MidReal Story

Escape from the Red Room

Scenario:You are General Dreykov’s daughter from Black Widow. You are still in the Red Room and is being controlled by your father.
Create my version of this story
You are General Dreykov’s daughter from Black Widow. You are still in the Red Room and is being controlled by your father.
Chapter 1
I was eleven years old the first time I killed a man.
It was my birthday, and the guards had thrown a party for me in the Red Room.
There were balloons and cake and ice cream, and all the other little girls sang to me while I blew out the candles on my cake.
The man was one of the guards.
He was supposed to be watching us, but he’d had too much vodka and passed out in a chair in the corner of the room.
I don’t remember how I got his gun, only that I did, and when I woke up the next morning, there was blood all over my hands and clothes.
I thought I would be in trouble, but when the other guards saw what I’d done, they laughed and patted me on the head like I was a good little dog who’d fetched them a stick.
That’s when I knew that I was special.
That’s when I knew that I was different from all the other girls in the Red Room.
The training hall echoed with the sound of fists meeting flesh.
I ducked under Yelena’s punch and countered with a swift kick to her side.
She grunted, but her eyes sparkled with determination.
“Nice try,” she said, wiping sweat from her brow.
Alexei stood at the edge of the mat, his massive arms crossed over his chest.
His gaze flickered between us, a mix of pride and sorrow etched into his features.
“Focus, girls,” he barked. “You need to be faster.”
I nodded, my muscles burning from the relentless pace.
Yelena lunged at me again, and we locked into a fierce grapple.
Suddenly, the door burst open.
Natasha stormed in, her face tense and eyes darting around the room.
“Alexei,” she whispered urgently, pulling him aside. “We need to talk.”
Escape from the Red Room
My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to catch snippets of their conversation.
Escape? Could this be our chance for freedom?
Yelena’s grip tightened on my arm.
She had heard it too.
“What do you think they’re planning?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Before I could respond, the door slammed open again.
General Dreykov strode in, his cold eyes scanning the room like a predator searching for prey.
“What’s going on here?” he demanded, his voice icy and commanding.
Natasha stiffened, hiding a small device behind her back.
Her knuckles turned white as she clutched it tightly.
Dreykov’s gaze locked onto her, suspicion growing on his face.
He stepped closer, each footfall echoing ominously in the silent hall.
“Natasha,” he said slowly, “what are you hiding?”
She swallowed hard but didn’t move an inch.
Alexei stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation.
Escape from the Red Room
“General Dreykov,” he began, “we were just—”
“Silence!” Dreykov snapped, cutting him off. His eyes never left Natasha.
I could see Natasha’s mind racing, calculating her next move.
Yelena and I exchanged a worried glance.
Without warning, Dreykov lunged forward and grabbed Natasha’s wrist.
The device fell from her hand and clattered to the floor.
“What is this?” Dreykov hissed, picking it up and examining it closely.
Natasha’s face paled as she struggled to come up with an explanation.
“It’s nothing,” she stammered. “Just a... training tool.”
Dreykov’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t believe her for a second.
He turned to Alexei. “Take them all to the holding cells,” he ordered coldly. “We’ll get to the bottom of this.”
Panic surged through me as two guards appeared at the door, ready to drag us away.
Escape from the Red Room
Dreykov's grip on my arm was like a vice as he dragged me through the dimly lit corridors.
The walls were lined with cold, grey metal, and the flickering lights cast eerie shadows that danced around us.
My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing louder in my ears as we approached the lab.
"Let go of me!" I shouted, struggling against his hold.
But his grip only tightened, and he yanked me forward with more force.
We turned a corner, and I saw Yelena up ahead, restrained by two guards.
She thrashed against them, her eyes wild with desperation.
"Yelena!" I called out.
Her head snapped in my direction.
"Yelena! Fight back!" she screamed, her voice filled with anguish.
Alexei was there too, flanked by soldiers who kept their rifles trained on him.
He cast a desperate glance my way, his face etched with worry.
Dreykov shoved me into the lab, the sterile smell of chemicals hitting my nose immediately.
He forced me into a metal chair and began strapping my arms down with thick leather restraints.
Escape from the Red Room
I struggled against him, but it was no use; the straps held firm.
He loomed over me, his eyes cold and unfeeling.
"You will obey," he hissed, his breath hot against my face.
The door burst open suddenly, and Natasha lunged at Dreykov with a hidden blade in her hand.
She moved like lightning, her blade aimed straight for his throat.
Chaos erupted instantly.
The guards rushed in, weapons drawn and shouting orders.
I strained against the restraints, torn between wanting to help Natasha and fearing Dreykov's wrath if I did.
Natasha slashed at Dreykov's arm, drawing blood.
He roared in pain and stumbled back, clutching his wound.
"Natasha!" I yelled, trying to break free from the chair.
She spun around to face the guards who were now closing in on her.
With swift movements, she disarmed one of them and used his weapon to fend off the others.
Yelena broke free from her captors in the confusion and ran towards me.
"Hold on!" she shouted as she reached for the straps binding my arms.
Alexei took advantage of the chaos as well.
He tackled one of the soldiers holding him and wrestled away his rifle.
Escape from the Red Room
Dreykov recovered quickly and barked orders at his men.
"Stop them! Don't let them escape!"
Natasha fought fiercely, her movements a blur of precision and power.
She managed to take down two more guards before another grabbed her from behind.
Yelena finally freed one of my arms just as a guard lunged at her.
I swung my free arm and punched him square in the jaw, sending him reeling back.
"Get up!" Yelena urged as she worked on the other strap.
Alexei fired a warning shot into the air, causing everyone to freeze for a moment.
"We need to go now!" he bellowed.
Natasha elbowed the guard holding her and broke free once more.
She ran towards us, determination blazing in her eyes.
The last strap came loose, and I jumped up from the chair just as Dreykov reached for me again.
"No!" I shouted, kicking him hard in the stomach.
He doubled over in pain but didn't fall.
Natasha grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.
"Move!" she commanded.
We sprinted out of the lab together, Yelena and Alexei close behind us.
The sound of gunfire echoed through the corridors as we ran for our lives.
Escape from the Red Room
The guard's grip on my arm was unyielding as he dragged me back to the lab.
The cold, sterile environment of the lab loomed ahead, and my heart pounded in my chest.
I could see my father, Dreykov, waiting with a cold smile that sent chills down my spine.
"Strap her down," Dreykov ordered the guard, his voice devoid of any warmth.
The guard forced me into the metal chair and began strapping my arms down with thick leather restraints.
I struggled against him, but the straps held firm.
My heart raced as I saw Dreykov approach, holding a syringe filled with a glowing substance.
"What's that?" I demanded, trying to keep the fear out of my voice.
Dreykov's smile widened. "A little something to remind you who is in control."
He plunged the needle into my arm, and I felt a burning sensation spread through my veins.
I gritted my teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.
My vision began to blur, and I fought against the restraints with renewed desperation.
"You will never escape my control," Dreykov whispered, leaning in close.
Escape from the Red Room
His words were like ice in my ears, and I felt a fog descending over my mind.
The sound of alarms blaring outside barely registered as I struggled to stay conscious.
Suddenly, the door burst open with a deafening crash.
Yelena stormed in, her eyes blazing with determination.
"Get away from her!" she shouted, her voice cutting through the haze in my mind.
Dreykov turned to face her, surprise flickering across his face for just a moment before it was replaced by anger. "Seize her!" he barked at the guards.
Yelena moved like a whirlwind, taking down one guard with a swift kick and disarming another with a fluid motion.
She reached my side and began working on the straps binding my arms.
"Hurry," I managed to say, my voice weak.
"I'm not leaving you here," Yelena replied fiercely as she freed one of my arms.
Dreykov lunged at her, but she dodged his grasp and delivered a punch to his jaw that sent him staggering back.
She quickly undid the other strap, and I pulled myself up from the chair.
"Let's go!" Yelena urged, grabbing my hand.
We sprinted towards the door just as more guards poured into the room.
Alexei appeared behind them, wielding a rifle he had taken from one of the soldiers.
Escape from the Red Room
He fired a shot into the air, causing everyone to freeze for a moment.
"Move!" Alexei shouted at us.
Natasha joined us from another corridor, her face set in grim determination. "This way!"
We followed her through the labyrinthine corridors of the facility, gunfire echoing behind us.
My vision was still blurry from whatever Dreykov had injected me with, but I pushed forward, relying on Yelena's grip on my hand to guide me.
"We're almost there!" Natasha called out as we rounded another corner.
The exit was in sight when Dreykov's voice rang out behind us. "You can't escape!"
I glanced back to see him standing at the end of the corridor, fury etched into his features.
But we didn't stop running.
We burst through the exit doors into the cold night air.
A helicopter waited on a nearby helipad, its blades already spinning.
"Get in!" Alexei yelled over the roar of the engine.
We scrambled aboard just as Dreykov's men reached the helipad.
Bullets whizzed past us as we took off into the night sky.
As we ascended higher and higher, I looked down at Dreykov's furious figure growing smaller below us.
Escape from the Red Room