MidReal Story

Cursed Asylum

Scenario:a horrifying creepypasta
Create my version of this story
a horrifying creepypasta
Chapter 1
I never believed in ghosts.
Not until I saw one, anyway.
And I sure as hell didn’t believe in curses.
But that was before the doll came into my life.
It was a rainy Saturday night when my friends and I decided to break into the abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town.
We were all amateur ghost hunters, and we’d heard rumors that the asylum was haunted by the spirits of patients who had died there decades ago.
The asylum had been closed in the 1960s after numerous reports of mysterious disappearances, and it had sat empty ever since, slowly decaying and falling apart.
I (Emily Carter) joined my friends, John Miller and Lisa Chang, on a rainy Saturday night to explore the abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town.
Despite being amateur ghost hunters, we were all a bit nervous as we approached the decaying building, its dark silhouette looming ominously under stormy skies.
John tried to lighten the mood with his usual humor, but even he seemed unsettled by the asylum’s foreboding presence.
We had all heard stories about this place—about the patients who suffered here, and the ones who never left.
As we got closer, adrenaline mixed with fear coursed through me.
The asylum was more intimidating up close; its broken windows and overgrown courtyard only added to its eerie charm.
Lisa expressed her reservations about entering such a creepy place, but John and I convinced her that it would make great footage for our YouTube channel.
We had visited a few cemeteries and old houses before, but nothing like this asylum.
Its history of mysterious disappearances and rumored hauntings intrigued us, despite our initial trepidation.
I knew that whatever happened tonight would be something we’d remember forever—or maybe something we’d wish to forget just as quickly.
At the top of a small hill, we got our first real glimpse of the asylum.
It loomed over us, dark and foreboding against the stormy sky.
Even John seemed nervous now; he’d been making jokes all the way up the hill to try and lighten the mood, but it was clear that he was just as scared as Lisa and I were.
The building was huge—much bigger than any of us had expected—and it looked like it could fall apart at any moment.
Most of the windows were broken and boarded up, and there was moss growing on the walls where the roof had caved in.
I’d heard that some teenagers came out here to party sometimes, but I couldn’t imagine how anyone would want to spend more than five minutes in a place as creepy as this.
"This is a bad idea," Lisa said quietly.
"I don’t feel anything," I said, even though my heart was pounding so hard that I thought it might explode out of my chest.
"Maybe the ghosts are still sleeping."
Lisa and John both gave me annoyed looks; they didn’t appreciate my jokes at a time like this.
"Come on," John said, giving me an exasperated look as he headed toward the front entrance.
"We’re already here. We can’t turn back now."
He was right, of course, so we followed him in silence.
John strode confidently up to the front entrance and pulled open the heavy wooden door with ease.
Cursed Asylum
"It’s open," he said over his shoulder as he disappeared inside.
"Of course it’s open," I muttered under my breath, following him into the asylum.
"No one in their right mind would want to come in here."
It was dark inside, and I had to squint as my eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering in through the broken windows and open doors.
I was standing on a cold stone floor that sent chills up my legs through the soles of my sneakers.
The air inside was thick with dust and decay, and I could smell mildew from all of the rainwater that had leaked in through the roof.
Lisa immediately began fussing over her camera equipment as John led us further into the asylum. "Be careful with that," she said to me anxiously. "It’s expensive."
I shone my flashlight around, spotting a long hallway that disappeared deeper into the building.
As we headed towards it, the door behind us creaked open again as Lisa entered after me. "Let’s go find some ghosts," John said eagerly as he led us further down the hallways of the abandoned asylum.
The air was thick with dust and decay as we walked deeper inside, our footsteps echoing off the walls all around us.
I could feel my pulse quickening with every step we took farther into this creepy place—it felt like we were in a horror movie or something!
We walked down a long hallway lined with closed doors on either side as we moved deeper into the asylum.
There was an ominous silence all around us apart from our footsteps—Lisa and John were so quiet they might as well have been holding their breaths—as well as rain pounding against the windows and the occasional creak of old floorboards beneath our feet.
John was a few steps ahead of me with his flashlight, shining it around occasionally to check if there was anything dangerous in any of the rooms we passed by. I stayed close behind him while Lisa followed at a distance with her camera ready to capture anything that happened on film.
Even though I didn’t really believe in ghosts or anything supernatural actually happening here, being inside this creepy old place still made my skin prickle with unease… and maybe even a little bit of excitement?
We kept walking down the hallways for what felt like an eternity before something caught my eye: A door on my left side, slightly opened and revealing an empty cell beyond it.
Chapter 2
On my left were a few cells, all covered with thick rust.
I was about to go check out some of the rooms when John stopped me.
"Hey, we should keep going. The morgue is at the end of the hallway," he reminded me.
"Oh yeah… right," I replied and looked down the dark corridor ahead of us.
There was no sign of the morgue yet but John had been in this place before so he knew where we were going.
As I scanned the rusted nameplates on my left, one cell caught my eye.
It read:
Patient 027
Subject: Lucy
I paused as I read it over and over again for some reason.
Something about it felt familiar… like I had been pulled towards this room by an invisible force all along!
"Em… let’s go!"
John whispered behind me and tugged at my arm gently to make me follow him again.
"Oh… right! Sorry!"
I replied, feeling dumb for zoning out like that.
As we passed by the door of Patient 027, it suddenly creaked open on its own, making me jump a little in surprise.
Lisa shone her flashlight inside the room and I could see a few pieces of old furniture placed around it along with some boxes stacked against one of the walls.
The light from our flashlights wasn’t strong enough to reach all the way inside so I couldn’t tell what was in there without going in myself… which I didn’t really want to do.
John looked at me, waiting for my reaction.
"Should we close the door?"
He asked after a moment of awkward silence.
I began but then stopped as I realized something important:
Did I really want to keep secrets from John even if we had only been dating for a short while?
"I think we should go check out what’s in there," John said and started walking towards the room without waiting for my answer.
"You’re not scared?"
Lisa asked as she followed him while holding her camera up at an angle so it could still film everything around us.
"What? No… I just don’t believe in this ghost stuff. There’s nothing to be afraid of!" he replied and entered the room, disappearing into the darkness beyond it as Lisa and I followed close behind him.
"Are you sure about this?" she whispered and glanced at me nervously before looking back at John’s tall figure ahead of us.
"Don’t worry… he’ll be fine, I promise," I reassured her even though I didn’t really know if that was true or not!