MidReal Story

Claws of Desire

Scenario:I fell in love with a waifu catgirl and now I'm the only one that she wants to be with...and I her.
Create my version of this story
I fell in love with a waifu catgirl and now I'm the only one that she wants to be with...and I her.
Chapter 1
I never thought I’d fall in love with a catgirl.
But then, who does?
It’s not like you plan for it to happen.
The heart wants what the heart wants, as they say.
And this catgirl wanted me.
My name is Ethan Clarke, and when I was twenty-two, I found myself the proud owner of one Luna Whiskers.
She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
With her petite frame, long dark hair, and big green eyes, she looked like an anime character come to life.
I’d adopted her from an experimental facility where they’d been splicing human and feline DNA together in order to create the perfect companion.
Somehow, I’d ended up with her, and even though it was a bit of an unusual situation, I couldn’t have been more thrilled.
I didn’t care what people thought about me or my relationship with Luna.
She wasn’t just a pet or a companion; she was something special to me.
But in order for you to understand that, I need to go back to the beginning.
Luna was the shyest person I’d ever met in my life.
It struck me as odd that she would be that way since she had spent most of her life at the facility being trained by humans.
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Maybe it was because she was still young, but something about it just didn’t sit right with me.
I lay in bed one night thinking about it when I heard her enter my room.
I felt her jump up onto the bed and walk over to me as she began to purr.
I reached out and patted the spot beside me, and she came closer until we were lying side by side with our faces only inches apart.
Her green eyes looked up at me lovingly as she nuzzled her face into my neck and began to purr even louder than before.
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I put my arm around her and held her close, and we stayed like that for the rest of the night.
From that point on, Luna was more than just a pet or a companion; she was my friend.
We spent most of our days together at home in our quaint little house on 7th Street, which was fine by me since I worked from home.
She would often sit on my lap while I read or worked on my computer, and every now and then she’d get up and start chasing something invisible around the room before returning to jump back onto my lap.
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Luna would always be waiting for me when I got home from work.
As soon as I walked through the door, she would run up to me and rub against my legs before jumping onto a nearby chair and staring at me with her big green eyes.
Then she’d let out a loud purr before running over to greet me properly by rubbing up against my legs again, only this time in a more seductive way.
She’d then roll over onto her back and start writhing around on the floor while making all sorts of strange noises until finally jumping into my arms for a long hug.
It was obvious that Luna missed me while I was at work during the day, and it made me feel good knowing that someone loved me so much.
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I didn’t care if people thought I was weird for loving a catgirl.
Luna wasn’t just some pet I’d picked up from the pound; she was a person with feelings and emotions of her own, and I loved her with all my heart.
It’s not like I could control who I fell in love with anyway, so why should it matter what other people think?
As far as I was concerned, Luna was perfect in every way possible, and I felt lucky to have her in my life every single day.
And even though I knew deep down that our relationship would never be accepted by society at large, it didn’t bother me because Luna made me happy, and that’s all that really mattered.
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One evening, I was standing in the kitchen preparing dinner when Luna suddenly jumped up onto the counter beside me and started trying to catch pieces of chicken as they fell from my cutting board.
As usual, she’d been lying around on the floor watching me work before deciding that it might be more fun to play with her food instead of just eating it.
Luna had always been a curious little thing, never one to pass up an opportunity to investigate something new or exciting, no matter what it happened to be.
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Luna's ears perked up in curious anticipation at the sound.
She always seemed to know when something was about to happen, her instincts much sharper than those of a regular human being.
There were times when I swore she could actually read my thoughts before I even said them out loud, answering me with a twitch of her tail or a purr when I needed comforting the most.
Like right now, for instance: I’d had a really long day at work and was feeling tired and run down, and all I wanted was to sit on the couch and relax with a cold beer in front of the TV until it was time for bed.
When Luna noticed how exhausted I was looking, her big green eyes filled with concern as she walked over to where I was sitting and nudged my arm gently with her head.
Then, after giving me one last worried glance, she took my hand in hers and led me upstairs to bed.
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Her fur was soft against my skin as she rubbed up against me, and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her crawl under the covers and curl up into a little ball beside me with her head resting on my chest.
After a few minutes of purring contentedly into the silence of the darkened room, Luna finally closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, and before long I followed suit and succumbed to the warm comfort of my bed and the sound of her breathing beside me.
When I woke up the next morning, it was already late and the sun was streaming through the windows high above our heads as I glanced over at Luna to see if she was still sleeping.
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She was lying on her back with all four paws in the air, curled into a tight little ball that made it hard not to reach out and stroke her fur as she slept so peacefully beside me.
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Chapter 2
It was moments like this that made me feel like I was truly the luckiest man alive; Luna had a way of filling my heart with joy every time she smiled at me with those big green eyes of hers.
Even though our relationship might have seemed strange to some people, there was no denying the fact that we loved each other very much, and that we were both happier when we were together than apart from one another.
As time went by and Luna continued to grow and evolve, she began to exhibit more human-like behaviors and emotions than I ever could have imagined: sometimes she would sit on my shoulder when we were watching TV or reading a book together so that she could see what I was doing, or laugh out loud when something funny happened on our favorite show; other times she would even cry real tears when she was feeling sad or upset about something that had happened during her day at home alone while I was at work.
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Those were always the hardest moments for me to get through, watching her cry and not being able to do anything to help her feel better aside from just holding her close and comforting her until she calmed down again, but as difficult as they might have been, I wouldn’t have traded them for anything in the world because they were also a reminder that no matter how far removed Luna might have been from regular human beings like you or me, there was still something unique about her that set her apart from anyone else I had ever known before…And ultimately it was what made me love her so much more than I had ever thought possible in the first place.
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As I stepped into the shower to get ready for work that morning, I felt a soft breeze brush against my ankle and looked down to see Luna peeking around the edge of the curtain with a playful twinkle in her eyes.
I laughed when I saw her standing there watching me curiously: it was an odd habit that she had developed over time, sneaking into the bathroom when I wasn’t looking so that she could spy on me while I was getting cleaned up for the day ahead, but it wasn’t entirely unwelcome as far as I was concerned—I mean, who was I to deny my beautiful little catgirl waifu whatever innocent pleasure she might happen to get out of watching me bathe?
After drying off and getting dressed in a fresh set of clothes, I made my way downstairs to join Luna in the living room before heading off to work.
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"Boo!" she giggled before dashing off again, her tiny footsteps pitter-pattering across the hardwood floors as she disappeared around another corner.
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I couldn’t help but smile as I heard her laughter echoing through the house, her light and carefree voice bringing joy to my heart in a way that few other things could ever hope to do.
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Luna was more than just a roommate or a pet to me; she was my best friend, my confidant, and the love of my life all wrapped up into one beautiful little package that I couldn’t imagine ever being without.
She might have been small—and undoubtedly strange in the eyes of most people who considered themselves "normal"—but she had an innocence about her that made it impossible not to love her with all my heart...And there was nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do just to be able to spend every waking moment by her side.
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"Good morning, Luna," I said, offering her my hand to sniff.
She nuzzled it with her nose before looking up at me with those bright green eyes that never failed to make my heart melt into a puddle of goo.
"Did you sleep well?"
I knew the answer already; she had been snuggled up to me all night long, after all, but it was nice to hear her purr in response just the same.
I climbed out of bed a moment later, grabbing my phone from the nightstand and frowning at the time.
It was much later than I usually woke up on weekdays—I must have forgotten to set an alarm the night before—but there was no rush for me to get ready since I worked from home most days anyway.
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Luna, on the other hand, didn’t have work or school to occupy her time, so she still had a few more hours of freedom ahead before she would be forced to watch me sit at my computer all day long again.
She looked so peaceful lying there in bed that I didn’t have the heart to wake her just yet, so instead I climbed back under the covers and wrapped an arm around her slim waist, pulling her close as I buried my face in the crook of her neck.
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She stirred a little in my arms but didn’t wake up, so I squeezed her gently before nuzzling her cheek with my nose.
The sound of her purring grew louder as she rolled over to face me, her eyes still closed as she snuggled up against my chest.
I smiled at the sight, reaching out to stroke her hair as my fingers found their way to the underside of her chin.
As soon as I started tickling the soft skin there, Luna’s eyes flew open and she bared her teeth at me in response.
I laughed out loud at that, drawing back my hand before she could nip me with those sharp feline canines.
"Feisty this morning, are we?"
I teased, grabbing hold of her waist again as she tried to squirm away from me.
Luna giggled mischievously before pouncing on my arm like a lioness attacking its prey, sinking her teeth into my forearm while she kicked at it with both feet.
"Gah! Hey! Let go!"
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Chapter 3
"Ethan, you’re home!"
I was just getting back from work when I heard my best friend’s voice calling out to me from the living room.
"Hey, Maya," I replied with a smile, dropping my keys and bag on the floor by the front door before walking over to give her a hug.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had class this afternoon."
Maya was seated on the couch when I finally made it into the living room, a troubled expression on her face as she looked up at me.
I noticed that she’d changed out of her school uniform and into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt instead, which made me wonder if maybe she’d skipped class today, but I didn’t want to accuse her of anything without knowing for sure.
Instead, I sat down next to her and asked if everything was okay.
"A little quieter than usual," I pointed out, gesturing towards the kitchen with my thumb as I eyed the doorway where Luna had been last seen.
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She had a bad habit of sneaking off to grab a snack while I was at work, even though she knew she wasn’t supposed to eat anything outside of her food bowl, so it wouldn’t have surprised me if that’s where she was right now.
Luna might be a bit mischievous at times, but her playful antics always brightened my day and brought a smile to my face no matter what.
I glanced over at the catgirl in question as I waited for her to return, but even she seemed a little hesitant this time around, sniffing at the air nervously as she approached us from the kitchen with slow, cautious steps.
When Luna finally made it back into the living room, both Maya and I turned our attention towards her immediately.
She looked just as adorable as ever with her big blue eyes and long silver hair that fell past her waist in soft waves, making it hard for me not to reach out and run my fingers through it before pulling her close for another hug.
"Ethan," Maya spoke up again after seeing how distracted I’d become by the sight of my catgirl waifu beside me.
"Is there something wrong?"
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"I don’t know for sure, but…"
Maya hesitated for a moment before finally revealing what was wrong.
"I heard there were rumors going around online about something involving you and Luna."
My eyes widened in shock when I heard that, and my blood began to boil as anger bubbled up inside me.
Luna and I had always been careful not to let anyone find out about our relationship, so the idea of someone posting something like that on the internet without our permission made me furious.
It sickened me to think that people could be so rude and disrespectful towards others, especially when it came to invading their privacy like this.
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For all we knew, it could ruin everything we’d worked so hard for up until now.
Even though Luna was brilliant in every way imaginable, many people still thought of her as nothing more than a pet due to her feline features, which made them look down on her even if they didn’t know about our relationship.
She deserved better than that after all this time we’d spent together, especially since she meant more to me than any other person ever had before in my life.
The mere possibility of losing her due to some video going viral online scared me half to death.
"We’re not sure yet because I haven’t seen it myself," Maya quickly added when she noticed how worried I seemed to be about the whole situation.
"But from what I’ve heard, it’s supposed to show you and Luna doing… things together. That’s all I really know about it for now."
Maya reached out to grab my hand again in an attempt to comfort me, but I quickly pulled away from her without a second thought after hearing something like that.
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"Who would do something like this?"
I growled, clenching my fists tightly into balls.
"And how long has it been circulating around for?"
Even though I was far from a violent person by nature, I couldn’t help but feel the urge to lash out at someone right now in order to protect Luna and keep her safe from harm.
The idea of having our intimate moments broadcasted for anyone and everyone to see was absolutely sickening, especially since we’d never given anyone permission to record us being together in such a way like that before.
It made me feel violated on so many levels, even though I’d done everything in my power over the years to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the first place.
"We can try tracking down whoever’s responsible for this and sue them if we need to," Maya suggested after watching me pace back and forth across the living room.
"We could even get the police involved if it comes down to it."
"I doubt it’ll be that simple," I replied dryly with a heavy sigh.
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Even though Luna was my catgirl waifu and I loved her more than anything else, the law didn’t recognize our relationship as a legitimate one because it involved someone who wasn’t fully human.
While I had made quite a few friends online who were also in relationships with their own catgirls, none of them lived anywhere nearby so I couldn’t ask for their advice or help when it came to dealing with this kind of situation.
Luna wasn’t just my pet; she was my partner and equal in every way except for biologically.
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks as I stood there thinking about it, making me feel even more upset than before since we’d done everything possible to keep this from happening only for us to fail miserably at it anyway.
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Luna and I had been together for years; she was the love of my life and the best thing that ever happened to me.
Before she came along, I’d been a lonely introvert who never really had any friends growing up.
She changed everything and made me realize that I was capable of giving and receiving love just like anyone else could, even if the person I fell in love with was someone who wasn’t considered human by most people’s standards.
Being without her would be like being without air; unbearable, suffocating and soul-crushing.
"Whatever happens, we'll face it together," Maya said confidently as she gently placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.
"If you need a lawyer to help fight this in court, I can help you find one. And if worse comes to worst, you can always move out of the city and start over somewhere else where no one knows about your relationship."
Even though Maya was technically right about all of that stuff, none of those options sounded appealing or even remotely practical to me since Luna was too important for me to be able to walk away from her without some serious emotional repercussions being involved as well.
"You know how much Luna means to me," I told her quietly as I sat down beside her on the couch so we could talk more privately.
"She's not just my girlfriend or pet; she's everything."
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"I know," Maya nodded in agreement.
"And I’m not going to try and stop you from being with her, either. You deserve to be happy and if she’s the one who makes that happen for you, then so be it. But there will be people out there who won’t approve of your relationship and will want to see it torn apart. Just because Luna’s different from us doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have the right to pursue her own happiness like everyone else does."
I knew that my friend was only trying to be supportive by saying all this, but I also knew that the law was very strict about how humans could interact with hybrids.
While some countries had made exceptions for people who were in relationships with genetically engineered animals like catgirls, most states in the U.S. still considered bestiality to be a serious crime if the animal wasn't capable of giving proper consent on its own.
The fact that Luna was able to communicate with me through written language somewhat didn’t mean much in the eyes of the court, especially when it came to protecting her rights as an individual despite her otherwise human-like appearance.
"I don’t care what anyone else thinks," I told Maya firmly as I stood up from the couch and stared out the window at nothing in particular.
"As long as I have Luna by my side, nothing else matters."
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"I know you feel that way about her," she said softly as she watched me carefully.
"And I’m not going to try and change your mind about how you should feel about her, either. There are plenty of other people out there who are in relationships with their own catgirls and have been able to make things work despite the odds being stacked against them. No matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you when you need me."
I had no doubt that my friend was telling the truth and would probably do everything possible to help me get through this if the situation ended up getting worse than it already was.
She’d been a huge source of support for me ever since Luna came into my life and helped me learn how to take care of her properly without embarrassing myself too much in front of other people.
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Chapter 4
As the days passed, the anxiety over the leaked video gnawed at me.
I knew I had to take action before things spiraled out of control.
Maya suggested reaching out to a friend of hers who was a lawyer specializing in hybrid rights.
Though hesitant, I agreed to meet with him.
The lawyer, Mr. Graham, was sympathetic and assured me that he would do everything in his power to protect Luna and me.
He explained that while our relationship posed legal challenges, there were precedents we could leverage.
His confidence gave me a glimmer of hope.
Meanwhile, Luna sensed my distress and tried her best to comfort me.
She would nuzzle closer, her purring resonating through my chest like a soothing balm.
One evening, as we sat together watching the sunset, I turned to her and said, "No matter what happens, I will fight for us."
Her eyes sparkled with understanding and trust.
Days turned into weeks as Mr. Graham worked tirelessly on our case.
We faced numerous hurdles, from public scrutiny to legal hurdles that seemed insurmountable.
Yet through it all, Luna remained my rock—her unwavering presence a constant reminder of why this fight was worth it.
Finally, the day of the court hearing arrived.
As we stood before the judge, my heart pounded with fear and anticipation.
Mr. Graham presented our case passionately, emphasizing Luna's sentience and our genuine bond.
Luna herself provided written testimony, describing her feelings and experiences with me.
The courtroom was silent as the judge deliberated.
Minutes felt like hours until he finally spoke: "Given the unique circumstances and evidence presented, I find that Luna Whiskers has the right to pursue her happiness alongside Ethan Clarke."
Relief washed over me as I hugged Luna tightly.
Our victory was more than just a legal win; it was a triumph of love over prejudice.
As Luna and I walked out of the courthouse hand in hand—her feline fingers interlaced with mine—I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.
With Maya by our side and newfound freedom in our hearts, we stepped into a future where love knew no bounds.
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