you guys exploring?”
The other side said, “Our mission is classified!”
“Stop talking nonsense with me and tell me what are you doing here?”
The other side said, “We’re just passing by.”
After hearing their words, I couldn’t help but frown and asked, “Just passing by?”
The other side said, “Yes, we are just passing by, we are not here to cause trouble!”
I looked at the huge ship in front of me and said to them, “Don’t worry, I won’t cause trouble!”
After saying this, I quickly closed the communication system and began to think carefully.
What exactly were they doing?
Were they really just passing by, or were they really just here to explore space?
My mind was in a state of chaos as I tried to figure out what was going on.
Before long, my mind fell into chaos.
I don’t know how long it’s been, but when my mind finally regained its clarity, I found myself standing in front of a door.
As soon as the door opened, a familiar room appeared in front of me.
The moment the room appeared in front of me, my mind went blank.
What was going on?
Why did this happen?
It was as if I had forgotten everything around me and had gone back to Earth.
There was a huge mirror on the wall with an old-fashioned clock hanging next to it.
There were many books on the floor of the room and many writing utensils on the desk.
The room was very quiet and there was no one in sight.
But this room seemed so familiar.
It was so familiar that it felt like it had existed a long time ago.
The moment this room appeared in front of my eyes, my mind went blank as if it had traveled back in time.
For a moment, I couldn’t think straight and didn’t know what to do.
It took me a while before my mind finally cleared up.
I took a deep breath and said to myself, “What am I thinking?”
I quickly left the room and continued walking forward.
After walking for a while, I finally arrived at the place where the signal was coming from earlier.
I carefully opened the door and walked into the room inside.
The room was very quiet and there was no one in sight.
Lost in the Void
But strangely, there was no dust on the floor, as if someone had been here not long ago.
I looked around the room, but I didn’t see anything strange.
When I was about to leave the room, I suddenly saw something lying on the floor.
I quickly walked over and picked up the thing on the floor.
It was a photo.
But this photo was a bit old; the corners were a little worn out, and the color of the photo was a bit faded.
Looking at the photo, I suddenly felt a bit sad.
I stood there in a daze, staring at the photo in my hand, thinking about something.
There was a family of four in the picture.
The parents stood behind their two children, a boy and a girl.
They all had smiles on their faces, looking very happy.
After staring at the photo for a while, I looked away from it and put it back on the table.
I looked at the photo on the table with mixed feelings.
After a long silence, I finally turned around and left here.
I don’t know why, but when I saw the photo earlier, I suddenly felt very sad for some reason.
As I was walking back, I suddenly thought of something and quickly turned my head to take a look at the room where I had picked up the photo earlier.
I hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door and walking into the room again.
There was still only one photo left on the table, just like when I first came.
I picked up the photo again and looked at it carefully in my hand.
The more I looked at it, the more familiar these four people seemed to be to me.
What exactly was going on?
Why did these four people seem so familiar to me?
As I thought about this, my mind went blank once again.
After a long time, my mind finally recovered from the chaos.
I put down the photo in my hand and left here quickly.
When I came to this place earlier, I saw some other things scattered on the ground before I took the photo away.
I walked over to the other side curiously.
When I approached, I realized that the things scattered on the floor were some toys.
These toys seemed to have been played with for a long time, but they were scattered all over the floor.
It was as if someone had thrown them all over the place.
I frowned slightly as I looked at these toys on the ground, feeling very strange.
These toys were not only scattered all over the floor, but they were also covered in dust.
They didn’t seem to have been played with for a long time.
But why were they all over the place?
I couldn’t figure out what was going on.
I quickly picked up one of the toys that was intact from the ground.
When I picked up this toy, I felt a strong emotion in my heart.
This toy was an alien toy from the planet Earth.
It was used by some children on Earth when they were young to learn about the universe and the various celestial bodies in the universe.
Lost in the Void
When I first came here just now, I saw that there was a photo on the table that must have been left behind by some children on this spaceship.
All these things made me feel inexplicably sad.
Thinking about how such a lively spaceship had now become so desolate, the sense of sadness in my heart deepened.
I walked around here for a while, but didn’t find any other clues.
So I could only give up and turn around to leave here.
However, just as I was about to leave here, something that hadn’t attracted my attention before suddenly caught my eye.
That thing was the portrait that I had just picked up from the table.
At this moment, it was placed upright against the computer in the house, as if someone had deliberately placed it upright here.
When I walked closer, I realized that there were some words written on the back of the photo.
These words were written in English, but they were slightly smudged as if they had been written for a long time, so it was not easy to see what they said at first glance.
When I looked at the words on the back of the photo carefully, these words seemed to have an inexplicable magic to me.
I couldn’t help but read these words over and over again.
I read this line of words silently once again.
A strange feeling came over me.
Suddenly, my mind started to go blank again.
At that moment, I felt like I had stepped into the memories of someone else.
In those memories, I seemed to see these four people laughing and playing together.
This was a very happy family.
It was as if they would never be separated from each other.
Suddenly, my mind went blank again.
After who knows how long it took, my mind finally recovered from the chaos.
I shook my head hard and the memories of these people in my mind disappeared without a trace.
When I opened my eyes again, I found that the photo in my hand had disappeared without a trace.
I looked around in confusion.
I suddenly remembered what I was doing just now.
It seemed that I was looking at the words written on the back of the photo.
But when I looked at the computer placed against the wall, the portrait was no longer there.
A strange feeling welled up within me.
I picked up another photo from the table and quickly turned it around to take a look at the writing on the back of the photo.
But when I saw this line of words again, I felt my head go blank once more.
After an unknown period of time, when I opened my eyes again, what was in my hand was already an empty frame with nothing written on it.
I looked around in confusion once more and found that there were no photos left in this room.
At this moment, my heart sank slightly because I suddenly discovered that this spaceship seemed to have been abandoned by people for too long.
It was as if these people had left here a long time ago, leaving behind only their unfulfilled dreams and hopes of coming to this planet to start all over again.
As I thought about this, I quickly left this place behind.
Lost in the Void
I didn’t stay in this ship for too long.
A few minutes later, when I stepped into a circular cabin again, a sense of dizziness came over me.
The first thing that entered my eyes was a huge window in front of me.
When I walked to the window and looked out, what appeared in front of me was a breathtaking starry sky with countless stars and nebulas.
It was as if this ship was in the middle of space right now.
I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before looking out through the window once more.
The sight before me was still so beautiful and shocking that it was hard for me to resist taking a step back in fear of falling into space!
This cabin seemed to be very big and very empty.
The only thing I saw was a computer placed against the wall in front of me with a single screen on it blinking to life!
When I took a closer look at what was on the screen after walking over to it, I saw a line of words on it flashing non-stop:
When I saw these words on the screen, an inexplicable feeling welled up within me once again!
When I took a closer look at these words again, suddenly…
This is an alien language?
Despite all this, why do I feel like I can read what’s written here?
I couldn’t help but stare at these words for a while before I finally understood them completely!
It turned out to be like this!
These words are indeed some kind of alien language!
But for some reason, I can still read and understand them!
This discovery made me unable to help but feel a little excited!
After understanding these words completely, I couldn’t help but take a deep breath before looking at what was displayed on that computer terminal once more:
“Distress signal sent!”
“Please respond to this ship’s distress signal as soon as possible!”
My heart trembled violently when I saw these words on the screen!
My mind was thrown into chaos once again!
So they really sent out their distress signal from here!
That means this ship wasn’t just abandoned!
This ship is a ship in distress!
Then I thought of something else.
I quickly looked at the information displayed on the screen again.
According to what’s written here…
They had sent out a distress signal a month ago!
At that moment, I couldn’t help but feel a chill run down my spine as I thought of something!
So the people who owned this spaceship didn’t abandon this place of their own accord!
They were forced to leave because of the crisis they were facing!
The situation they were in was so dire that they had no other choice but to leave everything behind and send out a distress signal from here!
At that moment, a bad feeling rose in my heart!
Could it be that they encountered a natural disaster?
Or did they encounter some kind of enemy?
At that moment, I felt like I had to hurry up and understand what was going on with this spaceship as quickly as possible!
Lost in the Void
I need to know what happened to them!
I need to know what caused them to send out this distress signal!
I need to know what kind of distress signal they sent out just now!
I need all of these information as soon as possible so that I can take the necessary measures!
I stepped forward and tried my best to read what was written on the computer terminal.
The message displayed on the screen began to change at that moment.
It became a series of repeating words:
“Please respond!Please respond!”
“Please respond!Please respond!”
“Please respond!Please respond!”
It seemed like…
These words were the content of the distress signal they had sent before!
These words were trying to ask other people to help them!
Help them respond to their distress signal!
These words will probably be transmitted continuously until someone responds!
I couldn’t help but feel a little sad when I thought about this.
The people who were aboard the spaceship had probably been lost for far too long.
They didn’t know whether their distress signal could reach anyone else.
Could their distress signal be heard?
Could their distress signal be received?
They were probably not very confident in this!
That was why they had sent out these words continuously!
This way, even if no one was here to respond to their distress signal, the computer would still continue to do so without stopping!
It was as if…
Even though the people who were aboard this spaceship were no longer around, there was still something trying its best to get someone to respond to this distress signal!
At that moment, I felt like I could hear the voices of those people.
I could hear their desperate pleas for help!
It was as if…
This distress signal that was displayed in front of me was an echo of their final moments!
It was an echo of their final moments when they had been isolated and helpless in space!
I tried my best to calm down when I saw this, so that I could read the message on the computer terminal once again.
The message that appeared on the screen was still the same:
“Please respond!Please respond!”
“Please respond!Please respond!”
“Please respond!Please respond!”
There’s no other message?
There’s only these words?
As I stared at these messages that were displayed on the screen, I felt like I was frozen in place.
I couldn’t help but hold my breath as I tried my best to make sense of what was happening.
What kind of crisis did they face?
How did it happen?
Was it something sudden?
Or was it something that took its time?
The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became.
It was as if…
I had suddenly become afraid of what might happen around me!
If it weren’t for the fact that my spaceship had malfunctioned earlier, I might have even turned around and gone back right now!
But no matter how scared I was, there was one thing that I had to do right now!
Even though my heart trembled violently as I thought about this, I still forced myself to look around the control room.
There had to be some useful information left behind here!
These computers were still operational, so there should be some information left inside them!
Lost in the Void
Just as I was thinking about this, a strange noise suddenly came from the computer terminal that was right in front of me!
A strange noise came from the computer?
Before I could even think about what was happening, a holographic message appeared in the air before me!
This holographic message looked like…
It was a recorded message!
Who was the person who…
This holographic message was a video call!
And the one who sent this video call…
Was someone that I knew!
He was someone that I knew very well!
That person…
Was the captain of this spaceship!
Captain Alex Carter!
Captain Alex Carter appeared on the holographic screen.
He had a beard that made him look very rugged.
His dark eyes seemed very wise, but there was a trace of madness within them.
He had short blonde hair, and he looked very handsome.
If he wasn’t wearing this slightly torn uniform and his face didn’t have this strange expression on it…
If he wasn’t doing something like this right now…
Then he would have looked very handsome!
“Where are you right now?”
“You’ve been missing for two hours!”
“I’ve been waiting for you outside the spaceship for a long time, but you’re not back yet!”
“Are you alright?”
“Return to our spaceship right now!”
“You’ve been out there for too long!”
As soon as I saw him, I could see that his expression was very strange.
What happened?
What had happened to him?
Why does he look like this right now?
“Don’t worry.”
“I’ll be back soon.”
I told him with a nod.
“Where are you right now?”
“Are you still on that spaceship?”
“Have you been able to get in contact with the crew?”
“There’s no time!”
“You’ve spent too much time out there!”
“The crew has already returned to the spaceship!”
“We’ve left a beacon outside of the spaceship, so return as soon as possible!”
“If you’re still in the control room of that spaceship…”
“Then we’re very lucky!”
“I’ve just checked the situation with the crew.”
“They’ve all returned to the spaceship.”
“They’re all safe!”
“I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to find you if you’re still on that spaceship.”
“But it’s good that you’re still in the control room!”
“If you return soon, we’ll be able to go home!”
As soon as he said that, Captain Carter looked very relieved.
His eyes were filled with a trace of joy and relief.
It was as if he was no longer angry!
He suddenly pursed his lips together.
“Why aren’t you following the plan?”
“Why did you betray us?”
“You’ve done something that you shouldn’t do!”
“Why did you do this?”
“Didn’t we have an agreement?”
“Didn’t we talk about this before?”
“Why did you go back on your word and betray us?”
“Did you really think that you can survive on your own?”
When he said that, his voice was filled with a trace of anger.
It was as if he couldn’t believe what he had seen!
It was as if he had lost hope in me!
Lost in the Void
I finally realized what had happened.
Captain Carter thought that…
I had betrayed him and the crew!
I really didn’t know what to say right now.
What could I do right now!
He was so angry!
But, why did Captain Carter think that I had betrayed him and the crew?
I didn’t do anything wrong!
I really didn’t do anything wrong!
I wouldn’t betray him and the crew!
Betrayal was not something that I would do!
I knew very well that Captain Carter cared about me a lot!
He had always treated me very well!
I had always thought of him as a mentor!
I had no reason to betray him and the crew!
I couldn’t do something like this!
As soon as he said that, my heart was in a mess.
My mind was in a mess.
I really didn’t know what had happened back then.
But I knew that…
Captain Carter must have misunderstood something!
He must have misunderstood something!
As soon as Captain Carter said that, he suddenly stopped talking.
He suddenly pursed his lips together.
After that, he looked at me quietly.
He looked at me quietly for a long time.
I really didn’t know what he was thinking right now.
I really didn’t know what he wanted to do right now!
“Since you’ve chosen to betray us…”
“Then we have nothing to say to each other!”
“I’m sorry!”
“But we’ll be leaving first!”
“If you want to leave this place with us…”
“Then you have to return immediately!”
“Or else we’ll be leaving first!”
After that, he stopped talking.
The holographic message ended just like that.
After the holographic message ended, my mind was in a mess.
I really didn’t know what to say right now.
What should I do right now?
What should I do?
I stood there in a daze.
I stood there in a daze for a long time.
The control room was quiet.
There were no more voices coming from the holographic machine.
There were no more voices coming from the spaceship.
The only thing that could be heard was the silent hum of the spaceship.
After that, I finally reacted.
I reacted and looked at the control room again!
I reacted and looked at the flickering lights above me again!
I stood there for a long time.
But then, I slowly stretched out my hand!
I slowly pressed the button on the machine!
After that, I left the control room!
As soon as I left the control room, I stood there in a daze.
But after that, I lowered my head!
I lowered my head and walked out of the corridor!
But after walking for a long time…
A thought suddenly flashed through my mind!
It felt as if something had exploded in my mind!
It felt as if something had exploded in my head!
As soon as that thought appeared, it felt as if someone had slapped me on the face!
I finally remembered what had happened back then!
I finally remembered what had happened back then!
Lost in the Void
I remembered what had happened back then!
I remembered what had happened back then!
No, I didn’t remember it wrong!
I really didn’t remember it wrong!
Back then, I had really done something like this!
Back then, I had really done something like this to them!
I had really done something like this to him!
I had really done something like this to everyone else!
I lowered my head and clenched my fists tightly.
But after that, I slowly raised my head again.
I slowly raised my head, but there were no tears on my face!
Because I was not sad!
I was not sad at all!
After a moment of silence, I slowly clenched my fist again.
I slowly took a deep breath!
But after taking a deep breath, I was still unable to suppress the pain in my heart!
But after taking a deep breath, I was still unable to suppress the pain in my heart!
I was still unable to suppress the pain of what had happened back then!
I was still unable to suppress the pain of what had happened back then!
His face suddenly appeared in front of me.
His appearance when he was angry appeared in front of me.
“I never thought you would betray us…”
“You’re indeed not one to be underestimated…”
“But even if you’re so powerful, you can’t just betray us like that…”
“You can’t just betray us like that!”
“You can’t just betray us like that!”
“You can’t just betray us like that…”
“I’ll give you three minutes.”
“If you don’t come back within three minutes…”
“We’ll be leaving first!”
“We’ll be leaving first!”
After that, his figure also disappeared into thin air.
The figure of his face also disappeared into thin air.
There was no more presence of him in this place.
There was no more presence of him here.
In fact, he would never appear here again.
There would never be a next time for us to meet again!
The spaceship was silent as well!
There was no more sound of voice coming from it!
There was no more sound of voice coming from it!
There were only flickering lights above my head.
There were only flickering lights above my head!
It felt as if they were mocking me!
It felt as if they were laughing at me!
But what could I do?
I had never regretted what I did back then.
But now, I had no regrets either.
But now, I had nothing to regret either.
Because he was not wrong.
Because he was really not wrong.
I really shouldn’t have done such a thing.
But it really wasn’t my intention back then.
It really wasn’t my intention.
Because I really didn’t know what would happen back then!
Because I really didn’t know what else to do back then!
But even so, it still happened!
But even so, it still ended up this way!
The more I thought about it, the more painful my heart became.
The more I thought about it, the more painful my heart became.
Lost in the Void