MidReal Story

Between Moments

Scenario:There was a girl who lived in Canada Alberta Calgary with her family 7 (2024, she is 18 years old she was born in 2005, September 4 ) she always wanted to time travel but she couldn't because this is not anime or manga and comic book but one day she time travel when she was 2 years old she was very smart because she knew everything and how well go things because she is from the future, she was thinking to learn every language she knows & doesn't like know how to write and read like pros like in Arabic, Tigrina English and france so she did before she move from her country Eritrea to Sudan when she was 5 years old. She started kindergarten when she was 7 years old because she started late but she was smart but she didn't show that for safety, she was a tomboy she fought with the boys and she was strong and calm, she found friends in kindergarten and her younger sister started kindergarten with her but her sister is opposite of her she shy and there is boy who is rich fights with the character. And she goes to church every day at the age of 10 she funed her first crush in the church and he go the same school as her. In grade 1 her little sister funed friends and she became her friends too. The character have a group of friends. When they ware in grade 4 her sister friend wrote love litter to her crush as her but she didn't show him the love litter because she was joking with her she gives the love litter to her in lunch time but boy come from behind and take it and run they run behind him but they can't fund him after that they go to church as everyday but the boy was ger crush friend maybe he could showed him but her friend said don't worry because your crush will not come because he started to escape church class. But when they arrive to the church they saw her crush but her friend said don't worry we will run after the class before he knows but he started to thour a rock on her. And so on after 2019 the character moves to Canada Alberta Calgary and she know that from her friend that her first crush is in Canada Alberta Calgary as her.
Create my version of this story
There was a girl who lived in Canada Alberta Calgary with her family 7 (2024, she is 18 years old she was born in 2005, September 4 ) she always wanted to time travel but she couldn't because this is not anime or manga and comic book but one day she time travel when she was 2 years old she was very smart because she knew everything and how well go things because she is from the future, she was thinking to learn every language she knows & doesn't like know how to write and read like pros like in Arabic, Tigrina English and france so she did before she move from her country Eritrea to Sudan when she was 5 years old. She started kindergarten when she was 7 years old because she started late but she was smart but she didn't show that for safety, she was a tomboy she fought with the boys and she was strong and calm, she found friends in kindergarten and her younger sister started kindergarten with her but her sister is opposite of her she shy and there is boy who is rich fights with the character. And she goes to church every day at the age of 10 she funed her first crush in the church and he go the same school as her. In grade 1 her little sister funed friends and she became her friends too. The character have a group of friends. When they ware in grade 4 her sister friend wrote love litter to her crush as her but she didn't show him the love litter because she was joking with her she gives the love litter to her in lunch time but boy come from behind and take it and run they run behind him but they can't fund him after that they go to church as everyday but the boy was ger crush friend maybe he could showed him but her friend said don't worry because your crush will not come because he started to escape church class. But when they arrive to the church they saw her crush but her friend said don't worry we will run after the class before he knows but he started to thour a rock on her. And so on after 2019 the character moves to Canada Alberta Calgary and she know that from her friend that her first crush is in Canada Alberta Calgary as her.
I was two years old when I first realized I could time travel.
I was sitting on my father’s lap in the living room of our house in Asmara, Eritrea.
My mother had just come home from work and was walking towards us, a big smile on her face.
I remember thinking how beautiful she looked in her white dress, and I wanted to be with her.
The next thing I knew, I was standing in front of her, holding her hand.
She looked down at me in surprise and asked my father how I got there.
Between Moments
He looked just as bewildered as she did.
"Emily was just on my lap," he said, his voice tinged with confusion.
My mother knelt down, her eyes wide with concern.
"How did you get here so fast, sweetheart?" she asked, brushing a strand of hair from my face.
I didn't have the words to explain it then.
All I knew was that I had wanted to be with her, and suddenly, I was.
My father stood up, scratching his head.
"Maybe she crawled over when we weren't looking," he suggested, though he didn't sound convinced.
My mother shook her head slowly.
"No, it was too quick," she murmured, still holding my hand tightly.
I looked up at her and smiled, feeling safe and happy.
That night, after I had been tucked into bed, I heard my parents talking in hushed tones.
"Do you think it's possible?" my mother whispered.
"I don't know," my father replied. "But we need to keep an eye on her."
The next few days were filled with subtle tests.
My mother would leave the room and call for me from different parts of the house.
Each time, I would try to get to her as quickly as possible, but nothing unusual happened.
Between Moments
It wasn't until a week later that it happened again.
I was playing with my toys in the living room when I heard my mother's voice from the kitchen.
"Dinner's ready!" she called out cheerfully.
Without thinking, I wished to be there with her.
In an instant, I found myself standing by her side, looking up at her as she stirred a pot on the stove.
She nearly dropped the spoon in shock.
"Emily!" she exclaimed. "How did you get here?"
I shrugged, not knowing how to answer.
My father rushed in from the living room, his eyes wide with disbelief.
"We need to figure this out," he said firmly. "This isn't normal."
From that day on, my parents began to document every instance of my strange ability.
They kept a journal of dates, times, and descriptions of what happened each time I seemingly teleported across space.
As I grew older, they encouraged me to practice and control it.
By the time I was five years old and we moved to Sudan, I had learned to harness my ability more effectively.
I could travel short distances within our home without much effort.
Between Moments
But it wasn't just about moving through space; sometimes it felt like I was slipping through moments in time as well.
One evening in Sudan, while sitting on our porch and watching the sunset with my father, I decided to test something new.
"Dad," I said thoughtfully, "what if I tried to go back in time?"
He looked at me curiously.
"Back in time? Like to a memory?"
I nodded eagerly.
"Yes! Like when we first arrived here."
He hesitated but then gave me an encouraging smile.
"Alright, give it a try."
I closed my eyes and focused on that moment—the excitement of arriving in a new country, the smell of fresh paint in our new house.
Suddenly, everything around me shifted.
The porch disappeared, replaced by the bustling scene of our arrival day—boxes being unloaded from trucks and my parents chatting animatedly with our new neighbors.
I gasped in amazement but before I could fully take it all in—
"Emily!" My father's voice jolted me back to the present.
I opened my eyes to find him staring at me with a mix of awe and concern.
"You did it," he whispered. "You actually did it."
Before we could process what had just happened—
There was a loud knock on our door.
Between Moments
"Who are you?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady.
The man smiled, his eyes glinting with a strange knowledge that made me uneasy.
"Call me Mr. Black," he said calmly.
"I know about your time-traveling abilities."
My mind raced.
How could he know?
I had kept it a secret for years, only sharing it with my parents.
"What do you want?" I asked, taking a step back.
Mr. Black's smile widened.
"I can teach you to harness your power fully," he continued, stepping closer.
I felt a mix of fear and curiosity bubbling inside me.
I glanced around the room, ensuring no one else was watching or listening.
"Why should I trust you?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly despite my efforts to appear composed.
Mr. Black's eyes locked onto mine, and his smile turned almost predatory.
"Because you have no choice," he said softly.
I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words sink in.
"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to keep my composure.
He took another step closer, his presence imposing.
Between Moments
"There are others who would use your abilities for their own gain," he explained.
"They won't be as kind as I am."
I looked at him skeptically.
"And how do I know you're not one of them?"
He chuckled softly.
"You don't," he admitted.
"But if you come with me, I can show you things about your power that you never imagined."
I hesitated, weighing my options.
The idea of learning more about my abilities was tempting, but the thought of trusting this stranger was terrifying.
Before I could respond, Mr. Black reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small device.
It looked like a sleek, futuristic watch with glowing symbols on its face.
"This will help you control your travels," he said, holding it out to me.
I eyed the device warily.
"What is it?"
"It's a temporal stabilizer," he explained.
"It will allow you to focus your jumps and prevent any unintended consequences."
I took a deep breath and reached out to take the device from him.
As soon as it touched my skin, I felt a strange warmth spread through my hand and up my arm.
Mr. Black watched me closely, his expression unreadable.
Between Moments
"Try it," he urged.
I glanced at my father, who had been silently observing the entire exchange from the doorway.
He gave me a small nod of encouragement.
Taking another deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused on a moment from earlier that day—the smell of fresh coffee in the kitchen and the sound of birds chirping outside the window.
The world around me shifted again, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in our kitchen.
The coffee pot was still warm, and the birds were singing just as I remembered.
I gasped in amazement and quickly returned to the living room where Mr. Black and my father were waiting.
"It worked," I whispered, still in shock.
Mr. Black nodded approvingly.
"Good. Now imagine what you could do with proper training."
My father stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"We'll do this together," he said firmly.
Mr. Black's smile returned, but there was an edge to it that made me uneasy.
"Very well," he said. "We start tomorrow."
Between Moments
The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across my room.
I stretched and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
That's when I noticed it: the temporal stabilizer sitting on my desk.
My heart skipped a beat.
Mr. Black was gone.
I scrambled out of bed and rushed to the desk, picking up the device.
It felt cool and smooth in my hand, its glowing symbols pulsing gently.
I tried to recall our last conversation, but everything was a blur of confusion and anxiety.
Why had he left it here?
What was his plan?
"Emily?" My father's voice came from the doorway.
I turned to see him standing there, concern etched on his face.
"What's wrong?"
I held up the stabilizer.
"Mr. Black is gone," I said, my voice trembling slightly. "He left this."
Between Moments
My father walked over and examined the device closely.
"We need to be careful," he said, his tone serious. "We don't know what his true intentions are."
I nodded, feeling a mix of fear and determination.
"I want to test it," I said firmly. "Just a small jump back to yesterday."
My father hesitated but then gave me a cautious nod.
"Alright, but be careful."
I took a deep breath and focused on yesterday—specifically, the moment when I was having breakfast in the kitchen.
The smell of toast and coffee filled my mind as I activated the stabilizer.
The world around me shifted, and I found myself standing in the kitchen from yesterday morning.
There I was, sitting at the table, buttering a piece of toast.
It was surreal seeing myself like that—a fleeting moment frozen in time.
Between Moments
Before I could fully process it, I deactivated the stabilizer and returned to the present.
The kitchen faded away, replaced by my room once more.
I looked at my father, who had been watching intently.
"It worked," I said, feeling a surge of confidence. "I actually did it."
He smiled, though there was still a hint of worry in his eyes.
"That's incredible, Emily. But we need to stay vigilant. We don't know what dangers this could bring."
I nodded, understanding the gravity of his words.
But alongside the confidence was a growing sense of danger—an unease that gnawed at me.
"I need to find out more about Mr. Black," I declared. "His intentions can't be good if he just left like that."
My father sighed but didn't argue.
"Just promise me you'll be careful," he said softly.
"I will," I assured him.
Between Moments
The library was my destination, a place where I hoped to uncover any information about Mr. Black.
As I walked through the quiet streets, the morning sun cast long shadows on the pavement.
The air was crisp, and the scent of blooming flowers filled my senses.
When I arrived at the library, I pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped inside.
The familiar smell of old books and polished wood greeted me.
Rows of shelves stretched out before me, filled with countless volumes waiting to be explored.
I made my way to the back, where the archives were kept.
I spent hours scanning through old newspapers and local records.
My eyes darted across pages filled with mundane details—birth announcements, wedding notices, obituaries—but nothing about Mr. Black.
Frustration built inside me as each page turned up empty.
"Can I help you with something?" a soft voice interrupted my thoughts.
I looked up to see a librarian standing beside me.
She was an older woman with kind eyes and silver hair pulled back into a neat bun.
"I hope so," I replied, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "I'm looking for information about someone named Mr. Black."
Her expression changed instantly; her face paled as if she had seen a ghost.
Between Moments
"Mr. Black?" she whispered, glancing around nervously. "Why are you looking for him?"
I took a deep breath and decided to be honest.
"He approached me recently," I explained. "He knows things about me that he shouldn't. I need to know who he is and what he's after."
The librarian's eyes widened with concern.
"Follow me," she said quietly, leading me towards a restricted section of the library.
We walked down a narrow hallway lined with locked cabinets until we reached a door marked "Staff Only."
She unlocked it with a key from her pocket and ushered me inside.
The room was dimly lit, filled with dusty files and old documents.
She pulled out a file labeled "Temporal Anomalies" and handed it to me.
"This might have what you're looking for," she said softly. "But be careful. Some things are better left undiscovered."
My heart raced as I opened the file.
Inside were disturbing reports linking Mr. Black to several unexplained disappearances over the years.
There were photographs of missing people, notes on strange occurrences, and even sketches of devices similar to the temporal stabilizer he had given me.
One report detailed an incident from decades ago—a young woman who claimed she could travel through time had vanished without a trace after meeting Mr. Black.
Between Moments
Another described a man who had been found in a different era entirely, disoriented and unable to explain how he got there.
"This is unbelievable," I muttered under my breath, feeling a chill run down my spine.
The librarian watched me closely.
"Mr. Black is dangerous," she warned. "He's been manipulating time travelers for his own purposes for years. You need to stay away from him."
I nodded, absorbing her words but feeling more determined than ever to uncover the truth.
"Thank you," I said sincerely. "I'll be careful."
As I left the library, clutching the file tightly in my hands, my mind raced with questions and possibilities.
Who exactly was Mr. Black?
What did he want from me?
And most importantly, how could I protect myself from someone who seemed to know everything about my abilities?
I didn't have all the answers yet, but one thing was clear—I couldn't trust anyone blindly anymore.
With renewed resolve, I headed home to share what I'd learned with my father.
But as I turned onto our street, something felt off.
A black car was parked outside our house—a car I'd never seen before.
My heart pounded in my chest as I approached cautiously.
Before I could reach the front door, it swung open abruptly—
And there stood Mr. Black, his eyes glinting with that same unsettling knowledge.
Between Moments
I froze, realizing too late that my father was nowhere to be seen.
Mr. Black's sinister grin seemed to stretch across his face as he beckoned me closer, his voice dripping with an unsettling calmness.
"Emily, come here," he said softly.
A shiver ran down my spine as I hesitated, my mind racing with the warnings from the librarian and the file full of disturbing reports.
"Where is my father?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady.
Mr. Black's eyes narrowed slightly, but his smile never wavered.
"He's safe," he replied. "For now."
I took a step back, feeling the weight of the temporal stabilizer in my pocket.
"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice trembling despite my efforts to appear composed.
He took a step forward, closing the distance between us.
"I want to help you reach your full potential," he said smoothly. "But first, you need to trust me."
I clenched my fists, anger and fear bubbling inside me.
"Why should I trust you?" I shot back. "Everything I've found about you points to danger and manipulation."
Mr. Black's smile faltered for a moment before returning even more forcefully.
Between Moments
"You've been misled," he said calmly. "Those reports are filled with half-truths and misunderstandings."
Before I could respond, the door creaked open behind me.
I spun around to see my father standing there, his eyes locked on Mr. Black with a mixture of fear and determination.
"Dad!" I exclaimed, relief flooding through me.
He stepped forward, placing himself between Mr. Black and me.
"Emily, stay back," he warned, his voice firm but tinged with anxiety.
Mr. Black's expression darkened as he watched my father.
"This doesn't concern you," he said coldly. "Emily needs proper guidance."
My father squared his shoulders, refusing to back down.
"I won't let you manipulate her," he said defiantly. "She's not your pawn."
The tension in the air was palpable as they faced off.
I felt a surge of gratitude for my father's unwavering support but also a growing sense of dread at what might happen next.
Mr. Black's eyes flicked to me briefly before returning to my father.
"You don't understand what's at stake here," he said quietly. "Emily's abilities are extraordinary—she could change the course of history."
My father shook his head vehemently.
"Not if it means putting her in danger," he retorted.
Between Moments
I glanced between them, feeling torn and uncertain.
The weight of the temporal stabilizer in my pocket seemed to grow heavier with each passing second.
"Emily," Mr. Black said suddenly, his tone almost pleading. "Think about what you could achieve with my help."
I hesitated, the allure of mastering my abilities tugging at me despite everything I'd learned.
But then I looked at my father—his protective stance, his unwavering resolve—and knew where my loyalties lay.
"No," I said firmly, stepping closer to my father. "I won't be your pawn."
Mr. Black's eyes flashed with anger, but he quickly masked it with a calm facade.
"Very well," he said icily. "But remember this moment when you realize what you've given up."
Without another word, he turned and walked away, disappearing into the shadows.
My father let out a breath he had been holding and turned to me.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly.
I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and lingering fear.
"We need to be careful," I said quietly. "This isn't over."
He nodded in agreement, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we headed back inside.
Between Moments
As we rushed upstairs, my heart pounded in my chest.
I could feel the tension in the air, thick and suffocating.
When we reached the top of the stairs, I saw that the door to my room was wide open.
Everything inside was in disarray—books scattered across the floor, drawers pulled out, and clothes strewn everywhere.
My father was nowhere to be seen.
"Dad?" I called out, my voice echoing through the empty hallway.
There was no response.
I stepped into my room, my eyes scanning the chaos for any sign of him.
That's when I noticed a note on my desk, addressed to me.
I picked it up with trembling hands and unfolded it.
The note read: "Emily, if you want to see your father again, come to my location alone. — Mr. Black."
A surge of anger and fear coursed through me as I realized that Mr. Black had been playing me all along.
He had taken my father, using him as leverage to get to me.
I crumpled the note in my fist, feeling a burning determination rise within me.
"We need to act fast," I said aloud, though there was no one there to hear me.
I grabbed the temporal stabilizer from my desk and stuffed it into my pocket.
My mind raced with possibilities and plans.
I couldn't afford to waste any time.
As I turned to leave, I heard a faint noise coming from downstairs.
I froze, listening intently.
It sounded like footsteps—someone was in the house.
Between Moments
I moved quietly towards the staircase, peering down into the dimly lit hallway below.
A figure emerged from the shadows—it was Mr. Black.
His eyes locked onto mine with an unsettling intensity.
"Emily," he called out softly, his voice dripping with false concern. "There's no need for this hostility. We can work together."
I clenched my fists, feeling a mixture of rage and desperation.
"Where is my father?" I demanded, stepping forward but keeping a safe distance.
Mr. Black's smile widened, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"He's safe," he replied smoothly. "For now."
He took a step closer, his gaze never leaving mine.
"But if you want him to stay that way, you'll need to come with me."
Every instinct screamed at me not to trust him, but I knew I had no choice if I wanted to save my father.
"Fine," I said through gritted teeth. "I'll come with you. But if you hurt him—"
Mr. Black raised a hand to cut me off.
"No harm will come to him as long as you cooperate," he assured me.
With a heavy heart and a sense of impending doom, I followed Mr. Black down the stairs and out of the house.
The black car from earlier was still parked outside.
He opened the back door for me, gesturing for me to get in.
As I slid into the seat, I couldn't help but glance back at our house one last time.
The familiar sight filled me with a sense of loss and uncertainty about what lay ahead.
Mr. Black got into the driver's seat and started the engine.
Between Moments
The car roared to life, and we sped off into the night.
The city lights blurred past us as we drove in silence.
My mind raced with thoughts of escape plans and strategies for rescuing my father.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we pulled up to an old warehouse on the outskirts of town.
Mr. Black killed the engine and turned to face me.
"This is where you'll find your answers," he said cryptically before getting out of the car.
I followed suit, stepping onto the gravel driveway with a sense of trepidation.
The warehouse loomed before us—dark and foreboding.
Mr. Black led me towards a side entrance, unlocking it with a keycard.
As we stepped inside, I felt a chill run down my spine.
The interior was dimly lit by flickering fluorescent lights that cast eerie shadows on the walls.
"Your father is just ahead," Mr. Black said calmly as he guided me through a maze of corridors.
Finally, we reached a large room filled with strange equipment and monitors displaying various data streams.
In the center of it all stood my father—bound to a chair but otherwise unharmed.
"Dad!" I cried out, rushing towards him.
"Emily!" he responded weakly but with relief evident in his voice.
Before I could reach him, Mr. Black grabbed my arm firmly.
"Not so fast," he said coldly. "We have some business to discuss first."
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I yanked my arm free, glaring at Mr. Black.
"What do you want?" I demanded, my voice echoing through the cavernous room.
He gestured to the monitors and equipment surrounding us.
"This," he said, "is the key to unlocking your true potential. But it requires your cooperation."
I glanced at my father, who shook his head slightly, warning me not to trust Mr. Black.
"Why should I believe anything you say?" I asked, my eyes narrowing.
Mr. Black's expression hardened.
"Because your father's life depends on it," he replied bluntly.
Before I could respond, masked figures emerged from the shadows, surrounding us.
They moved with a silent precision that sent a shiver down my spine.
My father struggled against his restraints, his eyes filled with fear and anger.
"Emily, don't listen to him!" he shouted. "He's lying!"
One of the masked figures stepped forward and pressed a button on a device strapped to their wrist.
A low hum filled the air, and the lights flickered ominously.
Mr. Black raised a hand to silence my father.
"Enough," he said coldly. "Emily, you have a choice to make. Join me and unlock your abilities, or refuse and watch your father suffer."
My heart pounded in my chest as I weighed my options.
The temporal stabilizer felt heavy in my pocket, a constant reminder of the power I held but didn't fully understand.
Between Moments
"I need proof," I said finally. "Show me that my father will be safe if I cooperate."
Mr. Black nodded to one of the masked figures, who approached my father and began loosening his restraints.
My father looked at me with a mixture of relief and caution.
"Emily, be careful," he warned softly.
Mr. Black turned back to me, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
"Now," he said smoothly, "let's begin."
He led me to a large console covered in buttons and switches.
"This device will help you harness your abilities," he explained. "But it requires your full concentration."
I hesitated for a moment before stepping up to the console.
The screens flickered to life, displaying complex data streams that made my head spin.
Mr. Black guided my hands to the controls, his touch cold and unsettling.
"Focus," he instructed. "Feel the energy within you and channel it into the machine."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts.
Slowly, I began to feel a strange sensation—a tingling warmth spreading through my body.
The monitors beeped and whirred as the machine responded to my efforts.
Mr. Black watched intently, his expression unreadable.
Suddenly, one of the masked figures lunged at me from behind.
I reacted instinctively, spinning around and raising my hands defensively.
A burst of energy shot from my palms, sending the attacker flying across the room.
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The other masked figures hesitated for a moment before advancing on us.
My father struggled against his partially loosened restraints, trying to free himself.
"Emily!" he shouted. "Get out of here!"
But there was no way I was leaving without him.
I turned back to Mr. Black, who seemed unfazed by the chaos unfolding around us.
"You see?" he said calmly. "This is just the beginning of what you're capable of."
Fury surged through me as I realized how he'd manipulated us both.
"No more games," I spat. "Release my father now!"
Mr. Black's smile faded as he signaled to one of the masked figures.
They moved towards my father with deliberate slowness, drawing out the tension.
In that moment of distraction, I seized my chance.
I grabbed the temporal stabilizer from my pocket and activated it without hesitation.
A blinding light filled the room as time seemed to warp around us.
The masked figures froze in place, their movements suspended mid-action.
I rushed over to my father and finished freeing him from his restraints.
"Dad, we need to go!" I urged.
He nodded weakly as we stumbled towards the exit together.
Behind us, Mr. Black's voice echoed through the distorted air:
"You can't run forever, Emily! This isn't over!"
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